
Laying back onto my side, I'm going to sleep, this is what I need right now, I just need to go back to sleep and sleep it off, that's the best medicine for hangovers.

*Alarm Ringing-×××*

That ringing is awful, sitting back up and turning over, I turned to whatever was making that ringing, and looking over next to my pillow, how did I miss that? It was next to me? There was a silver colored alarm clock?

*Alarm Ringing-×××*

Grabbing the fluffer, I looked for what was keeping it on, but there wasn't anything on the top, the sides, even the bottom? "Ugh, you're so annoying!" Squishing the thingy between both hands and growling at it, the door clicked.

"Your so loud, shut up!" I screeched at this fluffer!

"Rise and shine! No more sleeping~!" Someone?

Not paying attention to whoever entered this room, I turned over onto the bed and got on my knees, grabbing the pillow, I lifted it up and threw the alarm clock onto the bed, and then I slammed the pillow onto the alarm clock and it started muffling the ringing.

Meanwhile the door clicked.

"Good afternoon Hiro, glad to see you slept well"

Looking over to who's irritable voice was making sound, it was that guy? The Incubus? Lex? Yeah, almost forgot it there for a sec.

"Please, this hangover says otherwise..."

"Well that's what happens when you celebrate kiddo~"


I'm confused? We celebrated something last night?

He smiled, "You don't remember?" but before I could ask especially with that overly suspicious look on his face, he took out a folded piece of paper and came over to me, plopping it onto the bed next to me and saying.

"That's a shame but I'll just go ahead and tell you~"

"Tell me what?"

"That it's official~"

What is he talking about? "What's official!" I asked already scared for whatever this Demon had on hand and ready to throw out.

"Just look at the paper"

I'm scared, what did he do...


Grabbing the folded papers I opened them up to find 3 papers together, looking to the first one hesitantly, I paused... Looking to the second one, I... Silent... Just silence... Dropping the papers next to me, I didn't even bother with the 3rd one. . .

"Congratulations, from today on you'll be living with us~"

"Kiddo~" Him

Looking up at this bastard, "You adopted me?" I'm 18? What the fuck? Is this even possible? Also! WHEN THE HELL DID I SIGN A RESIDENTIAL CONTRACT WITH HIM!!!

"I had to, after all, Hiro is dead"

"What..." Me


Crossing his arms, he looked down to me sighing, "Why are you shrieking? That's how you stated it yesterday, I'm just saying it back since you obviously forgot everything?" He said but my heart dropped and I was just sitting there.

"I'm dead... Imma ghost..."

"You're not a ghost? You're a Demon?"

Shooting up "LIKE THATS BETTER!" Becoming a ghost is better than being a Demon!

"Hiro, shuddup..." his voice because serious and as I was all panic and bark, he put his hand on my little shoulder, holy crap I'm small again? Anyways, he put his hand on my shoulder and then said.

"Look, I know how you're feeling right now, or, how you're going to feel in these next few minutes, Hiro trust me when I say I can relate, because I can"

I have no clue what he's saying? "What are you talking about? What's with this I know how you feel and are going to feel all of a sudden???" I asked.

Putting both hands on my shoulders,

"Hiro, you don't exist anymore, and it needs to stay that way, those 18 years you lived as Hiro, their gone, also, that form, please, don't ever return back to it, from now on you need a new name and identity, because that old person you were basically died, and if still alive, that human Hiro Natsu will be hunted down and killed by his fellow Natsu Sorcerers because he, Hiro, is a traitor to his fellow human sorcerers"

He said and I wanted to take it as a joke, but he was completely seriously without a shred of him jesting.

And I froze in place.

He couldn't be serious...

I just got here...

What am I now, just a stowaway?

A drifter...

It wasn't supposed to end this way!!!

What did I even do?

No... I remember what I did.

No... I remember what he did!


"Hiro!" looking at him with a face full of fury, "Calm down, there is nothing any of us can do about any of this, but don't forget, you are still a Demon, this would have happened sooner or later, we're just glad that we were there before they figured you out and then singled you out" he said as if he was the reason why I was alive.


"I wish that none of this would have happened, truly, it must be tearing you apart right now, so I'll give you some time to adjust, but I need you to think about a few things"

Holding back a lot of words.

"Like what!...Lex..."

"That's up to you to decide"

"I don't get it? What do you mean???"

Saying that, he took out another thing of folded papers from his pocket,

"Look, I have something important to do because we've been gone for, shoot, a long while and I didn't tell the others that we came back yesterday, and to be honest, that's for you to decide, makes no sense, but it might one day, also, your room number is 6"

He said handing me the folded paper, in which I wanted to say something to him first, but he got me to grab it and then he left immediately.

With him gone and him also forcing this paper into my hands, I looked to it, why the hell did he give me this? He didn't even say anything about it? He just gave it to me?

Opening it up.

Paper Letter:

You know who this is.

Look I don't have a lot of time,

I can feel the power of the elder gods tearing through the fabrics of space and time, they're coming for me, so I'll keep it quick before I go, wherever I'm supposed to be?

