The Mist: Intent To Kill

Where just as we got there, and we were exhausted by the way, a hand suddenly burst out of the ground like a zombie.

"It's a zombie!" Nara and Me screamed and latched onto Lex as a literal fucking dirt covered brown hand burst out of the ground and the dirt started to rumble!

"It's not a..." Lex tried...

But then another motherfucking hand burst out of the group this one also covered in dirt and red as flesh, the dirt burying that son of a bitch started rumbling too!

And just as we thought it was just two! Both Nara and me pulled Lex back and grabbed onto him tighter, her hugging his arm and grabbing her fist, pulling on it and conjuring a silver string from the grip of her hand, and me jumping on his back, grabbing him and pulling the three of us down as I had my hands past both sides of his neck and fire started encircling my hands as I was going to throw my fire magic.

He was shook hard "Can the both of you—!" as the both of us went on the offensive as a total of five hands burst out of the ground, all of different colors covered in dirt and more than just a hand started following!

"Ahrr!" Nara and me threw out a both frightened and strong but worn out and shaky battle cry for this battle!

And Lex just facepalmed himself...

And as we were trying to protect him and stayed bunched up because the zombies found a way into the abyss and this was going to be a full-on fight for our lives, Lex lowered his hand and the ground started shaking heavily.

Lifting his hand slowly and not telling us a single thing as we were ready for anything to come at us, the dirt shook violently and as his hand started coming up, the dirt in front of us holding these bastard zombies in the ground started lifting with just these boulders of dirt like giant seeds being lifted up by these plant stems?!

"What's going on!" Me

"I don't know!" Nara

"You're both idiots..." Lex

With 5 boulder seeds of dirt feet in the air, vines came up from the ground making a platform and as the platform was made and me and Nara were looking stupid, the dirt seeds started falling apart revealing.

Starting from the left side to the right:

The first seed fell apart revealing a pale candle white woman with horns curving back like a ram, her eyes were glowing this horrifying golden color lacking any white as it was just pitch black and gold, which intensifies her ghostly woman aspect as her skin was this undead candle white, her short raven black hair swished in the moonlight and as I looked down her naked body to a black bush, she sat on her butt, and going down, her calves down were goatish.

Her wings were folded and her tail wrapped around her waist and went under her thigh were to as her heart like tail covered her private along with her bush.

The next seed fell apart revealing this pink woman whose flesh was peachy and both eyes and cheek long hair were both this enchanting pink, she unlike the other one didn't look horrifying, instead was enchanting, with her slick back horns and tail swaying around while taking deep breaths and holding her small chest to breathe.

Looking down at the three of us her eyes instantly landed on me and her breath fastened as her eyes widened.

The next seed fell apart revealing a milk chocolate woman with sparkling golden eyes and silky white hair slathered in dirt and going down to her lower back, she was tall flat, and overly beautiful even covered in dirt and panicking, she had thick horns going curved up from the sides of her head.

Seeing us her wings shot out and covered her body and her tail swayed from side to side as she brought in her knees and covered her face.

The next seed fell apart revealing another milk chocolate woman with golden eyes and silky white hair slathered in dirt and going down to her mid back, she was tall, busty, gentle, and sour looking, her figure was nothing special and she had the same horns and bodily features kind of like that girl to her left covering herself.

Also grabbing her chest as she was breathing harder than all of them, she grabbed her throat feeling it, and then looked left and right, and as she saw the girl covering up with her wings she gasped.


Stumbling as she tried getting up, she flipped her wings and kicked off the vines, going over and grabbing the girl covering herself with her wings without a second thought.

"Kasumi! Are you hurt!"

The girl heard the others and unraveling herself with tearful eyes she sniffled as she was holding her own throat.


Seeing her she threw her hands out and the both of them rushed in hugging each other with tears falling from Kasumi's cheeks and down to the vines.

