Fairy's Passing of Events!

The following day, Wednesday, August 17th, I came into Lex's office wanting to talk to him about sum that came to mind yesterday but I never got to speak to him about, and this wasn't about high school, also, I really wanted to know why the hell Ursula had a snake for some reason?

Look it's just me, snakes creep me out, so yesterday when I saw one slithering around in her room, I got the hell out of there and went back to mine.

Anyways, now, now that I'm in lex's office and starting him strait in the face as it's just the both of us, I can finally say what I've been trying to say.

And actually, I lied.

. . . . .

"I don't have to go back to high school do I?!" Yeah, I don't want to go back, and right now this is on the top of my list since I live here and this guy is now my legal guardian.

Looking to me, "No? I was thinking more like middle school?" oh god... Anywhere but junior high... Is he seriously thinking of making me go back there!

"Anything but there! You said high school right!?"


"Why are you laughing! This is serious!"

"It's just funny, out of everything that had just happened yesterday, and before, the first thing you come to me about is something like school~ it's so ironic~"

"There's nothing ironic about this! I just don't want to go back! At all! It's like going to hell and let me tell you, junior high is the definition of living in hell!"

"Pfffff... So it is is it?"

"Why are you smiling? It's creeping me out??!"

"Well kiddo, looks like we have a problem here"

"Problem? What problem? The only problem is school?"

"My point exactly"

"Oh..." If that's the case then go on.

"You see, by law, even though we are Demons, I'm still a business owner and there are a few things that I can't let slide, like the education of my employees and or kid, so here is where we have a problem"


"Hiro, I mean, Aster now, look, you have 2 choices"


"Just kidding, we talked about this the other day~"

"Huh?! We talked about what?"

With a smug smile on his face, he leaned back and said.

"look to the paper on the front right of my desk"

Looking where he directed me, I gulped, hesitant to look, but when I did, I grabbed the few papers and crumbled the edges in my palm...

"You're sending me to high school!"

My voice cracked when I yelled that, he sat back up and put out 2 fingers, "now you have 2 options, what do you wanna be, a junior or senior~" I'm going to fucking kill him.

Frustrated and angry, this son of a bitch is really making me go back to high school, fuck, damn it, ugh! Why! This can't be happening.

It's happening...

"So what will it be~ Aster"

Clicking my tongue, "Whatever, the second one" and as I said that, he pushed off his desk and stood up, "congrats, now I don't have to force you to go, anyways, guess what, in 2 weeks, high school starts back up, so I guess we're going to have to go school shopping soon~" I swear, this Demon lives off misery.

My misery.

"Please just end me?..." I mumbled...

"What was that~"

"GOD! JUST STRIKE ME DOWN NOW!" I fell to my knees.

"You're being so dramatic, I heard they have a drama club, want me to sign you up for it?"

"I beg thee now! End it here!" Looking to the sky I pleaded.

"Hah, imma take that as a yes~"

After a few minutes of my pain being thrown to the gods, I stood back up as that fucker was laughing and as he was just sitting back down, I slammed my hand onto the table.

"Enough of that! Now on to why I came here, *sniffle*..."

"Why did you come here, I thought it was only for school?"

"No! What I want is to join your nest!"


"And one of their factions!"

Looking to me his eyes shimmered a golden color and as he looked to me seriously I looked back to him in the same powering manner and he crossed his arms.

"No, I refuse to let you join their factions"


"Because you already joined the salamanders yesterday?"

"I what now?"

"Wow, you really don't remember do you?"

Okay, I'm going to need for him to explain all of what happened the other day, because while the other me was in control I took a good long rest in the black space?

"Yeah... Can you give me a recap?"

looking to me like, "are you dead ass right now?" I looked back to him like, "yes I am..."

Sighing, "There's nothing much to go on, however, you had mentioned that you joined up with the salamanders after coming back and finding me"

"If that's the case then who are the salamanders?"

