Aster Hiragi [Pt.2]

"I'm going to kill her"

"I'm going to kill her"

"I'm going to kill her"

"That sabotaging bitch!"

"I'm going to slaughter her and her familia!"

Growling in the middle of the hallway, "Hey Hiro, congrats on landing first place in the rank 3 battles, I seriously can't believe everyone else in the top 5 dropped out after your fight with Graymore" someone said, and looking to them they flinched as I was pouring out demonic energies.

Yelling, "YOU!" He tensed up and stepped back, "Yes!" His response was instantaneous and his voice cracked as he was suddenly met with a voice deep in furry.

"Where The Hell Are We!!!"


He quickly answered back and as he did I clenched my fist.

So I'm literally in the house of that scheming bitch!

Turning in full to him I started stepping over.

"Where's Dylan! I know that bastard's alive!"


"The lord of the Natsu Clan, Fire Barron Dylan!"

Hearing these words his eyes flickered open and he looked at me in complete and utter shock, "You're talking about the Supreme Commander..." but before this motherfucker could go on and get defense like I knew he was over that son of a bitch, Dylan.

"Shut up and take me to him now! Him and that bitch are going to get an earful or I'm kicking someone's ass!" I threatened, startling him and as I got over to him and said a bit more, I clenched my fist and raised it between us with the back of my hand facing him.

"Look calm down, I don't know what happened bu–"

But as he was talking I knocked him the fuck out.

Taking my hand back and upper cutting him, it wasn't enough but as he was falling I slammed my foot into his head which slammed against the floor, and that sure as hell as did something to this pathetic insect.

Calm down! Calm down! How dare you tell me to calm down when I literally have more locks made of magic in my body than locks to the prison holding Asmodeus!"

Severely pissed off I walked away, I don't even care that I'm being hypocritical right now, I'm kicking that bastard's ass and forcing him to connect me with the AllMother so I can give her a piece of my mind!

How dare she do this to me.

She's my greatest enemy so far as I see it.

Because these locks have different meanings.

And there are more than fucking locks placed inside of me.

. . . . .

Walking away and not looking back, I walked down the hallway and then down another hallway, and then another hallway and another, and fuck why are there so many fucking hallways!!!

. . . . .


It hits everyone differently..

Punching the wall, I stopped and turned to the wall.

Hitting my head against the wall... The wall is a wall..Wall.

"It won't end. . .I'm in a fucking maze..."

"It's like dealing with Baphomet all over again..."

Staring deep at this white motherfucker, I'm about to tear it down, this fucking wall, these fucking walls, who the hell designed this place!. . .Dylan, you're going to die here.

Imma make you do just like me.

I'm gonna make you walk throughout these hallways until you die on the inside just like me.

. . . . .

But just as this place was looking closer and closer to hell, a door to my left slammed open and someone came rushing out, and looking over and seeing someone rush out.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?!..."

Hearing me the little boy who came running out of the room flinched and then levitated off the ground, but not by choice, with my hand pointing at him and clenched, I used a magical technique called magic hand to grab him.

The runt didn't utter a word, instead, he stayed quiet with his back turned to me and kicking his feet as he was trying to run away.

Walking over to him as I held him in place, I came up behind him and using my other hand not activating this technique, I grabbed him by the collar and stopped using magic hand which dropped him down to his feet but I yanked him so that he wouldn't run away.

And in doing so, something dropped on the ground, and looking over at him, he turned his head to see me. And he trembled as his gaze met mine and I looked over seeing an apple and a few nectarines fall to the ground as his arms were holding fruits and he had horsebread stuffed in his mouth.

Looking at him, tears swelled his eyes, and from the looks of him, he looked as if he knew he couldn't fight back against me, so he just stood there.

"Just some kid huh? You don't know where Dylan is do you" shaking his head out of fear I sighed and gripped him tighter, "Listen up kid, you're going to be my lead today, okay, oh and you don't have much of a choice"

Tears swelled even more in his eyes but after that and him more or less dropping the horsebread from his mouth which lemma just say was in horrible conditions, I more or less abducted this kid for the day so he could lead me out of the temple.

However, since I'm a stranger and this is just some kid...

Well, it's not like anyone's going to care anyways?...

Looking at him he's in torn-up and ragged clothes, he looks overly skinny and from those hungry beggar eyes, I doubt he has anyone at home since he already looks like he's gonna drop dead sooner or later.

Might as well as find a use for him if that's the case.

However after more or less threatening him, we're still in the hallway and his stomach is growling loudly, ugh, he's no use dead, and I need a navigator since I ditched that girl which maybe I shouldn't have left behind...

Looking to the fruit on the ground, they were all rotten and beat up, and as I stood there he squatted down to try and pick them up along with the bread, but as he did and his hand came reaching for an apple, I kicked it and he pulled his hand back looking at me with fear in his eyes.

I'm not letting him eat that "You're not eating that" he'll get sick if he does, from someone who's had kids and or lived as a human, "That shits only going to ruin his body" I said to myself without doubt and as he kept looking at me, I made a decision and said.

