The Occurring Vision [Pt.2]

After hitting that human away, I looked over to Asmodeus as he had taken his 6th shot of vodka, we're tied, grabbing another shot of this purple spirit, we both raised a shot and downed it, ignoring the others all around as they spoke, shot 7, shot 8, shot 9, shot 10, we were halfway to shot 20 and finishing round 1 to this drinking competition, but now, I could finally feel the drowsiness taking a strong toll on me from drinking all night.

"You're not going to beat me"

"We'll see" Asmodeus said with utter confidence, making me more cautious and thinking that he had something up his sleeves, which from that look he has to have something up there? He's planning something, I can't lose.

Grabbing another shot and raising it.

We both downed each other's respective beverages.

Slamming lightly the glass shots back onto the table.

"Shot 11" I asserted

Doing again in the same order.

"Shot 12" Asmodeus spoke accepting my challenge

"Shot 13" we both counted loudly in challenge

Shot 14" someone joining in

"Shot 15" a few more joining in

"Shot 16" a small crowd formed

"Shot 17" the crowd cheered

"Shot 18" the crowd hailed

"Shot 19" a large crowd formed

"Shot 20!" An even larger crowd broke out in excited uproar

Slamming the glass shots onto the table without breaking them, we both let out a breath of pleasant consumption and then looked to each other in praise to each other for not giving out too early.

About to say something in terms of challenge, that pesky announced girl popped herself in over to the left side left of us, announcing the end of the first round as we were the first last to finish somehow despite ignoring everyone else and consistently drinking.

"With half of the competition left! We have 17 competitors still here out of the original 34! Who will make bank and take home the prize pride of the silfine tavern! And who will go home with a massive hangover and bill! Well, won't we see now!"

The pest said but wasn't finished.

And walking around the long table we all were in she came over towards us and where there was an open part to where the crowd was due to what happened earlier with that human and us.

"The next round will begin in 10 minutes, so take it all in and start your bets! Because I'm betting on our best beast drinker here! Sir Edwards!"

She said pointing her hand out towards some human on the other side of Asmodeus and then carrying on about him or whatever, it wasn't really important.

Minding our own business Asmodeus looked over to me but then as he did, some bulky man with blond hair leaned back and looked over towards us.

"Good luck... You're going to need it"

Glancing over at that human I flipped him off.

"Eat a dick"

A blood vessel popped on his forehead, "Yeah you're going to need it" he said something but I looked back over to Asmodeus not paying attention to what he said.

"The fucks his problem" I said.

"my problem is–"

Butting his head in he was cut off as Asmodeus spoke.

"Don't know? You know how these people can get, they use wordplay and other stuff that means good but actually aren't and their just complete bastards"

He had a point, it was that whole cliche antagonist thing but I still can't believe that it actually happens?

"Yeah I know that much, these cock munchers are in like every story I've ever read, fucking pricks, I hope this one stubs his motherfucking toe while eating his manipulative mother's ass"

"I'm right here?" the dickhead commented

* * * * *

"Mmn—" extending my arms and stretching, I felt an oddness of warmth on the upper part of my body, but I kinda like it~ it made me feel fuzzy, and I kind of want to grab it now? Actually, reaching my arms around and grabbing it, it feels like a big soft ball of warm flesh, and holding onto it I yawned, it's comfy...

That was an odd dream?

It was so surreal?

Didn't it also feel real?

It felt real?

But could it have been?


But I don't drink?

Also I saw a man in some empty blackness, he looked like me but he was cold and scary? What was that? I don't know, *yawn* sheesh I'm still tired, I should go back to sleep?

"Um... H-Hiro"

Opening my eyes and looking down, wrapped up in my arms was a girl with short and messy hazel hair, looking at me I could see her pink eyes look at me with a sparkle and she looked confused as I was holding her in my arms.

" 'ellow there~ " I said kindly greeting her.

"?Hi...?" she said back awkwardly.

What's this smell?

Oh! Looking at this girl closely she's one of my kin?

She smells like a syringa~

How strange but delightful~

"Why are you hugging me?" she asked.

"You're warm~... And I didn't know you were on me?" I said honestly as she was on me and I didn't know that there was another person on me technically.


Letting go she moved off me and sat up onto her knees.

Following her example, I sat up.

"So about last night" she suddenly said as I sat up.

"Oh, don't worry about it~" wait what happened last night?

Looking at me despite me saying that, "Still, thanks for listening to me ramble, it was... Nice of you" oh so we talked? Guess that makes sense? Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something important, actually where are we again?

