Little Extract: Hunting

Silver Moon Brothel, Lobby, Next Day

Eating, "The hell are you two doing up so early?" Rika walked into the lobby to see me and Kasumi at the counter eating chicken breast and figs.

Looking at her as she was wearing spotted pajamas and looking at us like an idiot in pajamas, "We're eating? What does it look like we're doing?" like this was seriously the easiest shit to notice, is she blind or something?

Looking at me like what's your problem, "It looks like your up to something?" I had a few problems this morning and her just throwing shit out of the blue was annoying.

Mocking her, "Oh, it looks like your up to something, it looks like your up to something~ shut the fuck up" man, I'm just shooting everything at these girls, on God.

Looking at me, "What's with you this morning, are you... Alright?" Kasumi asked as I wasn't just like this to Rika but I was also like this to her before we started eating.

And talking to her, "No. Nothing's alright!" I said slamming my face into my hands and taking a deep breath as I rested my face on my hands while they pressed up against the counter supporting me.

Looking to Kasumi, "What's with him this morning?" Rika asked as she looked over to Kasumi who shrugged and then took a bite of her chicken breast.

Asking em questions, "Why are you eating?" she asked Kasumi as she was casually eating and Rika found it strange since we didn't eat normal foods.

Answering that question, "Lady Catherine has us helping her out and we're so exhausted that we need an extraish boost" she said as the actual answer to her question was too embarrassing for her to actually tell her.

Looking over at me as I was aggressively tapping my foot and mumbling stuff to myself, "Kasumi, Elaine wanted to know if you wanted to go out with us today, we couldn't find you around here yesterday so she wants to know if you wanna go out today with us"

Swallowing chicken, "I have plans with Aster here today, actually we're going to be pretty busy these next 2 months, so tell her I'll have to take a raincheck"

Taken aback, "You gotta be kidding me, you're hanging out with him now?!" she said backing up, being overdramatic to the point where she backed into the wall and startled herself while getting Kasumi to just sigh.

Looking at me and back to her, "It's not like I want to, we work together, plus our little brother can barely read, funny fact" she said laughing to herself about that.

And shooting my head up, "Hey, you weren't supposed to tell anyone about that! You stuck up whore!" I screamed at her as she exposed one of my difficulties to another one of this brothels bitches, I swear I hate this chick.

Laughing, "I can tell whoever I want~ if you didn't want anyone finding out you shouldn't have left your translation sheet on the counter, your fault not mine"

Finding this funny, "Yeah just like how you got scammed out of fucking some greedy tailorer yesterday and not only losing 4 silver but you weren't even able to get a meal outta that fuck~!" I bung it up and she growled.

"You seriously picking a fight now!"

"So what if I am, whore!"

The both of us shot up to our feet and as we growled at each other and went back and forth, Rika just stood there watching all the way up till we got sick of each other and she threw a punch and I threw a punch and we clocked each other in each other's faces and backed up.

We both groaned, "IGH," and looking away from each other we rubbed our cheeks where we got striked and then came back to hatefully glaring at each other.

"You both seem to be getting along?"

And as Rika said that we both snapped at her, "We're not!!!" and as she was blasted away, and her eardrums were shattered with a vocal earthquake, she just came over and pulled up a seat watching this for the hell of it, it was entertainment for her

Going back and forth!

"I hope you die!"

"I do too!"

I mean, "You know what I think I set myself up for that one..." I said casually looking away and she looked at me like what the fuck is wrong with you.

"Bro... You ight?"

"You know what I don't wanna talk about it"

"Like, are you feeling depressed?"

"No, I just... Ain't expect you to say that, it was a reaction"

"No, we can put this on hold if you wanna talk about it?"

"I'm not depressed! I'm just very angry and horny today!"

"You sure? Because like, I'm not trying to see anyone die"

"I don't plan on dieing! Can you stop talking!"

Rika jumping in, "You're both funny" why is she even here?

Snapping at Rika, "Shut the fuck up!!!" we both screamed.

. . . . .

Later, after fighting the both of us left to Nara's Brothel, and the entire time we walked there, Kasumi complained because I explained to her that the Proteins and fibers were going to take time to properly enter our system.

After all, it would take a few hours to break down in us.

And she hated that.

. . . . .

Little Extract, Lobby

Walking in with a bright face "Good morning you two, how are you this morning~?" I stared at her not saying a word as I was agitated and whatever I say is going to come out as an insult.

