Talk, Walk, Booze And Bath!

Looking at the wall and just sitting down on the floor waiting for like forever because she's been in there for like forever and I'm about to fall asleep if I have to wait any longer.

How long does it take for a woman to get dressed?

Jeez, I just wanted to get something to drink...

"I'm tired of waiting!"

"But I don't want to go alone..."

Falling onto my side and just laying there, I pouted as I've been in this hallway for so long just waiting that I've gotten tired and now sleepy.

But I don't wanna go to sleep, what if I have another weird dream? Also, I said I'd get drinks with her, and if I fall asleep what if she doesn't wake me up and lets me sleep or my foot falls off and I can't walk anymore because then I'll have to fly or shoot laser beams out of my eyes to fight supervillains?

Wait? What was I talking about again?

"Ugh, it's so boring out here!..."

"If that's the case then I don't mind keeping you company"

Looking up a man was standing in front of me, he was tall, good-looking, and wearing dress attire which consisted of just a red dress shirt, black vest, and tanned khakis along with ebony dress shoes.

Looking to him he sounded friendly enough, "That sounds nice, friend" I said and he came over, sitting next to me on my right as the door was to my left.

"So how have you been, how's your ankle?"

Looking to my feet I saw that one of them had been bandaged around the ankle and there was a large red spot filled in and surrounded by white and just looking at it I gulped.

"It's seen better days"

Looking at it I started feeling anxious.

I don't like blood.

But it doesn't hurt, so maybe I'm not bleeding?

I don't know, I don't really want to look at it...

Looking at me all anxious and uneasy, he opened his mouth to speak,

"Hey, you're participating in the tournament right?"

Looking over to him,


"Yeah the one that takes place in the city of Mel Rahek, but if you don't know where that is, because most Natsu Sorcerers frown on the name since it's the territory of the Sui clan, then you might know it as the North city?"

Shoot the tournament!

I'm participating in it!

Why do I keep forgetting these important events!

The tournaments like tomorrow!

"Yeah, the tournament is tomorrow!!!"

Losing my cool I grabbed my head as I was so very screwed, how am I going to fight anyone with this busted up ankle, and if I can't move to evade attacks, then I'm a sitting duck, and since I haven't had the chance to train with my powers I'm screwed 2 times over since the last time I actually trained was like forever ago with Mari!

"Calm down, I got you"

Looking over to this crazy Natsu, how's he going to tell me to just calm down when this is not a fucking situation to just calm the hell down in!

But before I could say something poured in panic.

"I'll bring you a healing potion"

The heck is he talking about?

"Healing potion?"

"Yeah, on one condition though~"

Hearing him say this and with a straight face too, I fully sat up and crossed my legs, sitting there paying attention super hard.

"Okay, what's the condition?"

"First, you're participating in the–" looking at me his eyes shined orange like he was using his phyric powers and as he looked at me they flickered back to brown and he continued speaking.

"You're participating in the Rank 3 battles, right?"

Rank 3 I thought Mari said I was participating in the Rank 1 tournament fight thingy?

"Yeah! I think I might be!"

"Well than my friend, place in the top five, and the potion will be free of charge! But if you don't..."


"Then you owe me 50GP(Gold Pieces) and I'll be billing you for the potion..."

Hearing him say that and not even comparing the odds to the competition, on the spot I grinned and stuck my head up proudly.

"I'll win for sure!"

There was way too much confidence being placed on me and I'm being way too cocky, I don't even know what the competition is, no, I don't know who the competition is?

I'm going to die...

Sorry friend, but you can just bill Mari...

Actually, who are you?

Looking to his face I recognized this man, he was another ginger, but more brownish-haired, it's Kyo?...

Seriously this guy is super good, I'm glad there are people like him here.

"That's good to hear, I'll be watching and cheering you on bro!" he said moving his hand over in a fist and I knew what to do, hitting his fist in a fist bump we both smiled.

"I'll be sure to kick some butt so just bet on me and you'll get your money back with greater interest bro"

"I'll be counting on it"

With us having a good time, the door cracked and opened.

"Hey, I'm ready, sorry for keeping you out here for so long"

Hearing the voice of that girl, I looked over at her and she was wearing that blue shirt, black shorts like me, and had looked like she brushed her hair a bit, I couldn't be too sure, but she looked nice, boyish but kind of summer nice.

"No worries, I was chatting with my friend here"

looking over to my right, Kyo got up and then looked down over to me.

"I should get going, I still have plenty of tasks left to do around here, and procrastinating like this usually gets under the skin of the master, anyways, have a good one I'll come find you later this afternoon"

Kyo said talking to me before turning over to the girl next to us and mildly bowing to her right before taking his leave.

"See you later then!" I said back before he got too far.

"See ya" he said back before getting too far away from us.

"Wow, he has me jealous and I barely even know him"

"Hm?" Looking over to her as she said that, I got confused?

"Well now that you're done and he's done stealing your attention, let's get outta here~"

I'm so confused about what's going on?

"Are you mad?"

"I'm not mad, I'm sober and bored, now let's go to the pub already!"

Grabbing my hand she helped me up and then pulled me along with her to leave the Natsu Temple and get out into the city.