Envy, Wrath, And Me, Not Me (Tournament)

Walking throughout the corridor, after being chewed out by the bitch, I was essentially instructed to follow her so that we could take a Mam...Rehj? So I don't actually give much to comprehend, it's essentially a bullet train from how she described it, and she also doesn't seem to want the others to tag along so she decided to just hurry there before the others woke up.

Following her without question.

...I didn't listen to a word she said.

I merely followed...

The morning passed and as it was the afternoon I looked up to be inside of a room full of weapons and shields, oh yeah, we got to the tournament arena, it's my turn, right?

"Your up!" looking to my left there was this scary-looking man who opened the gate in front of me that leads to the area, looking at him as he held it open using a lever, I then looked back to myself before taking any steps.

Looking to my hands they were bigger, Mari used her magic to transform me back into what Hiro looked like, I'm not small anymore, but it feels odd being back in this form.

Almost uncomfortable.

No, this isn't the time to think about all of this.

Looking up I looked to the rays of light shining into the room and as I walked over to the gate, I patted the back of the man telling me to enter the area.

"Have a good one" I said to him.

"Good luck, Natsu" he said back surprisingly?

Walking into the open area there was a path leading to a lifted platform of white stone, people were surrounding us above ground sitting in long bleachers and as I stepped into the light the crowd went silent.

Ignoring them in turn, I walked onto the large platform of white stone using stairs that were at the end of the path leading up there.

. . . . .

Walking on stage there was no one there, what were they scared of me or something? How boring, and here I was almost eager to annihilate a malicious soul... But then as I thought that, suddenly someone walked up from the stairs opposite of me, and as a long black-haired man wearing orange flame designer and green traditional clothes which to be honest look like the martial art Dōgi judo uniform? When he came on stage, the crowd roared in excitement and some random man's voice came to ear.

He seems to be the announcer for the tournament?

His voice is loud?

Does he have a microphone or is he using magic?

Never mind, don't care...

He started with introducing the "Guests" which seemed to be the ordinary people who paid coin to watch the tournament of the 3rd Rank Sorcerers.

Which he then went on to say that it was a 3-day tournament, the rank 1 and 2 were almost finished on another area which wasn't here, and some other junk which informed them about our Natsu clan meaning that he's also a Nastu from how he literally said "Our".

Anyways, after that and me taking both daggers in my hands and holding them by the grip waiting patiently as he talked, the other Natsu Sorcerer was literally just waving his hands and taking in the moment of fame from the crowd excited to see him.

How come they like him and don't like me.

Like none of them...

They don't even know who I am or him???!!!

Yooooo, these Natsu's must be behind it...

They so have it out for me.

Screw that your dead bro.

Dead to me, sniffle, naw, forget it, this is war now.

With a silent sniffle from me, he then started introducing.

And as he did he started with me, ha yup, I knew I'd have some recognition. YupYup...

Grrrrr..."The Trash of the Natsu clan, Hiro Natsu" he's dead too, he said that in his first sentence introducing me and he's on the hit list that I may or may not complete today...

He mentioned me by that annoying nickname Hiro had and I swear on my life that these fuckers have it out for me, ass motherfuckers they are, super bitches and dickheaded cock chokers they are, because after saying that short into to me which was hella embarrassing, he went on about the prestigiousness of the other guy and he wouldn't shut the fuck up about this guy.

I can literally feel a blood vessel bulging on my head.

He's so damn annoying that my left eye is twitching too.


I antagonized more than one person just now and as the announcer stutterer, he pretended not to hear me but we can all hear his anger in his voice, and the other guy across from me started yelling at me from what I said too but they seriously need to shut up and start us.

Less than half a minute passed and the announcer started us, and when he did raging blue flames burned out of the guy's palms, blazing gloves, he's starting it off with close combat.

Well, that can't do, I can't use my Phyric Powers...

But that doesn't mean he wins exactly, because...

Papa didn't raise an idiot.

