The Mist: Into The Abyss

Shendilavri: Layer 570 Of The Abyss

Walking, Lex wants to bring us to the highest hill near here, he has not informed us too much of why? But from what he told me not to long ago back at the brothel, he wanted to show us something.

Looking around as we were walking on a dirt path, I had to admit even though we were walking in a forest, these woods, they were too beautiful, "So this is Shendilavri, the lands that temp both mortals and unnatural alike?"

Hearing me spit that out, he looked over, "I'm honestly surprised that you know so much about our lands," he said but this time I actually had a reasonable comeback.

And I said, "While studying as a Sorcerer, we were taught to stay away from the temptation of lust, though both Incubus and the Succubus weren't something discussed by our elders these lands are famous in our teachings, we were taught to stay away from here especially, unless the allmother commands it since the beauty and pleasure of these lands tempt even the greatest men and woman," I said telling both the truth and a lie, these lands are forbidden for sorcerers to come by since the temptation is too strong for them to handle but most clans know nothing about the abyss other than it harbors absolute chaos, and faultess.

Surprised even more as I said that with a straight face like I was telling the absolute truth, "↓

I'm interested now, back when we were at the Natsu's base I heard many interesting rumors about you, they all called you incompetent and a failure? Yet every time we talk and nothing big blocks our conversations, you never fail to blow my mind, Aster?" he said kind of bringing me down as he might have actually thought of me as incompetent.

And hearing him say that I sighed and then pointed to myself and smiled blankly, "That's because I'm not Hiro Natsu I'm Aster Hiragi" I said riding myself of Hiro Natsu.

And saying that, "Haha, see this is why I like you, I can never know what's next when it comes to you" he says despite being the biggest wild card here?

But as we were talking back and forth, Nara budded in on the conversation, "I never liked the Natsu clan, so I like you as Aster Hiragi better~" she said casually jumping in...

"Same, your clans full of assholes" Lex casually said.

"Hey, they're not all bad, maybe it's just because..."

Holy crap I have nothing good to say about them, even that ginger girl whose name I forgot, I have nothing to say about her either because I think she hated me after finding out that I was Hiro and not Turtle like I said I was but to be honest even then I wasn't lieing to her because they're both me in the same manner, just different titles.

"No, I've been to the Natsu clan and they treated me like dirt because I'm from a lesser clan" Nara(catherine)

"Yeah, and when we were there, even though we were nice to them, they treated us worst than the Sui clansmen there because we weren't Sorcerers? And to be honest you're the only odd one out of that bad batch Aster, you do have your here and there's but you seem to react poorly to how people act towards you when it's negative, like shit, look at my workers in which you killed and made us close for the month because I'm going to have to compensate them since I'm legally responsible for you and your actions"

Hearing him rant on about that, "I'm not apologizing, they deserved everything that came towards them, they were plotting to kill me before you even introduced me so I'm just pulling the reverse card, humph!" I'm not sorry.

Seeing me visibly frustrated, "I'm not asking you to apologize even though that would be nice, I just want the six of you to get along since the brothels supposed to be like a family and you're the youngest brother we have there"

He then continued with, "Also, now that you mention it I do remember them saying something like that when they heard that I was hiring a human to work there with us? They weren't too happy about it, hahaha"

My point exactly, "I just wanna work there in peace before everything goes to hell, the Litch progenitor who's trying to conquer these lands isn't going to not conquer us and try to make us into zombies, I just wanted some nice peace until then" I said using basic reasoning.

And as I said that Nara jumped back into this conversation, saying, "Oh I know who you're talking about, there's the Litch progenitor and his 6 Generals right? They're supposed to be our enemies, since they're turning everything undead and stuff?" she said grasping the general of what's happening.

And as this was brung up I guess it was best to talk about it as we're making our way out of the woods and to the grass hills, "The closest Litch general under the progenitor's rule is to the West of Nefumia, their most likely the ones to attack us, but I don't think that they will unless provoked seeing as they haven't officially attacked us yet with any strong undead, usually what I hear is just a bunch of rotting walkers roam around outside of the walls, and that seriously makes me wonder if their not going to attack us then what are they doing?" I said actually thinking about this?

