Little Extract: Sticky Spider Strings!

Silver Moon Brothel, Next Day

Kicking the door open, "Get the fuck up!! I woke up to what's her name bargin into my room like some crazy person? What time is it?

Sitting up,"Hu- *yawn* huh?" I was naked because I could not bother with clothes yesterday when we came back and I passed out under the covers.

So shirtless under the covers and just staring at her as she blasts open the door yelling whatever, "whatta ya want?" I sorta forgot what she said again?

Looking at me with her daggering eyes, "Get up we need to leave now!" she said meaning that I didn't know what she meant because I'm so freaking confused right now.

Yawning, "Where we going?" I wanna go back to sleep...

Growling at me, "Are you stupid, we have training with Catherine! Did you forget that" she said and I scratched my head, no I guess I didn't forget?

"I didn't forget..." I feel like I'm missing something here.

Growling more, "Get up we gotta go!"

Oh yeah, we have to leave early today, "Okay, one second"

But as I said that she snapped at me, "No, there's no one second, I will drag you out of that bed, we can't afford to be late again! I physically can't run that much again or I'm passing out!"

She screamed but, "I'm naked..."


Blushing a little I looked away, "Can I put on some clothes first before we go, I don't think leaving in my blanket will be appropriate..."

Glancing at her, she stood there with her mouth a little open and she was looking at me with the face of, "what the fuck bro, why???" but like don't judge me, it's comfortable.

"Can I get dressed..."

Not making eye contact this is a pretty embarrassing situation, I'm not very comfortable being nude around other people, it's more of an alone thing.

The whole awakening incubus boosted my sexual bravery but when it comes to stuff like prostitutional acts or even naked surprises and showing myself, I'm not really that good at it, in theory, I'm great, but in reality not so much.

"Uh... Yeah"

The door slammed shut and I pulled the covers, turning over and sitting up I stretched my arms and yawned my legs are pretty sore from all that running yesterday, I don't wanna run again today, I'd rather fight Nara and get-

Man I'd rather get my ass handed to me than run again.

Popping up and standing on my feet, my body was still stiff so moving my hands up and holding my hands together, I stretched more to loosen my body up when–


"Oh hey I forgot to mention!–"

Turning my head, the door behind and right of me popped open and pink started sizzling up my face as the girl opened the door to say something only to see the back of me, naked, and stretching.

She can see my slave mark, back, tail, butt, and everything!

Screaming with a high pitch, "Ah! Get out!" I covered both my chest and crotch with my arms, turning and facing away from the doorway.

"Oops... Hah, what are you a little girl?!"

* * *

Little Extract Brothel, Lobby

Sitting across from me, "I almost lost my life... Again..." she mumbled as, "Note to self, don't call him a little girl" she almost lost her life again by getting a face full of fire.

But I don't think those were the things she should have taken notes on, instead it might have been better to learn not to peak and maybe even just knock when someone says that they're going to be changing, when they told you.

Sitting across from her those were my thought from earlier when I was awake, right now I'm trying to catch some Zzz as she dragged us out here 2 hours earlier than needed.




"Morning you two!"


Nara walked into the lobby and I woke up, "Morning!" I jumped up, shooting my hand into the air and they both looked over at me confused to what I was doing, like why?

Ignoring me, "Okay~ So today I'm going to be teaching the both of you spider arts, but first let's go behind the brothel so I can teach you without any interruptions"

[Spider Arts: Added to magics]

"I'll meet you both there in 20 minutes top, I still got work"

Leaving us, I fell back into the chair and sighed, I don't even know what happened, looking over the girl got up and started walking towards the door, I guess I'll follow.

"Hey wait up!"

* * *Half An Hour After* * *

Behind, Little Extract Brothel

"Sorry for the wait, a few of my workers got in trouble with another one of the local brothels and I had to take care of it, ugh, you know how the others can get, it's like a turf war to them and I'm paying for it... sigh, assholes"

"It's gotten worst as of lately actually" other disciple chick.

"Really?" Nara

"The nest closed some of their brothels recently and the beasts and humans have been taking advantage of our disappearance to expand and monopolize territories"

"I haven't even realized?"

"I'd suggest you start sending out scouts, some of the other brothels can be ruthless towards smaller brothels"

"Luckily I'm not small"

"Compared to the others which have spread through the district, your local, so small seeing as you only have one building"




"I don't mind helping you set up a tracker of territories and some of the brothel factions after training?"

"That would be wonderful~!"

With the both of them going back and forth, I just sat there trying to wake up and keep myself awake long enough to get training over with. I'm tired. I wanna sleep more.

"Cool, I'll get back to you Kasumi, but until then, let's focus on your training, Aster wake up!"

Startling me, "I'm awake!" I popped my hand up in the air.

"This kid..." she sighed.