"No worries, also, where were we again?"

"What do you mean?" I guess wasn't clear enough?

"where are we exactly? I kinda forgot the place, haha"

Looking at me like I was an idiot, she spoke hesitantly.

"We're in the territory of the Natsu Sorcerers? Your guys like main faction base? And we're in one of the guest rooms or spare rooms they provided for us when we got here?" she said as if I was quizzing her.

"Oh... Hah, I can't believe I forgot that"


This was becoming awkward, also how could I forget where I was? That's just embarrassing... ugh, I need a drink...

Actually a drink sounds good right about now!

Looking back to her as I drifted off in sight, I looked at her as she was looking to me mostly confused and then said,

"Hey wanna ditch this place and get a drink with me!"

Hearing that she smirked,

"Did you even need to ask?"


"Hah, let's get dressed, I saw a pub yesterday, we can go there"


Hoping out of bed I went over to the side where there was a dresser and opening it, I found a bunch of girl clothes and just stopped as this wasn't mine?... Was it hers? Donno?

Opening another dresser under it, there were more clothes but this time it looked as if it was guys, I guess it was my stuff?

Grabbing the band around my waist I loosened it up and then unclipped this little pun around the top part of this Yukata I was wearing, opening it up and then pulling my arms out of the sides, letting it fall to the ground as I was undressing.

"Hey what are doing!" hearing her voice from off to the side, I turned over and looked at her as I was stripped down to my underwear, "changing?"

"There are some female clothes over here too, want it?"

Yelling" No I don't want it! And I didn't mean strip and then change, I meant just tidy yourself up and let's go!" she said turning away as her face was glowing red.

"But I don't like what I'm wearing?"

"I don't care if you like it or not, just put it back on!"

"No, actually hey look I found something better, 2 t-shirts, one blue and the other one leaf-green? Which one should I wear?"

"Just put back on the kimono and let's go!"

"Oh hey look, there's a little dragon marking on the shirts"

Still turned away but looking like she was hissing steam from her head, she yelled back at me.

"I don't care anymore! Just put something on!"

Hearing her like this was funny.

"blue or green?"


"Hey you wanna wear the blue one on? Those clothes of yours look pretty dirty"

Making her look down at her own clothes to realize that I was right, a steam puff of white sizzled off of her head and she stomp her foot on the ground.

"Give me the green shirt!"

Turning around but looking away I tossed the blue shirt at her and she grabbed it as it came over to her.

"I said green!"

"I'm wearing the green one"

"No, hand over the green t-shirt!"

"But you look cuter in blue? Are you sure you want green?"

Hearing me say that and looking down as she was still looking away from me, her face got redder.

"Ugh, you're so annoying, just change already!"

Turning around she grabbed the bottom of her shirt and then paused, she then let go and turned around.

Looking at me all flustered now,

"Stop looking at me! Turn around pervert!"

Looking at her as she was like this, I chuckled.

"Hey, I said turn around!" stepping over and grabbing a pillow she hurled it at me and I turned around letting it hit my back, "okay, I am" she hissed like a cat and I couldn't help but find it funny.

Looking to the blue shirt in my hand, I put it on, and then went back over to that dresser, finding some shorts, long pants, underwear, and socks, I found some more but they looked odd compared to the more simpler things I found in there.

Grabbing some underwear I decided to strip mine off and change into a newer ocean blue one, and then I looked over to the pants, well, more like shorts, it wasn't cold in the room so I doubt it will be cold outside.

Looking down at myself the leaf-green t-shirt was going down to my thighs. "Hey is it just me or are these shirts a little too big?" turning my head and looking to over to her she was looking at me with half her mouth open and eyes widened, um? Is she okay?

Looking at her in that blue shirt I smiled, "Hey, you really do look cute it blue?" I will never doubt my taste in fashion again.

Hearing me say that she clenched her teeth and grabbed the blanket on the bed chucking it at me, "Hurry up and just get changed, stop making talk!" she screamed at me.

"I will!"

"Then hurry up and do it!"

Blocking the blanket that was thrown at me, "Okay then stop throwing stuff at me!" saying that back to her jokingly, I grabbed some black shorts from the dresser along with some tabis(ankle shocks) and then dressed myself in them as she continued to look away.

Fully dressed, I looked to my outfit and it looks summer casual, "ah, this looks nice~" but just as I was looking down I felt a sudden push and turning around she was standing there looking at me all pouty.

"Now grab your shoes and get out so I can change!"

She kicked me out of the room...