Trusting My Kin A Little More

After going to sleep later that night, I woke up inside of that black space to where Hiro's fragment lost his shit and cursed me out, threatening me for breaking up with Tina and essentially saying that he would make my life a living hell and never help me again if she ended up hurting herself, or getting depressed.

Meanwhile, the other one was laughing her ass off but got scared when Hiro death stared her and then me, he was like Mari, scary.

. . . . .

Waking up to the sound of a door opening I didn't want to even think about who was entering my room at the moment, but I have a clear mind and WON'T GO DOWN SO EASILY!

Laying face down against the bed, I clenched my hand into a fist and with a steady breath, I felt a surge of demonic energy rumble from within me, and as I had my hand into a fist, a slight sliver of red electric sparked from my balled hand.

'I'm going to attempt to use Domain again, I hope it works!'

'Because if I fail and I'm right, then I'm going to be assassinated'

"Hiro? You up?"

Hearing that voice I relaxed my hand as it wasn't an assassin coming in here to kill me, though that would have been a lot better, not for my life but instead for my mental health, instead it was someone else.

Pushing up on my bed as there was no point in pretending to be asleep, I turned over and sat up, looking over to see a short girl with messy hazelnut hair wrapped up in a fluffy blue blanket at the doorway.

irritated, "What do you want, Ursula?" I asked since despite the fact that I hate her, the softness in her voice made me feel like I should just ask, after all, she might have barged in but if she wanted to snack on me she would have and not asked if I was awake.

Plus this month has been shitty and I guess speaking to some of my kin wouldn't be so bad?

Even if this Sister-kin Ursula is a shit-headed dwarf.

. . . . .

"Sorry for waking you..." she sounds a bit distressed? The hell?

"It's fine, jeez just hurry up and say what you want to say so I can go back to sleep"

What time is it? It must still be dark out if those glow stone contraptions are still active and shining, or whatever their doing? I can't really tell? The room looks no different from how it looks when it's daytime to me? Thanks Incubus Dark Vision you work at the wrong moments but right times I guess?

"I can't sleep..."


"Can I sleep with you tonight?"

Looking at this whore, is she for real, she's joking ain't she? And if she's not, eww, there's no way I'm letting a slut like her sleep in the same bed as me.

"No way! First of all the last thing I need is an STD from a whore sleeping in the same bed as me, second is, I don't like you, what makes you think that I'll let you sleep with me!!"

Saying that to her, she looked down at the ground and spoke, did I hurt her feelings? Shoot I don't really care, but if she's going to cry she might as well as get out, because if I broke up with Tina then there's no way that I'm not doing the same to you, despite not actually ever admitting to us dating besides that one time, but still, you're last on the list and I seriously don't like you and you only have yourself to blame for this, Sister Succubus Ursula.

Mumbling, "Please... This place terrifies me... My kind shouldn't be here... My kind is never supposed to enter the sacred ground of Sorcerer Territory because it's horrifying" I could hear every word she says from under her breath as this wasn't a big room and it was very quiet in here.

But what did she mean by the Temple was horrifying?

"What did you say?"

"Ah!" she tensed up, "Um..."

"You're shaking? What's wrong?"

I kinda want to know what she meant by horrifying now?

Should I investigate her or ask Lex about this?

"Please, we don't have to sleep in the same bed, but can I stay in here with you, look I have my own blanket! So just don't kick me out and let me stay in here with you!!!"

She's terrified, I can tell by that desperate look in her eyes.

I know that look too well, I saw it a lot back in the prison place.

Grabbing part of the blanket and lifting it up, I scooted over and looked to her, "Look, it's too late to just kick you out and I'd feel bad for making you sleep on the floor, so you can sleep in bed with me as long as you don't try anything funny" saying that there was a bit more than I wanted to say, but I wasn't going show myself as soft or weak around her even if it was because I knew how she felt to be terrified, she's a succubus and that weakness is something she'll most likely take advantage of, so this cold love-hate right now is me showing I gave a damn for her just a little bit.

Taking me up on my offer without even thinking about it, she came over and got under the cover which I let her share with me despite her having her own and it being summer.

Blankets are awesome and super comfy so I don't see it as weird.

Plus the Natsu rooms are surprisingly cold???

. . . . .

While laying there in bed she turned over and while I was trying to go back to sleep, I then heard, "Your master was looking for you earlier, what are you going to do about her? You do have a plan to escape right? After all, you're in your fire clan, and if she's of some water clan and disliked by your clan, can't they save you from her, like by buying you back or killing her?" Ursula asked like if she cared about what happens to me?

