Aster Hiragi [Pt. 4]

Leaving the tavern we were slathered in blood, I should have done something about this before we left... But it's not a good idea to head back and steal some clothes...

Like we could, the tavern door is only a few feet away from us... However... Uhh... Kid's been throughout enough and I have places to be. . . Of course.

Looking back down to the devil, half of his face was covered in blood and glass, he might not have been able to feel it or maybe he can? But I can't leave him like that.


Looking to me.

"I have business back in the sorcerer's territory"

"Let's head back"

He nodded and we started walking back, while doing that I turned off my demonic aura which was weaker in this body but enough for me to conjure a threatening awareness in a smaller area.

* * *

Someone: "Found him" someone's voice hit ear like a nant and hearing that, I knew it was for me, after all, that voice isn't that forgettable, even in the state I'm in now.

Looking back to the kid holding my hand still, "Kid, so before I met you I was with some human, I more or less left her behind and now I think she found me, so I need you to do me a favor and jump" looking back at me he looked like he had many questions, but I couldn't answer this devil because her voice crept me out and I feel that I might now be in danger, "Jump!" I said and he did, but in doing so I pulled him up, grabbing the under parts of his legs, and wrapping my arm around his back, running with him in my arms.

Running with him in my arms, I turned into an allyway avoiding the open area, [Phantom Boost] I bounced off the ground and onto the wall where I propelled myself onto the roof of a small shapely building where I just stayed there and then heard the running of that girl who was following us.

"Where'd they go?!" she said to herself while running.

Not looking because I didn't know how well her awareness was or if she had any skills or were, I don't know, anything other than an ordinary human? So I just stayed up there with this kid still in my arms waiting for her to pass.

. . . . .

Losing her, I let the kid go and then safely dropped back down to the ground and got him back down, catching him, and letting him down, before walking into a more loose area where there weren't many people.

Regardless of what they think, by the time the guards are called, we'll be long gone from here, even if we're sized for the blood covering us, it's not that uncommon for things like this to happen, conflict is everywhere and I just thought back to were we are... So maybe not, hm? Either way, I can get us out of this, after all, I'm still a... What was I again, ugh, I keep forgetting, yeah, Matsuda sorcerer?...

Maybe... I Don't care anymore, it's not important to me.

I'm bored... I wanna fight... Geeze, I have terrible impulses.

Walking back to the temple, there weren't any guards to the gates where we entered from, and that was good and all but that got me thinking about this place's crappy defense, like is it everywhere or just around here?

Because, when we were sneaking out I saw some guards in the nicer area of this place, but maybe it might just be because that's where the higher up families are?

These are squalid and lesser areas, now that I'm actually thinking about it, that's no wonder there aren't any defenses here, the clan doesn't care about this area or the families here...

This clan is starting to piss me off.

Before heading to do what I came here to do, which was a 4 step process, first, complete demonhood because being incomplete is annoying, especially when he doesn't have an aura or power and I have to force it. Second, which I have to leave the realm for a short while. Third, butcher a few sorcerer families. Forth, murderer Dylan and ruin the reputation of the AllMother's Fire faction. But before all that, I need to rinse the blood off me and the kid and get us something to wear, also I need to find some equipment.

With priorities set, "Kid, let's stop by your place and get outta these rags, clean ourselves, then proceed" I said and we went back to his squalid shack made from weak wooden planks and a hey fiber tarp.

It's practically a makeshift tent, just bigger and square.

Walking inside:

The insides consisted of 4 sections: The bottom left consisted of a carven out space which acted as his bed, it was rectangular in shape and there seemed to be a stolen quilt which separated him from the dirt. The top left was where there were scrap materials which looked more or less like worthless junk, it was mainly metals that from my understanding could be traded around town for coppers, but only if it was a blacksmith or fletcher who made shitty metal arrows. The top right had a bucket of drinking water which looked to be severely depleted and then the bottom right had a shoe covered in holes and split apart.

. . . . .

Standing in the middle of this tragic art project, "This reminds me of my 20s whenever that was?" looking at me wondering if that was a compliment or diss, it was both.

Going over to the kid and kneeling down to him, I reached over to the side of his face, "Don't worry much about it, now stay still, you have glass on your face, I'll get it out for you" I told him and he now realizing that it was there as I started before he could use an action response, he took a deep breath in and tensed up so I could get it out.

Spending a few minutes removing glass from his face, there were little cuts up there but it wasn't that noticeable to me, what I noticed more was how he didn't flinch when I was pulling them out of his cheek and into my hand which stung because I cut it on glass earlier, slitting some man's throat.

Removing the glass and moving it to the side next to the busted up shoe, I came back and took a look around, I froze up for a second before looking behind me and then turning back to him.

"Kid, I need a favor, go fill that bucket with fresh water, there should be a pump somewhere near and if you need to just tell the guards over in the other area that Hiro Natsu directed you to their supply to gather water"

Nodding his head, he went over and grabbed his bucket.

"Now take your time coming back kid, we're not in a rush or anything, however, it really would be a shame if someone were to find out you commented a serious betrayal of becoming a devil no matter who's at fault. Anyways, have fun out there, take your time~"

More or less scaring the kid, he nodded his head vastly and then rushed out into the front through the tarp curtain way.

More or less scaring the kid, he nodded his head fastly not actually realizing what it meant to switch sides, however, after he did and me not questioning it, he rushed out and went through the taped curtain into the front with the bucket to collect the water.

With his rushing out into the front, I sighed, that child won't last long, after clearly thinking that out, I walked out of the shack and into the back of the shack where there were five cloaked figures just standing there.

"Angles..." They've been back there for a minute now.
