The Mist: A hazy night in the red light district [Q1]

In The Midst Of A Dream Or Something Entirely Else

(Readers notice:)

(Displacements of reality and dreams are going to occur in the next instant, this is not a form of schizophrenia even though it is very similar, affects not permanent)

Just past the throne doors, King Nicolas Aubry is sitting on his throne waiting, I can hear his heart beating from across the halls, I can smell the fear of those he envelops.

"What the hell is wrong with you!"

Tearing throughout my ears someone's screaming voice shatters my brain, it's so loud, too noisy, it's like the walls are screaming back and forth with each other and it's all shooting at me like I'm the core and the nerves.

Pressing my hand against the doors.

Shoving my face into the pillow.

Forcing them open and scraping the hard wooden floors.

Feeling this pang shoot throughout me like a bolt of shock.

And walking into the throne room.

Getting out of bed after throwing my pillow.

I locked eyes with King Nicolas Aubry as he's surrounding himself with four other people as he sits on that throne of his, surrounding himself with his sons and daughters.

I reached for the door as shouting flung in every manner.

His lineage, all innocent and kind hearted souls.

Another voice shot into my head forcing me to grab it as I opened the door leading into the hallway, "Why should it even matter to you slut" they shouted echoing off all.

Raising his glass of wine everyone silenced and faced me, "Lord Hiragi, it seems you've returned" he said lowering it and taking a sip before handing it off to his eldest son.

Balancing myself, I stepped into the hallway and started making my way towards the commotion. Each word that bounced off the walls shock and hurt me.

Blanker than nothingness and colder than ice, I harbored those feelings and wore them on my face as I walked down the light path, "I heard about what happened to Soffie, you have my condolences Lord Hiragi, now may I ask why you have decided to show up on my doorsteps" the king asked with a smile fuller than any man who's felt what I felt.

Walking; While using the wall for support as I'm limping and avoiding tripping over myself, their voices aren't muffled by the walls and or their echoes.

The King asked, "could it be that you've seekn'd me out for sakes of your revenge, do you need help my lord? Or have you come to join forces with me once more, I could use your help you know, these times are dangerous"

Getting to the ends of the hall everyone's backs were to me except one but they were too busy arguing, and as I stood there "I just wish I would've gotten rid of him alot sooner" I've heard everything every one of them had said and my bodies betraying me, they're betraying me, it's all happening again, just like with lady clementine and even that other one, it's like, the closer I come the further every other thing moves away from me, why? How come today's topic is me? Why even have it me? Why it be me? Why am I even here to begin with? I can hear you all and it's clear.

The King said but I had no words for him.

That you want me to disappear.

Other than.

I shouted: "Shut up!"

"Shut up..." I spoke.

Hearing my voice the girls turned their heads seeing me, in front of them Lex who was in between them and Ursula did the same but with worry showing on his face and anger clouding the one to his right, Ursula.

The King grinned at my words as he glanced down to his offspring, he knew he had the upper hand in this game but he was mistaken as I raised my hand.

Rika: "It's you, your back?!" she sounded shocked as she said that, but as she did and all eyes were on me, I raised my hand and pointed it at them, everything about me just dulled.

"And Evoke my wrath and subdue them in hellish chains"

"And Evoke my wrath and subdue them in hellish chains"

Thick chains burst out of the ground.

Thin chains shot out from the ground in front of me.

Everything seems misty.

. . . . .


A voice brung me back to my senses and as I was standing there at the end of the hall, I looked up to see six people in the middle of the lobby and covered in thin fire chains?

These chains looked to be made of some hard magic fire?

"Just calm down, don't do anything rash!"

Looking over Lex too was chained up...–

Looking at everyone, chains that popped out of the floor in front of my feet wrapped them, the chains circled them and tied them up, and as it came nearing the ends, what looked to be a spearhead at the end of the chains was floating directly in front of their faces like it was aiming for their heads and awaiting commands?!

. . . . .

These succubi looked horrified as blades neared their faces and as I stood there taking this all in from a sudden haze that swept my mind, not knowing exactly how I came to be here as I was sleeping the last I knew it, I then came to remember all of what happened, I slept walked and it all came to me as I remembered both of what happened and I remembered exactly what they said, and they knew what they said, the only one who's excluded from this is Lex.

Speaking of Lex, he's the only one who's making any attempt of speaking as he's caught up in my chains like everyone else, "Bud we're just talking things through, there's no need for you to feel threatened in any way, just calm down and release us before you end up hurting someone" he said trying to speak his way through to me but as I looked apon all of what was going on and what was happening, I-... I got emotional, and that's never a good sign when it comes to my race or me just in general.