Basically, You're too weak as you are now, and those fuckers in Hiro's life are only going to hold you back, so what I did was complete your demonic evolution into an incubus, congrats, now you're a demon, weak shit, I don't care if you dont like it, be grateful your not a Treant. Also, I did a few things changing your/our life, Imma make that fucker Asmodeus suffer, we will, so take my advice and stick with these 2 people, Lexitory, and Haley, you don't know her yet, but she's a Hiragi in Camelot who'll train you whenever you decide to go. You better go this year, or else something bad will happen, this could be a bluff but it could also not, so beware kid.

Anyways, I saw Zim, keep an eye on him, he's important.

Also, attached to this letter is an ID, it's your new name and identification, I don't care what you want, it's going to end up this way sooner or later, so I'm making it come to you now. Also, if you truly are focused on your survival, then, conquer the Uni Gangs of Rosa Marine as training for the real thing, you're going to need to join the slayers too, they'll be useful in the long run with training too, and don't forget to keep your demonic activity on the low, demons are from what I know still kill on sight since this is a church based empire or celestial territory or whatever it is.

Also, one more thing, it's more or less optional but I hope you're not an idiot like Asmodeus and distance yourself from our race, go join the nest here in Rosa Marine and join one of their faction, it's basically like joining a sect or guild, the faction will give out missions to its members and you can get money and points, from what I know, you can exchange the points for stuff, I suggest buying buff pills until your a 3rd Rank Demon which shouldn't take long if you're smart about your training,

You'll need all the power you can get.

. . . . .

Reading the letter, an ID was attached to the bottom of it, and staring back at me was me as I was in the photo, those cold eyes reeked of only one thing though, loneliness.

Well... Behind the I wanna kill you and all...

Or maybe I'm just overexaggerating things?

Anyways, I'm not mad anymore, so, what name did he pick?

"Aster Hiragi?"

That's Asmodeus's surname? What the hell!

Why? Why would he? Also, why am I taking this so lightly?

Also wait what is the rest of this?

"Race: Fairy!"

"How are you going to put me as Fairy! I'm nothing like a Fairy! If anything I'm as ferocious and savage as a Lizardman!!! Ahhh!!!"

I'm just screaming out of my mind right now, I wanna crumble, reading the rest of my card it even says I'm 17, and looking to the paper and going back over it and feeling insulted, I had nothing left to go on...

"Aster... Aster huh?..."

"Ughhh why can't this just be a damn dream!!!"

Pocketing the card and jumping onto the bed, this all had only worsened my head, like seriously, what next, I gotta go back to high school....

Shooting up I rushed out the door.

Running down the hall to the last door and busting in, "I don't have to go back to High school do I!" busting in there, no one was in there?

Yeah, Lex said he had business to handle before right?


"I'll get an answer by the end of the day, Mark my word"

"I'm not going back"

. . . . .

Turning back, I thought more about what that paper and ID said, well, not much when it comes to the paper but more or less the ID and to be specific, my new "race" which I feel like he would have rather just left blank, either way, he didn't and that was for a reason, or maybe not? Still, he must have put my race as Fairy for a reason, and when I think back to what exactly a Fairy is, it's a mystic creature of the faywilds, and depending on the Fairy. . .Holy crap, actually, Fairy could cover everything about me, from my powers to my Demonic Characteristics? And since both Incubus and Fairy take more Human traits in appearance, besides some obvious differences, there's no way they would be able to tell us apart, okay, this might actually work.

You know what, I'll take it.

"I'm not doubting this anymore, I like it, I accept it fully. . . However, there's still an issue? My age? What's he trying to do by making me a year younger? Also, is Lex in on this? I have no clue, I can't see past that guy whatsoever...?"

Wait... I'm missing something?

I'm back in Rosa Marine? What happened to everyone else, from what I can recall, nothing much, but still, where is everyone, Tina, the pest, the Sui's, the backstabber, even Zim? If I'm here, are they back home?

I... I should ask when I get the chance.

They should be safe, it's not like anything serious happened? Mari wouldn't allow such things to happen?


Yeah, I'm sure of it.

Yep Yep.

I'll put my faith in them~

Walking back down the hall, instead of going back to my room, I guess I can just go ahead and go out since there's no point in just staying here, it might be my home now but it's still a brothel, and that can be... Heating, most times.

Alright, Imma go out.

Though, I should tell Lex I'm going out first.

Wait why should I tell him? I'm not a kid going to the park.

I'm just going for a stroll.

Yep, that's it, then I'll come back.

. . . . .

Voices? "Where is she!" Someone's voice came to ear as I came down the hallway, he sounded upset? I wonder what one of the girls did to make this guy like this?

Coming to the end of the hallway, I peeked out of it to see a young man dressed in a navy blue long pants and a black jacket, his eyes were a dark red and it was brought out by his fair toned skin and raven black hair.

"Sir, please calm down"

Looking to behind the counter, there was a woman dressed in black and white office clothing and as she had both her hands up to her chest telling him to calm himself, she looked slightly frightened as she looked to the man.

