Aster Hiragi [Pt.3]

Leaving the restroom, I stepped back into the tavern to see that it was a complete mess with wood and glass, and the dreams of every alcoholic spilled onto the dirty floor, and to make it deeply personal, that kid I kidnapped was lying cold on the ground with blood mixed with bubbly alcohol under his head.

Looking to his cold lifeless body on top of shattered glass and alcohol, blood kept flowing out of his head and onto the wet ground, and as I stood there silent and indifferent.

Looking to the corpse of the kid, "It's truly a shame to see such a thing" such a pathetic youth laying dead on the floor from an insignificant blow to the head, he's such a disappointment I should have just killed him myself.

Walking to the corpse of the boy "Who said you were allowed to die, I haven't allowed you to die so get up, Human Boy" I said walking over to the corpse of the kid, and as I did I heard a crack of glass and looked up.

Looking up there were 5 pieces of trash hassling the keeper, with his back to the wall and then in front of the counter, I then glanced at each one of them and looking to the closest one to me, he had blood on his cheek.

"You killed the kid huh?"

Looking at him he tried reacting in some way, but before a single word could leave his mouth, I was behind him and in the middle of the 5 humans.

"Phantom Step, Art of the Assassins, neat huh?"

I said taking the dull knife out from the side of his belt and using it to stab him in the shoulder, kicking the ground and turning to the others around me, grabbing both shirts left and right of me and using what was left of my sorcery to blast them with my fire powers.

There were two more to my front sides and as the one to my right hit the counter from my blast and startled the keeper, I opened my hands and rose them to my chest releasing my demonic aura.

Red and black haze started forming into the material plane and everyone in the tavern suddenly trembled in fear at the sense of a demonic and or abyssal nightmare, on which this aura made them tremble like they were in a nightmare and I was the core of it all.

"Kneel or I'll eat you"

Turning back around and not paying mind to the two in front of me, I kicked the back of the knee to the man with the dulled knife in his shoulder, and then grabbed it tearing it out and kneeling down quickly and stabbing him in the calf as he's also kneeled from my kick.

With demonic energy encircling me and me taking out the five humans with two of them giving up peacefully, I stood there in the middle, and as I was back on my feet, I grabbed the red hair of the one I stabbed and kneeling I slammed it onto the glass and booze covered ground.

The two I blasted were out of commission, awake or not they didn't move and I knew they weren't dead from such weak attacks, so with them out and the others surrounding behind me, I was just slamming this guy's head into the glass and booze ground consistently, counting to 5 as blood started dripping onto the ground.

Stopping after 5 and him pretty much fucked up, I looked over to the two who surrendered, "Did he kill that kid?" I pointed over to the corpse of the worthless kid.

"N-No!" they both screamed.

"Who killed him..."

Pointing to the man at the counter who was bent over the counter and probably unconscious, I dropped the head of the bloodied up guy, and grabbing a chunk of glass that cut my hands when I grabbed it.

Not hesitating I stabbed the man in the throat, forcing him to choke on his own blood as I used both hands, one holding his head down to the ground and the other with the sharp glass, in which I then started moving, and with the glass stuck in his throat, I started slicing upwards and as his body was resisting it was too late as I slashed out a good part of his throat in which he tried thrashing around and grabbed his neck on which I stabbed his hand and then stabbed him back in a different part of the neck.

He wasn't dead yet but with him choking on his own blood I let go and then stood up, "Not a word or your both next" I said to the two on their knees surrendered, and as they stayed silent and looked to their dying friend, and then to the surrounding people, who were young slum sorcerers of the Natsu clan, they were all shitting their pants as they looked to me and could sense my aura clearer than everyone else.

Walking over to the killer of the kid, I looked over to the keeper, "Put the damages on my tab, also, hand me one of those booze" I said and despite him being frightened, he handed me a glass of booze and nodded to what I said.

Getting over to the killer, I went next to him as he was bent over the counter with the back of his shirt blown out and crispy from my fire, and getting a good look at the bastard, I gripped the bottle and slammed it over his head, making his body jerk but not waking him up.

"Another bottle" blood was slightly leaking from his head and the keeper handed me another bottle.

Slamming it over his head again his body jerked, and more blood started leaking out as I hit the exact same place, "Another bottle..." MoRe BlOoD...

Slamming this over his head, his body didn't jerk, and blood started flowing out from the side of his head I bashed with glass.

"Who said you could die!"

Not caring if he actually died or not, I shouted that and grabbing his shoulder, threw him onto the ground where I stomped his chest and pointed my hand at him, using my magic to fule my sorcery and charge a chaotic mass of unstable fire at him.

Not hesitating or holding my punch as fire blasted his face and scorched his flesh, sending a wave of fire out from the blast to all around the tavern making some yelp.