And as I said that, Lex actually joined in, "Actually I know what their doing, I know this sounds like it's made up but the Litch known as Morgana has started building her own kingdom to the west of here, I have a guy who flys through those lands and undead archers usually shoot at him but every time I hear from him I always hear that that small and once little settlement has grown, if we travel there now, that once little space of broken scrap buildings made from sticks and dirt have progressed into a bustling little town, way smaller than Rosa Marine and I hear that the litch even has actually living people living there under her protection from the undeads" he said and he was right, it sounds so freaking made up that I don't believe it?

"Also you know what I mean, they're not in the abyss" Lex

"If they were then the litches would be... Game over..." Lex

"You know what that actually makes sense?" Nara said.

Speaking her mind, "I remember reading that 100 years ago a Litch lord tried summoning a Demon lord" she said making me wonder if the litches could gain the powers of demons? It's hypothetical but not impossible I guess?

"What happened to them?" I asked full of curiosity.

"Isn't it obvious, the Demon didn't show up" Lex answered.

"Actually..." She came over getting in between us and hooking our arms to be the middle gal to tell this tale.

After a suspenseful breath, "The Demon answered their call, however, the Litch commanded him to serve him and the Demon didn't like that, he was angered that a weaker being than himself dared to hope to command over him, so the Demon challenged the Litch to a battle, if the Litch won he would serve him and if the Litch lost he was to be destroyed since the Demon didn't like how cocky he was, they faught long and hard, and this demon fell for the Litches witt, he outsmarted the Demon in every manner possible and got him to submit of his own will, the Demon felt wrong for judging too quickly and begged the Litch to teach 'n' mentor him in his ways of magic in exchange for the Demons powers and superior strengths, but the Litch was greedy and even though he accepted the Demon, his want, he wanted more than what this Demon could offer him, so he turned to the Devils, he asked for a high ranked Devil to serve under him, going behind the Demon's back and when the Demon found out, he caught them in the act, and he felt betrayed, the Demon burst in and lashed out, throwing all of what they had worked together to build and went beserk, after slaughtering the Devil and killing the Litch many more times until he found it's weakness, his rage brought forth a tree, a tree of twisted chaos which shook this continent for the second time after the passing Demon king was killed, his rage let out the guts of the abyss and Demons once again started spilling out, lucky, one day a year after, the tree vanished and the Demons went into hiding never to be seen again, but legend says those Demons went into hibernation after the ones who's wrath brought forth the twisted tree fell away from his own wrath, burning it out from his year long rage"

Telling us that story, something clicked, something in my head clicked and it was almost like I knew what tree she was talking about, it wasn't the same tree from the story but I know that tree, I can just feel it... And it feels dark? Like if I had something I could just draw it out, this tree, I feel like it's a part of me, apart of us, us as Demons?

God I feel like I'm harboring forbidden knowledge but I just don't remember it, which sounds a lot of what I know, like I shouldn't know a lot of this stuff but I kinda do since I can remember most of what I read, my personal life though, when I think about it from the other world my mind rejects it and it hurts like the epitome of hell.

"That story sounds trippy" Me

"Yeah, I almost died a few times that year..."

We both looked at her as she generally had a depressed look on her face, but then as she noticed us she jumped and got all perky, "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!!!"

She's not kidding, I guess she's hiding her age because women do do that, but that look on her face, those eyes, they were just screaming "I can't believe I survived that year..." so the story must be true I guess?

"However that can't be said for my grandmother?..."

Looking at her as she said that, I glanced at her and then to Lex who commented and... Did he actually believe her? Well I guess he doesn't know how old she actually is?


If he's hitting that, (wink), then I feel morally responsible to tell him, actually, you know what it doesn't matter, even if she's about over 500 years old, I doubt he's younger than a hundred anyways?

Wait? How old is Lex???

Looking over to him, his face makes him look younger than how old might actually be, and since he's an incubus our ages pauses around a certain age so we're stuck like this, also we're made to look really attractive so I doubt anyone ever questions him, he has nice wood brown hair, kind eyes which look the same, his face looks way better than any guy I've ever seen, he could be a super model for all I know, he's tall and has a good athletic figure like a track star, human wise he's tall, and to blow it out of proportions he looks super chill and it makes him like the best to want to be around whether or not your a boy or girl!

Ugh, he has me so messed up right now!

Looking to him, "Lex I have a question! How old are you!" saying that as I couldn't keep it off, he looked to me tilting his head and he pointed to himself with his free hand.

"I'm. . .27?" he said confused as to why I asked, and then Nara bopped her head in, "And I'm 25! I'll be 26 in December though, my birthday is December 9th hehe" she butted in but I didn't care much because that was all a lie.