"How dare you tell me to calm down!" he screamed and his eyes showed a strong hostility towards that woman, "I've waited long enough, there's no more being calm" he was pissed. But seriously, what they do?


Forgetting that I was barefoot, when trying to be nosey and get closer, I stepped on a not so good wooden tile and the both of them turned their heads seeing me.

Jolting, "Um, I don't mean to interrupt!" Holy crap his gaze looks horrifying, "I- I'm just leaving" I said hastening my escape as I went straight for the exit.

But, "Hey who the hell are you!" the girl shouted, pointing at me and then saying, "And why the hell are you coming out from the staff's personal quarters" bitch mind your own damn business!

Gathering the attention of the guy in turn. Bro you have beef with this chick, defend me so I can go! It didn't look like I was getting out of this without explaining myself to whoever the heck this is? But seriously, who the hell does this bitch think she's talking to!

Turning, "Why does it matter who I am! It's none of your business" sassy because of how she kicked on me to get out of taking to that guy, I turned away from her and crossed my arms.

"???..." He questions

"What?" She mumbles

Ugh, this is hurting my head so much, I should just go back to sleep, maybe a walk wasn't the right idea?

"Hey bro" hearing that guys voice, I turned my head to see him approaching me, and seeing that, Ya know me, I'm like a god so I hold no fear, I turned to him, but seeing his gaze I may or may not have backed up a few steps as he came at me...

Standing before me, "You don't happen to be a friend of Ursula Zenith Sying? Are you?" he said and even if I was and could have said yes, he sounds hella suspicious right now and I'm pretty sure this is how I get kidnapped for a second fucking time.


"Pfffffff! Zenith~"

He gave me a death star and I straightened up.

"Like hell I'm friends with that rat! She's barely even an associate, I don't wanna work with her more or less even see her ugly mug! So get outta here with are you fucking friends man!"

His look was scary, but my hate for that little midget was stronger, I don't even remember why I hate her so much either, I just don't fucking like her.

Saying that, "Hahahaha!" He started laughing?

Grabbing me by the shoulder, "I like you, honest and funny, what's your name, little man" I swear to God Imma choke him out if he calls me that again.

"Hi–... Aster. . . My name is Aster" I said trying to get out of the habit of calling myself Hiro, but I make no promises, I may slip sometimes, why the hell did he pick something like aster, why not something cooler like Zero or Rex?

"Also don't call me little man, I may be small but I bite!"

I do a lot more but that's not on the menu you red eyed human fucker! God... Why am I so angry? Like seriously, I'm going to pull the stoner card, why can't I just chill?

Leaning in closer, "My name is August Ruth, and I bite too" chills ran up my spine and I felt something other than me shoot up as his words disturbed me.

Stepping back a bit he moved his hand from my shoulder and smiled like he meant to creep me out.

But then as he had and was, I stopped dead in my tracks.

"You know what I can't do this!" Surprising the both of them I stomped my foot and walked past August, "I'm going back to sleep, don't disturb me!"

But walking past the dude, I jolted as he grabbed something literally shocking the entirety of my body.

"Where do you think you're going?" he gripped something very fucking sensitive, "I didn't say you could go yet, not yet, we haven't finished talking now~?"

Looking to this man, he was holding something long, thin, arrowy, and he was holding it hard.

And looking at it, it was none other than a motherfucking tail...

He was holding a tail. . .

My tail. . .

I have a tail...




I think Imma pass out...

Breathing hard as he had that tail grasped in his hand, "what's with that look? Is this your weak spot, is this what makes you fall to "their" will, little boy" he teased with a chaotic smile.

And as he was, "August! You're taking this too far! Let him go! Now!" Looking over to that girl behind the counter, she clenched her teeth as his chaotic smile widened, "And what if I don't, I wanna play with this one a little longer, just look at him, he's so scarred" I'm not scared you big bitch! I just don't know how to react! "Just leave him alone, I'll pay you some of what she owes, so let go! Before you start something you don't want!" saying that to defend me, he let go and chuckled.

Walking over to the counter, "Tch, even though that sounds like fun, I guess I'll have to pass up on it this time, so then, hand over the money and I'll go" he demanded the money and she took out a pouch from what looked to be on her side and she just tossed it to him.

Did she just throw him her coin pouch?

Taking that pouch, he didn't even look in it, "Tell the little whore that I want my money by the end of the week, or else" he said and then turned into a swarm of red bats.

Holy shit he's a vampire!?

He swarmed out of the brothel and as he did, the girl fell back into the chair, loudly sighing, "Just great, I basically just paid for him not to fuck that guy up, not her, I swear Imma ring that little bitches neck" she spoke to herself and I was just standing there a little... Okay to be honest I was very much shaken.

"No... I'm not doing this, I'm going to sleep..."

Walking away, fuck this, fuck her, fuck him, I'm going to sleep, it ain't my business, leave me the heck out of it, I don't wanna be apart of none of this!

Going back to room 6, I hopped back on be and passed out with my face buried in the pillow.