Little Extract: Just A Little Trouble

Streets Of The Red Light District, Next Day

Walking to Nara's Brothel early in the morning for training I boasted my ideas to them about the sticky magic spit idea, but neither of them liked it or wanted to think about it, the girl called it disgusting and Nara was on her side with this.

But it's a good idea, I swear it is, because like...

It's the only logical way of making it? I can't make web out of my ass, which sounds odd but has its own merit, shoot, I hate going to the bathroom all the time and I wish I could just shoot web out instead of piss or instead of having to take a dump once a day I could be like a monkey but this time instead of throwing my poo it's a ball of web.

Which to be honest since becoming an incubus I don't even go to the bathroom unless I eat physical food which even then I barely have to go, if not once it's the next day.

Ugh, I swear my stomach doesn't like high fiber...

Wait... Fiber...

Fiber? That's it! Thinking of literal shit gave me an idea!

Turning around and looking to the girl whose name isn't important in the slightest, "I have it! We need to go to the market later today and go grocery shopping!" I said startling her as this just came out of nowhere.

"What why?"

"Because spider string!"

"What about spider string?!"

"It's made up from a high concentration of proteins"

I said valuing the concept of spiders silk which is that string and as I thought more into it, it just came to me!

And I think she noticed it too because she looked like she sort of understood, "Hold it. . .I think you're on to something? But still, it's inpos-"

"No it's not!"

Jolting as I said that, she looked to me with a mixed face and as she kept that look I grinned frantically as I knew what we could do to make this string, hehehe.

"Sure, we aren't spiders, we can't shit out webbing, but there's something else we can use as a vessel to those proteins," I said with a widening grin.

And she gulped, "I hope you get used to feeling your own mouth, because remember that idea I pitched yesterday, I guess we're going to be using it after all~"

Looking at me nastily, "No... Just no, that's gross"

Looking at her with a bright sadistic smile, "Do we really have a choice, comrade"

Looking at me and wanting to puke, she looked away and gaged for a second before looking to me sickly, "I really fucking hate you, but I guess not..." she wept.


"Geeze, I want to slap you..."

. . . . .

Behind, Little Extract's Brothel

I never really finished raking so when we got there that was the first thing I needed to do, Nara had to step out and since it was so hard cutting the grass with the scythe that I had to go over everything a few times to make it all nice and even and good, this was what I needed to start with and the girl more or less just stood around.

"Do you think this'll work?"

"Yeah, if I rake the grass into these large piles, later I can get bags and then fill em, the grass can be used later to lay over the crops so that creatures like birds get confused and can't steal the seeds, imma pitch that idea to some local farmers~ hehe" if I'm right, crop production might just go up.

"No not the fucking grass, I mean the icky spit method"

"Well... Yeah?" in theory it should work?

"How's it even going to work, it's not like our spit will just magically convert into string after we start eating things"

Explaining it to her, "After we get those fibers, amino acids, and proteins into our systems what their going to do is act as a fuel for what we're planning on doing, it's not like we can create this out of nothing like you said, there's things to it we need first. However in theory to activate the spider like substance we are going to be creating, were going to use our mana to strengthing the attributes of our spit, like making it more elastic, stronger, stickier, we're going to need to self teach ourselves on how to do it but that's why we have a whole two months to do this, which in theory we might need more time no matter how you think about it, we're literally creating our own skill, spell, technique, however you wanna look at it, so if we don't act now it might be too late and Nara isn't going to teach us anymore" I said but then thought about something.

Hm? But we don't have much time, we need some way to speed up this process, we don't understand anything, we like she said aren't spiders, we don't know how this can actually be possible... Wait, I think I have something?

This can also help?, "But to better understand how to make the webbing we may need to learn from pros, and I don't mean spiders, I mean from tailors, weavers, those people who make stuff from cotton, silk, wool, hemp, milkweed, ryegrass, I know this is kind of irrelevant since I'm literally thinking of making our material out of spit, but if we can learn from people like them then there's a chance we can speed up the process in making it if we can learn how to handle, make, and understand it from them"

I said pausing what I was doing as I was pretty much getting into this, and as I thought some more into it.