Coming over to me she dropped down onto her knees and grabbed my shoulder, "I said" and she started violently shaking me, "WAKE UP" even though I was already awake.

"I AM!"

She stopped, "Oh, good" and she got up.

All ruffled up and messy because of her, she then came over and sat down in front of us, and while sitting there she put her hand out in front of her and bounced it, we looked with anticipation of something and as we blinked, something started coming out from the bottom of her palm, and as she bounced it up and it came down, a soft ball of this white silky thing was in her hand.

"Is that web? A web ball?" I asked

"Shush," she said and I became quiet.

Holding that ball of web in her hand, "Lesson 1 is going to be the both of you trying to get this ball using whatever I give you, I will not teach you anything else until the both of you can grab this ball using my spider arts"

She said getting up and then chucking the ball of web at the center of the tree where we could have easily just grab it and say we used her spider arts to get it.

Sitting there and waiting with anticipation to whatever she was going to teach us, both me and the other one were sitting here waiting when she then went and threw her hand out shooting a web sting at the web ball, hitting it.

"Your goal as of now is recreating my sticky string"

Snapping her hand away, the string cut off, and then she grabbed it out of the air and then kneeled down placing it on the ground, "This string is strong and sticky"

Attaching it to the ground, "It's good for capturing"

Don't know why but as she was doing all of that, literal sparkles shot out from the both of us as we thought that whatever she was doing was the greatest thing in da world.

And I think she noticed because she facepalmed herself.

We weren't exactly listening to what she said...

. . . . .

Hitting the both of us over head to get out attention, she came back over facing her back to the brothel and she crossed her arms, "I'll explain this once"

"This technique is called Sticky Spider String!"

"It's a technique used to capture and set traps"

Teaching, "What the both of you need to do is recreate this string to continue to earning my lessons and progressing with these spider skills, my spider arts focuses on evading, capturing, trapping, and if you actually learn something and impress me, I'll even teach you some hunting and how to incorporate this into your magic" she spoke seriously.

Thinking about how this was going to be possible, the girl started running her mouth, "I don't get it, what's the point in learning this, it's useless, all of it is useless? I thought you were going to teach us how to fight or some of your advanced magics?" she said and Nara looked down to her crossing her arms, I'll pray at your funeral, girl.

Nara spoke, "Don't underestimate a spiders skill, and don't underestimate this skill I'm teaching you, because listen, let's say I was hunting and you passed by under me while I was on the branch of a tree, while you were running I could have shot the end of this sticky string at you and without even realizing it, you could have been taken out in an instant" she gave an example.

"How bout you give me something more realistic, that made absolutely no sense, I'm a succubus not a spider?!"

She's so dead. . .

But as she fussed, Nara sighed, shaking her head like she was disappointed in her, "If used right, this sticky thread can be used as bondage"

Saying that, the girl's eyes sparkled like stars.

The hell???

Looking over to me extremely disappointed, "I don't know much about it, but you can use it to tie people up for sexual activities," the more she talked about it like this the more depressed she looked.

Looking over to the ball of web, I ignored how excited the other disciple was about this and asked, "Actually I was wondering if the webbing could be turned into silk or used into armor?" I asked getting away from bondages.

And as I did the light came back to her face, "Sadly not so much for armor! Through spider silk is a thing! It's the non sticky thread which I can teach you how to make later on, and the best part about spider silk is, it's more durable and flexible to work~!" she got her color back?

"That's a shame, but I'll be looking forward to making silk"

I can use silk as something I can trade later on, plus if I ask to have it incorporated with custom armor and or making handcraft weapons myself, that sticky thread and silk could come very useful.

Also I wanna know how it feels, soft silk and silky silk~

Looking over here with a better attitude, she then clapped her hands together, gathering our attention.

"This task is going to be difficult so I'll give you both 2 months to show decent progress in creating your own sticky string, if you can't by the end of the 2 months then I'm afraid I won't be able to teach you anymore"

She said continuing with, "However, if you manage to create your own sticky string before the quote, then I'll teach you how to make proper sticky spider string!"

With a bright smile, "Now get to work you two~ And good luck, I won't be helping either of you, however, while your training imma need you to do tasks for me"

"Task one, while thinking of how to do this, do the brothel's lawns, it's kind of wild, I want it all nice and tidy before you even think of coming in to work or going home~"

"Whah!" we both complained.

"Actually, Aster you can do it alone, I'll have someone fetch you a scythe to cut the grass first, Kasumi you help me track the other territories, I wanna get to it now"

"Wait you can't leave me by myself!" I said as I was already getting abandoned to do chores on my own, not knowing what that girl was doing or why she was doing something else other than yard work for Nara.

Facing me, Nara then said.

"Ya got this, I believe in ya kiddo~"


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Wednesday, August 24, Year 12