"In the nest there are three factions, believe it or not, two of the factions hate each other, it's the pure incubus faction and the pure succubus faction, I along with the girls are apart of the neutral faction known as the silver comet, it's kinda where we get our name from, the silver moon, that's the name of the brothel by the way, and the salamanders are kinda where the... People like Ursula go, it's a harsh reality but there still apart of the silver comet, however, this group ain't entirely demon, most just have demon blood but joined for some odd reason or were placed there for their behavior, etc"

"So it's like the bad batch of the three factions?"

"More or less, their still apart of a factions though"

"I know but... Why'd I join?"

"More freedom I presume, the mistress of the nest doesn't expect much from them so she never really orders them around?"

"The mistress?"

"Yeah, we have a lord here, she's basically our chieftain or elder since she's a few ranks below our queen who resides in the city of lust, in the abyss"

"Your talking about Layer 570: Shendilavri"

"Looks like you've been doing your research, yes"

"Anyways, so does that mean I'm already apart of your faction? Since you said that they were apart of it right?"

"We don't usually consider them apart of us, but yes, like I already said, their still part of us"

I'm already there, I'm apart of a faction and brimming with joy even if it's a bad batch I'm paired with,

"That's awesome! When can I go to the faction?! I wanna take a quest like how they do it in those fantasy books!"

With his eyes glaring at me and him all powered up, "you're not ready yet, you still need time before you can go to the nest, especially since you've marked yourself as a fairy, I suggest you give it some time before thinking you can step foot in there without a scene happening..."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, they won't see you as an incubus, they'll see you as a fairy, and the only reason you were able to join when deceiving them is because I adopted you"

Wait is he saying that the other me actually deeply planned this and dragged him into it?

Powering down, "I'm sorry" I said and he looked to me with a brow raised, "There's no need for that kid" he started to do what I like to refer as power down, and his eyes faded back into a soft brown from a glowing gold.

"Just stay out of trouble and work hard, got it"




Looking up to him, he smiled, "But seriously, we're going to have to go school shopping for you like this week, also normal shopping... Because you have nothing and I don't want you to start working again until a week after school starts back up"

"Huh!!! What am I even supposed to do then!"

Hearing me voice that he chuckled, "to be honest I was expecting you to flip out about the topic of school not work~? Anyways, I have my reasons, until then, just go be a kid or whatever~"

But looking this guy in the eye and leaning against his desk, "What do you mean be a kid! I don't have time to just sit on my ass and do nothing!–" interrupting me, "If you're that stuck up about it, then just help up around the brothel, you will but won't be working, so why don't you maybe start getting to know the others, hang out with Ursula, she's your friend, so she'll enjoy it when she's not busy, or we can always do something together, like play catch and bond" I feel like his goal is just to piss me the hell off.

Backing off, "Tch, fine whatever! But don't expect me to sit on my ass all day doing nothing, if you need me for anything around here that doesn't involve these sluts or pools of cum, get me"

Walking out, "Well since you offered, I guess that'll do kid"

But coming back and popping my head through the door, I said sourly, "And me and Ursula aren't friends! We're enemies!"

Leaving again, "He says he hates her and yet he defended her yesterday, kids these days, tch tch tch, all bark, well, maybe some more bite than necessary I guess~?"

Standing up and getting out of his chair, "However I'm glad I stopped their fight yesterday, his flames could have seriously sent them to the abyss, his lack of control is..."

* * * * *

Going to the lobby it was empty, well, I guess everyone is asleep right now? But if we're closed why is the doors wide open? Donno, one of the girls must have left and didn't care to close them.

Walking over and closing the double doors I turned around and you know what actually I gave the lobby a good look? I don't think I've looked at it much before I more or less worked in it for only like a month?

Looking around, the lobby was rectangular, there were 2 doors behind me which worked as the entrance and exit, or just doors, and there wasn't really much decoration around here either? It's kinda bland? Straight ahead from the doors there was a counter which layed flat across the wall it wasn't that big behind there but it wasn't small either, it worked for people to order services and drinks, food wasn't an option unless it was a girl, on the left side of the counter there was an open area which you used to get back there or to the back room which was like a living area which we also used to store liquor and various drinks, I'm surprised I even remember to be honest, but that was the main layout of the lobby.