*Clap Clap Clap*

Looking over as she was clapping, "I'm going to be honest, you sound really passionate about this so I'm going to stick with you on it, but if it fails we might have to consider thinking about something else"

She said and I feel like it's because she didn't know where to start, and if I'm right and she wasn't, she'd get really upset about not listening to me?

"You're only going along with this because it sounds easier than whatever you have doesn't it?" I asked frankly to see if she may actually have an idea, so I can add onto mine.

"No" huh, could I be wrong?, "I have no idea what to fucking do, and you seem like you've thought about this a lot more than me?" I hate being right...

Getting back to work, "I'll be trusting that you'll be working hard to make this come true," despite her not having any idea or anything to go on and leaching off me...

This might actually be good seeing as I can use her as an extra pair... An extra arm in my work to make this come faster, and then we both can receive training from Nara.

Despite me being against her being here at all,

Despite me being against her being here at all, and I'm so serious on this, I don't want her here, "I guess I got to pull my weight huh?"

Clicking my tongue, "You're too heavy for me to carry so yeah" I said and I could just feel her burning her eyes in the side of my head, "Assholes" I heard her curse me.

And curse me all you want, I'll curse right back bitch.

"Dickhead. You said we needed to act now, right!" she said really wanting me to curse her out right now, "What's your deal!" I said back to her aggravated, but as I looked at her she had her hand on her hip.

Looking at me seriously as she then came out and said,

"Hurry up and tell me what you're doing today so we can hurry up and learn from one of those pros you were talking about, the quicker we finish with work, the quicker it'll be for us to go out and find one of those shits to teach us to make to spit webbing faster!"

She said, but I just did like her so I was sour to her despite very much understanding what she was talking about, "I have to help the management team today with organizing documents and then file loads of their workers since I didn't do it yesterday, then I need to help a worker on the left wing with switching rooms due to an accident causing their wooden furniture all split apart, magic was it's cause"

Hearing what I had to say, "I'll help the management team with organizing their documents, you help Catherine's workers move rooms and then come back to file those loads, if we can get everything done before the evening, then we can go for a walk around the other half of the district to look for one of those pros, how does that sound"

I don't like her but she knows what she's doing, "that sounds like a plan, and after we find one of them to learn from, let's go to the market place, I'll see if I can borrow money from someone to get the stuff"

"Don't worry about the money, I'll get it, you pick out the stuff and manage what we need to get, deal"


Coming to an agreement with my older sister here, I finished up raking the piles before 8 in the morning, but she told me to go ahead and start helping the worker out and leave her to take care of bagging the grass, from the looks of it she's going to have someone else do it but that sounds a lot better to me seeing as we can multitask this.

Going over and helping Nara's worker who happened to be a mage who accidentally had a magic accident and it split all the wood in his room other than the room itself, I helped them into the other room and due to them being secretive about their magic skills, we made it a secret about what happened and said it was an angry client.

After that, I then came over to the management team in the back of the brothel where they held their records and as I started assisting them, which let me just say fucking sucked because I'm pretty much illiterate, my level of reading their language is at an all-time low so it took a while for me and I even asked them to take a break so I could do it myself all alone so I could slowly process it.

After all that, and going around the brothel helping workers and other teams here, with everything but reading and or having to write anything, hours passed and by the time 4 in the afternoon came rolling around, and customers came flying in to fuck and suck their favorite whore in this whore house, the clerk on the management team told me I was allowed to clock out now since they knew about the punishment and have been keeping track of me every single day and he's even been noting down whatever the hell I do which I find super creepy.

"Have a good one" I said to him and he nodded.

Finally I'm able to get out of this place, today's been tiring, no, this week has been tiring, just a little bit left to do and I can go home, shower, strip, and then pass out on my bed.

Wait, actually I need to find the girl first, we gotta walk to the lower half of this district, actually? Isn't this the lower half? No, fuck it, I don't care, the blue light district, that's what I'm going to freaking call it from now on, we gotta go there and get the stuff, no wait, find someone then get it.