Looking up to see that there were sorcerers and just people also here in here with us, and a lot too, I then clenched my fist. . .

But then I opened my palm and chose violence as I started rapidly shooting bolts of fire at the face and chest of this scumb bastard.

Wanting to do more. . .And I mean a lot more. I gritted my teeth and stepped away as now wasn't the time to be consumed with bloodlust.

Looking over to the other unconscious guy, I put my hand out and using my spiritual powers, I used force grip and just like using magic hand I grabbed him, but using this force ability, I clenched the focused the force around his throat and with a crush of my hand, I snapped his neck and then threw him over to where the other one was in front of me, and the also new dead guy who choked on his own blood.

Looking back over to the guys who surrendered and they looked like they were shitting themselves right now, I put both hands up, and they grabbed their own necks as they felt something around them.

"Pathetic, can't even resist my telekinesis"

Snapping their necks, I then walked over to the kid, ignoring everyone else and even the keeper who sighed in relief as they were dead but didn't do anything else due to me and my wicked aura.

Walking over to the corpse of the kid, I grabbed him by the leg, not even bothering, I hurled him over to the bunch of corpses, with his corpse now laying on blood and corpses surrounding his.

I then walked over and raised my hand.

"I never said you could die yet"

"I still have a use for a pathetic human like you"

With my hand at chest level, I then opened it and rose it up into the air, black chains appeared connected to the five bastard corpses and in my hand, a black metallic stake conjured from a black wisp that flew into my hand.

"The steps to raise the dead are too boring so let's just skip it and do like my predecessors had before me to raise you, useless idiots, back"

Kneeling down I ran my hand down to the pockets of the kid and grabbing the devil spawn tree seed, "Maybe I can create something better than a stupid zombie?" placing the seed on the back of the stake and pressing my thumb into it, the black metallic stake then conjured red markings onto it, and with that at hand, I stabbed the stake into the chest of the boy, piercing his heart.

Standing back up after staking him, motioning both hands, light red spheres started to arise from out of the five bastard corpses and looking to those tainted souls.

The black chains on the corpses then shot up and grabbed the red tainted in evil souls and it looked to be as if the chains started absorbing the souls, because the souls got smaller and red veins started appearing with energy being transmitted through the black chains into the center thing which was the stake.

The five souls were then sucked up by the chains and sent into the stake which was then poured into the body of the boy after the black stake glew a light red, and after what was in it poured into the boy, his corpse started jerking and tugging around.

Looking around to the witnesses of this, I then lifted both hands up and squeezing them into fists, I grinned, "I know every one of you belongs to my clan, tell anyone about today and this will be you" clashing my hands into a fist the corpses of the head started to fold into each other and then started being crushing with blood spewing out and bones pricing flesh and stabbing out of the flesh as their bodies started condensing.

Opening my hands back up I then focused and conjured 5 barriers around the corpses because this was about to get messy.

Slapping my hands together and clamping down, using all the strength I had, the corpses of blood, flesh, and bone started condensing and I forced them into little balls of flesh and blood the size of softballs, with the blood being the only thing that couldn't stay in the ball, which when letting go of the barrier the blood spilled all onto the ground.

The 5 balls then fell to the ground around us and with a big smile, I openly said.

"It's the AllMother's faulty this is happening, she was the one who demanded sacrifices and here I am to bring it, brothers, oh but the lord is good because she didn't command some mortal to do her dirty work, she commanded a great devil to do such hanus acts~"

I bad mouthed their lord in hopes of that bitch coming out to defend herself, but as I looked around to the visibility scared sorcerers and people, none became her voice or becons, I guess she doesn't care huh?.. Hah.

Speaking that in hopes to antagonize someone, I felt the presence of a pathetically weak devil behind me, and turning around I watched as the kid's corpse sat up.

Hahaha, he's back, however...

I created a devil, not an inferno monster thingy or something cool.

Sigh, lame...

The kid was panting and looking at his bloodied hands and then to all around him, shit, looking at the softballs of flesh, now I wish he had become a zombie so that I could have fed him that and not turned him into one of the greatest enemies of the demon tribe.

Going over to the kid and squatting down before him.

"Listen up... You died, I murdered a few people, your not a human anymore, I'm a demon and you're a devil, we're both still sorcerers but there's a catch, if the Natsu clan finds us out we're as dead as the bastards who killed you, so before I have to murderer everyone in this tavern for precautionary sakes, let's go, I have things to do and you still have to help me around"

The kid looked to me with great confusion, but lending a hand out, he looked to me surprised, but took it regardless of his circumstances, he took it and got up, and not letting go of his hand, I looked back to the keeper and said,

"Don't forget, tell and you die, just like this"

Leaving, we reached the doors and I raised my hand.

Looking to the kid who looked at me confused but then smiled, I smiled back at the devil and clenched my fist, leaving the tavern I heard dozens of thuds.