Walking over to the front of the desk, looking over there was just papers and pencils in a cup, it was empty asides from 2 chairs which filled behind it, the desk was bland too, and to be honest it's kind of sad too see.

There were 2 hallways attached to the lobby, and the left one is where we all slept and had Lex's office, I don't know if he lives here though, unless he sleeps in the back then I really don't know?

The right hallway was the service rooms, there's 10 rooms on that hall and each is plenty big, only 5 of them ever get used though, each girl had their own service room and 4 of them are used at least once a day, Ursula's is usually a few times a week though, she's lazy when it comes to working. And even some of the spare rooms which are the ones that haven't been used get used sometimes, and that's partly because of me since I've... Well, brought Tina into number 9 a few times...

Anyways! Uh got my face is hot... Uh,

Anyways we have 5 rooms that aren't being used over there and I guess that means that we are in need of 5 more workers, but yeah, yeah, this topic is good.

That means we need 5 more workers!

And to balance the scale, we need male workers.

And from what I remembered, Lex scouted me because I was an incubus, he only wants incubi and succubi working here at the brothel, but he never said anything about working for the brothel outside of the brothel?

Hm that's giving me some ideas?

Anyways. We need 5 more incubus's to work here, it'll level the playing field, however how can I recruit some people without exposing myself or estimating their pay? Actually how does Lex pay them? Do they just keep the money or does he get it and then give them a cut of it?

I'll have to ask Ursula and then Lex to make sure this checks out... But later through.

Looking around this place was really too bland?

We need something to bring character to this place, that's why the girls usually go out... Maybe, either way, business is always slow from what I remember and that's because this place has no taste and the workers suck, their good whores from what I heard but Lex is the only reason why they get actual business, like those cat boys, he brings others to them from what I observed, and the random don't come here and the reason why is because it's not appealing, shit, no one even knows about this place for the most part, especially when there are way better brothels.

The only thing they don't have through is what we have.

And that's lust demons, which actually some brothels are succubi and incubi but there way deeper in the red light district, we're the only succubi brothel in the mid outer parts and that's a problem especially if this place doesn't get a lot of business.

And the reason why we aren't and I know the others is trying, is because their working hard to keep face with the other succubi brothels and not gain face/reputation with the human and beast brothels around here, and even the people in which we need to win over.

I know that it's only one girl trying to help, forgot who, but she's only doing that, and plus she's working hard trying to keep a steady flow of income coming in for the brothel, but we need a lot more than the bare minimum.

While I'm not working I should help out, but how should I do it? This place needs to be renovated for sure but that's just a matter of more money, we also need to build reputation amongst men since we have no male workers other than Lex if he's wanting to help out, and we only have female workers so the opposite sex is who were targeting this point forward, but how should I do it?

Maybe I can try to influence my classes when I go to high school? High schoolers are desperately horny for the most part and if they come from rich families we may have repeating customers, but that'll have to wait 2 weeks, I need to try and get to it like this week.

I know this takes time, but still, I wonder, how can we make this work, uh, I need to consolidate this with Lex, or, maybe I can surprise him with our progress, this might be what can bring the others together if it's for the brothel.

Yeah he'll love it.

Okay that's what I'm going to do! I'll try and work with the others to make this place better, however it's up to them if they want to work with me, I'm just doing this because...

Meh, not important.

. . . . .

Walking around and behind the desk, I took a seat in the left chair and this is where I'm going to wait for someone to come in to pitch my idea to them.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I regret wanting to do this.

I hate the girls here.

Ugh, but I'm doing this for Lex!

And my own benefit!

Yeah! We need to draw in people and gain community face here, it's the only way we can rise up more and, I don't know, maybe achieve something or get recognized?