Drunken Slip Up (R-19)

Local Club Near The Little Extract, District 4

"Ah~ That hits the spot" I took a nice shower of ale down my throat as I was sitting next to Kasumi and across from the monster of a woman with rosey red hair.

Yeah. . .

So she wasn't lying when she said she would be waiting for me around that area, because when we were walking looking for her, she found us instead and decided to yank me while saying it took quicker than she thought.

And I'm not exaggerating either, like she came from behind and grabbed me by the arm saying that, and I was just so startled that I didn't know how to react?

But somehow, just somehow I managed to pull through and clutch it, we later came to this club and got some drinks, well, more like me a drink, now we're here.

And all while not getting mad once, which was surprising.

But I do have to admit, when sticking to the plan, I was able to do very very well, this drink is a pat on the back, hahaha.

. . . . .

Talking to me, "Now that you have your ale, what is it you wanted to talk about, could it be that you wanted to dance before we got down to business?"

I can't tell if she's trying to be smooth or flirty? Looking at her as I'm taking another sip of ale, she's formally sitting all while giving off this chill nonchalant atmosphere?

Looking at her hair it's combed, it looks messy but it isn't, she wants it to be like that, she's wearing a white dress shirt, it looks neat, no wrinkles, no stains, I saw her in dress pants earlier when walking here, so it seems she came here after work, and just looking at her, her arrogant face, one I want to punch a lot during this hour, she looks as if she wants to toy with us, what's her game? Does she actually want a hoe or something else, I can't really tell?

I can't read her at all, not even a bit, she's strange?

But anyways, as of what she said, the woman with rosey hair said as when she found us I stopped everything and told her that we needed to talk.

But before that she needed to buy me alcohol.

Yeah, I'm not doing this sober.

Life choices going down the drain but that's my problem.

Anyways, it's not like I'm the one who's actually going with you tonight, this is all just bamboozlement, I plan on having one arm next to me sleeping with this monstrous woman.

So keeping quiet, Kasumi took the chance to talk to her since I've been staying quiet to keep my composure this entire time, but I guess I can talk later when the booze... Start to take effect. . . I want the night to go by quickly...

So talking in my place, "You can just say we're changing the game–" Kasumi said but then was immediately cut off by a sharp gaze, "I'm talking to him, not you..."

The woman said shutting Kasumi up.

And getting startled by that, Kasumi hit my thigh.

Damn, I guess her seducing the rosey haired woman isn't something that's going to be easy huh? That really sucks.

But what sucks even more is how she's tapping my thigh wanting me to do it for her, ugh, this is going to be a long night ain't it...? Mainly cause she wants me to help?

She wants me to speak for her so she can get laid...

Looking to the woman, "Ah... Anyways, since you want me I guess we're going to have to play by my rules aren't we?" I said looking at her with devilish intent.

If I can trick her into sleeping with Kasumi and then Kasumi wearing her out, we can get our second client together and then get to the third one today.

And hearing me out, she frowned, looks like she's displeased by this, but I don't really care, I don't like this human, something about her reeks of a rotten scent.

"Is that so? You want me... Me, to play by "your" rules?"

"Yeah... You can say I want it my way tonight"

A smile came onto her face as she looked to me adoringly, "I'm coming to like you a lot more than before, speak now, what's your rules, how are we going to play, cutie"

Not expecting this I was taken back, but continued regardless, "These are my conditions and rules, since I'm a novice, you're going to have to take on my sister here, this is basically a game of conquer or be conquered, if you seriously want me than defeat her in the bed and then move onto me, if you can't, then, well we win, how does that sound?" I said with no plan on losing to a mere human.

It doesn't sound like a bad idea either, it's impossible for a human to defeat an experienced succubus in bed, so this is just going to be a quick meal for Kasumi and a score up for the both of us, then I can get my meal later tonight and we can finish this up and wait for anyone to come back to us later in the week for that sweet bonus whatever it was?

And hearing me out, she grinned, "Oh I'm liking the sounds of this game, but are you sure you don't want to add some more players? I don't want to brag but this game won't even last 8 minutes~" she said arrogantly.

Does she really think she can beat the both of us?

How dare she!

Drinking a few ounces of ale before speaking, I then went on to say, "You're already underestimating us? I seriously can't wait for you to lose now, it's going to be hilarious~"

I said with a spirit full of confidence, she can't beat both a succubus and an incubus, it's impossible, we'll destroy her.

"What's hilarious is the face you're going to make later~"

"Kekeke, being cocky won't be so fun later, big girl"

"I'm not being cocky, I'm being honest, shorty"

"Your honesty is hope, and that's going to burn to ash"

Grinning hard, she looked at me and with a grin equally as challenging, and I came back at her and it was as if dangers met and clashed, this was a battle in itself.

A battle we weren't going to lose, not to a mere human.

And that mere human then said, "If I didn't know any better it seems it's you who's underestimating me," she said as we were challenging each other with words like hunt.

And I said back, "It's not underestimating if I know the end results"we were going for each other's throats and coming at each other with compelling challenge, one so bad that it was as if the air between us was flashing and it even got Kasumi sighing.

Mumbling to herself we were both acting alike right now.

"I'm hungry..." she groaned looking at us.

. . . . .

Breaking away from each other's necks, I got out from my seat and as she was going to do that same, I slammed my hands down on the table and said, "Not so fast! We're still playing by my rules, so chat up Kasumi while I go"

I said glancing over to a few groups of people I could talk to in the meanwhile, before looking back at both girls and with a smile then saying, "You two should get to know each other first, that's what I want right now~"

I'm trying to drunkly set this up, it's going to be fun fun fun~ I'm not good at setting up these things up but it looks sorta and or maybe relatively easy~ YupYup.