But in my stead, "He's angy and I'm angry too!" she said even surprising me as she wasn't angry when we got here, she was pouty and sulking about absorbing the food stuff.

And not knowing what she was talking about, Nara looked at us, "Why are the both of you angry?" she asked genuinely not knowing the reasons to why.

Hitting her chest, "It's because we're starving! There's a reason why we're prostitutes!" she said and Nara hit her hand into her palm, like she's now getting what's going on with us.

Speaking, "I remember Aster explaining to me that you survive on vitality right?" she said speaking like she remembered the answer to a question on a pop quiz.

Speaking out against Nara, "Did he also tell you that if we don't eat in 5 days or less we go berserk" she said and Nara smiled and rubbed her cheek avoiding looking at us.

Of course she knew, she knew this entire time, she had to deal with a incubus master for hundreds of years, she's just playing stupid isn't she!

Gradually getting angrier, I wasn't even mad about what Nara was doing with us, I was just angry. And then Nara then proceeded to say, "Yeah, I knew that, and here's your first training task" saying that she got the attention of the both of us who were pretty angry for different reasons.

But before she could go over and say it, she looked to Kasumi with a sharp gaze, "But before I give out your task I do have to say something, I understand why Aster is angry but seeing as you prostituted against my wishes I don't see why your angry?"

Somehow knowing, she looked over at Kasumi knowing something that I didn't, "So seeing as you disobeyed me, why are you so mad my dear?" no wait, I knew what she was talking about. And I guess I'm not too innocent either.

"Nara, it was my idea" I commented. I'm really at fault.

But commenting she looked at me with cold scary eyes, and as terrifying as they were I gulped and stood my ground, "Stay out of this, Aster" she said too too coldly.

I was terrified, her voice made me tremble, holy fuck.

Looking at Kasumi, "So explain yourself, little girl"

And looking back at Nara, "Sure I might have fucked that fat pig but I didn't prostitute nor did I actually get anything, because first I payed him which he scammed me out of my money so technically he was my hoe. Secondly, he was wearing a condom and I might have been able to suck out some of his vitality if he came in me, but the fat fuck played it safe, cumming by thrusting up against my ass while the condom was on" she said explaining herself.

Looking over to the clerk, she clicked her tongue and then looked back over to us, "My apologies, it looks like my intel was a little off, you have my sincerest apologies"

She said and then crossed her arms, "Now onto the task at hand, your task today is to draw attention to our Brothel by using your natural charms"

Looking at us and choking on her own words, "He's going to kill me for this" she nervously caughed glancing at me and then clapping both her face cheeks three times.

Looking back at us, "And by natural charms what I mean is through prositution, from what I know this is something your race specializes in so today is going to be your first streetwalker job for my brothel"

"Your first task is to bring in 1 person each and use a room"

"However there's a catch, no powers, purely skill"

Pointing to the right wing of the brothel, "I want the both of you to bring in a single person each without using your succubus or incubus powers, your first task is also apart of hunting training and using your powers should be a last resort. Also as a bounce part to the task, if you can get a repeating costomers before this week ends, I'll give you the titles as our Brothels novice specialist and also reward you with a few cooper peices!"

She said seriously knowing how to catch our attention.

"NOW GO! You two are my only potential specialist so go out and prove me you have what it gots to become part of our family here at the Little Extract"

She said and we got going immediately.

I guess she really had inspired us?

. . . . .

But then I came back and Kasumi followed me because as soon as we stept out of the brothel I turned back around and came back to the lobby.

"You're back?"

"I'm back..."


Scratching my cheek, I felt a little shy about saying this, even though I was mostly angry today, this job kinda made me less angry and more holy shit am I actually about to do this, like for real for real, there's no going back after this.

"Can you be more specific about the task, also I feel like I should tell you something?"

"I would also like to know both" Kasumi jumpt in.

Looking at me and wondering like everything, "You're just supposed to go out and do your incubus and succubus thing, but without your powers and your challenge is for you to bring back someone who'll come back to my base, it's basically a mission to increase our reputation?"

She said like I wasn't understanding it very much.

But I was, I was just hesitant ya know, "Like is there anyone specific your looking for, like more spider people, elves, I don't know gnomes or more demons, is there anyone for us to specifically target-"

Not hesitating, "Humans, the horny ones too, their the best costomers because their more frequent when it comes to visiting the red light district, their hormones are something that even fascinate me, so I want more to come"

Looking away, "Yeah, so... About that"

Frowning at me, "Do you have problem with humans?"

I can't even make eye contact with her, it's like she's staring into my soul, so not looking at her I nodded.

