The Mist: Into The Spiders Web

In The Back Room Of The Brothel

After what happened earlier, he made me take a shower and then go to the back room past the counter to treat my wounds, I gave him some trouble to'as I told him that I was already treated but he didn't want to hear what I had to say as he told me that he wasn't asking.

Taking the painfullest shower of my days, it made me feel something for the girls for a moment, but halfway through as I started feeling sorry for them, I thought back to the generalization of them and I hit the wall, I hate them.

I hate them! I Hate Them!! I HATE THEM!!!

The threats, the harassment, the constant shit that they did to me for a whole month since my rebirth, then to top it off just after that the humans kidnapped me to torture me and make me into their little sorcerer bitch, and then the others have the balls to betray me right after saving me.

I'm no one's slave.

I'm no one's bitch.

And no one's going to get my pity.

The ones I hurt will deserve every last bit of it!

And if they don't then it'll be my responsibility...

Leaving the bathroom without even checking out the damages, I went back past the counter to get examined and aided by Lex in the back room, he's the only one I can trust and he's just like family to me, no, he is family, that's been his thing from the start, so I'm okay with him.

. . . . .

"You need to take better care of yourself"

"Ouch, that hurts!"

Examining me, he put something on my shoulder wound, "Duh! It's gonna hurt! Someone literally took a bite out of you! Who the heck bit ya? What have you been doing this week?" he asked both worried and amazed.

"Living life to the fullest. . ." more or less. . .

Sighing, "You're a mess"

"I know, I know..." he's not wrong...

He started looking around and using some medical tools he came all around me, looking, feeling, pocking, and he even kicked me in the shin to get a reaction which I wanted to kick him back for doing that but held back.

Walking around as he sat me down on a stool in the middle of the room, "What have you been doing? You're severely unhealthy and malnourished? It looks like you haven't eaten in days? Have you been so unsuccessful in hunting that you've been starving yourself? You know you can always eat physical foods like meats and plants to keep your hunger at bay?" he kept poking around at me as he was saying all of this.

I feel like he's mocking me, "Also, if you were that hungry you could have just came to me for some money? I could have given ya some to rent a girl, you are still my kid, after all~" please just mock my efforts, this is too embarrassing.

Face's literally red, "Yeah Yeah Whatever!" is this normal? Also I'm an adult I don't actually need your help to get laid! I can do that on my own even if it's a free meal!

Actually that free meal doesn't sound so bad, hold up...

"Seriously! Don't make me worry, bad enough you already killed your sisters, seriously... sigh... You're as bad as the ones back at the nest, with their fighting and killing each other all the time"

Wait come again?!


"Yeah, it's almost annoying, less than most entertaining"


"What's so funny?"

"Nun~" this is great, I guess I have a few things I can talk with him about, "I'm just guessing that that means you must have a bunch of stories up your sleeves"

Actually I just wanna hear a good story~

"I do, if we get the chance to hang out with the others, I'll tell ya a few"

"Sounds awesome" did he really mention the others?

"You're not getting out of being punished you know"

"I wasn't expecting such"



"What were you expecting?"

Giving him my honest opinion, "I don't know? I was honestly expecting you to give me to someone for a week and tell em to do whatever they wanted with me, like that brothel a block down that makes way more money than it should be?" Honestly being a hoe is a guilty pleasure...

Like, it's embarrassing trying to do it on my own, but if I get in the mood and maybe if it's just me and someone else, I- I don't know how to go about all of this actually?

But anyways, hypothetically if it's just me and someone else than I'll be lewd and slutty, but I'm not very good at the whole, incubus prostitute part, just the lewd thing I-

I think...?

Getting out of my head, Lex spoke, "You know we don't make much right? Was that supposed to be a diss?"


"Ouch. . ."

Wait so how are we going to get there in only a day?" Any- Anyways can we hurry this up, traveling through hell does seem like it's going to take a while so we should just hurry and go" I said seeing as this might actually be a long trip?

"Oh no, we're not traveling through the 9 hells, we're going straight to a town in Shendilavri, remember when I mentioned that graveyard earlier, those essence crystals I used speeds up the respawn time so they should wake up in that place in a day from now"

"You can do that?!!!"

