
I can't remember what happened after I saw that lip bite.

The only thing I can recall is her mesmerizing voice.

But I can't remember what she said?

...I feel drained.

Body heavy and everything.

Jeez, I'm so exhausted...

I'm not asleep, I'm awake, I just can't move, I'm too tired to.

But I'm not satisfied yet.

I don't even know what transpired?

Plus I'm starving, it's not as burning as when I was lost...

But it's barrable now.

I still want something to eat though...

However... I feel so warm and comfy that a promising nap doesn't sound so bad? Sleep sucks though, I can be doing so many more things with my life rather than sleeping...

Like robbing a bank?

Or reading a book?

sigh, I really don't like sleeping...

It takes away from time to do stuff.

Fluff... Well... I guess it couldn't hurt.

I'm too tired to even open my eyes, so what the hell.

. . . . .

Shutting down I suddenly felt a pair of small soft and warm hands pressing up against my bare chest, "I can't believe this human got me to cum 24 times?" what did I just hear?

Trembling. Something slick ran up the side of my neck, bitting down on the middle. Meanwhile, something strong, warm, and overly hot on my fucking crotch was coiling around my penis and squeezing intensely like it was trying to suck my soul out.

With a silent pop, "ugh, it grew again, he's 7 inches long and 3 inches thick, this is the second time that it's grown now since I've known him... Not that I'm over complaining, his dick is just not my type... But I'm just so in love with it, fuck you biggy, but, I guess if you keep making me feel good I'll ignore your growth spurt and act like your my type" a voice tickled my neck before another pop came and I felt warmth envelop that spot.

I can't take this anymore...

My consciousness suddenly faded.

. . . . .

Finding myself awake in this black mind space, something came to pass, so that gal I slept with, Ursula, yeah her... She's a Succubus, I tempted a whole Succubus without even thinking about the slightest consequence.

You know what yeah that's all I wanted to say.

Also. . .I think I just fucked myself over a bit.

Still, yeah me, not a whole Incubus yet.

It's probably not a good idea to play with my superiors who are most likely way above my own rank which I don't even think is rank 1 yet, so... Yeah, luck probably 0 and the consequence for this is probably going to be so hysterical that I shit myself and cry a pool of cum.

I mean blood.

Actually, that is a lie.

It'll probably be cum...

Hmmmmmm... But than again, is that so bad?

Having sis Ursula around could be good luck since she's known to me as a hasty brawler.

And what I mean by that is she's annoying and wanting to fight everything. I don't know if it's only the trip or that where in my territory? But she's behaving herself??

But I feel like as soon as we go back to rosa marine which is our home and "Safe place" she's going to go back to being a fucking cunt!... Excuse my language there.

Wait how'd I even get to thinking about this...

Anyways, I'll just go with the flow I guess.

It can't be that bad, plus, I'm pretty sure she made me feel good too, so I'll definitely repay her with kindness, yup, that's what I'll do, after all, Ursula is now the 3rd person to be on my good side hehe.

First is... We'll that not important, just someone I adore.

Second is Tina, even if she's a psychopath, but to be honest that's what I like about her, it's insanely hot, and if it wasn't for something something going on I'd be all over that girl.

Now's my semi-favorite sister, actually...

This place is for Lex but I guess we can squeeze her into it, yup, both older siblings are there for sure!

"Hiro, why are you making all those weird faces?"

Looking forward I saw some girl me standing in front of me with another me but male just sitting down and looking away, and so turning to face her I stepped up to her and smoothly grabbed her chin.

"Oh, forget that, it's not important, but what is, is that lovely voice of yours, now let's hear it some more when you squeal~"

With a sudden movement, her eyes widened as our mouths connected and the other me glared at us with open eyes as we made out, she correspondent with me instantly and before that other me knew it, her back was to the black floor and I was lifting both our shirts.

"Yooo, screw me hard my dude~" she demanded.

"I'll give you extra for that Luv" Me

"What the fuck are the two of you doing!!!" Hiro's fragment.

"Fucking!" She screamed out.

"No shit! SHOP THIS NOW!" Hiro's fragment.

But as his voice was heard last, "Will you shut the hell up already?" Looking over to the fragment of Hiro left over, he didn't look pleased to begin with but neither was I.

"Your voice is bugging me, quite down"

Looking down to the girl under me and looking to me with pure chaotic hardcore passion in her eyes, I then followed and said.

"The same goes for you"

Standing up and moving away from the both of them, I then crossed my arms and glanced at the both of them; one was blushing and looking at me with little red glowing hearts in her pitch-black eyes, and the other was blabbering like a clown high on dope.

They're both useless...

. . . . .

Sitting up as I was lying naked in bed, I looked over to see a sleeping beauty passed out next to me, "She's not half bad when she's sleeping?" Looking at her she truly was good-looking, it's just not as noticeable?

Kind of like a quirk?

Now's not the time to think about this though, getting up and going over to the window it looks to still be dark, good I still have time, looking back over to Ursula I then sighed, I don't really like her but I wish I could be just like her.


"I envy her"

Walking over to the bed I gathered my clothing from scattered around the floor and through half might have been her clothing since they were the same, I wore whatever fit and then left while she was still asleep.

"Bye bye sister~"

Leaving I found my way back to the temple with the help of some strangers and through some looked like bad news, I somehow avoided a hassle and got back to the temple.

I'm still exhausted though, I'm so going to take a nap again.

Getting to the general area I temporally resided in, it took a while but getting back to my room before the sun rose, I found my way to bed and not even kicking off my shoes, I just layed there.

About to fall asleep I turned over, and as I did I saw something on the dresser.

It was a vile of red fluids?

Looking at it deeply I knew what it was already.

It was the potion of healing Kyo mentioned.

Not hesitating I crawled over to it and grabbed it.

Opening it after examining it and then drinking it all up after giving it a smaller thought to keep in mind.

Holy fuck it tasted nasty.

Don't know why but I thought it would taste like cheery?

. . . . .

After the sun rose the door was burst open and by none other than Mari, but exactly when she did and she was pissed off and looking for me, I was sitting on the bed and glaring at her as just looking at this woman made me want to kick her knee out.


"Unless you're going to be useful then shut up and just take me to the tournament site, I don't have the patients to listen to you scream"

Looking at me furiously from the door I yawned as she started screaming and not listening to a word I said.

"So annoying... Can you like shut up already"

"You dare!!! Blah blah blah blah"

She won't stop screaming so Imma just lay back down.