Aster Hiragi [Pt.5]

Their formation was the headless pyramid: It's a basic formation that puts the strongest combatants up front while using the others who specialize in other aspects in the back to support or surround and back up.

. . . . .

The cloaked in white angel on my left closest to me turned to the only other angel next to it and pointed at me, "See Mitchell, we should have killed him last time!" Her voice came out but both me and the rest of their troops looked at her and then to him and then to her and then to him and then him to me and then the others to me as she was still looking up at him.

Speaking, "Demon, it seems we meet again, but this time, it doesn't look to be on the best of terms" the voice of this angel sounds so familiar, "However unlike before, I said that if you didn't behave yourself we would have to kill you, now's not the case anymore, you and the kid are under arrest and need to come with us to the heavens," he said but his voice was sounding so very familiar?

"Mitchell, are we seriously going to arrest them?!" left angel.

"I agree, this one seems too dangerous to let live" a back angel 1.

"You saw what happened captain, he killed those people" a back angel 2.

"Not to mention he manipulated souls to make that... Thing" a back angel 3.

"You're exaggerating..." I meddled in but was ignored.

"And that's exactly why we need to take them in–" I didn't like how they ignored me so I cut this guy off before he could go on with his whole faith and lord ideology or whatever the hell he was going to go on with.

"And who gave you such permission to do so... Mitchell?" I said looking to the angel in white before me, but in doing so I got a reaction out from the angel next to him, "You dare!–" but she was cut off as I took a step up and looked to him as he and they continue to disrespect me by not showing basic manners and at least showing their faces.

*Memory Crack*

Losing color, the world seemed to be more black and white the more I looked to these feathery, dressed in white creatures standing before me. Who were they, where was I again, I don't feel in place, it's almost like the time I was imprisoned in the void.

Looking to the angels in front of me, uh, rogues maybe?

I should despatch of them and then return back to the plane of fire. I still have a contract to collect from Lord Galium.

"Forgive me, I forgot what I was planning to say? However, that won't matter, I'm going to give you a choice since I'm busy, leave now, or die, I need to return to the plain of fire"

The middle Angel in the back growled, "You arrogant filth!" and grabbed his large blade from his back, flapping his bright white wings and shooting himself at me without waiting for his crew to act with him.

But as he dashed at me, [Soul Recovery] using 3 innocent souls I recovered my Mana, Demonic energy, and enhanced myself in an agility buff for the next 7 seconds.

Coming at me I kicked off to the side and as he got to me, I grabbed his shirt and kicked him in the gut, with my agility boosted though, as he took my blow to the gut, I yanked him in and forcing my body to grow claws I straightened my hand out and stabbed him in the eye taking his eyes out easy.

He tore away from me after I targeted his eyes, but as he did, and I realized how weak I was in the moment, I grabbed his wrist and grabbing the guard of the weapon I moved my hand into a space, kicked the ground, and turned, ripping his weapon out of his weak hand grip.

He moved away and I got his oddly shaped broad sword.

And in these 2 seconds, the others begin to react to what happened and as the 2 other back came around from the sides as they were still reading their weapon, the left front angel jumped and the right one looked at me from under his white hood.

Jumping back, I was standing in front of a makeshift tarted shed? And as my back was to it, I stomped my foot in front of me and I raised my blade facing them while my other hand was open and charging a swirling mass of dragon fire and sizzling lightning.

However these Angels sought death as the two of them were already on my sides and aiming to kill me... No mercy, one jumped into the air flapping her wings and the other came dashing around trying to throw me off.

But not looking away from the one on the ground, I shot a 6x6 mass of dragon dense energy of fire and electric at the flying angel which followed with blazing fire going far up into the air and then exploding into a clouds worth of mass and looking to the third angel, shifting myself as he didn't instantly attack, I moved and aimed my free hand at him shooting a mass of dense Phyric energy at him.

Blasting him away along with the surrounding makeshift houses and area, which I can feel the chaos that the attack had done as the smell of death was faint but there.


Turning back to the 3 Angels, the middle guy was stunned and holding his face as blood covered his other eye, and as he was there and the one to his left drew their blade and was planning on doing something, I used the sword throwing skill of the Imperial Markilians and threw the sword hard, landing a perfect hit on his abdomen.

Not killing him instantly, but it was a fatal blow.

With that now in him though, I kicked the ground and used magic hand, grabbing the blade and pulling it back into my hand, getting back in my original sword stance for the next two.


The left Angel in front of me screamed as the middle guy dropped down to the ground. How pathetic, they weren't even a challenge, what level were they?

Rushing to her fallen brotheren she dropped down to her knees grabbing him as he was still alive? In doing so I left such be as I dropped my stance and pointed my blade at the one who hadn't moved this entire time.

"You're not the same Young Demon we met in that forest a few weeks ago are you?" looking to the indifferent Angel speaking, I lowered my sword and spoke.

"A few weeks ago I wasn't on world, what are you speaking of Angel?"

Not waiting as we spoke, I collected my loot, channeling spiritual energy and pulling the 2 angelic souls far away back to me and pulling the newer soul in front of me to me, startling them, as a bright whitish-blue sphere came out from the corpse of that angel and floated to me.

