Aster Hiragi

Let's just recap:

My name is Aster Hiragi.

The last thing I recall doing is opening a door to the abyss so that daemons could infest the Arian Empire and then spread throughout the nation...

But that might not have been a good idea?

I should have taken another approach?

I should've sommoned a few princes?

They usually bring their armies.

Plus Dagon owes me a favor for murdering his followers, so maybe dragging that old leviathan out of the depths of the abyss might have been a better choice.

Lucky shit.

I bet he's taking a long nap like the old fart he is.

Also, what's with being struck with lightning earlier?

It's clear that I'm not in the Arian Empire anymore, did she teleport me somewhere else? I know she's keen on killing Asmodeus not like she can, but why did she have to move me? I literally opened a door to chaos, does she not think I'm more of a threat to the empire than that child?

To be honest.

My daughter isn't the brightest book on the shelf...

And Asmodeus just wants to conquer the realm..

Regardless, his intentions have been the same since the start. And yet the, "intentions" of my daughter have been truly unclear? But from how she's now, it's clear to me that she's with the enemies, the gods, but I guess for now she might be with us... Ugh... This is exactly why I should have raised her instead of her idiot mother.


We're seriously a dysfunctional bunch...

. . . . .

Sitting here and thinking to myself that we wouldn't have been split up in the first place if those two morons weren't at each other's throats; something shifted on the bed and I realized another thing?

"No, I was the only one to get moved?"

"That little shit..."

"She's going to get an earful when I get my hands on her!"

Hearing a feminine voice, "Who's gonna get an earful?" I looked over to my right to see a girl with glossy pink eyes and fair skin, hazelnut hair, and she was looking at me with an eyebrow raised all while being a quarter under sheets?

Yet not bothered by her presence, "My eldest daughter" I saidin responses as she started at me and shifted herself to sit up, "Daughter???" she said confusingly and spoke.

Saying, "That's funny~" but I didn't understand? And looking at her as she had my attention, "How so?" she put a finger on her cheek looking up and thinking for a sec.

Saying, "that's funny~" but I didn't understand? An looking at her as she had my undevided attention now, "How so?" I asked and she put a finger on her cheek thinking for a sec.

Before saying, "Because didn't you turn 18 four months ago?" she said bewildering me as I wasn't expecting that?

And getting that lodge in my head for a moment she spoke once again, this time citing it in more detail which uhh...

"Remember we left work early to celebrate your birthday? Hah, I took your alcoholic virginity by the way and it was so adorable seeing you drunk off your ass for the first time"

What the hell is she talking about?

Somethings not right...?

And looking around the room I heard her voice, "Anyways back to what I was saying? four months ago you were still a virgin and I kind of know that for a fact, don't ask how I know though, I'm practically a goddess if you really wanna know the truth and everything, HaHaHa! Anyway, you were practically a maiden not too long ago so how come you have kids all of a sudden? And why'd you say it like you have more than one?" but something was wrong?

Listening to her talk there were a few important things I picked up on. Which bothers me because that forces me to think out of the box, and force in a theory.

Regardless, essentially what she was going over is...?

I have no idea what she's talking about. . .?

But I got a decent understanding of It?

Looking over at her she flinched, "What's with that harsh look? I'm just curious that's all?" she said in defense but ignoring her and switching matters, I asked.

"I'll answer your questions if you can give me one thing"

Something was definitely wrong...

Looking at me she tilted her head, she's confused, but even though she's confused after a solid second a smile sprung across her face, she's amused and curious now, I can tell by those hungry eyes growing with interest.

Devouring me with those glossy pink eyes of hers, "Whatta you want~ Hiro" her voice tuned sensual and she ate me up with her gaze, I knew what she wanted, but her calling me by that name irritated me so I'm just going to go have to go straight to the point.

Moving my hand and caressing my fingers up the side of her neck, "Tell me, what exactly is today's date?" holding her chin in between my fingers I leaned in over to the side of her face, "I know it sounds silly, but I really just want to hear you say it"

This girl's already into me, I know it from her unsteady breath and glance of eyes, there's no denying it from her tone of voice too, she's easy to follow because she's open about it from how she acts. And so as I'm whispering those words into her ear sensually, I'm merely exciting her by flirting and creating tension between us, which might play in my favor depending on how I act, and her character.

Moving my face back from hers, steadily hesitating to kiss her or making it seem like I was, I backed away before anything could happen.

And sitting there I watched as her face burned light pink.

I had her blushing.

"So, will you say it love, or is that too much to ask for?"

She looks dizzy? "Um, uh, no! Give me a second!"

Hah... it worked. Surprising, I thought it was too dumb?

