Fairy of Revenge and Sorrow

*Alarm Ringing-xxx*

The alarm was singing its battle cry, "Holy Shit! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" and it's clearly trying to fight me, yeah, it was giving me the biggest middle finger and saying a big ol fuck you, because I don't know, it's shattering my God forsaken eardrums!

I feel like a mess? My heart's pounding, my breath is heavy and the only other thing I can hear aside from the ringing, I can literally feel the vibrations from the other side of the pillow and I'm dripping wet in sweat.

Pressing up I couldn't take this anymore.

Grabbing the pillow and throwing it aside, I grabbed that son of a bitch and chucked it at the wall, but that only made things worst as the noise was louder and the room was so small that it was only a few feet away from the bed and now ringing 3x louder than before.


Grabbing my head and banging it into the mattress, red, red smoke started searing out of me, with my eyes open and my head banged against the mattress I saw it clearly, a manifestation of my emotions, right now. . .I'm portraying them out in the open.

And I don't know why?

Turning over, falling onto my shoulder and rolling onto my back, with a heavy breath out, and me wanting to scream my brains out, I grabbed my head as everything started getting consumed in the red smoke.

Shutting my eyes and screaming, "Arhh!!!" I violently shook my head to open it a second later in full panic and the smoke was gone, I really can't do this, this noise, it hurts, everything hurts.

It hurts when I breathe, when I think, my heart is pounding and aching for something and my fucking brain just wants to pop out of my head, what the hell is wrong with me?!!

Curling up, I–...

I just wanna cry for some reason...

What the hell is wrong with me...

Tears started falling down my cheek, "Jonathan," my hand came up to my wet eyes, "You piece of shit" my words stumbled and jumbled, "Why'd you leave me"

Crying, "Why'd you leave me all alone! You selfish bastard!" balling my eyes out and trying to rub them away, "Why couldn't you have just came here with me!"

"You could have been Mari and I could have been Hiro..."

Balling my hands.

"Hahaha, but now your dead!"

"And I'll never see you again!!"

"You selfish jerk!!!"

Why'd he have to die, he didn't... He didn't deserve this... Why am I even thinking of that shithead! He's gone now, it's been months! There's nothing even to think about!

"Why'd you have to die!!!"

"Why not me!!"

"Why not me..."

Pushing up on the bed with my elbow and sitting up on my ass, I clenched my fist hard and wiped the tears from my left eye.

"I'll kill him..."

Pushing up on the bed and stepping onto my feet.

"I'll kill Asmodeus..."

"I'll kill him for killing you"

"My best friend..."

"I'll get our revenge"

Clenching my teeth, my chest puffed heavily as my mind was made up, I'm going to get revenge for Jonathan, I'm going to be the one to kill Asmodeus, I swear on my life that I will be the one to kill him.

. . . . .

Leaving the room, though my body still hurts, both physically and emotionally, I walked down hall, I'm going to look for Lex, I want to get stronger, I need to get stronger, that guy, me, he said that we need Lex, so I'll stay with him, but that doesn't mean I won't do my damn best to plot my revenge, I don't know what happened back there but it was like a wake up call, and I won't forgive that bastard for what he's done to us.

"Lex!" calling for that man as I walked to the edge of the hall, "Yo, what's up?" getting to the place where folks pick up hoes aka the brothels lobby, Lex was standing in front of the counter with 5 girls standing in front of him and another behind him.

But seeing who it was his facial expression changed as he saw that it was me, "Hey! Just the one I was looking for!" but before he could say anything, he looked to me with a concerned look.

"Hey wait, why does it look like you've been crying bud?"

But, "That doesn't matter, what matters is I need sum help" looking him dead in the eyes, his brows raised and then a curious smile came across his face, meanwhile, as he did that, someone looked back at me, they all did, but one in specific, and as she turned seeing me, her eyes widened.

A joyous smile came across her face as her expression showed nothing other than happiness, but then it looked at me and my expression and that smile lightly dropped.