"Yes, it's only something our people can do though"

"I won't tell a soul if that's what you're implying..."


"Wait so if we're going straight there? Won't there still be like 23-22 hours till they respawn? Why don't we just wait until tomorrow since it'll be closer to when they wake up?"

"I wanna show you around since you've never been there"

"Really!? Why?"

"Remember when I found you 4 months ago, that's why"

I don't get it? Does he mean that because: he thought that I didn't know what I was and thought that I was just another human 4 months ago? And since he didn't know that I knew what I was and was probably born here in earthrum that I've never been to the abyss since it's home to Demon kind? well he's right about one of those? But if that's what he's implying then... No comment.

"Oh... So... What're we gonna do??"

"Well I'm not going to take you anywhere extravagant, I'm just going to show you around, it's a large realm, you should learn about our lands a bit"

"Sounds like a good time?"

"It's not, these people can be ruthless most of the time"



"Anyways, I'll be done in a minute"

"Okay, please hurry though, every time you touch me, it- ah! It hurts!!!"

"Don't be a baby, I'm just curing your wounds"

* * *

A Brothel 3 Blocks Away From The Silver Moon Brothel.

After curing my wounds, moving the bodies again, and getting re-bandaged, we left not too long after, he didn't tell me much outside of that we were just going somewhere, but from this little glint in his eyes I'm just assuming he had plans today before everything occurred?

But it made me wonder? Besides running the brothel which I guess is now closed for the time being till we get more workers, what does he do, and what's with this place he's bringing me into?

"Little Extract?" That's the name of the brothel?

"My friend owns the place~" he seems happy about it?

Going inside, we were immediately greeted by some girl with purple skin? She didn't look human, she had an extra pair of eyes under her own which looked smaller than the normal ones and her figure was small and human ish but from what I'm just guessing, there's a lot more to her than what it seems, maybe she's a spider girl actually?

She ran over to him, "Lexy! You finally came!" hugging him as she was fully wrapped in happiness and squshing him uncomfortably from the "stop embarrassing me" look on his face, it was pretty funny.

*Aster's mood slowly started increasing by percentages*

"Good to see you too Catherine..." doesn't sound like it.

This was actually pretty funny to see right now, this was my first time seeing Lex uncomfortable around someone, his mood never really passed the stable line of everything, even when he got angry it was more like a grudging stare.

Chuckling at them as she started having a full blown conversation with him while he just stood there not even hugging her back more or less saying anything back.

And I guess he heard me laugh because slowly turning his head, he looked at me like I'm not the one who should be laughing in a situation like this...

But then a smile crept on his face.

And now I'm sweating... Why you smiling?

Looking back to Catherine, he moved his hand up to her shoulders prying her off and then saying before she could get the chance to bombard him anymore.

"Guess what Catherine?"

She responded instantly, "What?!" and hyperactively too?

Speaking smoothly, "I brought my kid with me today, he's sort of bad so I'm gonna need a little bitty favor from you, if that's all right of course?" he said spooking me.

Looking over to me she raised her brow and then looked back over to him, "Sure, what do you have in mind~" she went along with this making me gulp as they might actually be deciding my punishment here and now...

Glancing at me, "I was thinking of sending him to visit my sister for a week to just pick on him a little for killing his sisters, but I don't think that might work, you know how she can be and he's going to worsen if he's around her, he's been throughout a lot to do what he did, however, his actions can't go unpunished, so how about you let him work here for a week when we come back from getting the girls from back home in the abyss" he said gradually turning back to her.

And I was shocked, "Also he's a tad bit shy"

"That's all the better Lexy"

Huh? What you mean!, "He's in your care, discipline him however, oh and though I didn't make him, don't forget he is still an Incubus," he said looking to me with a grin saying, you shouldn't have laught man.

Wait, has he already told her about me?!

Looking over to me, she smiled and came over to me, "hm, I've heard a little about you, Lex doesn't tell me much of what happens at his brothel so I'm not going to judge" and I'm all of a sudden nervous as she's looking me up and down... Ehwh.