And as I did, Kasumi hopped and was like, "Seriously, out of all of us I expected you to be in love with those horny pigs!" she said not expecting this from me.

And it made me gulp the stuff at the back of my throat because it's the opposite.

Quite the opposite, "I don't want to say I hate the entire race, but humans and me never seem to mix, I'd rather sleep with Sora than be with one and we all know my history hating her"

"Shiiitttt—" Kasumi was in awe.

"Is it that bad?" Nara asked.

Sighing, Nara shook her head but Kasumi responded, "Like you'd rather go down on Sora than even be in a room with a human?" I didn't answer her question, I'm ignoring this pest.

But then Kasumi remembered something, "Oh wait. I think I remember now! Weren't you enslaved and tortured by the humans? Is that why you dislike them so much?!"

Glaring at her as that shyness went away and was replaced with nothing but anger, I growled, "Will you shut the fuck up" I tried not to scream it but it just came out as a growl.

Both of them looking at me, Nara crossed her arms, "Ugh fine, despite the cute humans being one of my favorite races, I'm fine with you not bringing one back, Kasumi that doesn't apply to you, I want at least one human coming back here with you"

But then she puffed her cheek, "Actually, this task is way to easy for the both of you, your lust "spirits", I think you can both take on 3 people each, actually, that's what we're going to do, I want the both of you to come back with 3 people by the end of this week and I'll even up the pay for the bonus if 3 people come back for another round with either you or another worker"

Smirking as she said that, she looked to us and the both of us gave her idiotic expressions and her evil smile grew, "I love you both, but I've been to lenient with the both of you, so come come, get to work, before I punish you for both for disobeying your teachers orders, hehehe"

The both of us looked to each other and with icky looks cause Nara was kind of a dick, we both sighed and turned around not even bothering with anything else.

And then we left.

. . . . .

Leaving, an hour passed and Kasumi turned around looking at me, "Why are you following me?"

And respectively, I said looking away, "I'm following your example..." she looked to me strangely and yet I didn't care, she was an experienced succubus and I'm an incubus with no experience whatsoever, and I mean, like none, this is new to me.

"And what example would that be?" Kasumi

"I take that back, why are you even looking for examples from me in the first place?" kasumi

"It's kind of weird?" Kasumi

Being bluntly honest I looked her in the eyes, "I've never hunted before," and she looked shocked as I said that, like I know I'm bold and beautiful but even I, I don't know the first thing to do and sure I have ways I can do some of this, I've planned it out in my head, but doing it in purpose is way different and kind of scary?

"Like... Never never?"

And I explained shortly, "I kind of just had a girlfriend and or was taken over by my awakening lust to get a random hook up, I don't wanna say how I fed the third way"

Facepalming herself, "Crap... For someone who's scared the living daylight out of all of us and even terrified me at one point, your a complete novice aren't you" she said to herself but I just had to but in so she didn't take it wrongly.

"I never said I was experienced? I don't talk about myself?"

Looking to me like what the fuck, "Yeah, maybe it might have been a little, just a little more useful to tell us stuff like this, because everyone at the bothel thinks your like this hardcore incubus from the dark world who's been playing us from the beginning and not all of this?!"

And I had a good comeback for that, " You're all just weak, I'm not strong, I'm just a magic caster who was found and told he was an incubus 4 months ago, before then I just thought I was a human who occasionally studied the Arcane arts out of sheer boredom, nothing else"

Actually it was the opposite, I studied it for my own survival and the obsession of not dieing, but let's just stick to this.

"Did you just call us weak?"

"I mean, y'all died to me, so kinda?"

"You're on your own"

She started walking away but then I rushed over grabbing her by the waist and falling down so she'll have to drag me along with her if she wants to walk away from this mess.

"No please, teach me your slutty ways!"

"NO! You're on your own bastard!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be honest, I can't do this alone! Let's help each other! I can do that Kasumi!"

Dragging me along for a solid five minutes while going back and forth with each other, the amount of stares we received was so embarrassing that it got to the both of us.


"Yey~ Thanks big sis~"

I said getting up and letting go of her, happy and both embarrassed as I more or less shamed myself right now.

"Yey my ass, you embarrassment"

. . . . .

A Few Streets From The Little Extract Brothel

After telling me a few tips and walking around the district, the both of us noticed that we were in no way dressed for the occasion, but it was way too late for us to head back, and even if we did I didn't have anything glamorous to wear so we'd just be going back to get something for her to catch the eyes of everyone around us but even then she felt like we didn't have the necessary time for it.