Going around the brothel looking for whatever her name was, my stupid sister succubus, I went around looking for her when I abruptly came across her talking with someone, and you know me, I sort of have major trust issues, so just like me...

I hid behind the corner and eavesdropped on what they were talking about, listening in, she was talking to some guy and... Ah!, "I know you can do better than that~"

"5 silvers, 2 pairs" she's selling Nara's used panties!

Just listening in on this I really wish I hadn't, those perverts, how lewd can they get, and what's he going to even do with them, actually no I don't want to think about-

Oh God, it's already stuck in my head.

I ain't even see anything, why is my imagination like this!

"You have a deal, lady!"

I was purely listening to them, holy fuck, even from behind this corner I feel like I'm watching this go down like a drug deal, "I'll sneak them to you tomorrow morning, so save up your naught urges until then, mate"

The both of them schemeingly laughed and I hadn't a clue to why I was still listening to this, like she's getting the coin but at the same time this feels so morally wrong to listen to and think naughty about, I mean think about!

Ugh, steps approaching, ah she's walking this way! Act cool! Pretend you're just waiting on her yeah, you ain't hear any of what just happened!

. . . . .

Walking into the hall, "Are you ready to go?" I asked looking over to her and startling her as I had been right there with my back up against the wall playing it cool.

And she was surprised, "Ah how long have you-" like boo bitch I was right behind you the entire time! You can't keep anything from me the man in like every wall ever... Maybe.

Anyways, cutting her off because there's like no way in hell I'm going to tell the truth, "Does it matter, let's just go, *yawn*" shit I let out a yawn she's going to notice I was eavesdropping! . . . Wait? No she's not it's just a fucking yawn, why am I panicing? That's so stupid me.

"Uh, yeah, let's go to the lower district"

Saying that we started walking,

"Sooo, you're tired huh?"

Starting a conversation once we left the brothel, I just went with it, "Very much, when we get back home I think I'm just going to take a long nap," I said saying what I was going to do since like hell, it's not like what I do is even that serious.

Looking over here, "Don't you have anything else to do? Like, you haven't talked to anyone other than Lex and me since coming back, besides coming out here and doing whatever it is you do in your room you haven't really gone out, you haven't went out with your friends, you're like a turtle staying in your shell? Hiro"

Shots were fired, and shit she's right about the turtle part, but I like my shell and does it look like I have anything tooo do, seriously, I don't like any of you other than Lex and no.

So crossing my arms and talking to her, "First off, my name isn't Hiro it's Aster, lady. Second,I have no friends, I have no life here, my life just started a week ago, before that I barley even existed, and I'm not going around looking for friends in a district where everyone just wants to be horny or take advantage of you, and I don't do anything because until school starts this upcoming Monday, I literally have nothing to do other then to train, work, and contenplate these thoughts in my head about 3 weeks from now and how to avoid these new monsters"

Like seriously what does she expect from me, I'm nothing but ordinary and bored, and I mean very bored outside of what I have to do to keep me busy. Plus there's a death flag close and I'm kind of worried about it, I have 3 weeks.

And I guess talking my problems out to her, she actually listened to it because she turned her head and started speaking, "My name's not Lady it's Kasumi! Kasumi kereni!" but she didn't stop and then said,

"Also wait?" ugh, she keeps talking to me.

It's not even that I want her to shut up which I do very much, but she's now going to talk about the topic of me and I'd very much rather we not and just keep walking.

Like seriously, were walking through the streets of the 4th districts red light district area place. . . Thingy!

"So let me get this straight, everyone in your past means nothing to you now since you changed your identity? Also what's wrong with the people here, nothing's wrong with them, and what about Ursula, she's like your best friend? Back when you were Hiro she used to talk about you all the time when you were off on your weekends, it was always like "I can't wait for him to come back~" this and that and it was honestly annoying, and you go to school? What are you, third year into college, you look like you belong under a bridge not a fucking school"

See what I'm talking about, I know I'm talking to myself but I'd very much not want to talk to this woman here... Wait?

She said and something clicked, under a bridge?

