Not Dreams? Sloth, Pride, And Lust

Drunk and hazy the atmosphere around us was filled with nothing more than the strong stench of booze and the murderous aura of an ancient being about to lose his shit.

The next thing I knew I was holding the head back of this blond knight and slowly ripping the fingernail out of his hand, torturing, and making him suffer for the slowest minute of his life before I completely ripped it out, splattering blood on the table in front of us and watching as drool and tears ran down from his face and blood leaked from that very finger.

And looking into the eyes of this so called knight as I was pulling his head back, forcing it back, as he struggled and fought with all of his strength to break free or make me budge, I asked again, just like before I started and before I even gave him the chance to answer my question from the start.

"Now did you poison my father? Yes or no?" looking to the tears running down his face, how dare he cry, "You still have 9 more fingernails left and I have plenty of time on my hands, so tell me the truth" I said looking him straight in the eyes to see a reflection of my nightmare eyes staring deep into his soul.

Crying "I didn't..." And he's a fucking lier!!

Clicking my tongue I let the human knight go...

And the knight tried shooting up from his seat to run away, but *snap* it was in an instant, but before anyone could see it coming, not that they're going to say anything, I snapped the pathetic knight's neck in an instant.

And just like that, he fell back into his seat...

"I hate humans"

"But I hate liers who hurt my family even more"

Looking back to Asmodeus who looked like he was freaking out as his skin had turned as white as snow and if not for the amulet on his neck or his strong transformation abilities, I'm pretty sure he'd be going full Demon God right now, more or less into a juggernaut rage.

But looks to me like he used souls to heal himself of the poison. Good. Because if something happened to my worthless father, then I'll destroy this realm.

Even if I hate him with every fiber of my being...

Asmodeus is still family.

And no one hurts my family.

No one...

* * * * *

Steaming hot water hit the top of my head like it was rain, and as it was raining down on me just like motherfucking rain, I shook my head. Did I fall asleep???

I had another odd dream?

Who were those people??

Wait where even am I???!!!

I'm so confused?

Looking around I'm on the floor and sitting up against the wall of what looks like a shower cubical?

"I don't wanna get up, this is comfy..."

Just sitting here and minding my business, I looked over to my ankle and there was a slight line of red leaking down from the soaked bandage.

Moving my foot onto my thigh, I unwrapped the bandage giving my ankle some fresh air and letting the hot water sting it as it was finally open to the free world. . .But now being exposed to the hot falling water.

"This more or less feels better?" I commented.

Now just sitting here and doing absolutely nothing...

I feel like I'm missing something important.

Taking a minute to myself...

Was it me or was the water getting hotter?

I think I'm burning up?

Am I getting sick?

I'm feeling a bit under the weather.

How long have I been in here?

I should get out...

But it's too comfy...

I wanna just take another nap...

Imma take another nap.

"Hey Hiro there you are? I've been looking all over for you"

Looking over, I felt light-headed, I wanna take a nap—


Come over to me already wrapped up in a towel the girl with hazel hair walked down and grab my shoulder, "Hey Hiro you with me?" shaking me a little she looked a little concerned but not too much, "I'm here... Maybe..." I said jokingly and she sighed, grabbing ahold of me and helping me up.

"Okay I'm getting you out of here, you've showered long enough," she said helping me up and putting me on her shoulder again, "I go to get something to eat for 20 minutes and you're already a mess, what am I going to do with you? Lex would be so disappointed..."

Why do people keep helping me?

Just like leave me be, I'll handle everything myself later...

. . . . .

Helping me out of the cubical she said a few other things and also made me put on a towel onto my lower half like I had to or something— okay so maybe I did have to, but that wasn't the point and she should have left me be.

Once getting to the actual bathing area, she sat me down near the edge of the water, but as she was more or less looking out for me, I really wanted to tell her to just let me drown back at the pub in that mystery blue spirit liquor, suddenly I heard the voices of 5 people.

"Hey, Ursula come hang out with us!"

Lazily glancing over there, there were 3 teenage men and 2 teenage women hanging out in the bottom right corner of the bath.