So what we wore was what we had to work with.

And that means for me it's a green t-shirt, black shorts, and then me. Oh and as for her she was once again wearing that black crop top and some blue jeans, she told me it was her favorite casual wear and I didn't really judge her much.

but what some people don't understand is how you stand out and what type of crowd you want to attract, also the place mattered a lot, because there were many types of people in different areas of the district, good and bad.

Than again she suggested a few ideas to me on being a streetwalker which I took note on, like how if your going to work out here what you want to be is catchy because you want to stand out.

But what some people don't understand is how you stand out, and what type of crowd you want to attract, also the place mattered a lot.

Like how for example, the districts were divided into 3 main area's, the inner core, the middle core, and the the most infamous outer core.

The inner core was a big red flag for us.

The middle core was where you'd find lots of business and also hunters, she said she'll explain hunters for us workers later, but she also said there is things like pray to look for.

The middle core was more of a yello flag as it was not exactly safe yet not too dangerous for us out here, it's where a lot of business and hunters are.

She said she'd tell me about the hunters later.

And she mentioned something about prey?

And then there's the famous outer core where we lived and it was the calmest, also it was closer to the border of the district and where the cheapest fucks could be found. But that also meant that the better fucks and profit came from the...

outer core which was dangerous for us.

I didn't understand much of it, but she said she's going to explain them to me later on, and the only issue is that the outer core made significantly less money then the other two.

And then they were always threatened by the two other, since they had almost not backing. And we even had to pay territorial taxes to the big brothel factions or sects of the inner core.

But thanks to the nest and it being in control of a fraction of the inner core, our brothel was exempt because we were being protected by the nest which acts as both sect and faction.

which both are honestly the same thing?

However due to the nest and our fellow Demon's closing their Brothels, and going off grid. The less likely has finally started seeing new chances and the other Brothels have started taking over.

There's 6 factions in total, and each of them splits up the red light district. Luckily we haven't been taken over yet so we still have time before we have to start paying them money.

However, that also means we're going to have to make even more money, that we don't even make, because our Brothels reputation is a whole ass 0 and it's not like anyone even notices it and our are people to begin with. So it's either we're going to have to find a way to make even more money than we already don't make or suffer at the hands of these factions which we seriously can't handle.

Like seriously, we can't afford to, so the money wī need is now a thing Lex has to come up with and I know he's trying his best to handle it.

And Kasumi's seemed to notice how no one else at our brothel seems to be helping with our issue here and she's been taking notes on things.

Noting things down to help Lex, and that's even one of the reason why she came to Nara and is helping her, with tracking the other factions territory. So we aren't apart of it.

After finding that out on my own...

I came to respect Kasumi a little, and after hearin her conversations with Nara while eavesdropping and even talking to her about a few things, her sheer loyalty to Lex is what had me.

After that, I more or less dislike her.

I'm just comfortable around her, unlike the others.

"Okay look. Over there, you see that dear girl? Well she's what we'd call prey. The moment something goes wrong and she senses that something is wrong, the literary term for prey activates, and since she's a beast, it also comes litteral to her, it's usually hard to incorporate beasts with our system but at the same time it's easy to incorporate prey like her into them"

Kasumi came over pointing out a deer girl looking lost and embarrassed as she was looking around at the buildings and the hookers all around, going away from everyone that aprochered her as she looked shy and by herself.

"She's easy enough for us to hunt, not what I'm going to do is gain her trust so she doesn't run away from us, she's prey after all so we can't really scare her now, and since she's a beast, she's more sensitive to danger and we're more naturally dangerous to prey like her, so you better control your lust and keep you emotions together, you can do that, right?"

Watching as she stepped over to a square buildin, looking at a girl dancing from behind a mirror and blushing, she then came around and glanced at a few men presenting themselves to passing folk, and looking at them she had acted the same way and it even looked as if she was looking for somebody?


I told her while tryin to figure out if I wanted to hunt her or another girl? I had a bazzar feeling about this one? Maybe Kasumi should have her? We're planning on taking her both on at once but maybe I should just go after someone else?"

"Hey, you're still helping me with the next target right? I'm helping you with her so you gotta help me with mine, that was the deal?"

Never mind, I'll hunt her, I can't really afford to be picky right now? Can I? Anyways this is a duel hunt so I can't really just tell her I don't want to.

Also wait? What was I even thinking about? I don't even know? like seriously, freak that, we have this in the bag, so let's just bag her and go.