Looking only at Lex, he then spoke as he turned all of his attention toward me, "Interesting, we'll talk later about that, however, as of right now while everyone is gathered, why don't you introduce yourself to everyone, and then we can talk in my office" he said simply imploring that I told them who I was, as well as him my new identity.

Hitting my chest, "If that's all it takes, then I'll say this once! My name is Aster Hiragi! Fairy from the kingdom of Camelot and son of Mahiru Hiragi!" Hahaha, when he finds out that I used his master's name he'll be furious.

You bastard, Asmodeus Hiragi, I'll bury you and the ones that you loved so very much, just like how you took me away from the ones I loved.

Voicing that, Lex jumped up and threw his hand onto my head as he snuck over next to me, "Also, starting today he'll be living with us in room 6, also, starting today, yeah, its official now, Aster here is my adopted son~" he said and I looked to him wanting to talk now and he merely looked back at me.

"But I'll accept uncle if you don't wanna call me father..."

Growling, "Can we talk now... Uncle" I don't like this one bit but there's not enough fucks for me to give about this at the moment, we need to talk now, not later.


"He actually called me uncle!?..." he sounded surprised.

"Not even a day and I feel like a proud father~..."

I will choke him!

"Lex, can we talk now?!"

Wanting to choke him out, the others around me started talking amongst each other, but it all just sounded like a bunch of murmurs, and as they did so and Lex was gushing over himself, the sound of running came to ear but it wasn't as noticeable with all this aching sound.

"You're alive!!!"

Being forced back, steps back were taken and as I looked dead in front of me, a short munchkin was hugging me, her hair so short that from the back you couldn't tell she was a girl and eyes so piercing that you couldn't tell if she was going to tease or bully you, such an annoying face and person altogether, looking to this bish who's hugging me, I wanted to push her away, why is she acting nice now?

"Ursula..." eww...

"She knows him?" one of the others

"Oh hey, you two know each other already?" he's playing stupid, Lex that idiot.

Grabbing the shoulders of her and trying to push her off me to get her to budge a few inches, "Get the hell off me you filthy whore!" I tried breaking her away from me but our strength is practically the same, I'm just some bit stronger.

"You heard what he called her, what a dick" ?1

"He's not wrong though" ?2

"That's not the point, we all have the same job as that slut, so him calling her that is like him calling all of us that" ?3

"This is why I hate men, Mmm" ?4

"The others told me you were dead and I heard rumors that you were possessed by an evil monster! You scared the hell out of me you shit head!" Ursula who refused to let go screamed which startled me and got me back in her grasp.

"The hell are they talking about! Those mo–" I felt a tap on my shoulder and then heard a silent voice as I looked to Lex, "Stop being so insensitive, the girls already don't like you here from your earlier words towards their own" he said basically telling me not to state my opinion of words towards this whore who deserves every last bit of it!

Biting my tongue, "I'm not dead, clearly, and I have no idea what you're talking about, I was lost in the woods a few days ago and its been like that for a long time"

I said continuing with, "I wasn't possessed by some monster, you must have me confused with someone else, my name is Aster, not whoever your thinking of"

"Hey, isn't that the earlier fucker from a few hours ago?" the girl behind the counter says in the background.

Hearing what I had to say, she looked at me confused, like to why I was lying when she clearly knew I was the same exact person she's always known, however, as she was looking to me like she was lost, she glanced at Lex and then let go, putting her hand to her head and rubbing it.

"Hm? Yeah, I guess your right, I thought you looked like one of my freinds–" but as she said that, the others behind her, the 4 other whores, and the girl behind the counter burst into laughter, "friends, good one~!"

And as they laughed, it really pissed me off.

And I mean it seriously pissed me off.

"I don't see why a bunch of whores are laughing, when it comes to friends I bet its only other bitches or guys who know they'll get a free pump whenever they want"

Saying that, the laughter stopped and everyone looked at me, but as they did I crossed my arms, I've already cried today, there's nothing that I won't just fucking throw out.

"And y'all ugly too? I'm straight and still, I'd rather get fucked in the ass by a pig than have to ever look at the five of you? Eww, and to think that your personalities are so shitty that you'd pick on one of your own? I truly feel bad for uncle Lex, for women, more or less nasty sluts, just the thought of y'all disgust me..."