The next seed fell apart revealing a voluptuous cherry woman with oceanic blue eyes, her body was curvy and nice and full of all the right plumps without looking like she had a shred of fat on her body, and as she was sitting there and looking around, it wasn't exaggeration to call her anything other than beautiful because despite her skin being a cherry red and her hair being tomato red, she was overly sexy and someone who most girls would worship.

Looking around as her wings were folded and her tail was swaying around like she was confused on what was going on and where she was, she looked under her and covered her breast as she was naked and then looked around to see the others and then over to us where she saw,



But then her sight clicked on me and as her eyes locked with mine, her eyes widened like she just remembered and then they clenched as she clenched her teeth.


Sounding like she has a grudge against me or something?

And as she said that and I clearly heard her ass and I recognized her by that tomato ass hair she had, the anger from last night swallowed me in an instant and I felt like I was powering up as the fire swirling my hands turned wild and the world around me tinted red, even the thoughts in my head started becoming nothing but hateful.


Realizing who they were, "Oh hey girls!" Nara jumped in releasing Lex's arm and backing off because they weren't the zombies she once thought they were.

But as she did and she turned over to me to say her good relief she looked to, *the temperament of an angry demonic* and she chuckled before looking to someone on the vines with glowing blue eyes looking down past Lex and at Me and then she jumped in front of lex and me and put her hands out and then turned around.

"No! No fighting!"

But as she said that I backed up off of Lex and with my hand still blazing with non fist combatant fire but instead particles of uncondensed magic, I walked around her and with my eyes still looked with hers and me approaching, the other girls then noticed us and specifically me and all of them but one clenched their teeth.

"You!" They yelled.

And as they did the particles of fire magic started swirling into unbridled and uncontrolled condensed flames, I was trying to angry make a fire bolt and as I was doing that and stepping towards them, they all started getting up on their vine platform looking down on me.

But before anything could be said or another You could be thrown out at me, I said with nothing but what the hateful emotions deep down in me were wanting to scream.

"Filthy Demons, I'll purge you from existence"

But as I said that I guess that was a no go because as I said that and my fire condensed into unbridled rage balls of fyr, Lex heard me and, "No You're Not!" he came up and had to grab me, but as he did I threw both bolts at them, sadly I missed one completely and almost hit the Ghostly White Succubus.

She fell back covering her face as it almost hit her and left a hole in her chest, however it hadn't because she dodged just in time, and Lex was grabbing and pulling me back.

"Catherine help me!"

Jumping in between both parties she just stood there and as he was having to fight me to hold me back from fucking murdering these filthy Demons! She just stood there with an "okay so what do I do now?" look on her face.

But then she got something and as she saw that they were checking on the white succubus who almost got hit, she, well she actually panicked as Nara heard her say.

"I almost died..." the white succubus was flat on her ass huffing and holding her chest as she looked to almost have a whole ass panic attack.

And as Nara saw that she jumped over onto the vine platform and as it startled the girls to feel something move it, when they saw it was her she then went on to say.

She said, "Don't worry about him, kids like his father, now let's get you girls down from here~" she said but as she did as was trying to do the right thing, the red girl lashed out in hot boiling anger.

And she said, "What are you even talking about, we're not doing anything with any of you, that motherfucker literally killed us in cold blood! We're going to get our revenge and stomp his fucking corpse!!!"

But as she screamed that at Nara, she just scratched her cheek and looked over to me and Lex practically fighting each other, and then she looked back over to the girls and said this with a big sigh.

Saying, "I don't think that that's a good idea honey, listen to me when I say this but Aster is a scary Demon and even if you do manage to kill him, he's not going to die for good, he's going to come back, after all, he's not an Abyssal Demon, he's a Demon of the Dark Realm kind of like the Obyriths but equally as bad because their unknown?" she said scratching her neck as she had some time to learn about this stuff back when she was with Asmodeus.

And as she said that, the Pink Succubus uttered.

"He's a Demon? No that's impossible! He's a Sorcerer!"

She said and as some glanced at her, both brown succubi jumped in and said.