I don't actually know what her age is or birthday but I feel like it's just lie?

And there's many reasons to why I think that, like I can say why but at the same time it's just a theory...

"Why'd you ask?" He asked.

"I was just wondering if you were like hundreds of years old since an Incubus's age can't be told by his looks alone," I said with a sigh since it was the truth.

"Oh?... Hm, never thought about that?" He reasoned.

Meanwhile she didn't say anything as sweat drilled down her face, yeah, she knows what I mean, is there anything you have to say for yourself Nara! Huh! Say it!

Haha, no, I'm not gonna expose her, her freaking out a little is already fun enough for me~

But I am wondering something?, "Anyways, how'd you two meet? Wendya two hook up?" I was buzzing in on their lives now, I kinda wanted to know...

And as I asked that, Lex rubbed his forehead, "Uh, that's a long one, we met back in primary school, I was in my third year there and she used to bully me despite me being her senior" he said and I'm just here thinking, wait what?

Looking to her as that was impossible, "Yeah, little Lexy was such a dork back then I couldn't help it~ but he was just so cute when being bullied it was irresponsible not to pick on him~ it wasn't till junior high did he escape me, but then he couldn't, and when I found out he was an incubus when I got to Junior high, then I guess I might have cut him some slack, not that I wanted to, he was such a loser and earlier bloomer that I had to hook him up with some of my gal pals since I felt so sorry for him" she roasted him without any hesitation.

"Imagine being bullied..." I held back the biggest laugh not that he got bullied, shit I'm pretty sure I did too, it's just he got bullied by a whole ass spider in human form.

She had it out for him since the start...aht!

"I hate you..." He looked dead on the inside again~

She continued, "But I guess it wasn't till my freshman year of high school that I stopped picking on him, well, that's actually debatable, I've been picking on him up till college But I guess it wasn't till my freshman year of high school that I stopped messing with him, and it was mainly because he made all of my friends fall in love with him, I remember snuffing him my first week there because of that, and he faught back and I kind of hated him that entirety of my first year at Marina High, I remember calling him by every name in the book and then some more because I held a deep grudge against this cockmuncher"

"Hey!" Lex

"Hey, I'm telling it how it is and that's what I used to call ya"

She continued, "but despite that grudge against him lasting that entire year and me beating him up a few times after school because it wasn't one sided he faught back against me, I remember that I was kicked out of my dorm because people were being discriminative against nonhumans and I kind of moved into his dorm house,"

"Which I hated" Lex commented.

She ignored him, "He didn't have a choice in the matter and he had to share the whole house with me because it belongs to the town, however, after a few months of hostility that year, we started hanging out, sure I picked on him but we ended up making each other laugh and he started enjoying my company, I could've cared no less humph! Okay, maybe I might have enjoyed his company too, anyways, by the second semester of my sophomore year we ended up becoming less than likely friends, more like associates but closer" she said hesitantly on the friends part.

And I'm just dieing here because this sounds straight out of a comic and I'm also considering her age versus his and how the hell this might have happened~ pffff~

"A semester later we became pals~"

Looking to Lex as she said all of this, I looked over to him and he glanced at me with a depressed look on his face, and then said, "That sums it up, alot" holy crap she was telling the truth, and nothing but the truth! Hah!

I couldn't help it, "Pfff— Hahahah!—" I burst out into laughter and he looked so embarrassed, this was the greatest story yet! I wanna hear more now~

"ANYWAYS! Come on let's just go to the stupid hill"

I was dieing here, I barely paid any attention to him directing us as I was infused with laughter, there was no stopping this train it was going all the way ¡¡¡hoo hoo!!!

. . . . .

After an amazing story previded to us by Nara or Catherine, I can never remember her alies, Lex brought us to the closest hill and as we stood at the very top, we saw the shore, vallies, feilds of open area, mystical lands and things bright full of colors, beauty, and magic, the lands here were enchanting and far left of here was a coast, a vast ocean and ships sailing to wherever unknown and or known, he didn't say much but he showed us were the Stone Rift Portal was and then he pointed out a town by the coast which we were going to spend the night at, the destination we were going to which was a town in the river valleys mushroom infested forest, and even some land spots which Nara wanted to go to but he insisted not to and we didn't insist because the serious look on his face said it all, it was dangerous, we stayed up there for a while soaking everything in and after an hour we descent down the hilly mountain top to the coastal town.