Lex was taken back and dead silent.

And the dwarfs jaw dropped.

Meanwhile the 5 of them in front of me were silent.


Dense Demonic Energy started engulfing the room and as the four of them looked to me with killer eyes, not including the girl behind the counter who got startled by the sudden quake of power, they all looked to me with sharp glowing eyes.

And in turn, I opened my hands, conjuring deadly fire.

With a fight about to break out, let's see who's stronger in terms of powers, their demonic magic, or my radiant flames which they're weak to.

But as this fight was going to happen, Lex stepped in, and Ursula who was still caught off guard saw him act but then jumped at me and turned, growing claws and growling at her comrades.

"I won't let you bitches touch him!!!" she screamed.

"He's dead, stay out of this!" one of them screamed.

But as this fight was so definitely going to happen, "Aster! Ursula! Sora! Norika! Iris! Kasumi!" Lex jumped in the middle of the six of us and as he was caught dead in the middle he used that as a distraction because as we all looked to him, vines shot out the ground trying to restrain the most of us.

And as his vines came shooting up and at me, it... It scared me, I'm not going to say I have trauma relating to being tied up, but it brought back a memory of me in Necron's prison in the lost and found.

And as these spikey ropes came at me, I panicked and tried covering my face with my arms, blocking them, but as I did, I did something as I didn't feel anything.

"The hell?" Feminine voice

"Arg!" Lex's voice

Bringing my eyes open, and looking past my defense, I looked to see wild vines caught on fire and burning fast as they spread and blackened the green, and even some of the vines on Ursula who was next to me caught on fire.

Seeing such a sight I took a step back, the world around me shook, and as Lex was clenching his teeth like I hurt him and the vines wrapped around Ursula started burning and her mouth was covered and her voice muffled so she couldn't scream.

An eruption of fire shot out of me, I ejected fire, and as it was more or less like a mini blaze from a torch being lit or that's how it seemed, I was mixed up and catching cold and unsure gazes.

But as this was all happening so fast.

"ASTER!" Lex's voice caught my attention through the panic, "Calm down..." he said putting his hands to chest level and aiming them at me, "Calm down..." he said again.

Stepping towards me I took a step back.

"I know that look... Damn it. Aster! Hey Aster, calm down for me buddy" he said softening his voice and facing his palms towards me. Why is he approaching me, just go away! It's better if everything just goes away.

Burn, everything should just burn...

"Aster, hey, don't look away, don't look to your hands, look at me, you can trust me, you're not there anymore, you have me, you have us, you're not alone anymore and I won't let the same thing happen to you again" he came closer.

"Those eyes, they scream pain, your self destructive right now and very fragile, so please, just calm down and let's go back to your room, it's been a rough few months and I don't exactly know how you feel but I do know that you need time and leaving you alone wasn't the best course of action that I took today"

Getting to me, my face was wet and everyone saw that. His vines started unwrapping from everyone, releasing them, and as they were, he took it slowly and ended up hugging my short self, right before whispering.

"We're beings weak to our emotions, and from how I see it you've been bottling up your emotions for way too long, I get that, especially after what you've been through, but those feelings, holding onto them only weakens us"

Lex then grabbed my head pushing my head onto his chest as I started wallowing my tears onto him, "But now you have me and the girls, okay maybe just Ursula for now, but still, you're not alone, you have us, and your way too young to be keeping onto these feelings, but I know your not going to share so I'll give you some time, until them, take it easy" he said holding onto me and as he was like this, he turned his head to the girls and I felt something warm, it was his body temperature, it raised as he spoke to them and I faded into it.

After what seemed like minutes, he let me go, and after me calming down significantly, "Ursula, you mind?" Saying that to her, she nodded and came over to us, and as she did, she grabbed my hand, "Okay Hi- Aster, come with me, let's go hang out, these boring people have nothing for us to do~" she lent me her hand and dragged me back to her room which was in front of mine.

And as we went into her room.

"I'm just going to give you girls a little warning..."