Looking him in the eyes which seemed to scare him, "Drop them, you're not taking these nor are you eating them," I said and then looked over to where he came out from, and looking into that room from here, it was stocked with rotten shit that I can barely even consider food and just looking at it makes me want to set fire to this disgusting place.

After looking into that room, I then looked back at him.

"Stay here, I'll come back with something for you to eat"

He tried speaking but his voice, so broken, he just stood there and he meekly nodded his head, or at least he tried.

Going over and stepping into that room, slamming the door behind me, I came back out after a few minutes with this cursed looking apple that was shiny like plastic, covered in swirly, veiny markings, and half of it so mainly just the top was a dark bloodish purple.

Stepping out into the hallway he was still there and waiting, I gotta commemorate him, he didn't run away, "Good boy," I said and he looked at me, but as he did he looked to me, and then the strange apple in my hands.

With him already looking at it, I tossed over the... "Fruit" in my hand and said, "If it screams throw it back, it shouldn't be awake..." Looking at me with widened eyes, he had it in his hand and it beated freaking him out, but looking back to me, he then looked to it and then back to me and after a heavy dry gulp, he hesitatingly bit into it.

"Also I should have said this before, but if you aren't a devil, inferno being, fire sorcerer, demon, and or anything with a good amount of fire affinity, you will die..."

I should have said something before, and when he finally heard me it was too late as he had just swallowed and as he looked at me like I was a monster or something, I crossed my arms and looked back at him.

"To be fair, you ate that at your own risk kid..."

Weakly clenching the apple in his hand, he looked like he was about to cry but as he did, "Your not dead are you? Look you were one of those things I said..." Looking at him, my vision tinted orange, and looking at him I saw a deep orange aura around him, it was small and extremely weak, but it grew slightly, but, at least by 2%, it must be because I gave him the heart of an inferno plant monster from a devil spawn tree... From... Minauros, The Third Hell... Which in my defense, means, he's one of those things...

The orange says a lot though, he's a Fire Sorcerer...

Or devil...

Maybe something else...

Don't really know to be honest...

"Yep, your all good, so eat up...Before it wakes up"

I'm pretty sure I'm scaring this kid? Naw... Doubt it, anyway, looking to him as he was looking at it and then me constantly as he looked to be hesitating to eat this fresh maybe fruit I picked and or stole.

But that can't do, seriously, it can't wake up...

So leaning over I said, "Eat... It...," nicely~

And as I did just like a good boy he scarfed it up, no pressure no nothing, I'm pretty sure he enjoyed it too, actually, wait, maybe I should have gotten 2? I could have eaten one as well, it would have strengthened me a little bit since I don't know, this was the first year right, yeah, I should only be a measly Rank 3-6ish in sorcerer? Right?

Don't remember. But I need to check.

Also, I don't have enough power to pull what I just did sooo.

I guess I'll just have to miss out this time.

. . . . .

With him eating it up,

Now that you're done, and nice, it looks like your strengths grown by 14% kid? Not bad, plus you didn't combust into hell flames so that's a bonus. Nonetheless, since you're done, imma need you to take me somewhere" I said not that he has a choice though.

"Can you do that for me?" Looking down at him, he looked back up and as he was avoiding looking me in the eyes, he put his hands together and nodded his head.

"Also before I do tell you where I need to go, here's a little tip, if you by chance got a seed from that... Apple... I would suggest that you cultivate it, since you're probably a young sorcerer you can negate the negative effects of hell and cultivate inferno sorcery, which are stronger flames than the usual, also you should probably already know how to cultivate, but if you don't all you need to do is sit in the lotus position so legs cross and sitting straight up, hold your hands together with the seed in there, and focus on moving around and controlling and growing your Phyric Energy by taking in natural energy and slowly infusing natural energy from all around which is a slow and hard process but all worth it, especially if you have stuff around you to grow it"

Why am I giving tips to this kid? He'll probably sell it for money anyways.

"Oh yeah and one thing, don't even try and sell this, if you're found with it they'll consider you a heretic and kill you since these bastards fear the unknown"

And since that thing he had, I know he has a seed, well that seed can grow a devil spawn tree, which just as it sounds, is an issue.

Looking to the runt, he listened to what I had to say as he was directly looking to me and occasionally back to the pearl-like seed in his hand the entire time I was speaking.

"So protect it with your life, got it, also don't bleed on it"

The runt nodded his head and it made me glad to know that I was probably going to create a huge fucking disaster in the future by during this...

"Anyways, put that in your pocket or wherever, I'm going to need you to take me somewhere to get liquor, Imma be honest with you, me sober isn't always the best thing, especially after a day like this, which involves demons... Both, inner and real..."

Listen to me he did as asked and he led me out of the Sorcerer's base, but from where he took me it looks as if he snuck into this area, because he took me down a secret passage where it led to a not-so-clean and good looking area of the sorcerer's territory which looked to be where the lesser sorcerer families and not important took refuge, which means it's also where he lived, but not paying much attention after being led to some gates and led out, we left and went to a tavern which looked to be in squalid conditions but from how this may be and might be mute boy acted out, it was a safe spot for people like him which he described using actions and conjuring a very weak flame in his hand.

