Little Extract: I Figured It Out!

Behind, Little Extract Brothel

I thought long and hard about this while I cut and raked around the brothel, which took hours to do by hand and that also gave me hours to think and complain too.

Okay, so hear me out.

After receiving a scythe from one of Nana's workers to cut the grass, I started doing as such, I started cutting through the grass, but soon I eventually got to the sticky string.

I accidentally cut it while not noticing that it was apart of that grass patch and I freaked out a little bit since I didn't know if I was supposed to touch it or not.

It flailed and I went over grabbing it, I was going to try and stick it back where I cut the grass, but when I touched it.

When I touched it the string wasn't solid, well yeah, I guess it's called Sticky Spider String for a reason, but that's not it and it's not what I mean, what I mean is it felt like, saliva, it was sticky yes, but I rubbed it in between my fingers and it also reminded me of thick saliva.

After attaching it back to the ground and seeing how it was slightly elastic, it had me thinking even more so now I think I might have come up with something, since I don't have the capability to make web like Nara, maybe using something similar might be the best option.

And when I was raking a few hours after, getting that grass all bunched up, it started giving me ideas and it had me thinking, I thought about nature, and I thought about life and how something like this was possible and then it all came back around to nature, and then nature magic.

Not like I was going to learn that.

But still, magic, it's my greatest key right now.

If I can mix in the elasticness of something like saliva and the capabilities of magic, maybe I can make something similar to that string and I might even be able to get that ball if I practice it hard enough!

This was the current greatest option available.

I had nothing else on mind and I'm telling you, this was godly thinking right here, I'm pretty sure someone would think of using semen, but no, naw, imma spit on someone.

Imma literally try to create my own spider skill, spiting shot, it's where I spit at someone and I spit webs so it just hits them in the face and blinds them, it's genius level thinking.

Hahahahahah... Hah... Yeah... It's hot out here... Very hot.

"Hey, break time, come get something to drink Aster!"

Looking over there was a goddess at that back door, oh no wait I think it's actually just a purple girl? It's Nara, for some reason she looks really bright, I'm gonna pass out soon aren't I?

"Thanks, I'll do that!"

Going inside and following her into this little dining hall, there was a pitcher of water sitting on the dining table and there were 2 cups of water already there.

Turning over a chair and sitting in it backwards, I grabbed one of the cups and downed it, letting out a refreshing breath after downing it and then laying my chin on the table as I was spent, the sun's almost half way in the sky.

"You've been working hard~"

Hearing her next to me, she pulled the chair next to me and then sat backwards in it like me, grabbing the pitcher and pouring what sounded like my glass some more water.

"The yards, humongous..."

"I know~ That's why I have you cutting it, free labor is the best when it comes from anothers debt, I mean, vald work"

"You're evil..."

"Hehehe, at least you're not bored out there~"

"Instead, I'm exhausted"

"Yes, and I'm helping you build stamina, Yep that's it~"


"Hm? The both of you didn't eat any breakfast, want me to whip ya up something tasty?"

Why's she bringing up food now all of a sudden, "The last thing I want is to be hungry, please don't talk about food"

"Oh yeah... You're both Incubi and Succubi?..." Nara

But then she asked, "How does that work exactly?"

Why's she asking this now?...ughhhhhhh.....

Hmmm, "We consume the vitality of other living creatures"

"What's vitality?"

Ugh... Please, just stop talking to me, "Life force which is a mash of energies"

"Interesting? Tell me more~"

Mmmm, why?, "If you lose too much vitality you can die"

"So your like leaches?"

"Parasites more like it..."

"Kinda like vampires?"

"If only like vampires, they get to drink blood"

"Whatta you gotta drink~"

Not hesitating, I pushed up off the table, "Pussy juice and the blood of my enemies!!..." I was getting real irritated by the consistent bombardment of her, and I just said that, it was the first freaking this to come to mind and I didn't even realize!. . .

How embarrassing that sounded. .

Blushing harder than ever, I slapped my face against the table and felt the shame of my ancestors hanging over me, which knowing them, their probably dieing right now, having the bestest of laughs in their inner dead lifes while stalking my ass.


"Ugh... Why do I speak..." I groaned at myself.

But then just as my face was all pink and stuff and smothered in an annoying amount of blush, I hit the table once more and shot my head up from surface ends-

She was also blushing... Damn, I guess that seriously was super embarrassing...

Shaking my head, and energetically saying!

"I like sweets!"

That snapped the both of us out of it, "Sweets?"


"Sweets" an awkward smile came onto her face.

"Sweets!" I came to say again.

"Do you want me to make you lunch?"

