An Incubus's Misfortune [Pt.2]

My body's covered in pain that makes me feel like I've been beaten severely all over and it's unbearable, but for some reason, it's unlike before, coughing and gasping for air I turned over on my side and as I put my hand to my throat, I can breathe better than before.

I think I healed a little?

Breathing in and filling my lungs with all the warm air that it could hold, I tried not to make my mind race, what the hell happened? What was I doing again? I need to think clearly.

Yeah, I hit some wall and fell?

Embarrassing but that's alright...

No wait!


There was a cannibal around here?!

Ugh... My body hurts can I even get up?

No I don't think so?

No! Now's not the time for I don't think! Some beast in sheep's clothing is going to come here and eat me thinking that I'm another human just like them!

This won't do! I need to get the hell up and outta here!!

Opening my eyes, I'm still in an alleyway and it's still dark.

I have time...

This isn't the end, it ain't going to end like this.

Turning over one more time, I think my nose is broken, I want to scream so bad, my head's pressed up against the stone and as my face is buried in the stone, my hand is under me and my other is at my side, but it feels numb.

Moving my fingers.

My hand that's not under me still works.


Trying to move it, it was stiff but not unmovable.

Moving it over to my side, I wiggled, ugh what's this feeling? My tail? Oh I think my tail is trying to work like another arm as it's working with my actual arm to try and get my other arm out from under me?

Okay, I got this then. (the lies he tells himself - ?Devil?)

Fuck yeah!

Struggling for a few seconds I was able to get my hand from under me onto my side, that took a lot more energy than I thought it would have.

My body feels so stiff though...

But I have to get up and run..

I have to it's a matter of life and death now!

Slamming both hands onto the ground I can feel now that the both of them have deep cuts on them, fresh, not from the stone, that thing, it... It did this to me, ugh, fuck.

I can't give up now!

Pushing past the pain it started to build up and I can feel a pool of something wet under me, it probably tried bleeding me out or something, that's why I'm so weak.

But I ain't no human!

I'm a full fledged Demon and you ain't getting this!!


Pushing my weight I started pushing myself up, I can do this, I can get up and get the hell out of here, just a little more, just a little more and I can save myself!

*Sweet humming~*

"Now where'd I leave my dinner~"

Shit Shit Shit! I hear someone? But it's dazy? Is that it? Is that the monster or whatever the hell is trying to eat me! Fuck it who cares! They're not eating this bitch!

Pushing up to where my arms were straightened. I took a deep breath out and continued on moving my knee up, slamming it against the ground and getting another step closer. I'm so close to getting up, I just need to bring my other leg up and press my foot against the ground and push one more time to get onto my feet.

"Oh my? What's this?"

Clenching my teeth as I was halfway there, I pushed, I pushed harder than I've ever had and it was to the point where I could have let one rip, that hard.

Steps came from a distance, "Could it be I might've caught something more interesting than what I usually catch?" they said coming in from down the blackness of the alleyway.

Bitting the inner of my lip I thrusted my foot up and hit it against the ground, I'm so close, just one more step and I'm there, I just need to go up, I need to get up!

"Get up!!!"

Steps came closer from a distance, "Interesting indeed, this one has a lot of fight, a lot more than the others, and even after what I did to keep him down, he's fighting to get onto his feet, he's going to be so tender~♡" she hummed.

"Get up!!!" I growled fighting everything I had in me.

Pushing, I popped up, my hands came through and at the sky and as they had my body followed, this was like powerlifting but using myself instead of weights.

But as I got onto my feet, "Not so fast love~" something grabbed me, no someone grabbed me, and as I heard a voice in my ear, it wasn't an echo or anything like that.

Because this thing talked into my ear.

"What the–" My voice was cut out.

"GAHHHH!!!" And I screamed.

The next thing I knew something sunk into my shoulder, teeth, it had to be, those rough and dull edges with the slight pricing of the top and bottom, I know what it feels like to be bit and this thingy is biting me.

No it's doing worst.

It's tearing into me!!!

Its hands grabbing and gripping my shoulders so hard as it tares into my shoulder, arghh! Fuck! I can't feel my left hand! No, I can't feel my left arm!?

Grabbing its head as it's sinking its teeth into me, "Geh off me!" my right hand slammed against its head and a burst of violent fire flurried out like a barrage of wisps and cloud smoke.

But as it did and a mix of smoke and fire blew out, she shoved me lightly pushing me a few steps back as she leaned back, the fire had no effect on her.

And as I stepped back from her shove, I heard a loud gulp and my hand came rushing to my left shoulder.



This shillohet of a human grabbed their face screaming those crazy words into the open sky, and as I looked to this incredibly terrifying creature that literally bit away at me, there were no such things as a fight or flight instinct.

I felt like the only reason why I saw this person as a shillohet instead of a person was because they are what sends me deep into the Demon infested abyss.

It's going to kill me.

Panic swept my heart and the world around me shook as, this thing, it's going to kill me, I know it's going to kill me, I want to scream but my body, it's not working, I can't feel my hand, the entirety of my left arm, I'm trembling.

I'm scared.

Humans are terrifying..

Nastier beings than Demons...

"You're mine, you're so mine!"

Her voice broke my instability, and as this thing in black was dead ahead in front of me, I stepped back while holding onto my shoulder, "Geh... Geh awhheh"

"Hush hun, nothing is wrong here, just stay still~"

She approached.

She approached and as she did I forced my foot to take another step back, my body isn't working, I'm not running away, what the hell is happening, just work dammit!!!

Frozen with fear a hand came into view and as it's stained in blood with 5 fingers crossed my eyes in the blackness of this abyss.


A burst or puff of bright orange fire erupted out of me like a shockwave or mini fire balloon popping, and as it did the hand that was coming for me retracted.

But that slight burst of fire woke me up.

I don't wanna die.

I've said it a million times what makes now any different!

Biting my lower lip, it stung as my bite turned violent and I pierced my own skin on my lip making it bleed, I don't want to die, not here, not now.

Definitely not here!

Definitely not now!

No never! I never want to die!! Never ever!!!

Screaming, "NO!!!" it came out so fast as I clenched my everything and broke whatever shit eating will that I had keeping me in place and stiff.

I'm not going to die, not here or ever.

"A magic user..." her voice crept into the distance.

"Hah... How interesting... How interesting indeed!"

"I have to have it, I have to have it, it's the tastiest piece of meat that I've ever eaten before, and it's a freaking magic caster too, I need it, I need it, I need it now~"

"...>>>I want it to be mine~>>>..."

Feeling whatever force of nature coming at me as I clenched everything on me, I opened my eyes to see, no, I felt something so lustfully greedy and malicious that I think my heart is stopping, it was so evil and malicious that I...

I finally felt that fight or flight instinct.

And you know me, the badass sociopath that I am–

Taking a step and turning I dipped...