While in there I just asked for a glass of liquor and since I have no coin or anything, I did what anyone would have done in my situation, and. . . . . . . . .

Told them to bill the parent of Hiro Natsu of the Natsu clan.



. . . . .

Already feeling tipsy from half a glass of liquor.

I looked to the boy next to me who was twiddling his thumbs and just being there, sure they said something about him and how he was a kid, but, I told them he wasn't drinking which I guess they thought I was going to give him something or something?

I think they might have been joking though?

The barkeep seems to know the kid.

Good to know.

Anyway, looking to the kid as he was just there and not saying anything, I looked at his skinny physique and it looks as if he's been beaten up not too long ago?

Those bruises look fresh.

Not my problem though...

Grabbing the glass of liquor, I scooted it over.

"You look like you need this more than me"

Saying that he grabbed it, and as he curiously took a sip, instantly he spit it out everywhere making me burst out into laughter, he was rubbing his tongue and everything, it was hilarious.

"Kid, you're supposed to drink it, not spray it, hahaha"

"Hey keep, get the kid anything he wants, it's on me!"

With that out of the way and the keeper doing so and handing the kid a glass of water, this time the kid was hesitant on drinking due to my clear liquor he had before, anyways, with the keeper taking care of him for me, I took back my drink and with a little sip as this body had like no tolerance whatsoever, I then stretched my arms towards the air.

Doing that, I then decided on what to do, but actually, before that, I need to do something about this form, it's irritating and itchy, ugh, someone half-assed a transformation spell? Dumbass. How do you fuck this up?

With my hands back in front of me and on the glass, I moved my left hand onto the counter, and with a little focus of magic being pushed out from my finger, I drew a magic incantation using that magic so I didn't screw up like the spell caster who casted this transform spell.


Easy as that, the spell broke and sitting on the stool I was a smaller person than before, taller than the runt next to me who's looking at me and burning a hole into the side of my head with his staring, but still small compared to most.

"Kid, it's a rare occurrence for me to show my original form, so be glad you're ever going to lay eyes on it, this will be your first and your last time seeing me like this"

Saying that and not looking over to him, I continued with what I was doing.

"Now that that's dispelled"

"Time to return to my primordial form"

With the blink of an eye my body started becoming bigger and after a few seconds and steam sizzling off of me from my flesh, blood, bone, etc, growing out of thin air using none other than demonic energy, after I stopped growing I just sat there.

Looking at my hands...

I was disappointed...

These aren't my hands...

Too weak...

Too soft...

No blisters...

Ugh, pathetically weak...

"I was expecting to return to my human form"

"This is his human form not mine"

"Even a farm girl has more strength than this guy..."

"What is he even doing..."

Looking to myself, I then examined myself, and after downing the rest of the liquor and even some more which was a whole other glass, I then focused my strength all around since it wasn't hard to grade the weak...




He needs to train...

He needs to be chased down and hunted...

He's too weak...

He's basically an ordinary human so far...

There's no way I could be like him.

Well, not anymore...

I need to fight...

I'm gonna fight myself right now for his weakness.

Standing up and turning to the kid, "Stay here, I am going to run to the restroom, kay" eating something he gave a thumbs up and I walked over to the restroom and when I got in there, I walked over to the only one mirror in there and looking into.

"Listen up you little shit, I know you're awake and you can hear me, so shut the fuck up because I know your talking shit" saying that to myself in the mirror.

I then started listing out his current stats.

"You have the strength of a Rank 1 fighter"

"You have the strength of a Rank 3 Fire Sorcerer"

"You're not even a Demon belonging to the 1st Choir Yet"

"You're half baked, truthfully pathetic as a lesser demon"

"There are many issues wrong with our body, dumbass"

"We're currently starving, I can feel my insides twisting"

"You haven't decided whether or not to fuse your magic with your demon side or your sorcery or spit both ways"

"Plus look at you, not an ounce of viable muscle"

"You're weak, Hiro!"

"No offense but I suggest you head to Camelot this year, don't wait 2 years, trust me, there's nothing for you here, these people, who needs them, let hate consume you for all I care, hate everything and everyone, its better that way, because if survival is what you actually want, than you'll listen to me and focus on growing your Demonic powers, you're a damn Devine Demon for fucks sakes, grow your darkness, that's my only tip for you, but than again, you're a stubborn fuck, and I know that all too well, so hear this, Hiro"

"Asmodeus is coming whether you like it or not. You want to kill him, well I won't tell you which one of us dies, so go on an adventure, makes friends, make allies, get stronger, as strong as you can for when he comes, when you get to challenge him, it may take a 100 years or it may take 10, the time will come and by than you need to be ready..."

"Also, if you do listen to me, you're going to want to bring Levi Natsu of the purple flame branch, he's pretty annoying but in some cases, he's also quiet, either way, you're going to want to help him get stronger too, his branches forging abilities are rather useful, so keep him alive and well"

Telling him enough of what he needs to know, and maybe altering the truth a little bit so his choices lead in my favor, I then turned around and left back to the tavern, this was going to be a long day.