3 spheres came to me and as both angels looked to me with widened eyes, I opened my mouth and the 3 condensed, I then proceeded to swallow them whole in all before their eyes and as I knew that look, I said.

"Your too weak to beat me, Angels"

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU" the angel on her knees screamed in a wave of rationing anger.

"Me?" looking to her, I looked to him as he was in complete shock and then back to her as tears ran down her face, hm, I guess I can answer her question before I finish them off?

"I'm Aster, Demon Prince of Calamity"

"D-Demon Prince" she stuttered.

Meanwhile, "Aster? Demon Prince? What happened to the Young Demon Hiro Natsu? Has he offered his body up as a vessel to you, Demon of Calamity, Aster?..." he asked and I tilted my head as he mentioned my old name?

*Memory stability*

Remembering exactly what the hell was happening, a vile smirk crept up onto my face, hah, Hiro buddy, I'm going to tamper the hell out of our history to benefit me, no hard feelings.

"Hah~ So you wanna know what happened to the kid huh?"

"Very much, we were assigned to him, not you"

"Very well than"

Ah, I remember him, Mitchell Riser, he won't attack me unless it's in self-defense or it's apart of his orders, he doesn't care about title or threat unlike that loudmouth next to him.

"The Runt's been forced into a sleep"

"How so?"

"I'm possessing his body that's so!"

"Then let me ask you this Mister Aster–"

"I'm just borrowing his name, don't use it"



"Demon, about your ability to manipulate souls, I know I'm unable to capture you so I'll just ask you instead of–"

"You going to ask about this power are you? Well there's nothing much about it, only 3 demons have the powers to do so, one's locked in a coffin in which your people hope he never awakens from, there's me, and then there's the kid your targeting, the ability of soul is something only we have and no one else can use or obtain, oh and, if you and the rest of heaven do anywho other than observe the kid, I will flood these lands with the abyss's guts"

Looking me in the eyes, he spoke, and I spoke back, we talked for a while, while the other angel got back on her feet eventually, but she was silent, and as we spoke and came to an understanding between Demon and Angel.

But just as we talked about how he wasn't going to inform the heavens and me manipulating things to my best ability, suddenly we heard steps, or at least I did, and by the time it came to all of our ears.

"Look at what we have here, Angels!"

Surrounding us, sorcerers of higher presences appeared, and as we were surrounded, another few voices came to ear.

"And looky at what we got here brothers, Hiro was trying to steal all the glory, look he already took down one, bad enough the trash won first place in the 3rd rankings but now he's attracting and hunting angels!" a powerful sorcerer spoke and sounded almost proud.

"Hiro?" Looking over a concerned ginger girl looked at me with her hands on her chest and her eyes wide and soft.

"Hiro! The hell are you doing here!" looking over a tanned girl with mixed brown and black hair yelled that as she stood next to a light-skinned sorcerer with aquatic energy surrounding her.

"Wow, what a sight" looking over my eyes popped.

"Zim???" the hell is he doing here!

That motherfucker.

Ahh, okay, if he's here and that's the case, hahaha, fuck it, have fun Hiro, this is my little present to you!!!

Looking away from these fuckers and back to the Angels, "You should go, we can have a chat another time, maybe without such a violent outcome though" saying that I approached and scorers reacted to what they heard.

"Hiro what are you doing?! These AllFather bastards need to die here and now!"

Some man said, but as he did, a slick grin spread across my face and I went over to the Angels who readied themselves to fly away, and I turned around with my back to a very hostile angel chick and new accomplice.

But she didn't attack and as I was facing them, I conjured a bright whiteish blue Angel soul into my palm.

Holding it out and to my chest level, I laughed.

"Hiro? Who's that!"

Eating the bright soul in front of them all, my shadow shifted and evolved below me, but on the outside nothing happened and I smiled as I looked to the surrounding sorcerers.

"I'm the Arch-Demon of chaos!–" name? I need a fake name! "Sydney! And I will plunder everything back to the abyss!" I said and the angels behind me flapped their wings to leave, meanwhile, I can feel something?

I can feel a surge of new demonic power ripple through the air around me and stab into my skin, trying to forcible grow me and complete me. Hahaha. I'm almost ready to evolve into a full demon!

But where's the fun of evolving if I can't enjoy some chaos~

Leaping into the air as those angels flew away, I clenched my fist!

"DEMONIC DOMAIN!!! Home Of The Abyss! "

* * *2 days later: Brought to you by Hiro's drunky self and his dumb butt spinning on a spinning chair~ which is spinning and spinning and spinning* * *

*Alarm Ringing-×××*

Waking up, holy fuck my body hurts like hell! Sitting up it felt like it was about to crumble and my ears rang a little bit, ugh what a hangover!

Rubbing my eyes something felt different?

Looking around???....

Looking around I was on a bed in a completely empty bedroom with no windows and only a dark brown door? Where am I? And why does my body hurt so bad?!

"Yawn?... I'm never drinking again..."