"Wait he's a Demon? No, he ain't!" Iris

"That's that human who used to work for us! Hiro Natsu!" Kasumi

And as they said that and started throwing out words, Nara laughed which caused them to stumble in speech and look at her funny as she was laughing her ass off at them which angered the four of them, other than the white succubus who was more or less in shock still.

But then she looked over at me with a sweet smile, "No, he's the master's kid~ Aster Hiragi~ he's hot headed and enjoyable to be around, way more mature than Azy though, though the both of them are so similar it's hilarious"

She said and then looked back over to the girls, putting her hands together and then pulling them apart with silver strings coming from all over her palms to the other palm.

And she said, "Hey girls now I've always been nice to you even though the lot of you have always been a bunch of bitches, so imma need to cash in a favor if you want to keep your lives, just shut up and follow us or Aster won't be the one you'll have to be worrying about, it's someone way more worst, cruel, and older~"

She said and as she did she controlled her aura but then demonstrated it at a fractions power which knocked them all down and almost got them passing out.

She then went over to the girls and squatted down, 4 more eyes appeared on her face and her teeth turned razer sharp, looking at them she crescent smiled and said.

"Now what's it going to be girls, unless you wanna stay in-"

But as she was saying all of that, the white succubus pushed up, "We'll go with you peacefully without starting anything," and as she said that the red succubus shot up.

"Like hell we will, we gotta kill this bitch!" She ment me...

But as she said that, the white succubus looked away from her at me and Lex literally fighting fire vs plant monster pa shooting pees at me shooting fire bolts at it which just hit the pees, something triggered me into this state and killen em was all I desired to do.

The white succubus then said, "Sora your the only one who wants that, we don't live here and we don't want to be here any longer than we already have to be, I just wanna go home and so do the other girls, plus, he might have killed us but you're the one who provoked him first"

She said and the girls in front of her nodded their heads as they were in between the red and white succubus, and as Nara was listening to them, she had to ask.

"What did she do to provoke him exactly?"

And she responded with, "I don't know if it was real or all an act anymore, but Sora used his trauma against him the other day to tease him, if you didn't know, Lex told us that he was formerly enslaved and tortured by a bad group of humans for heck knows how long, I don't know if it was an act but when we first met him he reacted poorly to even a simple action against him and it seemed real to me so I left it alone due to respect for Lexy, and him because the hurt looked real, but Sora took it too far the other day and he ran off vanishing for a few days but when he came back"

"He killed us, all of us except Lex apparently" Pink succubi

The White succubus then went on and said, "However, he had apologized to me before stabbing me in the neck, his target the entire time was Sora, but the look in his eyes was like he was saying he had enough of us"

She then looked to the pink one, "And it had to be bad because he even killed his friend, you, I don't know if you know it or not but he killed you without a shred of hesitation, yeah, I don't think your friends.

But then Iris spoke in, "Actually a quick death means mercy? So it could have been the opposite Rika?"

And then Kasumi hopped in this, "No, I was listening to his and Lex's conversation, he doesn't even care for himself more or less you Ursula, he even mentions joining the bad guys before Lex came whatever that means? But I think he might just be... Fucking Insane!!! There's always that possibility you know"

The red succubus jumped in, "Who the fuck cares, he-" but then she was interrupted as the white Succubus came over and slapped her.

"Shut up, bad enough we have another Demon wanting to kill us, we don't need another spark giving him another reason why he should end our lives permanently"

Meanwhile Kasumi, "Am I the only one who heard that he's a Dark Demon, you know one of those scary chaos things that come from the Dark Realm which is like the abyss but organized which is fucking terrifying to think of!"

She said but none of them listened, and as she looked over at us, Lex punched me in the gut and forced me down to my knees where I looked up at him with everything clearing up in my vision but my emotions were burning hotter than the sun.


But as I said that, Lex full on kneed me in the face, breaking my nose and throwing me back, but I just got back up to keep fight, my fight spirit never burned out.

Looking back to the girls, "I feel like we're also ignoring the facts that he doesn't like Demons, like he said it when we met again, he said, filthy Demons, I'll purge you from freaking existence, even if he himself is a Demon it's obvious that he has something against his own kind so maybe we shouldn't make that grudge deeper?"