Reaching down into the covers she grabbed something and pulled out a ??? I don't know what it is? it flashed light and as she moved her thumb through the surface of it, she looked back up and as she did her cheeks sizzled a bit and she paused, but then she pinched the side of her cheek and opened her mouth.

"Today is Sunday~... "

"August 14th~..."

"And the 12th year of the litches reign~..."

Tch... Just as I predicted...

I'm back at the start.

Damn it.

Year 12 of the Izumi's conquest.

The year I was reincarnated to these horrid lands, but also the same year which... Wasn't that bad to be honest, it was just a confusing and difficult time for me.

But if I'm back here then I guess I shouldn't cause much of a ruckus, because unlike that idiot Asmodeus and even my daughter Wendy, I don't fuck with space and time.

Looking back to this girl, I bit my tongue as I was going to have to pretend to be him, ugh, he's such an emotional wreck in these few months, ugh, it's so annoying.

However... I guess I can lighten his load.

We are the same person, and I do still have a grudge against a few to a lot of people wherever we actually are?

Perhaps, this might even might be fun?

. . . . .

Looking over to the girl who I honestly forgot who she was, look it's been a few centuries, I'm not going to remember everyone and or everything, but anyways, looking at her, and noticing that she was still blushing as she looked to me and tried looking away.

I guess I can try to make good relations with...


. . . . .

Turning over "You did well," I said looking at her directly and saying some more despite maybe wanting to just go somewhere else, like anywhere else, don't get me wrong but I dislike everything and everyone from my first year here, and I could go over why but there wouldn't be any point seeing as I would have to try and remember those irritable memories, and I'd rather not remember it.

But I do think I should clear the air from earlier? "Oh, and about earlier" movin my hands to my lap and not bothering to force a smile anymore as that wasn't really my thing, "I guess I might've just been confused?" and hearing me say that she popped back to reality as she went away from her erotic thought I hope, and hearing me and what I had to say she instantly came back and responded to me.

"Confused? Wait I wasn't paying attention, can you go over that again?" she said but I was losing my patients with her, sitting here and doing nothing is getting old, I can't do it

Scouting a little bit closer, I moved onto my knee and crawling and getting up closer to her.

so scooting over some, I moved onto my knees and crawlin over and getting closer to her in a hungry in lust manner.

I spoke, using a mix of sexy body language and a voice um, kind of sensually but still dullish, "I had a dream? A dream with an annoying lot of people I cared for, and yet they're not here and just like you said before, you were on point, and I was mistaken reality for nothing but a dream?"

A dream. If only my life was that of a dream. Maybe then, thn nothin would have taken place for no reason and many beings would still have laid in purity and not laid waste.

Thinking way to much in my head, I thought back.

And looking ahead I stuck to a new aproch.

It shouldn't affect the timeline?

Takin advantage of the situation, "But maybe we can try somethin? something like in a dream but this time it'll actually come true?" getting close and coming in closer than ever, she stuck silent, as for her her eyes were filled with wonder, wonder if what I might be doing and what I was going to do and say next. So grabbing her hand and lifting it to my mouth, nipping her finger in-between my lips, I said in a bored seductive tone. Geeze this is dumb.

Yet I did it anyways, "But I hate dreams because they never last, so let's make it an eternity, here and now," saying that her eyes widened, and as I nipped her fingers many more I looked down at her and said as I stood up on my knees, so saying this full hearted as fake as I was acting, "Here and now," it sounds selfish but that look in her sparkling eyes, she realized exactly what i meant and her breath quickent.

She looked overly excited, "What are you trying to say. . .Hiro" and said that with her hand over her mouth.

Sitting up more and straightening her back to her me just say, let's get pregnant. that looks said she wants to hear it.

So moving my hand up her arm, lickin the tip of her finger, playing in a sexual sensual manner as this might not have sempt like much, but my body felt amazing for the partner and in every manner even though hes not a full incubus, his body with more experience improves, plus she seems to be liking it, so doing it some more, I nipped the tip of her finger and scratched the very tip with my sharp tooth...

Doing this I wanted to taste her irony blood so very bad...

Her flesh must taste amazing, tender and juicy when...

Wanting to take a bite but backing away right before real urges came to HIS body because of me, I motioned my hands away and crossed my arms as I sat on my feet.

Sitting back I didn't like the way it felt so I fell back onto my butt and looked at her, puffing my cheek as I wasn't in the mood to do this anymore, it was a ploy but now I can't.

"Nothing anymore" pouting "What's the point in doing any of this if you can't even understand the importance of what's happening when it's obvious in front of you?!"

"..." Looking at me, "Ah! Wait a minute! The hell are you pouting for! And what do you mean I don't know what you're talking about! Cause I know what you're talking about! I'm just building the mood you idiot!! That's a think you know!!!