Screaming that; I don't know, I startled him as I said that and looked down building up with these unsavory emotions, I hate them, I really do hate them, I don't hate him, he's the only one who's never been fake, he's never put up a front and if he is, then he's doing hallva job as I believe it more than sometimes.


Laughing hysterically I must have really lost my mind huh, what the hell is wrong with me, oh wait nothing, theirs just something wrong with everyone else.

"Yeah..." Me

"Hiro! Whatever your about to do! DON'T DO IT!" Lex

Kasumi flinched, "Wait... Hiro? Wasn't that the last guy who worked here?!" she said breaking free from the horror in front of her as she had started realizing something.

"I tried being good, I really have, but I guess that's not me"

All the light fell from my face as I said that, and as I looked over to the girls, I thought deeply about what each of them said, the four of them wanted to get rid of me from the very start and Ursula who claimed to be on my side or whatever she was doing, manipulating everything, she sided with them at the last minute, leaving him, Lex to be the only one against hurting or doing something ill fated.

And that brought a happy smile to my face.

And it even made me laugh.



"I'm just like Asmodeus"

They forced my hands into clenching these fists, and as it had the chains reacted, tightening around their prey and the spears at the ends pushing through, some going through their necks and others stabbing them straight through the chest leaving 3 still dieing.

Iris, Kasumi, and Rika, however, their lives wouldn't last long, their bleeding from the chest and their hearts might have been punctured, Lex didn't get struck, the others did.

And as they were stabbed and others had their throats slashed out, I laughed, moving my hand to my mouth as I couldn't hold it back, I'm loving this, I've never loved anything so much in my life, I don't know why, but this is such a beautiful sight~♡♡♡

"Hiro what have you done!"

Lex screamed and vines sprung out of the grounds below him to try and free him from my chains only to be burned to ash apon gripping it.

Hearing him scream I giggled and walked over as those chained wrapped tighter around the girls, this is almost poetic, if only I had ice powers I would have been able to recreate something from my neutral villain series.

However I'm stuck with fire and as I chained up my prey and took some steps closer to the girls and Lex, 2 of 6 already dead, I spoke passionately, "I'm sorry uncle but I've been fighting my urges for too long, I'm a Demon too after all, but what none of you understand is that I'm worst than the all of you combined, far worst"

To be fair I guess I would be considered a freak even by demon standards, because of Asmodeus, I'm already not a normal Demon, shit, I can consume souls which others can't so that's a big fucking difference from the start.

And as I laughed that, the 3 girls widened their viewpoint past the pain as they heard clearly what I said, and I wasn't hiding it to this point anymore, I don't wanna help these girls get better with people, sorry Lex let them stay loose because I want to be their torment, I'll be their undoing.

"I'm going to kill all of you okay, except my sweet uncle~"

Turning to face Lex I did a little happy hop which I guess is terrifying the dude, "Sorry uncle the plan failed~ but I'll make it up to you, I'll make the brothel better without'em" I said and his face went from 0 to 100 in an instant.

"Do you even understand what your doing Hiro, you—"

"I'm just burning some steam, don't worry so much"


"This happens all the time though, they were planning on killing me first from the start though, I'm just going through with their plan but against them"


"Also you have it wrong, sorry but..."

Doodling around I went over to a struggling succubus, not even able to scream for help as the chains were too tight, so going over someone I actually talked too unlike, Iris or Kasumi who I've been ignoring more of since they ain't interesting in the slightest. I went over to Rika my last living pain the neck and as she was struggling to breathe and had something stabbed into her chest.

I started petting her head like a mutt.

"Never mind I don't feel like sharing, none of you have earned to learn anything from me, sorry dear, but I'm just going to make you suffer a little while longer"

Leaning in closer to Rika, I then whispered.

"Because you run your mouth too much for a whore, also, despite me wanting to make Sora suffer a lot longer than you, I think I killed her straight off the bat so I'm so sorry, no hard feelings big sister, I'm just letting out some steam which wasn't even made by you but by the humans"

Stepping back and ignoring whatever Lex said,

"Oh and don't worry, I won't harm the grape girl, I'm just going to kill you instead, so have fun in the abyss big sis, and don't try and die, you won't come back if you die in there"

Looking over to the others,

"I'm debating if I should kill you two or not? Your boring though so I'll kill you for the hell of it, even though I'm more a fan of pleasure and torment, but you girls..."