Yeah, that's where I'll find Bella, in district two, this genius bitch, she reminded me of the actual location of Bella's Shadow Dungeon before the dungeon even appeared! That also means I know where she might be!

Kakaro you genius slut! You're a genius!

That's her name right?? Doesn't matter! ANYWAYS!!

Halting, I looked over to her while holding back the joy of wanting to share what I remembered, but for now I guess I can just do my best to answer her for helping me recall it.

Getting her to stop and look back at me, "What?" I know this is the middle of the street and red light district but I don't care, like anyone cares around here they just want to get their dicks wet and pussies pounded.

And with this just being us here I went ahead and said it.

And I said, "First, Hiro's dead, sounds like a lot of bullshit but that's just how it is, he's my past, I'm Aster Hiragi now, I'm a Fairy from the kingdom of Camelot, that's my new story because the Hiro y'all bullied and knew is gone for good reasons, a lot of good reasons which I can not get into now, but it involves my real identity as a Nightmare, that's why I can't go around in that form anymore, and I have to rely on my true form, this form, my old associates aren't of any concern to either you or me, and they weren't even my friends, neither was Ursula"

I said just telling her the truth, because she should know.

I'm not going to lie to her, I kind of owe her that much.

But she looked like she didn't understand, so I have say it more frankly since even I don't know how to go about explaining this, "properly".


Why does it even matter, "Like seriously, I heard y'all talking that day and she literally called me her walking fuck toy, she said I was nothing but a walking dildo. That piece of shit! I don't even know why I tolerated her from the start, I gave her the benefit of a doubt because she was my sister and easier to be around than the rest of you but she took it way too fucking far and I won't ever forgive her, she doesn't even see me as her "friend" I'm just a piece of meat she's eyeing! Then there's everyone from my past, I don't even know them, they just had me around, and the ones I did know all hurt me, in more ways than one! Many more ways than fucking one!"

Just thinking about them makes me angry...

Very fucking angry... You can't even imagine how I feel.

Feeling something wet fall down my cheek as I was getting worked up, "You have no idea what I've been though ever since I found out that I was awakening as an incubus 4 months ago, I just wanted some time and peace to survive this ever lasting hell loop that's become whatever my life is becoming..."

Something was burning in my chest and everything around me was spining, I'm thinking to deep into this shit and it hurts. I just feel like crying some days.

I feel like crying now.

Tears are already flowing down my face.

"Fuck I'm such a crybaby..."

Feeling the water on my face I covered my face, I got emotional, this house of memories isn't a good one, I'm going to work hard for it to be good but everything before now is just dark times with insatiable lust and torture.

Feeling something pat my shoulder, "To be fair, you killed us," kakaro said with an awkward laugh, and I looked over to her laughing myself, but it wasn't a good laugh.

"Yeah, the first people that I've ever killed were my sisters, how fucking great am I as your little brother"

I'm horrible, "First kills? I'm impressed, you took out 5 Demons with little effort for your firsts, I would be proud, plus you killed Sora and Ursula first so that has to count for something haha" but why's she saying this, shouldn't she hate me?


I know what she's trying to do, "I guess your right," and it's working, stupid sucker, stop being so nice to me I won't fall for your stupid tricks

It's not even helping, "Also you said you were awakening 4 months ago? Your not even a full incubus yet?" seriously it's not. So just stop.

Wiping the tears, "No, I think it was last week, but I'm full now" I said and she hit my shoulder some more like a bro.

Turning and putting her hand to her chest, acting out all theater like, "Nice, it took me 13 months to become a full succubus, so I'm impressed bro"

Turning to me, she hit my chest playfully, "Look life sucks, the past, don't worry much about it, it'll get better and if it doesn't, I'll say what I told the bitches back at the brothel a while ago, we're family, don't forget that, so I'll fight for ya if shit goes down hill, you just have to promise you won't kill me again, wahahah"

Getting me to smile, I wiped the rest of the tears from my face, "I promise, you just have to promise you won't plot to kill me again" I guess her trick worked, dummy.

Why'd you help me, I'm still your enemy aren't I?