Flipping the dagger in my left hand, I grabbed it by the tip and as he was 12 yards away, I took a strong step forward and threw my dagger at him, throwing it at him and stabbing him in the upper part of his chest...

With it looking like 3 inches deep in him he slowed down and stumbled as he was coming at me and as he grabbed his chest, he looked down to see a dagger sticking out of him.

His eyes widened and his flames perished.

Looking at me I then approached him with one dagger left in my right hand and raising it in a random stance that I've never used or seen used before, I bluffed martial arts waiting for this Natsu Sorcerer to come for me.

If he can handle a blade to the chest, he must be angry, I don't know how to fight using Martial arts or anything, I only know how to throw Knives and Axes to a decent point, maybe a little below average, so I'll just attack at random.

But then as I did that his face looked bewildered and he grabbed his chest with both hands as he was suddenly thrown in panic and dropped down to his knees, one of his hands came up to his neck, he can't breathe?

After that 2 people ran onto stage from the other side of me and with weapons one ran at me and me backing away, he stopped in front of my opponent while another guy came rushing over to the guy on his knees struggling to breathe with a dagger sticking out of his chest.

The guy fell over and was flipped onto his back and medics came up stage while rushing over to the guy and some Guard or Natau kept me in place as he had a sword pointed at me ready to defend or go on offense, he demanded not a step or I'd lose my head.

I didn't move a muscle, not that he scared me but it would be inconvenient for me if I had to respawn in the abyss my first year in this new world.

The announcer questionably asked someone what happened but then after looking somewhere in the distance, gulping hard, he then forced himself to say.

"Hiro Natsu will proceed to the next round!"

When he said that the crowd was silent with a few whispers and another few booing and demanding.

Also, an outroar of Natsu Sorcerers were in the crowd were saying that I used no sorcery and that I was trying to kill my opponent in which I wasn't but might have slightly wanted to... But I ignored them quickly as I didn't have enough shits to give to these people.

I literally couldn't care?

It was almost terrifying because I felt nothing but...

An enormous amount of Detest. . .

But then as I was standing there harboring these feelings, I suddenly heard a roar and cheer from in the crowd which gathered a lot of attention and hate and even got me to look.

Looking over the one happy about my victory was Kyo and Nanako? They were here as well and next to each other, he was happy and she was sitting down, she slightly smiled as our eyes crossed but then it faded and she looked away.

Ignoring her and going back to him, wait, he doesn't know that I'm Hiro? Why the hell is he cheering for me!

Ha... Weirdo~

Looking over more to another cheer there was a small group and holy shit...

Lex... Ursula... A dozen Sui Sorcerers which 5 I don't know and one is my master but she isn't cheering... Tina... And then Zim who was the flashiest of the bunch which I say that because of his bright-colored clothing...?

They're all here...

Hah, fools, making me feel all good now, okay, let's continue on I guess.

* * *

The next day in the morning I was surrounded by friends of the Natsu Sorcerer who lived, but you can say I'm in a really pissy mood, so I did what they came here for, and I hurt them, all 3 of them...

Let them feel my Wrath...

Today when I came on stage and was introduced to a new opponent, he carried a scythe, a mere farmer's tool, and his gaze and consistent taunting pissed me off...

With a tornado of pure rage erupting out of me, with every step I lightly scorched the white earth under me and as he came at me, I blew him back before he could even get a yard away from me.

With him hitting the ground and my flames erupting from all around like if I was the can of a smoke bomb and it was shooting everywhere when he was down.

I beastly attacked him while he was down and stompt him into submission as I had him by the arm and his head bashed against the ground with light blood smearing the white.

How dare a filthy human mock me.

No these animals aren't even human, they're just wild animals ready to be slaughtered.

I should slaughter him, wouldn't he enjoy that, and maybe in his next life he won't be born a pathetic roach.

Homicidal thoughts rummaged through my head and they eventually had to stop me from hurting my unconscious opponent since I was... So, I was, brutalizing him...