But I doubt it, she must just be curious.

"I doubt my clan will help me once they find out that the one needing to be saved is the Trash Sorcerer of the Natsu Clan, Hiro Natsu, if anything they'll just give me to her and tell her to not give me back"

"Your clan sounds like a bunch of assholes?"

"They are"

"Is that why you pretended to just be some ordinary human back when you came to work for Lex? Because you thought that if he knew what you were, he never would have hired you?"

Would he have hired me if he knew? "More or less" maybe? I don't know? Generally, I don't know?

"Wanna know something, Hiro?"

"What?" can you stop talking and just go to sleep, Ursula...

"We replaced you with some boring girl at the Silver Moon Brothel, she's Norika's best friend, but I don't like her, she's too boring and she's acting like she has a stick up her ass every second that she's there, I don't care what the others say, they like her but I don't, I'd rather have you back behind the desk, at least you liven the place up a bit"

"She's that bad huh? Also, was that supposed to be an insult toward me?"

"Not really, what I mean is that I miss my friend, she's a cruel woman and a bitch just like the others, but I can't get my hands on her because of all the ass-kissing she does to the others, which gives her immunity, and it's just so annoying to be around her, I can't even sleep in peace because she's like get to work bitch, this and that, go out and make some money for the brothel and stop being a lazy skank and other stuff, its just so annoying that I almost assassinated her, but Lex seems to like her so I can't do shit"

"You really don't like it there huh?"

"It's not all bad, but she just makes going to work dull and boring"

"It's supposed to be dull and borning, its work"

"But I'm a sex worker who enjoys what I do, she takes the fun of it, especially because she makes me work when I'm not hungry"

Dumbass don't mention your succubus hunger around me, it's supposed to be a secret, don't tell me or mention anything idiot.

"Have you ever thought of giving her a piece of your mind? If she's making you uncomfortable then just say it or tell Lex, I'm sure they'll change or Lex will make them for you"

"That works?"

"It's called a complaint and most of the time... Yes? Probably"

"I'll try it when we get back then, thanks for talking with me, it's easing my mind to just get this off my chest you know"

"Sure thing, I needed something kind of normalish to ease my mind too, so if you'd like we can keep talking about what troubles you if you like, I'm more than willing to listen and give some advice if you want it?"

I'm not being nice!

I'm just getting to know my enemy!

And so if you do talk, talk about the Natsu Temple, I really wanna know why you called it terrifying.

"Hiro, you're awesome, you know that?"

"Huh! What's with that all of a sudden!"

Not expecting that she turned over while still being wrapped up in her blue blanket, and as she looked at me, she bent over and pressed her head against my chest, like she was hugging me without her arms.

"I'll take you up on your offer but you have to promise that you won't laugh at any of it, some might sound ridiculous okay"

Am I getting flustered over the enemy! What the hell? Wait what she just say! Huh? Uh! Yeah! Random reply! I got this!


"Hah, then listen up, this is just between us okay, not the others"

After saying that she let some pent-up stress with her voice, there was stuff she had been wanting to say for a while but didn't, and I have to admit, I didn't not like listening to her talk.

Ursula was just a normal girl?

Well, normalish girl, she's still a prostitute.

Naw, actually being a Succubus makes her normal, we have no control over how we eat, she's just being smart and using her head to find easy food and while getting paid as a bonus.

Either way, she talked a lot and most of it was just about normal girl problems, some were about work, others were about her personal life and the occasional associate she'd hang out with after spending her time at a local red-light district pub.

At the end of what felt like hours of this and me giving a little bit of advice to my sister kin laying here, we ended up falling asleep but I ended up with the urge to hold something so without much control I ended up hugging her while she was asleep, but I guess she woke up after I fell asleep because she turned over and cuddled me.

Waking up hours later, I woke up with Ursula's face buried into my chest but I was forced Into keeping my eyes shut as her transformation had inclined while we slept or something because her Demon horns, wings, and tail were out.

Her tail was actually wrapped around my arm so I couldn't even use the blanket to cover it up without throwing the blanket on her and waking her up and having her find out I know her secret now at that moment.


This situation sucks...

Fuck it, I have to protect her identity as a Demon!

If she's found out I'll betray everyone and make sure she escapes.

After all, fuck Mari, this little shit is someone that I'm letting take her spot, and after last night, I'm actually willing to give a damn about her!