Saying that she started sweating, yeah bitch, "I heard a lot of your talks back as Hiro, you're all scumbags you know that" looking away all flustered, "Our fault little bro"

I feel like she wouldn't be saying that if she wasn't trying to cheer me up or if she thought I was still human, but you know what, whatever, I just wanna get this over with.

"Anyways, sorry for wasting time, let's get going"

"Yeah..." She's sweating, haha, busted.

. . . . .

District 4, Blue Light District, Market Area

Walking around the district, we finally found Somewhere! It's a local tailoring shop about 20 minutes away from the train station, which is great because that means it's close to the middle of the district! We were happy about that, especially with all the weird stares that we were getting from the towns folk and geeze children are savages.

. . . . .

Walking into the store, "Good evening, how can I help you" this fluffy tailor called out with a smile on his face, happy to see us enter his tailoring shop.

Glancing around the empty shop, "Evening sir, me and my sister were taking a stroll when we saw your lovely shop, and we just had to stop by to take a look for ourselves,"

I said looking at his fine set up around the shop, there were sections for decoration where he displayed his work for show to show his craftsmanship, there was an area for him to measure the clients and even notes on the wall for design and custom orders, this man looked to be a fine tailor and worthy teacher.

Rubbing his hands together, "I'm glad to hear that sir, take your time looking around, I'm sure we have something that looks to fit your fancy around here somewhere, maybe a lovely dress for the lovely lady and a nice tunic for you"

Moving his hand throughout the air over to his fine ware of measurements tools and design notes, "Or maybe even, would you like for me to make a custom order for you if you can't find anything to your liking?"

He's a business man so he's going to clearly overprice his work that he placed around for display, seems like he knows exactly what he's doing, and now I'm interested.

Looking over, "Kakao, I mean Kasumi, what do you think?" I said and as she looked over at me like what am I doing, she hadn't known at the time, but winking, she then realized I was acting to the situation we were currently in.

Looking over to the wear nearest to her and moving her hand through the fabric of the clothing, "Your work is excellent indeed, I can't say anything other than how much I love it" she said and the kind smile on the man grew.

With an interested look, "But I'm afraid I'm not looking for anything here, I'm afraid that I lack any interest for the clothes inside here" she said and the tailor's smile dropped.

"I'm sorry, but what do you mean sister?"

Looking over to the disappointment tailor, "My interests in him, the maker of these lovely clothes, I want to know how he makes these pieces" she said and I caught along quick as she glanced at me.

Looking over to the fluffy tailor, "Sir, may I ask of you, would you be willing to teach the both of us how to tailor like you, it seems that I too have taken interest in your skills" I said and the both of us looked to the fluffy man with growing interest, and he saw that.

But rubbing his chin he looked to be contemplating the thought of it, glancing over to us, he looked me up and down and he looked over to Kasumi even more.

Mainly at her assets that she lacked, but what he seemed to take in consideration were our clothes and the states of our bodies, throughout I was polite which you'd see in most nobles with money when doing business at places like these, people mostly of business when money is everything look to the closer details which he might be doing at the moment with us.

Looking to me, "I would love to sir but I'm not qualified to teach anyone, however, despite my lack of competence in skill, I would be willing to teach the both of you what I know for a small expense"

He said and Kasumi came around to him from behind and I stated what we could offer him, "For what you know we can offer you 4 silver pieces, 3 arms around your shop for a month-" while I was talking, Kasumi interrupted as she came in and hugged the man from behind, whispering into his ear, "And you can have me right here and now~♡ "

She whispered into his ear something seductive because from the look on his face, she was doing what she could to get him to fork over whatever he knew.

Looking at me the man's face was tint with blush, and I couldn't help but smile, the man then brought his hand to his mouth and coughed into it as he was wanting to speak.

Speaking, "Sorry dear, but I'll have to refuse your tempting offer, I'm a respectable business man you see"

Fuck the plans going south, best do what I can to turn it around, let's just hope I don't do something I come to freaking regret.