But I want more blood.

He needs to bleed more!!!

Feel my wrath!!!

Sloth! Pride! Lust! Envy! Gluttony! Greed!

They won't save you from my wrath!!!

* * *

The next day was the final 5 battles of the rank 3 and then there was one more between the top 5 to decide their placements.

4 battles passed and just as the clock hit 3 it was my time to shine, I woke up extra wrathful today and I was ready to burn everyone here, but now for this final battle, I'll destroy everyone with my demonic powers.

I'm leaving nothing left...

Only blood.

This isn't a tournament anymore, it's war.

Especially after the shit these sorcerers tried pulling yesterday afternoon.

I'll Hurt Everything And Everyone! ! !

* * * * *

The sky crackled in silver thunder which came out from nowhere as there hadn't been a single cloud in the sky for miles, and as the thunder blasted through the air mysteriously, the wrath faded instantaneously and all went black.

Waking up, "let the finals begin!" —————

. . . . .

Everything blurry, grabbing my face, rubbing my eyes, ugh what was that light? "I need to get back, I used too much power" suddenly just as I said that I felt a sharp pain tear through my stomach.

Looking down there was a hand stabbed straight through my stomach and attached to that hand as my blood slowly spilled out from my body there was some human standing there with a cold expression.

"Trash huh, I guess they were right about you, Hiro"

Who the hell do you think you are... Human...

Grabbing his neck just after he said that, "Who the hell do you think you are to put your filthy hand in me, Human" I merely asked, and as he looked up at me, he vanished from sight leaving behind a footprint of fire.

Looking up and not even bothering with my wound as blood dripped down from my stomach and I coughed spitting blood onto the ground, I looked to the man standing there with a bloody hand and tense expression.

"I underestimated you, Hiro!" he said from afar.

Taking a step forward I froze up, the pain, it was too much, putting my hand to my mouth I coughed a mouthful of blood and then fell onto my knee, and with that, I heard, voices, cheering, there were more people around...

Fuck I can't think, the pain is just to much, what the hell?!

I'm already dying, and yet I don't want to die...

I don't want to go back to the abyss...

What the hell are these sudden thoughts, ugh, this human, he did something, where is... What is... Ugh, this pain! It's too much, damn it! ! !

Grabbing my gut and throwing up another mouthful of blood, I blinked a few times and everything flashed, memories, visions, random things started flooding my head at random, and closing my eyes everything slowed down.

My breath, focus on it.

Focusing it's all I need to hear.

Haahh, huuahh...

Reopening my eyes I was kneeling and the guy in front of me was walking towards me with an aura of fire energy brewing up around him in the form of an aura.

Looking around people were in stands and there were cheerings, both for Hiro and Graymore, they booed and chanted, cheered, and hated.

Chains suddenly spewed out of the ground around me grabbing me and wrapping me up, and as I was stuck in this position, he mouthed something and as I read his lips as this world all around was so slow.

He said something.

"Hiro Natsu, brother, it's over, just give up"

Looking at him I clenched my teeth.

Losing rationality like a bratty bitch.

"Human, release me and I'll spare you life..."

He didn't hear me but I never intending him to, because I never intended to let him live, and even if he read my lips, he's not doing as I requested him to, so he's a damn fool thats what he is.

He kept approaching me, and as he stood in front of me.

"Hiro, I've won, surrender or I'll–"

[Soul Heal] bright blue flames came out from my stomach, arm, and leg, and as it burned, it started covering my entire body burning hotter than his flames and making him step back as I was covered in bright blue flames.

His chains of orange fire broke and I stood up.

"Ten Guilty Souls"

The flames vanished.

The wounds all in and out of my body had been healed.

Looking to this man as he stood before me confused by this sudden heat that I spewed.

