From Trying To Be A Hoe, To Getting Scolded By A Busty Milf

Walking into the bathing area we walked over to this cubby like area where there was just a bunch of cubes in the wall which I think you would place your clothes in?

. . . . .

Stumbling over to the cubes as she let me go to look around, the world around me was spinning, I could barely think straight, and moving became a constant issue as I kept trying not to fall.

Finally making it over to a cube which was only a few feet away, it took like 2 minutes' worth of effort just to take those few steps, and when I got there, I forgot what I needed to do...

"Mommie can you help me with my shirt!"

Looking over there was a family of 3, two kids and their mom, she was wrapped up in a towel, from her boobs down and one of her kids just asked for help with their shirt.

"Yes dear, one sec, let mommy help your little brother first~"

"Yes mom," the little girl said obediently to her mother.

Oh, so that's what I need to do?

Looking over to the square, I couldn't help but glance back as that woman over there was an absolute milf, like the pure definition of busty and motherly, but then turning away, I put my arms through the arm holes of my shirt and fell back onto the ground.

Laying there as my arms were in my shirt, I couldn't help but laugh for some random reason, and then sat up after just giggling for a solid 5 seconds.

"Mister are you alright?!"

Looking over to my right the little girl from before had ran over here after hearing or seeing me fall, and as I looked at her confused to why she came over to a stranger, the woman from before came over to check on us.

Coming over to me with a concerned look, "kid are you okay?" she asked looking at me, and as she did I got a full peek at her cleavage and my face had started burning up.

Looking away, "Y-Yeah" but hoping they'd just walk away after checking on me, she touched my back making me jump, "Here, don't worry I won't bite" she said in a sweet manner, helping me up which even got me to get my arms out of my shirt from the bottom, making it like a disk cape.

"Um... Thanks" I said still looking away from this busty woman. But in doing so I made the woman worry as she glanced around the room to see no one else other than us, but before she could speak, both children spoke out.

"Mommy look this kid has a blue snake tattoo" the little boy said pointing to the upper part of my right arm.

"No look he has a red dragon tattoo" the little girl said pointing to the upper part of my left arm.

Both pointing at the upper parts of my arms, seeing 2 markings belonging to two others while also seeing a serious burn wound under the red dragon slave marking which was charred in color around my skin, and revealing the pinkness of raw flesh.

"Don't be rude, stop pointing" the mother told her kids and ignoring them as she looked back to me without looking at either markings or wound.

"Hey kid, where are your parents?" she asked like the concerned mother she was, but in tow, I looked at her nearly cracking up, as a sudden smirk formed on my face from the sheer concern of this woman.

"Well that's a good question, but the real question is, where are your parents?..." oh God I really am drunk. . .

Saying that I laughed to myself and then fell back onto the floor laying there and then pointing at the ceiling and that surprised the woman but got the kids in a brighter mood as they saw it as funny.

"Sorry miss I'm just short!"

Confused the woman came over still checking on me but as she spoke and asked a few questions and I was drunk as I was answered back both sarcastically and playful, the woman practically smelled booze on my breath and her response to this was.

"You know kids shouldn't be drinking?" she scolded and I sat up as her kids were running around the room.

"Not a kid, I'm like a newborn baby"

Sighing the woman face palmed herself, but as she did, my stomach growled and I came to a full stop in my play as I sat all the way up and crossed my legs.

Putting both hands on the ground and leaning forward, "I'm hungry—" looking to the woman who sighed greatly because I was toying with her for fun, I then came to a question in which I had to ask myself?

"But what did I eat again?" besides those sweets I had like 8 minutes ago, it wasn't a long walk from here to the pub, I had to think for a moment?

My memories weren't the best today, even before I started drinking, I was still having a hard time remembering anything, shoot I can barely even remember where I am or what I'm doing and I can't tell if it's me or the booze?

Hearing what I said, "Hey kid, I know a nice diner that I'm going to after we're done here, if you want you can join me and my kids, I'll buy you a meal?" she said hearing that I was hungry and instead of leaving me alone since I was drunk, she offered me a meal?

