Little Extract: Late To Training [T1]

Little Extract Brothel

Getting there, "You're a minute late you two, you know what that means~" looking over to the center of the lobby, Nara was standing there with a bright smile.

"That's 60 laps around the brothel~" she said coming over to us and as she opened all four of her eyes, she came over and put her hands behind her back trying to look all cute, "If you stop moving for even a second, I'll hang you upside down from the tree behind the brothel~"

The both of us couldn't believe her punishment for being a single minute past 6 AM, "Whah?!" but she just walked up to the both of us and leaned in close to us, "Better start running, you won't like what I'll tie you up with"

She threatened and the girl grabbed me by the arm pulling me like whatever Nara said was horrifying, "Start running idiot! She plans on tieing us up using her silver string!" ↓

she yelled, bringing me to wonder what the hell was she so afraid of when it came to silver, we aren't werewolves? And as she was yanking me by the arm, I just followed with as that concept of silver was twisting my brain?

But then the concept of silver wasted from my mind as she was grabbing me by my arm, I didn't like it, tearing my arm out of her grip, she glanced at me but I was sour from her touch, "Don't touch me" I warned her.

Ignoring me, she looked forward and we continued to run around the brothel. My situation with the girls at home are still hostile, I can't forgive any of them easily and I haven't even talked to the others or even looked at them since we got back, she's the only one I've actually made any contact with, and I plan on keeping it that way until I seriously have to, I've seen how they act towards the other races more or less people unlike them in general, and it has me sour, even I don't treat or see people like that.

What I mean is they belittle the other races only asides from their own and throughout most races are like that, just thinking about it makes me nauseous.

I guess I just don't like how they think they're better than everyone, kind of like the elves with their high feelings of pride.

Anyways, looking like a cat and mouse, after 3 laps the both of us were already feeling it, and I mean we felt it as our breaths quickened, how big was this brothel? It's big!

"Ugh, this is your fault we're running!"

"I don't wanna hear it! Just shut up and run!"

"Fight me without your powers, bitch!"

"I will!"

"After we finish running I'll kick your ass!"

"I'll kick your ass before we finish!"

"I'll beat you to 60 laps before the end of the hour!"

"Not if I get there before you!"

"Hah! For a psychopath I guess you really can dream!"

"Who are you calling a psycho, bitch!"

"You, you insane fuckwit"

"You're seriously asking to die again aren't you!"

"See what I'm talking about you crazy fucker!"

"I'd rather be crazy than like any of you two faced sluts!"

"What's that supposed to mean!"

"You know exactly what I mean! The five of you are scum!"

"Bitch take it back, you're seriously looking to get your ass kicked and not just by me but by everyone here you insane price of shit!" she said with heavy breaths

"Like that'll ever happen, you five can't even stand each other more like come together to fight me, which even if you did, there's like a hundred people that you've made enemies with four months ago that'll back me 100%"

Gritting her teeth, I was right, which was worst because each and every person that they pissed off, scammed, hurt, and bullied I can probably find somewhere in District 4.

And that's only naming a few, since these were some people they messed with in only a month, now I feel like we can multiply that by 4 or 5 now, even that vampire guy from last week we met, Ursula owes since he probably got scammed by her.

"I might not be exactly right but I'm in no way wrong!"

Not speaking a word back, she sped up, but as she did I wasn't going back on beating her like this was a race either, so I sped up and as we were running I tried my best to pass her and not slow down or stop.

* * *

In Front Of The Little Extract Brothel

Drenched in sweat and on our knees, the both of us were panting like dog's in front of the brothel, all while people were giving us weird stares but we didn't care, 60 laps were insane!

Looking over to the girl while balling my lungs out, *gulp*, she was a yard away from me and her white tank top was drenched and I could see through it when it pressed against her skin.

Shit, I hate her and yet the sight of this bitch is so freaking arousing, "Still wanna fight me... Hahhhh" I said glancing away and trying to say loud enough to where she could hear me past both of our pants.

Looking over at me she clenched her teeth and then threw her hand out at me!. . . . .And then because of that and there being nothing under her to press up against the ground as she too was on her knees, she fell falling face first into the ground before she could even get a word out.

I wanted to laugh so hard... But it felt so wrong to.

"You... O–"

With her face against the ground, "Hut- hat- huck- hup-" she said that and just stayed there, I wonder if she's okay, she's not pushing up?. . .

After a suspenseful minute. . .Okay now I'm worried!

Crawling over, and grabbing her by the shoulders, she jolted and then tugged, it was like she didn't want help or even to be touched, but I didn't care to what she wanted as I pulled and brung her back to my chest.

"You alright?! Girl?" I forgot her name a while ago.

She didn't tug away after I pulled her to my chest, instead she slowly turned her head looking at me with tears slowly dripping down her cheeks, "N-No" her voice trembled.

She was crying, and I don't know why but I felt for her, I guess it was the tears but as she made water and they fell down her face, I softened up, moving my hand up from her shoulder and wiping a tear from her cheek.

I said, "Don't cry, you're stronger than that, and you know you are," I said which sounded tough.

But living as a Demon I've come to understand that we feel more for the strong, and being called strong by someone was always something that we looked forward to, even if it came from the worst.

She sniffled, "So come on big sister, don't let this overcome you and tear you down, you're better than that, way better" I hadn't a clue if what I was saying was helping or making it worst, but as she looked at me while balling her eyes out and sniffling,

"Shut up, asshole" I got something from out of her.

Chuckling, "Only if you can wipe away those tears and come with me, Nara's should be waiting for us inside"

I said moving my hand down her arm and grabbing the back of her hand, losing my fingers in between hers and grabbing her hand.

Standing up, I looked down at her as I flipt how I helt her hand and made it more easier for her to be helped up by.

I just want to help, "So whatta ya say, you're already holding my hand, let's get up and go inside~" I asked with our situation already at hand and ahead of us.

And she nodded her head not uttering a word, "That's more like it~" and with her agreeing to get up with me and go inside, I pulled her up to her feet, helping her up and holding her hand the entirety of this time as I didn't let go and instead went on to leading her inside.

Where Nara was waiting inside in the middle of the lobby.

And she said, "Well you two look like a mess, hahha, go hit the showers it's been way past 2 hours, you're both super slow, next time we're going to condition, or just don't be late" but then she thought about it...

And then said, "Actually, be here by 4 tomorrow, I'm going to do as planned and teach you both something, but now I might just incorporate physical exercises into your training," she said with the widest grin.

Which has me and the girl sulking...

Nara's evil. . .