And seeing them, I couldn't tell if that was a delightful smile on her face or a mixed sadistic joy, but either way, after hearing them invite her over to their side, she looked back over at me and said.

"Hey imma go hang out with my new friends, you stay here and just... Hang out" she said running off and not looking back.

Meanwhile not caring what she did, I was going to lay back when I heard, "Hey kid over here!" It was the busty lady from before and she waved me down as she was leaning against the inner left wall of the bath and watching her 2 kids play with each other.

Looking over to the others I felt something bubble inside of me when looking at them, mainly the hot ladies over there, but I turned my head and got up, walking around the large bath and then sitting at the edge by the woman.

"Are you just going to sit up there or are you going to come in?" looking at her she was extending her hand out to me and though it was so unfamiliar, it made me feel warm and happy inside so I grabbed her hand and let her take the lead as I joined her in there.

While now sitting in the baths, it was warm, a bit painful on my ankle and arm, but bearable enough to sit through as it didn't get worst but it eased up after a few seconds.

And as I sat there, she spoke to me.

But as she did, I leaned my head against her arm, and as she kept talking to me, I meekly replied back on occasion but soon fell to drowsiness.

And when I did I had another dream, it was another one of those weird dreams, but this time, we were running around some festival town and playing carnival games.

It feels so real.

Maybe it is..

Who knows...

It's nice though, I like it, it's just so peaceful...

Also what's with me and liquor?

. . . . .

Watching as people marched through the streets of this town, I had many questions at the top of my head, like why was this festival so important to these people that it had to stretch through the entire town? Many questions like that filled my head but I hadn't known the question to it.

Soon the thought fumbled out of pocket, I'm too drunk for this, it was like a bubble, the idea was there for a few seconds then popped and I shrugged it off, forgetting all about it as something new caught my eyes.

Looking over to the side past the people on the streets, I saw Asmodeus at a dart stand throwing darts like a pro, ha, it's like he's cheating with how good he is, hard to believe that he was once an Assassin.

Who knows, maybe he could still be one.

I wouldn't doubt it...

Looking back off into the streets, just observing as I was sitting on the ground slouched up against some building, trying to sober myself up just a little bit more.

Suddenly a sharp piercing vibration went off in my head.

Grabbing my head from this sudden pang I heard a voice.

"Question? Are you in love with me?" the sound of the voice was kind and curious, and whoever it was sounded so familiar but I just couldn't put my finger on it?

Suddenly my vision flickered.

And in an instant I was inside of some strange room, sitting up on someone's bed, and still in the exact form? Looking in front of me there was this mysterious girl with brown hair and eyes and she was sitting on my lap and holding my hands?

"Question? Are you in love with me?"


My body suddenly acted on its own according.

Shaking my head my vision flickered back to reality and looking to the festival people I was confused on whatever that was?

"The hell was that?"

I didn't understand any of that?

But it's not important, these things just happen from time to time...

Looking back over to Asmodeus, *cough! cough!* moving my hand to my mouth and coughing, blood stained the back of my hand, and seeing as it came from out of my mouth I couldn't do much but sigh.

"I'm not healing..."

Glancing down to the rest of my body, I could feel it you know. Every slash, tear, and bite lying on my body, and despite how I act. . .I'm in excruciating pain, I just don't really know how to show it anymore.

And none of the damage covering my body is healing...

If Asmodeus didn't summon me to this continent, would I have died back in that dungeon?

Not like I haven't died before.

But would it have been them to kill me?

Sigh, it's not worth thinking about this any longer.

I'm dying again...

And when I run out of strength I'll return home to the abyss.

I can heal myself, but it's not worth the souls I have stored.

And since my spirit powers don't restart I'll just obliterate every daemon that crosses my path and munch on their corrupted souls until I get back the strength of a 10th choir/Rank Daemon.

At least then I'll be able to rampage without having to worry about my family seeing me like the Daemon beast I really am, shit, even Asmodeus I can't let see me like that.

But whenever I'm back home in the abyss...

I can't help but give in to my sinful nature.

...And I love it...

Plus it'll give me something to do.

