Pine Sheet

Silver Moon Brothel, The Next Day

"Here we go again..."

Looking in the mirror: ↓↓↓↓

My hair was a mix of black and brown, my eyes they were this bloody red, I'm tan but I can't ever tell if it's just a light brown or a pale brown, but compared to one of the two brown girls here I'm pale brown,

I'm still 5 feet tall, I haven't grown an inch since I got this body that I can call my own and not anyone else's, however, despite my height my face is above average, I look two-faced and that's not bad, because despite being small I don't look like a kid, I have this kind cheeky halfling side but looking at myself when I'm solemn I look kinda like a cold vampire which you'd normally see from the books?

Looking at my body I'm slim and flat, I don't see any signs of muscle or even an indents showing anything, it's kinda sad to see despite me actually having some inner strength, but I guess you can't judge someone by how strong they look even though that would make a lot of things easier.

Going down there with a little blush on my face I checked it and flaccid wise, 5 inches, erect, 7 inches, so now that it's out of the way and looking away from that, I went off the topic of body seeing as I had this weird charm to myself.

. . . . .

Getting dressed and leaving the bathroom because I just finished a shower, "You took your time, get your shoes we gotta go" looking over the girl who was with me the other, I mean yesterday, she was with me yesterday, said that.

"I'll be out in a sec," I said going off to my room.

Going to my room I went over and grabbed my shoes from under my bed, there wasn't anywhere for them in the lobby so I just kept them in here.

Putting them on, I looked over to my left by my pillow, and in front of it there was a few sets of plain clothing, me, Lex and the girl I was already with went shopping yesterday in the afternoon to get me clothes, both to just wear and some for school.

4 pairs were pure casual, I didn't care for colors, so Lex picked whatever he wanted, 4 T-shirts: 2 red, 1 black, and another blue, he thought that the red would match my eyes better for some reason, didn't judge though, however I do judge what he wanted to get me for pants, I decided to go on my own for that one, it was cheaper to just get 4 pairs of black shorts, they were 2 black shorts for a single CP so I took that as a deal before he ended up having to get me 4 uniforms for this highschool I was being forced to go to.

I hand washed my stuff from yesterday and they dried this morning so instead of putting something new on I'm just wearing the old ones instead.

Imma get very sweaty today so it doesn't even matter.

Also, pinned behind me on the wall I made the character sheet, I don't know what I'm going to do about stats and health so I didn't really add them, however I had put the health up there just so it didn't seem odd, but I just put it at 100% for decoration.

This is what it looks like.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Name: Aster Hiragi

Level: 1

Health: 100%

Mana: 15,000

Fire: 100% ish (Noted: might be between 80-100%)

DP: ???


Power Of Fire Sorcery

Power Of Lil Pinecone


Energy Drain


Orgasmic Lock

Just a kiss... (^ω^ ) ~♪

- kiss of Dean

- kiss of Erin

Sorcery Arts:

Blazing Gloves

- A technique that channels energy from the user's magic pool, engrossing them in either regular or energy fire to combat with depending on the user.

- The only drawback to using this technique is that it burns through 10MP or 10SP for every second used.

Great Fireball

- A technique that converts the air in the user's lungs into a liquid fire that when blown out sprays fire from out of the user's mouth.

- Using this is like using a flamethrower with some blunt force added to it, it's not all the way burn as it's still a mighty fireball technique of the Natsu clan.

- The only drawback to this skill is that its duration only lasts for the duration of air in the user's lungs, so a small breath veries very different from someone who takes a deep breaths.

Possible Immunities?:

Electricity (I'm doubtful)

Poison (I hope)

(Note: from the books of my past, it's said that these are some or our only immunities)

Possible resistances and attributes:

Resistance to Fire

- I stuck my hand over a normal fire and it tickled,

- I think it's only a sorcerer's fire or magic fire that hurts?

- I need to experiment more with this?

Resistant to Cold

Resistant to Acid

Another resistance to Fire

- this one is from Incubism

Resistant to Lightning (maybe?)

Whatever a Mundane Attack was?

- I think it means physical attacks?

Things to avoid:

Cold Iron Weapons (I think it's just cold iron in general?)

Magic weapons (horrifying I assume)

Magic (duh)

Silver (questionable? Wanna touch it now?)

Paying (I prayed earlier and was stung)

Holy (this is logical I guess?)

Radiant damage

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I tried avoiding the main demonic part in my writing due to the fact that if someone came in here and saw that and didn't think of it as a stupid joke, I'd be seeing the slayers a lot sooner than needed.

That's why Demonic Power is DP and it's unknown cause I needed to test it out. Magic? that's how much Hiro had at the start, it was his cap till it was stripped away due to I forgot what happened to him? Third, power of Lil Pinecone is seriously just my Demonic magic.

The immunities and resistances are all questionable.

However I was playing with some fire last night and it does seem that only radiant fire, so the sorcery fire hurts, and then there's the chance that magic fire also hurts me so imma have to be careful about that.

Also, Kiss of Dean is Kiss of Death, it's basically what you hear about from every tale of someone getting kissed by a succubus and then dropping dead, during an edgy point in my life I used it once, I stole some power and I'm also pretty sure some comprehention of my own magic from whoever that was?

Kiss of Erin is something I haven't used before but added because it's a form of drain skill which stably siphons vitality from someone, I think it's for those awakening and not having a sex life, sounds nice actually.

Wish I had that when I was awakening... Sheesh.

Also I never really got the difference between lightning and thunder, like, I know shock and electricity are basically the same, when I think about thunder I think of thundering, a very loud noise that's booming, or a god throwing a thunder bolt which is usually powerful and explosive?

I'm going to have to test these all out eventually, sigh.

. . . . .

Looking around my room, I think I might set a dresser up in the corner of the room or next to my bed? But first I need to save up the money I'm getting from Nara to buy a light wooded one.

Oh yeah, so I decided to work for Nara once school starts, it's going to be a good side thing since the brothels going to be closed here for a month since the brothels going to be closed for a month, yeah, no big thing to with it, that's kind of it.

There was only one issue with that which the girls complained about and it was that this was a good source of food and income, which Lex thought about so he got them doing Tasks for him, he had many ways for them to earn money, but as for the food issue, I'm still laughing because he was so cold to them about it.

He was like, "You're Succubus aren't you? Go out and act like one" and it has me dead because he pointed at me next and told me to try and act like an incubus as well.

Still, it was just funny because he was so serious out of nowhere.

. . . . .

Getting out into the hallway, "You're finally done, come on let's go I don't wanna be late" the girl I was buddied with whisper yelled at me to hurry up so that we could go to Nara's despite it being so early in the morning.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention, I almost forgot actually.

Nara said yes.

And since what's here name was here with me, she just jumped in and asked if Nara could train her as well, she was hypergenic about it too and Nara didn't hesitate.

So now we're both being trained by Nara.

Today's our first day, and every day until the brothel opens back up, we're going to go to Nara's Brothel at 6 PM for 2 hours of training before the both of us work here at her Brothel, she got the same job as me, however, Nara rejected her offer of working for her as a prostitute.

Why? I don't actually know.

And straight after that Nara forbade the both of us from all prostitution unless it was at Lex's brothel which was down for a month so she basically said that and knew we weren't able to because she was now our teacher and the both of us for many reasons didn't want to break her rules.

She didn't really explain herself and we were too scared to ask why, different reasons though, her Because of Nara's power, and me because I know a decent part of Nara's history and this involves her bullying Lex at one point.

"Let's go!"

"I'm coming"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Tuesday, August 23, Year 12