"You know all about that don't you~"

"Anyways, I don't know how to control this, so let's see if I can make it any more fun, also Lex, sorry for killing your pets in advance, you can do whatever you want with me after, I've been sold once before so I don't really care~"

Saying that I tightened the hold on the chains.

"Is that all you see in your own life, Hiro?"

Looking over to him,


"Your acting like your life doesn't mean anything?"

"I'm literally killing everyone is now the time to talk about this? Also my life doesn't mean shit boss, sorry to disappoint you hahaha"

"Wrong! Also we can just go get them later!!"

He has his ways with words I guess? Haha I love it.

"Go on~"

"Where I'm trying to get at, is you should appreciate life just a little bit more, and if not your own then the life of others who care about yours"

Damn he's inspiring me, is he using magic? Fuck! He just like that ain't he? Maybe? Might he be? If he is then hell, he's something I gotta say.

"Your inspirational words are inspiring but sorry to break it to you but I have nothing, you're the only thing keeping me here because before you came, I was really- really considering switching sides and joining the bad guys, until I was betrayed by the only one worth living for, and I don't want to go back to the people I wanted to live for and god damn it why am I like this! I don't wanna live for anyone I wanted to live for myself not anyone!"

"Are you two seriously doing this now, get this outta my chest!" Kasumi

I snapped at her, "Stay out of this" and the chain stabbed her neck, making her chock on her own blood.

"Ha, see I'm getting to ya"

"No, the original stick was for me to survive, why am I trying to live for anyone other than myself now!"

"Maybe because-"


"I was going to say because you care for others, it's a good trait, now can you just hurry and kill them, it's painful to see them getting what they deserved since you kind of had a point back there, they have through many of times about killing the Hiro you for some odd reason?"

"First let's get this straight, I don't care about no one"

"You care about me don't ya? I'm ya uncle~"

"And I'm regretting coming back..."

"Hahaha, yeah, sure, you care for me, or else I'd be dead too~"

"You're gonna die sooner or later if you don't shut up..."


"You're a pain in the butt, just give me a minute"

Turning away from that Demon, I walked over to each girl starting from the right Kasumi to the Rika and grabbed the spike, and stabbed them in the neck to kill them.

After that, I released my mana and Lex got back on his feet and free from those stubborn chains which I'm unsure of how I got them to come out? Was it a spell, did I sleep cast a unknown spell?...

With Lex now free, he walked over to me and as he got over here, the first thing he does, *Bam* he hits me over the head and grabs me by the shoulders which made me squeak in pain from the wound on my left shoulder and he let go crossing his arms as he was ticked off.

"This is coming out of your pay by the way..."


I murdered people, like my first official kill was between Ursula and Sora and the first thing you say when you get cut loose is that you're paying out of your paycheck for this?

"I know I know..."

Grabbing me by the head and looking me in the eyes, he blankly stared at me and then shook me to the point where it was just annoying and I wasn't letting him do it anymore, also I should probably get rid of those chains now.

"Stop shaking me!"


Grabbing his hand on my head and pulling it away and backing up, he looked at me blankly, and as I was going to do something he opened his mouth and said something.

"You're coming with me to get the girls from the abyss"

[Release: Magic] the magic being casted vanished.


"Well you killed them?"

"What do you mean I gotta go, you're making it sound like it's happening soon, they won't respawn for like a year!?"

But as I said that he walked away, "Stay there" he said and as I was so fucking confused I just waited and when he came back, he walked over to each corpse laying on the floor and he threw a white stone at each of them, the blood started to condense into a little hard ball.

He then came around and threw a purple crystal shard at them and when he did, they lit up and glew and a second later they just vanished, turning into dust.

Turning to me, "They'll respawn in Oc'enha Cemetery tomorrow night, we leave, right after we drag these corpses to the back and then freshen up because..."


"You look malnourished? When's the last time you've eaten, or drunk something?"

"I don't know?"

"I know a gal, and since now you're going to have to introduce yourself to the team since you don't wanna do operation aka plan staffer restraint anymore, you're going to need to look. . .Not like this, especially since you killed them, and they're going to be super mad, I'm not really since you looked like you were having a blast, but your dead to them, 100%, there's no taking that back"

"Sigh... I know..."

"Have you learned anything from this?"

With those words in mind, I clenched my fist and threw my hand to the sky!

"I've learned that I dislike murder though the thought and action of hurting those I don't like are super exciting and I will probably do it some more~!"

"That's not what I was looking for but good to know!"