Suddenly coughing again, I got the same result as blood leaked down from the back of my hand, but ignoring it, I just wiped it away on my clothes and then looked to the stars.

Closing and reopening my eyes, this time I opened them to another one of those visions, kind of like the last, but this time I was listening to this mysterious girl with Hazel hair and Pink eyes talk?

Listening to her for so long, I blinked and opened my eyes back up to see the stars I were originally looking at, I don't understand why I'm seeing this? But I swear it has to be a curse from that fairy I ditched 2 months ago...


You can't bore me to death like this..

Try harder.

Blinking again, this time I opened my eyes to be shrouded in black, but standing across from me was me which was me and me and I was looking at myself?

"Where are we?" he asked.

"No clue" I said back.

Looking at him I went over and had to be sure, and I was fascinated as he felt solid, he was solid, was he a clone or something? No, he doesn't look to have all my traits nor divine presence?

After touching his shoulder he called me by a name I haven't heard in a very long time.


He said "Hiro you're being weird today?" and hearing that and hearing someone like him call me that, well, I froze up, because everyone who knows that name, is mainly dead.

Hearing him say that he backed up, turned around, pouted for a sec, and then spoke to me as if we were old pals.

"First everyone around me has something fucking going wrong with them and they find a way to put me in the middle of it, ugh, they're so annoying! I'm seriously mad at them. Then comes to find out that whore Ursula might not be the nasty bitch I thought her to be, she's way better than our sister, sorry, I mean your sister, I refuse to have anything to do with that woman, she did us dirty and I won't forgive her for it, especially after how cruel she was after the whole secret of us being a Demon was exposed and that now she knows that I'm a reborn which made it like 10 times worst!–"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

I'm generally confused as I'm looking to this boy rant?


"I don't have a sister?"

I barely understood what he said about the others, but he's taking a lot about this a lot more than the other and that's all I'm picking up on.

And mainly questioning?

"Then explain Mari, because I'm not doing this whole I'm her brother thing, especially after the controlling fluffing power she has over me!"

I'm so lost?

"I feel like I'm missing something here?"

The other guy opened his mouth to speak again, but this time I shut him up, his consistent blabbering is annoying the hell out of me.

"Shut up I'm thinking..."

Looking at him dead in the eyes he tensed.

He's so annoying that it's bugging me more than Asmodeus.

He talks way too much and way too fast that it might be even worst than that runt.

Thinking for a second despite this clouded mind from all the alcohol and throbbing pain surrounding my body, I then looked back over to him and said.

"Look I don't have any advice, or anything to say about this, I didn't even know what's happening or going on?"

Not finished he said, "That's strange? You usually know everything? Are you alright Hiro–" but I snapped as he said that fucking name!

"Call me that name one more time and I'll kill you!!!"

*Yelling that in sudden anger, he was getting mad over the repeated name being called, he didn't like it, there were too many memories that he didn't want to remember and that dead name was going to have to stay buried forever...

Scaring the other him shitless as he had an aura of absolute fear cloaking him which was so dense that it crushed all around him and made the other him step away.

Gulping as he saw that and the absolute fear enveloping the other him, he signed and calmed himself before opening his mouth and saying-*

"I don't go by that name anymore, it's a long story, but I just go by Aster Hiragi these days"

I can't stand that old name.

*Saying that the other him was still enveloped with fear and terrified but he just sighed and using a foot technique to appear right in front of the other him which worked, he grabbed the other him's shoulders and said-*

"Anyways, your existence is bothering me, who are you?"

*But as he said that and an immediate calmness washed over the other him, the other him then gulped hard and spoke-*

"I'm... I'm you? I'm Hiro Natsu?"

He said and with those sudden words, I felt a click in my mind, and then everything suddenly started fading to black.

* * * * *

Blinking I felt the water swish around me, looking over two kids were playing in the warm shallow water, and looking to who's arm I was using to rest my head, I looked to this busty woman watching those kids with a simple smile.

Glancing around the room, I saw some others on the other side of the bath, flirting and touching, the 3 boys getting flirty and touchy with the 3 girls over there, but I lost all interest in those humans and Ursula as I turned my attention over towards this woman who's name from what I can recall is Monica.

