An Incubus's Misfortune [Pt.3]

Running away from that crazy ass cannible with all of my might, I didn't care that I hurt all over, I didn't care that I'm bleeding from my hands and on a serious note don't know how deep they are and might die from blood loss sooner than I thought, and I don't even care that whoever the fuck that is probably knows my face by now and isn't chasing and yelling after me because they know that they'll find me one way or another!

Fuck I'm so fucked, fuck fuck fuck...

Dashing through this alleyway like a madman, which I may or not be because I'm running from what some people would not call a serious matter but actually fucking is.

And I'm severely hurt and don't actually know how I'm even managing to do all this, like seriously I know I have a few screws loose but this is just purely insane.

But fuck it!

Fuck it all to hell!

Pushing past everything non-existent since this alleyway is actually clearer than how these types of places are usually stereotyped, I kept running and as I ran and ran and ran.

With I'm pretty sure blood flowing from out my feet as well, like deadass they feel wet and dirty, and eww, the sounds of whatever I'm leaving behind is worrying.

But pushing past it and past that as I'm running I can hear voices up ahead, oh God it hurts, that thingy, I can't believe it fucking mit me, I mean bit me, it freaking bit me!

I'm so going to die from blood loss.

No stop thinking you're going to die! You're not going to freaking die you stupid shit!

See I'm even talking to myself while desperately running, if this ain't near death then I don't know what is!

It ain't death you retart, shut up before I slap ya.

Why do you sound Italian!

Shut up and keep running!

Running down this almost endless alleyway as there seemed like no end, I saw a shred of light and turned.

Going through another way I wasn't going to make the same mistake of turning another left and then going straight back to the beast.

But instead, as I came through this alleyway and my vision was blurry as hell but somewhat better than before, and I heard some voices; the main thing I heard was this high pitched yelp...

"Lemme go, please"

The voice of some gal came to ear as I was running and it came from the direction I'm going in, "Hey, we're not gonna hurt you, we just want some of your time lady" the brassy voice of a man came to ear and even another but more high pitched and blunt, "A lovely lady like you shouldn't be out here by yourself in the middle of the night, let brother Kim here take ya home" he said.

Muscularly, "Or why don't you just... Come home with us?"

Romantically, "Yeah we'll take good care of ya tonight~"

Many voices came to ear as she was clearly unwilling and kept on persisting them to leave her alone and stop touching and grabbing her.

Shit their voices are coming closer by the second, I don't have time for this and they're clearly thugs, I just need to pass, I need to run past, I'm sorry I can't do anything to help, lady.

Running and getting closer to where those mixes of voices were, "Hey boss you hear something's" I knew they heard me, "Yeah, it sounds like someone's coming, get ready I ain't like the sounds of it, especially tonight" but suddenly as I was running my chest tightened and I stumbled and fell onto the ground.

My breath hot and leaving almost this imaginary white smoke came to sight and the burning of my body was all over as I suddenly rolled onto my sides as a burning heat...

It came all over and burned at me.

But I wasn't on fire, it was all internal.

It was like heavily drinking alcohol and feeling it instantly.

But this was worse as I scrunched up and couldn't do anything but roll and grab onto one of my sides as my left arm wasn't working, not at all, I think it's gone forever.

This meddling heat rolled over me and I felt this unbridled take of madness and mix of rageful emotions take a hold of me while I was on the ground and as it came and I was wanting to cry so freaking bad, steps came near my head.

"Aye boss I found some–"

But as they had I grabbed their foot and hit the ground leaving a blood print, I lashed at whoever it was, bearing my teeth and practically roaring at them like a beast.

I started feeling beastly and as these feelings started mixing in, that roar wasn't a bluff but it wasn't exactly a ferocious roar, in turn it was mid and as I did something put fear in that man as he looked down at me.

Because he kicked and ran.

Running into the infinite darkness and screaming.

"Hell no!"

And he kept running and as I started to push myself up and it took minutes and even another person came over, I felt myself wanting to run but also throw smoke if needed, I might not have a physical offense other than these hands, but I was going for all the smoke as if my life was on the line for some reason.

I'm pretty fucked up in the head right now.

Blood loss most likely?

Or I'm just up and crazy...

"Yeah... No..." whoever it was turned around and left.

And seeing them flee, I felt the need to continue for some reason, looking down there was already a little pool of blood under me, holy shit that's a lot of fucking blood.


That brought me back to my senses real quick and as I saw all that blood I need to go like now, it's dangerous at night and I need to get my ass to a hospital, I ain't playing with this right now, I need to get out of here.

Before real monsters appear.

And I ain't equipt for any of this!

Walking and practically limping my way down the hall, it was empty, and as I saw that no one was there and there was an open area so close to where I moved forward.

