Let's Try A Few Questions...

It's been a few minutes now and I'm so freaking bored that I've bitten my fingernails down to where it hurts, ugh, I need something else to do to pass the time.

. . . . .

Knocking, "UGH! WHAT IS IT!" Ursula's door shot open and she looked at me with bags under her eyes, "Hey um..." at a loss for words I stumbled as I spoke and as she looked to me realizing that it was just me who knocked at her door.

Exchanging and throwing back her anger, "Oh shit," she took a step back "Hey Hiro, watta you doing here?" while hanging onto the edge of the door?

"I'm sorry for waking you–"

"Hey, no worries! If it's just you I'm fine with it!!"

"Really? I'll keep that in mind then, haha"

Laughing with my hand behind my head, what I want to ask her if she'd like to help me with my project on this place or at least help me gather information as a worker here, but as she's standing at that doorframe a few things caught my eye which usually don't?

Like her tired gaze saying that her night was restless, her ruffled short hair, those pink eyes, her silky light milk skin and mixed hybrid expression, her rugged outfit like she just put on anything she could grab.

I don't know why I'm noticing these things more clearly, but as I'm conversing with her, it's not how I usually see other people, I think I'm actually looking at them now?

I'm actually looking at her now.

Yawning, "Yeah– I hope you do" she said itching the side of her neck, and as she was doing so while clearly looking me up and down, I stepped back which she seemed to notice but then I said, "Okay, now back to what I came here to say before I forget: Do you wanna help me for a little, I need to write down a few things I've been curious about and I want to ask you a few questions if your comfortable answering"

"You want to do this now?"

"It can wait till later if you want to head back to sleep?"

Thinking about it for less than a few seconds, she rubbed her eyes and asked, "Will it take long?"

"Not really, I can make it quick"

"I have a request," she asked? Request?? Isn't making an effort to be nice to you and make it quick already enough, I really don't want to do more than I have to already bruh.


Taking a step out of her room and closing the door behind her, she joined me out in the hallway before saying, "I don't want to sleep in that room by myself and I don't have 'eeny money for booze" where is she going with this...

Itching her neck again with a tint of red burning her cheeks, "I wanna sleep in your room, 'kay..." she said but it was so silent that I couldn't hear what she said?

"Sorry, couldn't hear you? What you say?"

Taking a hard breath, "Your bed is better than mine" she said and looked away, "Give it to me for a few hours and I'll tell you what I can"

Hearing her out, hm, I guess that could work?

Her bed is probably worn out, "You can use it whenever just take a shower before you do, no offense, but we both know what this place is and what smells lurk here, sis" to be fair it's a freaking brothel and she's a worker here so I don't wanna smell her or some dude.

But I'm not that mean, she's still my sister in kin, so if she's uncomfortable in her bed, that could cause some issues, especially in work and or just around here in general.


"Before you say that I'm the best, just know, bleh"




"Oh God, they got to you too..."


"Damn abbreviators.... Ye bastards..."

"What? Hiro?"


"Hahaha, I don't know what's going on~?"

"Good! Now let's go do the thingy before they come!"


"The texters!"

"Who's that!"



. . . . .

Going back to the lobby after whatever that was?

"Thanks for cooperating with me Ursula, when we're done you can go back to sleep, until then sit or stand, either is fine, then I'll start asking a few questions and all you have to do is answer them, okay~"

I said and we both came behind the counter and sat in the chairs, luckily that girl isn't here yet and the others are either gone or sleeping so we have the lobby to ourselves.

"First question: I wanna know how does your pay work?"

I'm not interested in what I already know, but I do want to know what it's like for a sex worker such as herself since I was never told all of how this works since it was mostly on a scale prior to a few factors that were placed and one of the girls being in charge of the treasury to this place.

"You're gonna wanna talk to Norika about that, she's in charge of our finance, But, regardless I guess I can tell you about how my earnings work? Okay, so usually I get to keep whatever I collect from my prey, however 40% of what I make goes to the brothel's treasury"

Did she seriously just call the clients prey...

This girl... Ugh never mind I give up, I'll just ignore it.

"Uh... Next question..."


"What's your opinion on the other brothels around here?"

"Don't get me started on those fuckers, they're the worst!"

I don't think I should have asked her for her opinion on her competitors, or at most her opinion in general, I think I should have asked her about them instead???