Stepping forward and acting cutesy, "I see, would it be that mister wants me instead"

The man looked away blushing and I'm seriously to GOD if you say yes I'm freaking murdering you, vato.

Looking away and avoiding looking me in the freaking eyes, "No thanks, I'll take my chances with the one armed freak here" he said and it was like a shock through the screen moment because we both heard him and Kasumi died a little on the inside at that moment.

"Ah, okay..."

Dude... You didn't have to say it like that, also, she's supposed to be my sister, I'm not going to just let you call her a one arms freak and live to tell the tale next homie.

Okay, maybe I will, not the point though.


Looking over at her she was visibly dead on the outside.

"Yeah... Yeah..."

She took out the coin pouch, giving him the 4 silvers, he then pocketed it and led her hollowed shell self into the back where they were going to you know what.

I'm just shocked, we weren't expecting that...

. . . . .

Finding a place to sit and wait, not even a minute went by and all I heard behind this door a yard away from me was the sounds of pat-a-pat and I knew it because it was...

Kicking my feet and not trying to think about it as the little consistent wave of pat-a-pat came to ear again and again and again and again, it got louder and so did my breathe.

Listening to those little sounds, I can hear her ruggid breath from past the door and that fluffy man's groaning as he's screwing her behind the door, I know this was kind of the idea but. But. Hahhu... Hahhu... Hhhahu...

I've never realized how hungry I actually was till now.

Body, my bodies so cold inside of this shop, but the more I hear those sounds of ass clapping, the hotter my skin and the air around me feels.

With every passing second since I started hearing these sounds, my heart races out of my chest and my breath wants to follow, it's so rapid I don't know what it's doing.

The wetness in my mouth was dry in the start, it's almost uncomfortable to feel but now it's so wet I can feel saliva dripping down from the top of my mouth to my tongue and craving for me to use it.

"No, just breathe"

Looking down I'm trying to calm myself but it seems almost impossible, noticing it I can't help but having a raging hard on like no tomorrow, and the first thing I think when seeing it is how hungry I am.

The more seconds pass the more horny I feel, the more starving I feel, I think I'm starting to feel lustful, I think I wanna go out now and feast, damn it I'm so hungry.

Passing the door her breathe sounds so rough and ruggid, his breathe is uncontrollable, how come she gets to eat on someone and yet I can't, why am I not outside of this shop talking to a beautiful and munching on her like how she's munching on him. This is torturous. I'm so hungry.

"Ah~ Mister your cock's amazing~!"

Hearing that fake ass moan I bit my tongue and scratched my arm, the pain got me coming back to my senses and as I was able to slightly calm myself down from this, it's hard.

The door clicked and as I was looking at the polished floor I saw that my reflection was different, my eyes were really glowing right now, I don't know what it means but it's here.

The door opened and as it had the man slapped her ass thanking her for a good time and they exchanged words for a short few, but just as it was going well, the man then came out and said.

"Okay, now scram"

"What are you talking about?"

"You heard me, having sluts like you around here is bad for business now get lost before I call the guards!"

"We had a deal!"

"I won't say it again freak! Get your whore bother and go"

"How dare you!"

The man and her faught back and forth and as she balled her fist readying herself to sucker punch this tailorer who scammed us out of our money and got a quick fuck out of her, I got up and grabbed her fist.

"let's go," I said.

Looking at me, "You're not actually listening to this motherfucking pig! He scammed us!!"

I couldn't keep holding my breath and I let go, "Then let's take revenge" I said with my breath erotically coming lose and as she heard that and her ears tingled, I let go of her fist and ran over to that chair I was sitting at, grabbing it, spinning, and chucking it at the glass screens in front of the shop shattering the shop's window.

Doing that I startled and surprised the both of them.

Turning to Kasumi with a bright twisted smile, "Whatta you waiting for sister, let's run hahaha" I laughed hysterically by the sudden chaos I created, and as mad as she was at the man who scammed us, a smile came across her face and as I started running she followed.

"MY SHOP!!!" the fluffy tailor screamed.

"Suck my dick fatass!" Kasumi laughed

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Thursday, August 25, Year 12