I kept going, I can see that light!

Suddenly I noticed someone and as I did, it was this outline of someone, something humanoid possibly human, either way, it didn't concern me until I heard their voice.

"What that hells your deal I almost had them in the bag"

Her voice came to ear but I kept on limping my way over to her direction to get out of here, like now.

"After they were done with me I could have ran their shit"

Holy fuck, that's dark and well thought out ain't it?...

"Do you know how much money you made me lose by scaring those assholes away, that's like the easiest money I could have made and you ruined it shithead!"

I don't know whether or not to be disgusted or amazed by this woman here, but I'm out of here, I ain't listening to her.

"You're going to pay big time for this buddy!"

"And from the looks of it, I can't rob you so take this!"

Getting to the edge near the open area suddenly I felt a pain in my left side and something was running through my back, it feels cold, I feel cold...

Dropping to my knees everything blackened.

"Die scumbag!"

That was the last of what I heard before it all went away, I ended up not hearing a thing and I felt like I was floating in an ocean with calm waves.

"Could it be that I'm dead?"

"Naw bro, we just put you on hella drugs" a voice?

"Should we tell him that he..." another voice

"Naw, look he spoke, and it's only been a day~" first voice

"Then since he's awake should we just tell him what's going on?" Second voice.

"Naw, he's awake ain't he, let's get him nice and tidy" first voice

"Are you sure we shouldn't like tell him first, Josh?" second voice

"Hey there brother, wake up, let's get you dressed and situated okay, me and my aka our other brother here Drake are going to help you out since your weak and super drugged up at the moment, my fault by the way, I bled some weird bug bloods into your mouth while you were sleeping to help you recover faster, I didn't know till after I did it they have these effects" Josh? The first voice.

"Ignore him, he felt sorry and drunk some of those bloods after finding out that he accidentally drugged you, anyway, I'm Drakendil or Drake for short and we're fellow Incubi just like yourself, we found you in some allway the other night and you looked like you were in need of help so we took you with us back to the nest to recover, luckily we were here when you woke up just now, the place is quiet and I don't recognize you so you must be from another nest and I don't want you getting lost here, anyways, me and Joshiah are going to help you up and get you all done, so just follow along and by the time you come to your senses if you haven't already, you'll wake up in bed and we'll finally talk, like when you can properly open your eyes haha"

Brother Drake said and as I opened my eyes he looked like a fluffing puddle of clouds, hehehe.

"You... Fluffy..."

"Yes I am, just think of me like a sheep little bro, now rest your head and we'll be back soon, got it"

Agreeing to the fluffiness of this fluffy cloud king, particles of blue sprinkled around me and I closed my eyes, they felt heavy and suddenly I felt tired, so very tired...

"Hah, your magic looks like sprinkles~"

"Joshiah... What the heck hahaha"

* * *

In What Could Have Been A Dream.

Sitting at an empty stool in some busted up tavern, I was sitting there with a smile on my face and a tall glass of booze in my hand.

"Hey boss, anything new"

The barkeep turned to look at me as he was polishing his counter and as he looked to me with a solum glare on his face.

"Folk around here have been hearing these howls at night lately, ain't like how they use to be though, I've heard em myself, these are more viscous, more ferocious, if you ask me, I think some beasts have traveled a little too close to the village, the chief may reward you a little sum if you and those folk over there are willing to teach those dumb mutts a lesson, hell, I'll even throw in some coin boy"

With a grin on my face as he said that, I turned over to see a few people sitting around at round tables and kicking one back enjoying their beers, but I didn't let these dunks fool me because each and every one of them were strapped with hunting gear.

Ha, looks like this one is going to be a good one,

"So whatta ya say, fellas"

Someone "The boss here has a little issue needing to be solved," said as they stood up from out of their seats hitting their mug onto their table.

"Looks like we need to solve it now don't we Aster"

"Damn right we do, Jinx"

Looking at the man with a mace on his side, I couldn't help but wear a grin on my face as I downed the rest of my liquor and then hit it against the counter, turning next to the door straight ahead.

"Now let's go and solve this little puppy problem"

* * * * *

Sitting up and holding onto the sheets as I was visibly confused by this dream I just had, "What the hell" I had no idea and I low-key felt like this was cowboy related.

"Good you're awake!"

Looking over to my side as there was some lithe man with black hair and eyes sitting next to me on some couch while I was on a bed which didn't make much sense?

"Who are you?"

"Names Drakendil but you can call me brother Drake"

As he was talking I looked over next to him and sitting next to him there was some sleeping redhead who like him was lithe and he was just snoring away as he leaned his head on this guy's shoulder.

"Okay... Drake? I'm confused, where am I?"

"Oh, this is Rosa Marines most trusted nest~"

He was straight to the point and I'm super glad for that.