"Third question!: What jobs do work have here?"

"Jobs? Like–"

"Street Walker and Brothel Whore"

"What's a street walker?"

"What's a street walker. What's a street walker? A street walker is someone who prostitutes outside the bordello"



"Oh, hahaha, you okay?"

"No. . ."

"That says a lot about you than me right now~"


"Next question~"

"Hey, that's what I'm supposed to say!"

"Too late, next question, throw out another question~"

"No I wanna say it!"

"No can do, Ursula's taking over~"

"Stop 3rd personing yourself! And no your not!!"

"Third fourth question!: What's your goal?"

"No, I'm asking the questions!–"

"I'm not answering any more questions till you do"

This bitch, "Can we at least do two more of my questions before you ask your questions!" I asked.

And she came back with, "Nope, I don't wanna forget the ones on the top of my head~" this fucker! Fine whatever!

"Fine whatever! Do what you want"

"Sure will babe~ *Yawn*" she's still tired?

"Don't call me that!"

"Oh yeah, you want to be called that odd name now, what was it, ass-mer?"

"It's Aster bitch!!!"

"What a weird name"


"Then why'd you pick it as so?"



"I DIDN'T!!!"

"Okay sure~"


"Okay Asser"

Growling, she started laughing and poking fun at my name, this damn bitch, I'm going to kick her out of that chair!

"Just ask the fucking questions!"

"Sure AssEr"

"You bitch!..."

"Forth fifth question: What's your goal?"

"Goal?" I'm still mad at her...

"I've been keeping an eye on every enforcer like you"


"Sorcerer" oh yeah their called magic enforcers, I forgot?

I didn't think much of you when we got to that horrid place, or at least I didn't think much of you since compared to everyone else there, you were significantly weaker which made me wonder if that's why you weren't as arrogant and annoying which you are still, but not by much, it's more funny if anything. Still. Compared to your sister and the others with us there wasn't much to look at"

"Oh really..." I'm taking that as a diss...

"But during the last day of the tournament, I was wrong"

"What happened back then?" I said to myself?

"We were all wrong?"

"So I wanna know! Why is someone who can wipe this entire town out with a single spell interested in joining our brothel! More or less working and living here with us!"

I can't wipe this town? I can barely destroy a building with what I know, at most I can set it on fire? That fuck is she talking about?

Hm? Looking at her she looks very serious though?

Meh, whether she believes this or not is up to her.

"I don't have a choice. And from what I heard, I can't go back to my old life but thanks to someone here, I can start a new life, but this time, not alone, but with you fuckers"

Getting up and out of the chair I stood in front of Ursula and then said, with energy bustling and surging through me as I was getting emotional and firey.

"So I don't care if you don't like me, I don't care as you see me as some pest or even something worst, because I am and I'll admit that I'm not the best, but I'm not going to be here in the long run, so, for now, I don't care how you feel about this, I'm just going to stay till I get stronger or join the friends of my enemy"

But as I said that and fire bounced off of my skin, Ursula scooted the chair over and then got out of it, standing before me and then suddenly throwing her hand out.

"You're a pest, sure, I won't deny it!"

Silence shrouded the room but then she spoke again.

"But your my pest, the younger unwanted brother I didn't have and my friend so your ass better be here in the long run if you're going to stay here in my house! Ass-sir!"

Hearing her, that made no sense? "Pfff what?!" The fire disbursed as I couldn't keep my laughter in.

"I'm not saying it again!!!"

Switching out, "Well no one asked you to!" I yelled back.

"Good because I'm not!"

"It's too fucking early for this! Will you two shut up!" Someone walked into the room from the bedrooms hall.

"Fuck Off!"

The both of us screamed over at whoever walked in.

Looking back to each other, we growled in each other's faces. Snotty bitch, I'll curb stomp you any day of the week! You living munchkin!

The next second her hands came grabbing my face, and out of reflex I balled my hand into a fist and socked her in the gut, but in turn that led to her yanking my face and kneeing me in the face by pulling me down.

"Gah!" we gasped.

"Hey, Rika, what's with the noise out here, *yawn* "

"Honestly, no idea..."

Another step came in as hands were being thrown.

"Rika, Sora, don't just stand there! You two stop fighting!" ?

"You're going to damage my fucking counter! Idiots!" ?