Arriving there many hours later, he rented 3 individual rooms for the lot of us. I guess their not sharing a room? probably because I am here and he's embarrassed by it? Hahaha, I ship them so very much~ But anyways, after renting those rooms for the night, he went on his way to his room saying not to go far and he was goin to head in for the night because he needed a long nap?

We respected his wishes however looking over to me, Nara took out her coin pouch which was filled to the brim with silver and she smiled, "Let's go look for something fun to do, Aster~"

Saying that there was no way I could refuse and we left the inn, going around town looking for games to play which really had been a good idea at the time.

We spend light till dark playing games around that town and because of Nara and her friendly face, we got along with some of the townsfolk, I'm lucky I was with her, these people looked human but they all had their batish wings out, tails and horns, some had multiple eyes and limbs and still a human looking form and that didn't bother me, what bothered me was their auras at first, like the air around the abyss was amazing but in town the amount of darkness and corruption in the air was heavy and even though some didn't mean it by any harm, their demonic aura was just too much for my little heart, I got used to it after a few hours but it was still something I was getting used to since it was so dense and spread throughout the air.

It ended up being comforting.

And before I knew it I was lost in games with Nara.

Up until the dead of night where this bloody moon crossed throughout the pitch black night sky, and gave color to all as it reflected across the coast and the sea.

And as night frankly appeared, so did a certain desire.

I don't know how, but the smile from my face fell, I felt so weardly indifferent with nothing but anger, this wrathful anger swelling up inside of me like a spreading disease? I even lost Nara as she ran off somewhere and I was left just wandering the open streets.

But as indifferent as I looked, and as angry as I felt, desire wasn't the only thing that was true, and it was the only other thing that this beautiful night brought out...

Because just as I was angry at the world and everything in it, I bumped into someone, and as they turned to me and I turned to them, it was a human looking woman and I clenched my fist bearing teeth at them as I was hostile.

Anger and wrath overwhelming me, she was an enemy.

But then as she looked down at me coldly as I looked at her killingly, suddenly my stomach growled and as it did anger and rage dropped from my face as I grabbed my belly looking down at it confused as everything changed.

Around me, a blaze of red fire encircled me yet I hadn't had a clue as the wrath drew out my demonic aura, but it faded, and as the woman with a cold stare watched without stray.

Without looking away.

She moved her hand over mine and grabbed me by the hand.

Without a word as I was surprised but at a loss for words, she led me with her down this street and without looking back as she held me by the hand, after I dont know how long, in an inn next to the sands, I walked into a room.

Where I was pushed up against the door and as her form shrunk to the same size as me, she pressed in and kissed up on my neck, moving my hands to her waist.

And then kissing me.

Tasting me, savoring me, all the way until a new desire came up and I pushed back, we fell to the floor, I stripped and ran my hands under her shirt, lifted it, licked up her skin her up to her soft squishy breasts, and then kiss her, went down on her, up until her voice let out and she stopt me, craved me, pushed me back and sat on my face, going down and slurping me, filling me, pleasuring me, falling and "dancing" with me, drying me, fulling me with her vast energies as I drank it up like a sponge, and then laying with me as she made love to me and then cuddled on this bloody beautiful night.

. . . . .

Woke up early with a note on the door, "Thanks for the sex, owe you one ෆ╹ .̮ ╹ ♡ " I read it, smiled, but then left soon after as I had to get back to the inn.

The strangest thing was when I put on my clothes, I didn't feel any pain? It felt strange but I didn't investigate as I left and walked around till I found Nara who stayed out the whole night and was chatting up this older fellow who which I stole her from as we needed to get back to the inn, I didn't actually steal her she more or less tagged along because I asked for directions and she said no just follow me and said by to that older and nice fellow who waved bye to the both of us, not just her.

We got back and it was already like the afternoon as the sun was halfway through the air, going back Lex was waiting for us but he wasn't mad, instead, he told us to hurry up and come with him because we needed to go to the next town in the mythical thingy mushroom forest.

We left and got there by nightfall however we had to stay on these tracks and he was very serious about staying on those tracks, he warned us he'd leave us and not look back if we wandered off which scared me with how serious he was about it.

We got there by nightfall but when we did we immediately went around the back roads of the small guarded village and as the elf like blue giant guards greeted Lex by his first name, they let us go around with him, and half an hour after we got to the grave sight.

Where just as we got there, and we were exhausted, by the way, a hand suddenly burst out of the ground like a zombie.