And hearing that I smiled brightly towards her kindness.

"Miss I've never had a good thought about humans, but you're really changing my mind about them," I said confusing her a bit, but that was good, because looking at her, I moved my hand more up in front of me and slightly stretched myself forward as I took a step with my hand and bit the inner part of my lip looking to this fine dime~

"What?" She replied.

"Miss are you interested in whores"

Hearing me suddenly say that as kids were playing in the background, she was taken back, her kids then ran off into the bathing zone, fully dressed, and leaving us alone.

"Excuse me?"

"You see I'm a whore, or at least for today I am"

I just remembered what I eat...

I eat them...

I eat those who fall to the sin of lust.

Those who love lust.

And those who fall in love with lust.

So looking at her as she was completely taken aback, I felt a stir in my body and through I wasn't that horny, I was hungry. . .Extremely human.

"So what do you say, I'm really hungry so I'll lower the price of using me from 1,000 to 10, sounds like a killer deal, right"

I said looking at her in a completely different way and making her blush cutely as she looked at me probably eating me up with her eyes.

"Sorry, but you shouldn't be doing that!" She suddenly yelled?

"Kid or not! How can you sell yourself for money?! Have more self-respect for yourself, I'm in no position to be talking, I don't know you and I don't know what you're going through or why you're doing this, but you shouldn't ever do this, there are really bad people out there and bla bla blah blah blah bla–"

She started questioning, scolding, and just chattering me till my head had started ringing, I barely caught half of what she said.

But when she finally stopped ranting about why this was horrible, she took in a very deep breath and then walked over to her cubby, I was expecting her to take her stuff and leave but then she came back with a thick leather pouch and small fabric pouch.

"Here, you don't have to do stuff like this anymore, here take this money and I'll leave my card with you encase you want to come and find work"

I'm so fucking confused?

Holding out the fabric pouch with coins and her card, she then placed it in my lap and I'm just sitting here, like what the fuck is happening?


"Don't worry I have plenty more so don't feel bad or feel like you need to pay me back hun, actually, now that you're here, I kinda want to know your story? Come join us, let's talk, my name is Monica by the way, what's yours?"

But as she said that I moved my legs out from this crossed position and I put my hands back on the floor, looking at her I was pouting, this was an awkward position for me, it was an okay position, but I was just using it for support, anyways!

"I'm not taking your money!" I refused her charity!

"Why not?" She asked genuinely.

Moving on hand off the ground and pointing to myself,

"Because I'm not hyuan!"

"You mean human?" she commented.

"I'm a spirit of the pink moon!"

I literally can't remember what I am?

But, she should know what in saying!

The pink moon represents love, lust, and...

Okay, there's a reason why some races belong in the red light district, and those of the pink moon usually belong to, from what comes to mind, the deities of fertility?

Some gods have moons colors dedicated to their factions.

Like blue for the light faction.

Red is dark.

Those who walk the material plane and earth, green moon.

. . . . .

"I have no idea what that means?"

Looking at her, I kinda forgot what it meant too, other than pure vigorous fucking~

And looking at me like I should be the one to explain it to her, I crossed my arms and looked away, pouting like if she should know what I'm talking about when I don't even know what I'm talking about...

"I'm not saying anything else!" I pouted.

Looking at me she smirked and I felt like she was laughing at me from the small glance I shot back at her to see that damn smirk.

She comment a few more times and we went back and forth but eventually, she got me to take the money and join her in bathing, however, we all needed to shower before taking a dip into there to relax.

So helping me up and into my underwear where I had to wrap a towel around my waist before I can even go anywhere, she led me in the showers after checking up on her kids who she made to come with us, and after walking over into the shower area which was like a divided part attached to the baths, we split up into our own little shower boxes where she was with her kids and I was to myself.

But before splitting up and into separate cubes which were spaced next to each other, before walking into mine, I saw that girl I came in with and forgot about?

But when I saw her she was in a very good mood and wiping her cheek as she was talking with these 3 young men who looked to be also bathing here with us.

Looking over at her I was confused about what she was doing over there and where she had been for so long? But then I ignored her existence as I walked into the shower block.