Looking away, "Well... You just ruined the mood"


But "If you knew what I was talking about then why didn't? Why didn't you act? If I backed away then why didn't you come forward? And if you say anything because you're a woman, then you're a sexist..." I said back.



"I'm not a sexist! You're sexist!"

"Says the sexist..."

"How are you going to call me a sexist, I haven't done anything against you yet!"


"That's not what I meant!"

"Are you sure? Because sexist like you tend to–"

Antagonizing her, she pounced on me, forcing me to fall back and onto my back where she straddled on top of me, "Tend to what! Tend to what huh!!! Say it!! I dare you, Hiro!"

Yelling on top of me in which I'm not complaining about to be honest, it's actually kind of fun antagonizing her.

"For someone so cute and little who would have thought that they'd be both sexist and crude? My oh my what act" I teased which was serverly pissing her off.

"Shithead if you wanted to get your ass beat before we got back home then that's all you fuckin had to say!!!" rising her first into the air, I slid my hands onto her waist and before she could strike me I said.

"Whatta ya want to do? Kiss or hit me?"

Hearing me say that, her hand froze in the air as she was looking down at me holding her waist and looking to her with a genuine smile.

"Eh!" she looks so mixed up and confused~

I guess I'll enlighten her, "look at the situation before you, you have me pinned and I'm not resisting, speaking out, or fighting back, so you have many options available other than hitting me, especially when your eyes were all over me a second ago~ So look around and take your pick?"

Without her even needing to say a word I spoke.

Sayin, "If the person under you is willing and ain't resistant, other than hitting them you have many other options here, sure you can hit me of couse but I wont promise that you'll not make the person aka ME, hostile towards you. So you can either keep straddling me or continue on making that move. It's your choice but don't blame me for your actions. But if you don't attack me you can look to their reaction to you and how you make them, and by looking at them, and seeing their reaction–" geeze it's like I'm training hookery.

Yet I kept going, "Seeing their reaction can lead to a few things, if the moments good and let's even say that they're more than willing right now, take advantage of this cuz, they more than likely want somwthing to happen–" Me

I'm going to call this hookernese, "As long as they happen to find in interesting though, and if it's not leading down ah bad of path which in some cases isn't so bad if they tend to like it? But other than that, you can also try other moves like trying to arouse the person and or apologizing and getting good in their favor by quickly showing them that you've rationalized yourself. Because you see there are many paths choices you can try. Hundred of options at your disposal, and seeing how it's going, you can try one on the kind spirit under you" who might not kill you for it.

Tipping her with a little advice she was looking down at me like, what the fuck, and yet I felt like she took my words to heart because she lowered her hand down to her front side and continued looking down at me.

"So uh..." Her

"You were just messing with me beforehand?" Her


Looking away, "So then... What next?"

"What do you mean by what next?"

Looking straight at me and hitting my chest, "YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!" taking a breath and calming herself, she then said, "I mean like, we're already this far right? Do you want... Like... Maybe... Ugh why is this so fucking hard!!! Do you wanna have sex or something!" she said with her face sizzling red.

And as she did so embarrassingly, and even I saw that, I laughed, for real, the sheer boldness for something so simple was so funny to me.

"No thanks darling"


Vanishing from under her and reappearing on the left side of the bed, she plopped onto the surface of the bed and I felt a surge of spiritual energy being used up from a mere phantom shift? That took more out of me than I thought it would have? How much strength do I have right now?

Sitting down at the edge of the bed, I heard her say from the middle of the bed, "Hey? Where'd you– How'd you get over there?!" turning around I put my finger up basically telling her to shush, while also actually telling her to.

"Do me a favor and get dressed. I'm going to use the restroom and when I come back let's get outta here"

"How'd you get over there??? Did you... Teleport?!"

She didn't hear me...

So standing up and turning around I sighed..

"Do you want to come with me or not? I'm fine with leaving you behind, but before I can start my day I need to find a drink and then... I don't know, an info guild or alchemist for herbs and potions?"she still wasn't paying attention as she was sitting there rambling to herself.

"Human... I mean, uhhhh, gi– Luv, you there?"

Crawling over and not hesitating, I shook her back to her senses, and as she was back to it, I repeated myself and through she had something to say, as soon as I said that I needed to get a drink she was instantly on board with it all and I'm 100% sure she didn't listen to the rest.

. . . . .

Leaving her to get dressed, it didn't take me long to realize that there were a few major issues about my current spirit, physique, and powers that weren't much of an issue as they weren't going to be there forever seeing as I don't have them in the future.

But noticing them now...

They're hindering me severely and it's as if it was there to prevent me from growing, both as a demon and sorcerer?

And what's throwing me off is that it's as if it wasn't natural but instead placed there? It's as if it was made using pure–

It was placed there using pure magic. . .

That bitch!

The mana was never on our side to begin with!!!