An Incubus's Misfortune

Wasting time on that roof for hours till dark, it was now time to go, it was time to go walk around the district and look for the Misfortunate to help so that I could get someone willing to join me without much of a thought.

This wasn't my first option but to be honest the weak will of humans is what I'm looking for tonight, actually no, that doesn't make any sense, hm, okay scratch that.

What I'm looking for is someone who's displaced from their workplace and in need of an escape, and I can be that escape, and inevitably get them to join me.

Wait no you idiot, that's how you make enemies with whoever's the boss of them, you've read the books, this happens like every time, even to the unwanted.

As long as profit and debt are included you'll always make enemies, but I can't have that, I can't bring that on Lex or even myself seeing as I don't know how to handle it.

And let me just say, from all the books I've read, my solution is dark as fuck, like holy crap I played out the scenario in my head, and no wonder I have bad luck.

Low-key I'm feeling like I might be the shadow villain here.

Like there are criminals and villains and then there's me in the background, who plots this shit out and plans the death of an entire clan to happen in a single night and get away with it.

Not like that'll ever happen though, I believe good and bad are both double edged and through all perspectives have their own of good and bad, I'd rather stay closer to the light side of the force–

Ah I'm sorry! I thought I could quote star wars without the pain in my head coming! Ah that didn't fucking help! Holy shit I should have thought something else!!!

Okay okay okay, I'll say something else!

Okay so, I'd rather be a good Demonic if anything despite how in the books the good Mc and or mobs that are usually good end up becoming either shitheads because of their egos and whatever ish background and or maybe this might just be the type of genre since I see this more in urban stuff with revenge and or qi cultivation. But like seriously, literally I just wanna be neutral and stick out of either sides freaking bad luck, and seeing that I'm a demon and my kind are instinctually evil, well, maybe, as I said before we all see evil in our own ways and the incubus and succubus are more chaotic neutral than evil since I'm pretty sure we're excluded from most demon princes shit in the abyss since we contribute in our own ways.

Like I'm one to talk about abyssal politics though.

The only thing that I know about that place is its endless chaos with no fucking order and that's how Imma keep thinking about it in my head until I'm proven otherwise.

Anyways, back to what I was saying before, that's all I can think of since hiring workers cost a butt load of money and search and rescue sounds more dangerous but worth it in the end, especially if they end up loyal to me.

No wait, I said after that why it's a bad idea?


You know what imma just go with it! However imma look for the not-humans who need help more seeing as those bunch switch on you and their own like it's a game.

And anyone with friends knows how that feels.

That's why I literally have no one.

The moment I start to trust these people is the moment I'll be betrayed. And I can't have that, I haven't even lived a whole year yet more or less 6 months, I can't afford to be sent to the abyss or hurt so bad and more than I already have been.

Because it hurts, forget the pain on the outside.

The pain on the inside kills.

It just does something to you that physical pain can't.

Anyways before I end up making myself tear up and cry, I should probably get down from this place, I've waited till dark so I guess it's better now than ever to explore.

. . . . .

Getting back to my feet there's no way in hell I'm jumping down from here, you got me fucked up if you think I'm doing that, looking around the blank rooftop, holy fuck how the hell did I even get up here?

Oh wait.

Looking left, I walked a few yards to the edge and looked down to see a pitch black void under me, wow, that's dark, okay, not jumping into that, moving my sight up a bit there was another rooftop a little more than 3 yards away from this rooftop and about a yard smaller than this, I was parkouring the hell out of this area to get up here.

"Why'd I even come up here?"

"Oh yeah..."

Taking a step back imma jump to the next roof.

Actually this is too close.

Walking a few yards back and when I mean yards I forgot how the metric system works so from how it looks it might be a few meters maybe? If 3 feet is a yard and 12 inches is a foot slash feet but not stated as feet unless it's more than one foot then, okay so I should be 7 yards or yard sticks away from the edge.

Geeze I suck at measurements, is this what happens when you don't study or use it in months, you just start to forget. Wait how can I forget the metric then!... Oh yeah, it's been years since I've actually used it and they don't use it here?

Wait, how come they use feet here then and I'm not talking about my old world? Wait! Unless! Okay theory before the jump to get my mind in a better place than it had been before and since I'm thinking it you two if you are still there are going to have to listen to this muhahahaha.

So basically I think that after being reborn here, you know how me and Hiro combined, well maybe our skills and comprehensions had too, like how I can't read this countries language but when I translate it it's in the same placement or how when talking to another person here they speak English but call it common?

Maybe it's just my comprehension of these things have combined over for me, and what I mean by that is they aren't actually saying what I think and as proof of that it's like how the language of Hiro sounds English since I guess that's what I'm better at despite it not being my native fucking tongue, but when you look at the writing system the words and the way you see them aren't the same.