"If you're wondering why you are here, I won't mind telling you"

"Please do..." I asked seriously confused as I'm sitting here.

After that, he then started explaining to me the entirety of what was happening and he even told me that a whole day plus has passed since he found me in some alleyway.

Meaning that today was Friday the 19th...

Looking to myself, I was wearing decent blue clothing, and under these clothes were bandages wrapping me all around, he said most of my wounds would heal in a few days but due to my low healing factor as a Rank 1 incubus, the wound on my shoulder would take a bit more time to heal though.

We exchanged words back and forth about what happened and as a fellow incubus, he explained a few things to me which I didn't know or understand much of.

However for the next half hour of this afternoon, he talked to me even though he clearly wanted to ask some other things, but he seemed to restrain himself and he focused on some more serious matters.

After that, though he started asking where I was from, why I'm only keeping my tail out, which nest was I from, and where was I from seeing as my complex made me look like I was from a hotter climate so he thought I might have been from the south city or even out of Nefumia which he then kept on going and bombarding me with questions.

I got to them one by one and thought I thought he wouldn't understand, he actually understood.

And by that I mean my choices that I've picked.

Like how with choosing the Fairy race to blend in with, it's more flexible as a disguise as there's less that I need to hide, though it may bring some unwanted attention and slight danger, we both thought it was better in pros as a worthy disguise.

Also he bought the whole Camelot origin thingy and how I moved here to live with my uncle but due to some issues and or trying to keep my origin further away even from my own kind, I've just kept myself known as a fairy and wouldn't like it if the nest here found out.

Which he was okay with keeping secret through he told me that it might have been a very bad idea even though it sounded fun and amusing to him.

He's a really good fellow.

We ended up talking and chatting as he helped me to adjust and stretch and I couldn't even believe it but I can feel my left arm again, I can even wiggle my fingers.


He also explained a few things I didn't know about these ranks which he called levels since it was easier for him and to be honest, me too despite liking my ranking better.

The more I level up or rank up, the stronger my healing factor will get along with my demonic powers and authority over magic like enchantments and illusions which sounds cool but I don't know how to do any of those other than that of charm.

After talking alot he insisted I stayed another night in which let's be honest, I'd rather do that than have to go back and see those girls, so as he insisted it I didn't complain.

He even told me how to leave this place and get back to where the train station is from here, which is far but isn't far from where I live since it's only like a half mile away from the brothel.

He had to go not so long after our long chat and he left me with the guy named Joshiah which he told me to just call him josh and he's sleeping because he wanted to repent for drugging me I guess? Sounds funny and it is.

Anyways, when he left I went back to sleep, I didn't want to get back up, my hands and feet still hurt, it all hurts, it was just less than before and I'm thankful for that.

* * *

At The Nest In Rosa Marine

The next day I woke up from another dream which I found strange? However I didn't pay much mind as I looked around to see the room empty?

But seeing that it was empty and I should probably get back to Lex seeing as he must be worried, I have been gone for what? 2 days? Without any notice.

So I should probably go back now.

Getting up and out of bed even though it hurts, I stepped out of bed, feeling the cold ground through my bandaged feet and looking at myself I was a brushing mess.

I'm thankful for those guys, I'll literally see them as my brothers from now on and forever, I love them guys!

Anyways, walking with a literal limp in my step, there was a pair of shoes by the door about my size with a note on one of them, so going over and picking up the note I read it seeing as it was kind of obvious from my view.

It said, "You owe us one, btw you're going to need these"

Yeah seriously, I owe you both a great deal.

Thanks for the stuff.

Grabbing the shoes and putting them on slowly, I was fully equipt to leave this place and as I grabbed the door softly because shit my hands weren't the best, it wasn't as bad and it was healing fast but I'll take another day or 2 to be decently healed. I opened the door and left.

Leaving I was in some residential building and through it looked different from the nest I ignored it because of how it was so quiet and empty and dark and spooky and so I was gone.

Going back to the brothel about an hour later it was dark out, like midnight type dark and as I walked back in, I shocked the grape haired girl as she saw me come in and shot up from out of her chair.

But as she yelled something, I barely even glanced at her as I was... I don't know, tired still, weak Maybe, I was exhausted after walking 2 maybe even 3 miles from the nest? Or at least that's how far it felt, no it felt like 100 miles or so.... Ughhhhhhh.

Ignoring the girl, I walked over to my room and as I might have been being followed by her or someone in there, I don't know.

I took off my shirt revealing the white and red bandages covering my body because it's hot and like seriously I ain't about this heat, I wanna be cold now, though I don't think it's actually a good idea however I'm not a good idea so hah!

And with that out of the way, I tossed my shirt off to the side of the bed and then leaped onto the bed, literally passing out the next second.