"It took that many souls to heal instantly" taking a step forward, "I have 21 vile souls stored in my body as of now" taking another step my voice got colder, "All of them humans of no origin, but 1 Sorcerer Soul, I guess that's going to be all worth it right" he took a step back and raised his guard as he looked down at where that wound was to see nothing but new flesh and skin.

"I'm too sober right now so let's make this quick"

A blazing magic circle conjured above my hand.

Lifting my hand up into the air I then slashed it down uttering,

"Rage of the red behemoth, Meteor Swarm"

The earth around us was suddenly covered in shade and tinted with red, looking up into the sky, a swarm, a whole ass swarm of what looked to be little meteors were falling down from the sky and directly at the arena and following area all around.

"They seem a lot weaker than when I last made them? Actually I'm spent, today's exhausting, wait, where even am I and what was I doing again?"

Looking over to the human who looked to be shitting his pants at the sight of a little spell, which absolutely drained all of my magic, demonic energy, phyric energy, and half of my spiritual energy for some apparent reason? I then turned to him before the meteor shower and "asked"...

"Human, I demand to know where we are?"

He looked over to me with a "what the fuck" face?

But I ignored it.

"I'm not in the mood for this, tell me where we are or everyone but me will die"

As of now, amongst the amused chatter of the unknowing crowd, he told me and as he did, I raised my hand and snapped my finger.

The meteors came close to hitting everyone but vanished as they almost had, someone booed when the meteors vanished, but then as they did, one that doesn't hit the white stone behind us, exploding and destroying half of the arena and most of what was a few feet away from us.

Everyone then realized that, that was not a bluff attack.

Looking to the boy who I didn't want to kill anymore.

I extended my hand out to him.

"My name is Aster Hiragi, you call me Aster or Master and never by past name of Hiro Natsu, now human, I mean, inferior sorcerer, take my hand and serve me, join me and I promise you strength beyond your wildest dreams, or you can return to your boring life as a mere slave to your king or whoever you serve and stay mortal"

Saying that I don't know why I'm doing this?

I've never felt a spark of anything, so why now do I desire people to serve under me, I'm already more of a God so how come I'm feeling such things to inferior...

But? Interesting? Not boring?

Oh well.

"Well you can do that or you can choose to abandon your lord and premise and become a Demon; live as you please, laugh and love like thou desires, without much, swear fidelity to me and I'll give you everything you desire in due time"

That was weak, am I intoxicated or something?


"Well, if you're just offering, I guess I can't say no, especially after such a... gulp... Terrifying show"

He took my hand and after he did he let go and raised it.

"I surrender!!" He announced and voices came to ear.

But after he did and I heard an annoying voice come to ear, suddenly everything faded to black and I collapsed.

* * *The Next Day* * *

Waking up and sitting up I was back to normal.

"Asmodeus, Wendy, where the hell are you, where am I?"

I don't know what the hell was going on with me before, but I need to find that son of a bitch Asmodeus, and my daughter.

"Damn it"

"I'm going to kill them both for making me open its bridge"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[|Author's... List...|]

[Volume 1: this can't be for real?!] Is now complete.

Yoo, the mash-up pack is finally coming to an end, if you don't know what I mean by that, well... Ha... Sucks to be you. Anyways, this is the end of the first volume.


The second volume is more planned actually and after... So I've been heavily drinking this(last) week, so after me thinking like a real person about how to screw over my life a little bit more along with my favorite Hiropoo, I'm actually on the right path, but now I'm thinking and I'm gonna try improving even more In writing and story(world and all) since im not satisfied with it at all, well, what artist ever is to be honest?

Anyways, the next volume is kinda ironic in name since I've only ever had it as someone else, but don't be fooled by the name, it's only a means to a new beginning.

A fun one at that.

Anyway, I'll stop keeping you, the next chapter will be probably tomorrow(July 15th or a little bit later this week as my life schedule has been a bit hectic) so I'll try to keep ya updated and now stop talking, lol, I've been doing a lot of that right now.


[Volume 2: Aster Hiragi] now in session!