Like sure there's 26 letters too and it's all spelled the same with different characters, but maybe it actually sounds like gibberish and not comprehensible but my brain just automatically translates it thanks to combining with Hiro.

Or maybe!

I'm just overthinking this???...

That could be it to be honest?...

. . . . .

After getting a good enough distance away from the gap, I kicked the ground and dashed towards the edge, running over and trying my hardest to build up speed and not fall into that void seeing as I can't see into it and that means it's deeper than 30 feet... I picked up the pace.

And as I got to the edge, I felt the bottom of my bare foot hang off the edge and I leaped into the air, it wasn't as dramatic as it might have been, it was just a normal jump or at least the best one that I could have mustered while sprinting barefoot.

And as I caught some air and went over that void, I landed on the other rooftop with my foot touching stone first and- ah fuck, holy fucking god blad shit!

I stumbled and rolled, falling and hitting the ground and even scraping the bottom of my foot to where it hurt more than the fingernails I bit deeply earlier.

Laying there practically dead in embarrassment, I rolled onto my back and glanced around the rooftop to see it's empty, thank fucking god, if it wasn't then I'd have to jump into that alleyway like void to avoid deviating, and I mean deviating embarrassment.

But until then.

"Ah— that hurt like a bitch! Ah—" the screams were silent.

Who the hell falls when roof jumping like this!...

Sitting up, I sat there for a whole minute, this explains my pain tolerance to a very sharp point seeing as most people would have just gotten up immediately and then left, wellll, I don't have Hiro's tolerance, this is mine, and fuck it hurts.

. . . . .

Getting up after another minute of searing pain. "OKAY! You got this, nothing like a little bit of pain to hopefully start up the adrenaline," I said to myself like a pep-talk, and hearing myself, hearing myself that was the lamest shit ever, like I could have said something else to inspire myself to head on with the task, maybe I should have involved tities after or something, that could have worked.

"You know what fuck the pep-talk, I don't need one, you got this me, we have a task to do and we're going to do it or we aren't going to sleep tonight, ain't like we gone to the black place in a while since waking up, so let's make the girl and Hiro's fragment wait just a little bit longer to see us!"

Now that's a pep-talk I'm rooting for!

Stretching my shoulder and shaking my feet, I'm ready to do this, like I'm heading to the top and bitch I am going to prove it.

Taking a right I didn't even bother looking, I knew where to go next, and seeing that edge not so far I ran and ran, and as I got to that next ledge I jumped!

Jumping and *splat*

Hitting the brick wall to an even taller building I was stuck against it for what felt like a second as my body, nose, head, and ouch my balls, hit against it, and as I was stuck there like time stopped, my body started its descent...



Falling and crashing against the ground as I fell into the void of pitch black, I was lucky, lucky, lucky, luck, lucky enough to hit stone and not dirt...

Hard ass stone...


Curled up in a ball... My ass... I think it's broken...

Did I seriously just hit a fucking wall?

*Shrieking lungs...*


Laying there about to black out, I was gasping for air, that was a whole ass heart attack right there, where the hell it come from, I'm crying, dead ass crying on the inside.

What the fuck...

My everything hurts...

Not to mention how my balls smacked up against it.

Trying to push up my pride was broken, I ain't think imma be able to have kids anymore either, ain't no ego here to be taken away, the only thing left was the lifeless soul that resides in me, oh wait that's me and my broken ass...


"Sir are you alright?" someone came into the alleyway after hearing the loud ass crash of my ass hitting the group in here.


I ain't fucking alright, ain't nothing about this alright.

Footsteps came near me, "Oh okay, Gabe no! They said they were alright! Have a good one sir" someone who I couldn't even see as I'm laying there half passed out on the ground said and I couldn't even cry out for help as I'm having a hard time breathing, not to mention speaking.

Laying there with my vision flickering like a blur, as I looked to the black sky as I was holding my chest and breathing brokenly, a silhouette came about me, and from the looks of it, it was my savior, and as I looked to whoever it wases outline, I then heard that same female voice.


"I wonder how you taste? Hahaha, "sir" if by chance you're still here by the end of my shift," squatting down next to me, she covered my eyes with her incredibly warm and soft hands, "I'm going to enjoy this~I'm going to enjoy each and every piece of you babe, you look so incredible that I want you here and now~! I can't wait, but I have to, sadly I have to... So do me a favor love, go to sleep, when you wake up, hm, I wonder if I'll have to buy any seasonings to make your flesh taste better, no actually, I have a good feeling about you, you're perfect without it aren't you~"

Holy shit about to die to a cannibal...

"Just wait here, I'll be done in a few~ bye love, I can't wait"

Hearing that my vision faded to black. . .