But no one listened to her as Rika and Sora faught,

But then she had an idea to make them listen, she then came over in between the heavily arguing Rika and Sora and screamed.

"Will the both of you spot it, sure you both might have died but it ain't like it permanent, and have either of you ever trained for your powers, no you fucked like whores to gain it so if anything why don't you bitches look over there to our Lex! He's putting everything on the line for us and even fighting that fucker who's now revealing to us that he too is of the Demon race and is going berserk trying to kill us because of Sora" she pinned it all on Sora.

She then went on to say as she walked to the ledge, "Just think about how Lex feels, he adopted this shit and or is doing this because he cares about us all and even him! So don't do it because you were told to, do it because you whores have no right to go against it, especially after he saved all of us from the inner core! Where we were supposed to be dead anyways so who cares if someone he's also trying to save killed us, at least we came back! At least we're not being executed here in the abyss for the petty fucking laws of our nest!!"

She said and as she did a stray bolt of fire came shooting at her and as she noticed it at the last moment, *bang* it hit her bicep, *bucrsh* and it tore her arm off.

And as her arm tore off from a fire bolt, and her arm went somewhere other than in their view, she bit her lip so hard that blood oozed out, and using her other arm that was still there, her left arm, she shed a tear and pointed over at us.

And she said, "See, I'm even sacrificing my dominant arm so that we can just go home, the all of us! Together"

She said and as the girls gasp and Iris her sister was shocked, she stepped forward sucking in all the tears and pain from that blast, and with a heartfelt speech coming to an end, she extended her left hand out and said.

Continuing with, "Now let's go home, we're all still family remember, even if we don't see eye to eye all the time, who cares that we don't get along, family isn't perfect and neither are any of you, Lex or him, in the end, we all have our own flaws and let's just learn to accept that~"

Bringing every last girl to tears except Nara who found that lame and a speech that isn't going to last very long, like when they got back it was most likely going to just change only a little not really much, she turned away from them and then leaped over to where me and Lex were fighting.

Getting in between us as it looked like we were going to kill each other, she slapped me and then grabbed me by my shoulders which yet again didn't hurt for some reason?

She then started violently shaking me.

And then started saying, "Snap out of it! Your desires are intensified here in the abyss," she said repeatedly slapping and shaking me until I came back to my senses which...

Was after 5 slaps...

And it had me dizzy and sniffling.

My nose was broken and I think so was a few ribs?

"Okay I Get It!!!"

Letting me go, the others were able to get down after Lex got back on his feet properly and as they weren't able to look me in the eyes, none of them as I was just staring at them, they came over to Lex and Nara.

And I lied.

Taking a deep breath in and converting the air in my lungs to the essence of fire, [Great Fireball]

Nara and Lex noticed just as I started activating my magic and I guess so did the others, because as the air in my lungs started mixing with root magic, they all turned with mixed group expression, and in an instant Nara vanished, and then reappeared in front of me and kicking me.

Fire spread out through the air as I slammed into a tree and as that did a number on my body, the absolute intent to kill them was still surging through.

"He still wants to kill them! what the hell!"

Nara yelled looking to Lex and the girls, and as he was baffled and didn't know what to say, Sora commented, "Why don't you just kill him, he's trying to kill us again?"

But as she said that, Nara put her hands together and pressed her fingers against her forehead before looking at her and then throwing her hand out and pointing at me.

"I can't! Because unlike you Demons!" Nara started to rant.

"You can't just kill him twice and be done with him forever, you have to kill him 3 times, which means that you'd have to travel to the dark realm which is also a very bad idea btw, and I'd never kill him even if he was absolutely evil!!!" Nara

Visibly frustrated because she kept going after wanting to kill me, Nara then wiped her face of sweat and then walked over to me as I was hit against and leaning up against this hard red-ish brown oak tree.

