Silicone Mermaid [Pt.2]

Moving her hands from around me and onto my shoulders, she straitened herself up and looked at me with a mixed look of lust and confusion, "You're dumping me?" she asked like I didn't tell it to her face just a second ago.

Looking away as I couldn't look her in the eyes, "Yeah, now can you please go away, I'm finding it hard to stay awake and I'd like to find myself asleep soon" shit I sound like what's her name from some book I read once before, wait this was the line she said actually, no wonder it sounds so icky.

Looking at me with an earnest look, she broke into laughter, fuck, could it be she's gone mad or something, or could it be that I'm seconds away from getting my neck stabbed, I can never really tell with Tina's character.

Looking back at her after hearing her hysterical laughter, I was slightly frightened, maybe a bit more, Tina was pretty much a black flag which terrified me in many ways because I always took her as a green flagged person, I say that but then again, my first week made me learn to not trust myself when it comes to making these assumptions on people. Which I should try to remember and not forget because here comes some a good Friday night or whatever day it is, and I'm screwed.

Laughing and scaring me shitless her sight came back to me and she spoke as she moved her hand up to my little face, and let me remind you that I'm like 5 feet and she's 5'8 or something like that, so just imagine what it would look like if I met a giant, I'd have to kill it by biting at its toes and that'd suck...

Caressing my cheek, "You made me laugh, I guess you're getting better at making these funny jokes huh~?" what's she trying to do? She has to know that I was being serious? Wait is she giving me a chance to take it back and pretend it was a joke?

Fuck no!

I've gone too far I can't take it back now!

So with a small breathe, "Tina–" but just as I was speaking her hand came down and grabbed the collar to my Yukata, pulling me in and closer to her while almost lifting me up from my spot while she was sitting on my lap, keeping my butt to the bed.

"You're just tired. You don't want to break up with me? After all, I'm your Gal Pal and Right Hand Man, despite being a woman. It's that girl isn't it, she's trying to take you away from me, no, us, Ursula too. What was her name? Nuara? I'll kill her if I have to"

"STOP IT!!!"

"So she is forcing yo-"

Moving my hands up to Tina's cheeks, I swallowed hard, it feels like every organ in my body is sinking the more I look at this swelling crazy Tina and it was affecting me a lot more than I had originally thought.

I might have a panic attack actually...

"Look, I just don't want to see anyone at the moment, I'm going through a few things, and I seriously don't want to talk to anyone about it, not even you, also, Nanako is her name and she's just one of my friends, I hope, and I also want to just be friends with you, I feel like everything might have just been rushed and the month away from you and everyone else got me thinking and I just want to be alone for a while, like serious I've only been alive for 3-4 months, maybe less, and I'll be honest I'm pretty scared, last month was a nightmare and I just want a little peace, also, Ursula's not my friend, she's more or less my immortal enemy..."


Letting go of my caller I was finally able to go back to sitting normally and not all close up to her face, which was a blessing because, yeah, I know it's not the time for this, but she hasn't bathed since we got here to the Natsu Fire Temple and the smell is strong and musky...

"There, I hope you understand now"

"So this isn't because you fell in love with that girl?"

"Tina, I don't have time to play this game with you where we go back and forth when it's obvious you already know the answer?"

Saying this she then moved her hands to mine and intertwining them while looking at me she spoke reasonably, "Your interest are more for your own survival, if I can remember correctly you said you cared little for love, but even so, you say that but there's something that's bugging me?" she says not looking away and instead, looking deeper into my eyes.

"Ask away then, I'll give you an answer to the best that I can"

"You say love is the last on your mind? But this morning when I saw you with that girl and you walked away and then saw me, when you came over to me and kissed me unexpectingly, the pupils in your eyes had turned into little red glowing hearts, and from some "comics" I read, and maybe a scripture on someone of your race, this was because you saw me as someone you loved and you seriously desire me, or you were going through a euphoric lust and or strong orgasm?"


"Hiro I know you're breaking up with me, but I have a question, are you in love with me?"


"Take your time, just answer my question, also, that hurt don't yell so loud..."

Looking at her as she had just asked me that and said all of that bull shit which I barely understood, I looked at her and she smiled the more confused and mixed up I was getting.

I don't know how to answer her question, I'm not in love with Tina, she's a psychopath and she's crazy, sure I like her in a way, but I love no one and only like about 3-6 people to a certain point, and she's in 6th place,

Also, she's going to define love to me because I seriously don't understand it or these people when they use or say it? Excuse me if I'm wrong but you'll do anything for the people you love...

But I'd betray these motherfuckers in a heartbeat given the chance.

"I– I'm not in love with you! Stop spouting nonsense! This is, no it was just a mutual relationship which we both could have benefited from! Wabba babla bla bla bla *Starts gibbering and ranting*

Ranting more or less gibberish, she chuckled and moving hands to my lap which had my hands together with hers, she leaned in once more and breaking my rambling by kissing me once, and just as I was going to push away, she backed up and with a smile.

"Yeah, I guess this will have to do for now"

Letting go of my hands she moved from off of me, leaving me with "yeah, I guess this will have to do for now" in my head? She scooted over and got off the bed, standing there, but then turning back around as I was sitting there confused out of my mind?

"Hey, don't forget to call me whenever your hungry, I'm still your right hand and friend, anyway chow, our, I mean, my girlfriend gets lonely at night" turning back around she left just like that.

This was a lot more civil than I thought it would be.

Phew... Women seriously scare me, why couldn't I have been a reborn farmer or something.

That life would have gone a lot easier than this one...