Looking at me and wondering if I was hungry, I sighed, she took it the wrong way, this wasn't a cry for whatever your thinking in that little head of yours, it's just an answer.

But then as we were talking about food, *rumble* fuck.

She chuckled as she heard it too, and looking away, I puffed my cheeks, "I don't like people cooking for me, I'll cook the three of us curry for lunch"

I said hating my stomach at this moment because it wasn't hungry for any actual, physical foods.

My stomach's horny.

"You will?!"

"Let me borrow your kitchen, get me some ingredients, and I'll cook you the best curry you've ever tasted, bish!"

That last part wasn't necessary but it was a need at the moment, like how this is where my skills in the kitchen are going to come in and shine more than anything else I can do here.

Looking over, she had a wide satisfied smile on her face, probably because she knows I'm a wiz in the kitchen.

"So, whatta you need~?"

Oh, so we're starting now?, Okay, "First things first, imma need 2 pots and a pan. A few blends of Turmeric, Cumin, Ginger, and Black Pepper. Onion and Garlic. Cooking Oils. Rice, Potatoes, and Carrots, and then as for the meats, Chicken or Pork, I wanna make this a light blend that's not too heavy since it's supposed to have this good creamy texture to it, and if we can maybe it's best we add some spice and heat to it if that's not enough flavor!"

I said and she just sat there with her hands on her cheeks, her elbows pressed against the table and she looked like she was admiring someone or daydreaming, one or the other but that wasn't important, unless.

"Scratch that, if I'm already doing this, forget lunch, I'mma need you to write this down because I'm making everyone dinner before they leave here today! Okay Nara!"

Staring at me, "Yes, sir~"

* * *

After a few hard hours in the kitchen busting my ass and exhausting my fire powers, due to training it by using it as the source of fire instead of a fire shard to cook which I eventually had to switch to because after a hard time adjusting my fire to a good temperature, I ran out of the energy to keep the flames going.

And I didn't want to switch to magic flames because, using root magic or what I call it, energy flames, it was way more better for training my Phyric Sorcery since I had less root magic to work with than the vast amount of mana I had.

Anyways, maybe I should cook more often? Adjusting the output of my fire was pretty hard and keeping at that level was just as difficult as trying to condense it into tight flames to chuck at people, this could help me a lot with flame control?

. . . . .

Surprised, "You can cook?!" the other disciple was shocked when she got to the dining hall to see a bowl of white rice covered in steaming hot curry poured over that fluffy cloud of white, such a lovely site to see~

And then there was me with a mixing spoon in my hand and Nara next to her bowl, I was more or less ready to hit them if they complained too much about it kekeke.

Grabbing my head, "Yeah, I used to cook for my family all the time, they called me their little Camarones a la Diabla, which just means deviled shrimp, it was my nickname, also it's food" my mind wabbled and I felt like blacking out.

Grabbing the edge of the table and catching my breath, while trying my best to keep my composure under way, I then continued to say, "I just made this batch, everyone else already received a bowl"

Looking up and sweating heavily, "Enjoy"

Nara seemed to notice that I was losing consciousness and as I tried my best to keep standing, she vanished and before I knew it she had her hand over me and she pulled, using her sticky string she pulled over a chair which she grabbed out of mid air and put next to hers.

Sitting me next to her, she leaned me against her, and whispered, "You did great, you can rest now" really?

But I still have so much left to do?...

"Thank you"

Shutting my eyes everything blackened. . .

And I guess not long passed.

Because soon I got color back?

. . . . .

Yawning, "Mamá, listening to gospel again?" I buried my face into my mother's shoulder, "Yeah~" she said and I snuggled up to her, moving my hands up and wrapping my arms around this woman, I love'er, "Tienes hambre mamá"

"What's he doing?" A woman's voice bounced off the wall.

Moving my head off to the side, "Who you calling he, vato"

But then as I said that a series of stings shocked my head and I pushed away, grabbing my head and squealing as it came too fast that I fell back out of the chair I was sitting in, "Hijo de puta!!"

"I don't think he's alright? Also, you hear that accent?"

"Yeah, it's pretty cute~"

"Funny more like it"

Shooting up, sitting up, I looked with a grudge as I looked to see that purple girl and brown girl sitting in their chairs talking casually as I was in pain on the ground, also what the hell, that's not my ma, that's Nara! I'm still here?!

Slamming my hands onto my knees I crossed my legs while on the floor, "You're both assholes for that," man I'm lowkey about to cry, I thought I was back home not with them...

They were about to say more when I took off my shoes and threw the both at them, hitting them both on the head, "Will the both of you shut it already! I swear I can feel my brain cells decaer the more you fools speak!" I low-key forgot that one word in English and I don't care that it stings.