Walking over, "This is seriously starting to get annoying, why do you want to kill them so badly, can you not desire anything else than the downfall of these girls?" she came over to me, crouching down and getting in my face as she wanted to know so bad that she was started to think beating it out of me might have been the best option.

"Get the hel... Out of my face, spider..."

Saying that she gritted her teeth, but seriously I'm warning her, this is my one and only warning before it's too late, I'm starting to lose control so this is the only warning I'm going to give her.

"Make me, little Hiragi"

Tense sparks shred between us and as the both of us looked at each other hatefully, I balled my fist and she balled her fist, and as everyone watched with high hopes and anticipation of what was to happen next.

And then I moved and she moved in a flash.

But as her hand moved up to strike me, I went in like a snake and grabbed the collar of her shirt pulling her in and-

"Huh?!" The girls screamed all together.

And as they had and were all hoping for a fight, I moved my other hand to the Nara's gripped collar and pulled in harder, kissing her deeper and wandering her mouth.

Sorry, I warned her.

3 surprised seconds later she shoved me and backed up throwing her arm over her own mouth, "What the hell was that!"

But as she screamed that, I leaned forward pressing my bandaged hands against the ground and looking down as I started to feel this dizzy intoxication and sweetness in my mouth.

Moving my hand to my mouth and thinking about it, I pressed the tip of my pointer finger on my tongue and then looked up to the others as I was now sitting there.

Moving my hand to my cheek and smiling, "So sweet, it's so sweet~" intoxicated and looking at Nara admiring her every being and taste, I drooled as I was a bloody mess.

You see I never gave into wrath, but I had nothing else to give into so I couldn't do anything else other than wanting to kill my enemies, but, when she got closer a desire then became available.

And I gave into whatever lust was available... Sheesh.

With both of my hands on my cheeks now and more or less freaking Nara out with all of this and them too with this sudden change in character, Lex walked over and came to my side pointing to me.

"I love how sweet you are~ hehe~" which lust is this!

Sweetness! ! !

"Hey everyone, this is Aster Hiragi, and he's an Incubus"

And this came as a surprise to them?

They were absolutely shocked and didn't believe it.

But then looking at me, I smiled at them in a sweet loving manner that lacked any murderous intent and was too pure to where they wanted to throw up and due to that.

Soon after we left, left to leave the abyss, and they said the sooner the better, because, they didn't like the sweet filling lust Aster...

. . . . .

Back To The Main Realm Earthrum In Silver Moon Brothel

Waking up with a massive headache and everyone being in the lobby, talking, I was in the corner of the room and everyone was just sitting on the floors in the middle of the room leaning against the walls, even Nara was there and everyone was back in their human forms and everything?

Looking over at everyone, they were just chatting casually, and as I gazed around at the all of them to notice that one person was missing a whole arm? I kinda ignored that a bit and then turned to the rest of the room as it seemed lively.

"H-Hey, you're awake"

Ursula said and noticed me first and as she had and the others came to look at me with their mixed gazes, I clicked my toung and got up, leaving that corner spot and walking past them all, I don't even know why I'm in there?

"Wait, where are you going?!" Ursula called out.

But as I was ignoring her, because her words the other day still sat in my head, Lex who was sitting with them tugged on my shirt as I was walking past him, "Hey, where ya going there Aster?"

He said with a friendly smile and as I looked down at him with an indifferently cold glare, "I'm going to sleep, I don't feel well" I said feeling the cracks and pain in my body.

"Oh? Take care then, call me if you need anything? Hah you might have caught something from kissing Catherine, that was funny and surprising kid, anyways, don't forget next Monday is your first day of school, we'll go shopping after you are done with work at Catherine's Brothel since you've been stuck in the same thing for such a long time and that blue shirt might not hold for long"


"Take a long nap, you start work next morning so you're going to need it, very much, yeah, no more rest for the wicked, that's you by the way"


"Love ya, sleep well"

"Love ya, *yawn*"

Gasping, I walked away and I just heard from the other room, "That's how you do it! This is a proud father moment" he said and I smiled, what a dummy.

Sleep too ya dummy.