Turning around and facing Lex, "Throughout I don't like those girls who work there, so just imagining what you did to them is getting my blood pumping, you'll have to tell me the details when you get back little Incubus, also, as of the punishment it's already been decided, you're to help my management team in the front lobby and assist my sweet underlings in any way possible, whether it be work related or not, however since I'm a fair gal and you did me a favor teaching those stuck up girls of Lex's a lesson, if my underlings do so request and ask such things inappropriate of you, you are allowed to deny it and tell me if they insist"

Poking in, "She would have said that either way, she's just going to listen to your words more and check if you're telling the truth before deciding a verdict" Lex butted it.

Sighing, "Yes ma'am..." I kinda don't wanna do this.

But then again this is way better than having to deal with the girls' wrath when we get back home, actually, this is way better I'm just not liking how easygoing this is going.

Turning around she then jumped startling me, but before I could ask what it was about, she started running around me, poking me and asking a fury of questions which got Lex laughing and me wondering why I'm even here again.

But then she stopped and she came back to Lex.

"Wait so where's he from? He seems so young?"


Pointing at me as she came in between us, "His magic, it's not even half a year old?" and I fucking jumped! How'd she even? What?! What is she talking about!?!?!?

Looking at me confused, "I don't know what you mean?!"

Turning back around, "His magic is confusing since it's obviously mixed with old root magic, you know the things them witches are so attached to but his energy field, his demonic energy which comes with you guys when you're born, it doesn't matter that he doesn't have much of it, it's just so young and fresh, if you ask me, I can't tell him apart from a newborn demon?" she's too observant! What the fuck!

Stepping back, I didn't know how to go about this, "Well, that might just be because until 4 months ago I didn't even know I was an Incubus, that's when I awakened and found Lex, that could be it ya know, plus I've been a Sorcerer since birth so that might add to the confusion since both are strong primary magics hahaha" I'm shit out of luck!

I'm a fucking train wreck!

Rubbing her chin, "That might be it? Wait you're a Sorcerer too?!" wait did she just say Sorcerer too?.... . . . . .

"Wait you're also a Sorcerer!!!" I burst out.

With a smile full to the brim with pride she hit her chest like a monkey, "Haha! Indeed I am my demonic friend! I'm lucky cherry of the poison spider clan, lady Catherine Ivy~!" she said proudly which shook me to be honest.

And then she pointed at me, "Introduce yourself brother!"

Pointing to myself, "I-I'm, Aster Hiragi former member of the Natsu clan under the past name of Hiro Natsu, I work at the Silver Moon Brothel and work under Lex, my uncle"

I don't know why but I feel so bashful right now, shy ain't even going to cut it, something about this place just draws out everything negative and that even means by icky spirit.

Coming over and throwing her hand out, "Nice to meet you little Hiragi, but I have a question, Hiragi, is that another'on family name or did you just think of it???!"

Asking, I didn't know what to say, "Because that's Azy's family name so I was kinda wondering if you by chance were a- hey you alright?"

I froze as she was talking, only a few call him that but I know exactly who she's talking about, she's talking about him and if that means anything, then that could mean that she's.


That's her true name and as I said that out loud, she paused and looked at me with all eyes open full of shock.

"How do you..."

Stepping back, this was Asmodeus's first companion back when he was awakened from the mythical coffin of eternal darkness and then was adopted into the Hiragi household.

"What's wrong you two? Hey, Aster are you okay?" Lex

"You look like you've seen a ghost?" Lex

But as Lex was jumping in, she took a deep breath and moved her hand to her mouth as tears started swelling from her face.

"Azy... Asmodeus is that you?" Tears rolled in her eyes.

But as she says that I gaged and looked the other way, I suddenly swallowed a spoonful of unbridled rage. No take that back this was a whole truckload drowning me.

"Hell no! Ugh! That's disgusting don't ever compare us!"

Feeling like I'm straight about to throw up, she wiped her face, "Wait your not Azy? Then who are you and-" but as she was talking and I threw up in my mouth a little.


I snapped at her, "We might have the same blood but I look nothing like him! Nothing! Nothing!! Nothing!!! He's just a stupid bastard who's going to pay for what he did, don't ever compare us like that again!" I seriously snapped...