"I know"


Suddenly grabbing me by the hand unexpectedly, I looked over at her but she looked dead set on the girl across from where we were, so walking with her the dear girl noticed us approaching.

Turning around and looking over at us as it was clear that we were going over to her, I was more or less feeling so embarrassed right now....

Shit, looking off to the side I don't know why but I can feel this sudden stage fright coming over me and it's so freaking much for me.

Why is this happening not?!

"Hey, I saw you were looking around and me and my brother here were just wondering if you were interested in maybe a free hire?"

Casually saying such embarrassing and shameful words like it was nothing, I couldn't believe she said both brother, me, and free in a sentence!

Like what?!

Confused, "Free hire?" the woman said back all while looking at the both of us and me not even daring to look at her or Kasumi as it was a lot.

And she was staring at us so much it had me for real sweating, like, looking at both our faces and not our bodies like she was interested in what we were saying more us and or was just hearing us out before rejecting the both of us.

"A-Are you for real?"

"Why would I lie~"

But just as they went back and forth once, she came around and Kasumi pushed me forward, "So what do you say, I'm gonna teach y'all both the beauty of sex," she said and I was lost?

How the hell did it escalate to this in a second?

But then as I was confused and shocked, the girl pulled on my shirt, getting me to look at her and she was blushing?

"C-Ca... Can I hire you?"

She said and both me and Kasumi were shocked.

"Wait! Hire me first?" Kasumi jumped in.

But the deer girl shook her head.

"I-... I want you please"

looking over to Kasumi with a awkward smirk, she looked disappointed and I put my thumb up at her basically saying we got this, not I, we.

And she realized that and nodded like hell yeah.

Looking back at the girl,

"Okay, then thanks for Hiring me~ I'll be in your care"

But just as I said that I felt someone grab my arm and as I looked to see who it was, some tall girl with short rose red hair grabbed me by the arm and with a smirk said.

"She won't make it past a blowjob, let me have you, babe"

This tall, giant, huge motherfucker of a strong ass woman said grabbing my arms tightly and shocking the three of us here, and as she was smirking cockly and looking at me with a lustful gaze, I wasn't going with this delinquent looking woman.

And it wasn't even that it was because she was human, she was too assertive for my tastes, and it annoyed me by how she could think she could just have me like that, it seriously ticked me off.

Trying to pull my arm away, "Sorry, I already have a partner for the night," and I failed to break from her grip, "Hey, so do I, but I want you right now, even if it's in an alleyway sugar~" she flirted.

And holy shit her words were like nectar because it got my heart jumping, like fuck!

The deer girl was startled and Kasumi was struck and dumbfounded by this human Goliath bitch, leaving me all on own.

And trying to pull away again, "Sorry, I'm not into human's"

"You're into me, who wouldn't be"

"Seriously, let me go"

"And what if I don't, I want you, and I get what I want"

"We're going to have a fucking problem if you don't let go of me.."

"Oh did I make you angry, how cute, I wanna see more now"

Snapping, "I SAID LET ME THE HELL GO" I was going to use my flames to rip away from this woman or hurt her in the process, but as I got aggressive I was shocked and stunned as she grabbed me by the chin and leaned in, kissing me.

Surprising all of us I was stunned.

The sheer arrogance of this woman.

Trying to push away I was overpowered and now pissed,she tried going in deeper and as I let her, I bit down on her tongue and went for her neck with my other hand swirling with fire.

But then she backed away and grabbed my wrist, "A fire mage huh? hahaha, I like you, I really like you now, be mine" she said and I clenched my teeth looking at this woman while the other two fuckers did nothing but watch behind me, shitheads!


But then she just let me go?. . .

"That's a shame, you would have made a pretty good boyfriend? Anyways, if you wanna fuck, come look for me, I'll be back around here waiting for that pathetic deer to faint on you"

she started walking away and as I was PISSED! like wanting to run up and attack her, she turned back around and pressing 2 fingers against her lips, she blew me a kiss.

"I'll be waiting for you, baby boy~"

I was fuming as she called me that cute name expecting to fluffing see me later like I'd come crawling to her! That piece of shit, I'll tear her limb from fucking limb if I see her again!

Turning around, angry at them both for not helping, I grabbed their hands, and started dragging them back with me.

"You're both the worst, least you could have done was help me"

"S-S-Sorry, that woman horrified me" the deer girl said.

"Oops, sorry little bro~ I was admiring that body of hers~"

"You're both the worst... humph"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Friday, August 26, Year 12