Wrapping my arms around Monica's arm, I got her attention almost instantaneously.

"Hey, thanks for looking after sloth for me Monica"

Looking at me she was confused.

But that's alright.

Taking a stand and getting up out of the water as I should be heading out, I'm sober enough so there's no need in being here anymore, I reached for the edge but then I felt a tug on my right hand.

"Are you getting out now? Also, who's sloth?"

Looking to her I laughed.

"Yes my dear, I have to go now, but if you'd like I can accompany you for a while longer" answering with an honest remark, I saw that cute expression on her face suddenly jolt and I turned around, hoping onto the ledge of the bath and sitting there waiting for if she wanted me to stay for a while longer.

"Well uh, don't you still want... Uh... A meal with us?"

She said obviously bewilder from what I said.

But looking at her I sighed.

"Through I'd love to, I can't stay for any less than 2 hours, I must return back to the temple to meet up with a friend, my pride is on the line and who would I be with out pride"

Saying that she probably wouldn't get it, so I said it more simpler before she could even comment on it, though she looks to be an intellectual woman, I'd rather cut it down.

"2 hours is all I can give you before I have to leave"

Looking at me she then opened her mouth,

"Well we've been here for a long time now, about 3 hours, so 2 hours is more than enough time to get something to eat and then split up"

Looking at her, a smile formed on my face and I extended my hand out to her in which she was hesitant but put her hand on top of mine.

"You have been very kind to this prideful spirit, may the gods watch over you and protect you from wicked spirits, *whispers* such as myself"

Lightening her expression I then kissed her hand but then she flicked my forehead.

"I haven't forgotten what you did earlier, when we split don't ever sell yourself for money again!" she scolded.

Laughing, "I make no promises~"

Scolding, "No! Make me a promise mister!"

She didn't get a promise, but instead, she got an incubus to protect her for the next 2 hours before splitting up and going separate ways.

But as we split up and I was lost in the big city, I stumbled as I could feel my flesh burning up.

The world tinted with red but I couldn't see anyone around.

"I'm so hungry..."

I was starving, and not for physical food.

Wondering off I got lost...

But eventually, eventually, something grabbed me.

* * *

Blacking out I woke back up to feel the softness of something bouncing me in steady fluctuations.

"Idiot what did I tell you about wandering off"

Looking to a voice I saw Ursula and she didn't look too happy with me.

But despite her looking unhappy, she crawled onto the bed, but when she did everything faded to black.

* * * * *

Color started coming back to me and opening my eyes, I was pinning Ursula to the bed, looking down at her as she was surprised by whatever I had done.

"Pride is gone Luv, now your dealing with lust~"

I spoke out, bending in and kissing her, surprising her as if she had never felt or been treated like this, but then soon gave in as she relaxed her arms and opened her mouth, trying to go on the offensive but failing to lust.

Kissing her deeply, popping and slurping came to ear as we made out, but this wasn't enough to satisfy my creative hunger, I want more.

So moving my mouth from mining her salivating mouth, I came around to her neck, sucking on it and leaving a deep mark up there, but even then it wasn't enough to satisfy my creative hunger, I need more.

Tickling the side of her neck with my lust craving attention whore breath, I stuck my tongue out and sensually ran it up the side of her salty neck, making her jerk and squeal like a mouse as she finally let out her voice.

Hah, that's it, that's what I'm looking for~

"Let's skip the sex and just play for a little"

Nibbling her ear and pressing my knee up against her crotch, "I wanna use your body like a canvas for some... Little ideas~♡" my right hand slid up her body making her arch, and then moan out loud as I cuffed her nonexistent right boob in my palm.

Pressing my knee deep against her crotch.

"Y-Yes~!" Her voice bounced off the walls.

"Now that's what I like to hear~"

Sensually speaking, with one hand holding her wrist and the other holding her right boob, my right knee pressing hard against her sensitive vulva and my other against the bed for support.

Looking at her as she bit down hard onto her lip.

A sinful smile formed on mi face.