Laying on my back, Ursula was leaning up against my chest, practically on it, and the main blanket from what I saw before closing my eyes was off to the side as well as her blanket which I couldn't see so it must be off the bed?

Not opening my eyes I decided to do something stupid and wake her, but she's a Demon from I didn't know where so I have to be cautious in case her actions are violent in defense or she might be wild when first waking up.

I don't know?

Demons aren't particularly something I know much about?

So with caution, I was going to do so.

But I had to sound super sleepy.

Moving one of my hands that was under her body, I moved it and moved my hand to the best of my ability, grabbing what could have only have felt like... Her butt... Fuck... Horny no thinking! This is a serious situation, especially since we're in a place of the Allmother!

So continuing after grabbing the side of her butt.

Moving my other arm, I reached around and even bent part of her wing which folded a little allowing me to shift my body and reach my arm around this girl who was practically the same height and width as me... I'm so fucking short... Anyways!!!

I've wrapped myself around her to the point where I know she can feel me and since she's a mythical being of lust, there's a small chance that she won't wake up hostile if I can put her in a comfortable situation.

But I can't wait too long, because thanks to my Dark Vision trait which allows me to see in the dark kinda like it was daytime, I can't really tell if it's dark or not without looking outside to see past its active limit.

So calming myself not to give myself away since her head was to my chest and I don't know how good her hearing is and if she can tell what a rapid beating heart implies.

I took a few steady breaths before––


"It's so cold. Where's my blanket?" I heard a drowsy voice utterly speak before I felt hands move up against my chest, she's awake, Ursula woke up and as she pushed up against me, she lazily sat up on her knees and as she was just sitting there or something, I then heard again,

"There you are," she moved on the bed grabbing what could have been the blanket and then I felt her crawling back over here to me and hearing her voice again, "Hm? My transformation wore off?" she yawned and stopped but then kept crawling after a few seconds, finally getting over to me, she laid back down resting her head on my chest once more.

"He's so warm~"

Just shut up and go back to sleep!

You're extremely stressful you know!

But just as I was thinking these pissy thoughts, she turned over and sat up, just sitting there next to me while still halfway under the blanket.

Not uttering a word, she just sat there for a minute.

And while that was great and all seeing as I can finally go back to sleep since the threat of her being found out was kicked out the window, she then started talking to herself.

"Hiro you're a good friend despite your shit attitude, I guess I was wrong about you, you're kinda the definition of "that's what friends are for" and it's hilarious the more I think about it~"

"Yeah... You are a good friend, unlike the others I know, you actually know how to listen and you can understand me, plus you don't want me for my body which is even better since it's kind of the other way around to be honest, hahaha, it's kinda funny and ironic now that I think about it, also I don't know but I'm pretty sure you don't like me either? But I can be wrong, your pretty much a tsundere-boy, anyhow, so thanks for listening to me ramble, I know it doesn't mean much since your asleep but I can't say some of the shit I want to around you since your a human and one of those crazy Mana enforcers known as Sorcerers"

Holy shit I forgot that the sorcerers were the mana's enforcers!

That makes a little more sense for everything!!!

"But I'll make you a promise right here and now, well, shit, actually, it's not my words it's kinda being enforced by Lex, and his words, or at least these words he promised aren't something you should take lightly, after all, Lex is someone none of us would want to go against, and that's not because he's our boss, I mean he's more or less like a game protagonist, or maybe even an antagonist? He's more of a guardian actually, so his words shouldn't be taken lightly, hahaha, who am I kidding he's actually a joker who likes pulling pranks and running a business~"


"We of the Silver Moon Brothel own you so those others can't take you away, not till you've paid back your debt to us for your long unannounced vacation, so we promise that we'll take you back home, no matter what... Damn, that sounded cheesy actually, shit, I'll just kidnap you if I get the chance actually, that sounds more fun than Lex's short promise which might not be true since we can't really go against either of your clans, haha, we're not gods so you might just be stuck here..."

"Nevertheless, your still our little bro at the brothel and we're not going to hand you over, shit, me and Lex already have our claws deep into you since we consider you family and he even calls you his nephew, hahaha, what a dork"

"Sigh it's no fun talking to myself, well im talking to you but your asleep, boo-hoo..."


She laid back down snuggling up close, but after a few minutes and me trying to fall asleep as well, I then heard.

"Oh Yeah. I should probably undo the orgasm lock I put on you?"