And hearing all of that she gasped, "Lex I want him, you don't get this but I seriously want him," she said and he looked over to her with an idiot expression as she was gleaming and watching me rant my frustration.

But as I was frustrated and venting, she changed her form to become as small as me and she ran over hugging and picking me up with a tight squeeze.

"Then it's settled, you're mine Aster~!"

"Huh?! Let me go you stupid spider!"

"Aww, I just love him!"

"I'm confused on what's happening?..." Lex?

Voicing out as she was smothering me, "Catherine! Can you explain to me what's happening? Also you can't have him, he's my kid" and she didn't seem to like that.

. . . . .

In Her head. . .

But as he said that she put me down and put her hand on my hot ass head, "Gimme a second" she then turned around and as she was looking at Lex, I couldn't see what was happening from behind her and being as frustrated as I was didn't care for her as she's a pain, but then I heard.

And she said,"As the former servant and advisor to Lord Hiragi, by law of the dark realm I am entitled to Aster Hiragi son or grandson of my former Master Asmodeus Hiragi"

She said pulling the whole deck out and as he stood there shocked and confused, I was standing behind her looking the same way as him, but then she crossed her arms and I could feel a scary aura filling this room and it was so hard and dense that I started to choke, I couldn't breath and Lex was coughing hard.

But then it vanished, "However since you've been taking care of him, and you've been doing sort of a less than decent job, I as his guardian and now new advisor will grant you permission to guide him until he matures under the laws of this kingdom"

Gasping for air she turned around as I was on my knees hanging over the floor barely able to even keep myself up and she scratched her cheek, "Sorry about that"

Falling and rolling onto my back, "that was terrifying" she has been alive for about 4-5 hundred years, I doubt this was her full strength being released.

"You alright?" she looked worried a bit, and as I looked at this crazy ass spider, I rolled my eyes back and just layed there, "Imma take that ah yes~" I love her already...

"Also Lex sorry about that, I'm just trying to prove my dominance ya know, hehehe"

He passed out on the floor...

She was too overwhelming for us. . .

"Did you both fall asleep?"

"Hey, no sleeping on the ground you two!"

"Why aren't you waking up? Aster? Lex?"

"Hey someone come out here and check on my friends, I don't know what's going on with them!"

. . . . .

After Whatever The Hell That Was In Her Head.

Squeezing me to death she ignored Lex and kept trying to suffocate me, "Let me go you 8 legged bitch!" but it wasn't going to happen as she didn't stop until Lex had to come in and save me from her, I guess he felt bad.

After separating the both of us, and me actually gasping for air as I was finally given the blessing to breathe again, she came and grabbed the both of us by the arms, smiling and scaring us as that didn't look like a good smile, it made us both gulp as she was planning something.

And it was nothing good...

"I'm tagging along with you two now, to the abyss we go~"

What the hell! There's no way in all of creation that she's coming with us. . .He didn't say yes or no, he looks as dead on the inside as me but on the outside...

Was she his tormentor? Holy shit...

We left not too long after, Lex more or less dead on the outside an her being clingy to the both of us, I broke the silence as I tried making small talk but only she responded as he just walked alongside us with that blank deadish look.

But then she nudged him and brought him back to reality, he looked mentally exhausted though, and he said he was as he didn't know what happened back there but she just came around and said he shouldn't worry about.

Heading to the nest, it was mainly those two talking but when we got there they got silent, and as I was walking in the middle of them, not by choice, we came to this horrid building there and when we came in, there was a broken stone door around there, Lex took out a purple orb and the stones lifted up forming the frame of the door, it was lit up by this light like purple stuff and as a black door formed he opened it and we all had to step into this darkness like mist of purple.

Coming out on the other side, we appeared on a pathway, trees plagued all around and there was nothing other than the path, Lex smiled as he looked down the dirt path most likely thinking of something happy, and Nara who goes by the alias of Catherine got hypergenic as she was looking around to hear new sounds, see new things, and even the air here... It felt good, really good.

I feel like I'm at home here.

"Okay, so where do you two wanna go first?"