"Fine, your rules after all"

The woman said crossing her arms and looking to Kasumi who was put on the spot and not expecting for me to do this, but as she looked over to me, I was already gone as I went over to a group of beast girls not to far from them and started talking the 3 of them up so they could get to talking and I could get to looking for new prey.

Making the basics of conversation, or at least trying to do that?, "So... What do you do for a living? Haha..ha" Kasumi said flustered, and looking to her with bored eyes, the girl replied which surprised Kasumi and got her talking more actively.

Meanwhile, over to where I was.

"What's that?!"

Looking to what the middle girl had, she had this pink little tablet and passed 2 others to the other 2 girls, and with me noticing and asking about it, she smiled and her little rat ears popped up as she leaned it.

Whispering, "It's tasty and it makes you feel super good, plus it's like a birth control too," the Beast Girl said cheery and the other girls nodded in agreement to what she said.

But then something caught my attention!

"Wait! What does it taste like if it's that good?"

Smiling diligently, she passed another one over my way, and then came and said directly into my ear as the other girls giggled and swallowed their's whole.

"Try it and find out, cutie"

Blushing because I'm the lightweight that I am and might be and or might not be a little intoxicated, I stepped back and gulped, "I guess if you're vouching, I'll try it"

She giggled and then poked out her tongue, "Do this" she said and surprised a little and very curious, is she going to do that thing where they make you look up while poking your tongue out? "Come on, don't be shy now" she said and I guess I might have wanted to fit in a little bit now.

So poking my tongue out despite how embarrassing it felt, she then placed the sweet tasting tablet on my tongue and moved her hand over to my hand and moved it to her mouth where she got me laying my tablet on her tongue.

Feeling jumpy as this is happening so fast, I pulled back my hand and she took the tablet into her mouth, I did too but stepped back, the girls laughed as this happened and one of them came to my side grabbing my shoulder.

"Tasty right? You're going to feel the party tonight~"

She said gathering my attention, but as I was a bit jumpy she then came in whispering, "Unless you just wanna come with me tonight, I think I like you" she said completely flirting and getting to me.

Meanwhile, at the same time.

"Yo, you look badass, so what's the story behind the arm?"

Over where the girls were, 3 guys approached them and the 3 of them were talking with Kasumi as they were interested and said and thought that she was cool and wanting to know what type of battle she went through to lose her arm.

Surprising the men, and the rosey haired woman, she got flustered and slipped up and said that her and her family were fighting monsters and she lost it to a vile demon.

They were outstanded and she was the center of attention to those 3 very attractive men and even the girl, looks like she was more interesting than me even when flustered.

A minute passed and back to me, as we spoke and it was all going smoothly, the 4 of us were taking shots by the bar part of the club and as we were taking shot after shot.

2 of the Beast Girls who were around my height, yeah, I'm around them because they're small beasts like me, and yeah, they came to my sides getting close and as they had??

"Aster right? Let's dance~"

The girls who said she had the hots for me said as I was pretty fucked up right now, I'm not going to lie I'm going to black out later tonight, I can just feel it.

Meanwhile the other girl moved her hand to the back of my thigh and pressed her puffy chest up against my shoulder, her hand slid up to my butt as the other girl spoke and as I felt. . .Okay, I feel super horny right now.

I was going to look over and suggest a little something more dirty, but then, she, the one who likes me, grabbed my tail making me jump, and as she did she started kissing me. Tonight's so random, what's going on again?

Making out with another person due to a bad habit, I didn't even know them but I liked them already, the other girl who felt my butt didn't like this, so she came in doing the same, all while leaving the other friend who went to the bathroom out, I think the 3 of us might just have fun without her though, I want to go with them now.

Breaking, "Hey, let's go back to my place~" girl I was kissing sloppily said all while breathing her sweet breath in my face, making me throb more all while wanting her so freaking bad it wasn't even funny.

But as she said that, I didn't want to wait, moving my hand to her side, I moved my hand to her waist and pulled her in, "no, let's go to the bathroom, I want you now"

I had her blush, and she looked away, "Sounds, oh crap, hot" she said and the other girl butted in, moving her hand to my crotch, already bulging hard, "The bathroom? Sounds like fun" she encouraged it, she was the fun one.

Making up our minds, the 3 of us held hands and led each other on our way to the bathroom, this is going to be fun, hehehe, I'm going to enjoy tasting them, I'm so hungry.

But just as we were making our way down to the bathroom, someone grabbed me by the waist, pulling me to their soft supple breasts, "Fuck off, Rats," her voice sounded scary.

Who was she though, hehehe, I don't know but this sounds.

This sounds fun, very fun.

And whoever she was, she scared the two of my friends away because they were gone fast, like super fast, they ran away, hahaha.

Rubbing my head against her and looking up to the colorful lights, I moved my hand back and up, and grabbed the back of their neck as I tried looking at them, they were tall, but my head was against their boobs so their not that big.

"Do you wanna take me home instead~" I said sounding my sluttiest, freaking crap, I'm having so much fun right now, but I kind of wanna treat myself to someone now.

Moving her arm around my neck, the stranger then said, "Oh, I was going to take you home anyways~" her voice sounded pleasant, "Then what are you waiting for~"

Moving away and turning around, her face was blurry, but it didn't matter, I want her, kicking up and jumping at her, she didn't dodge and I grabbed her tight, moving around her and slamming my mouth against hers.

She was surprised, but didn't fight me.

I like her, she'll be my replacement for lady clementine.

Breaking sloppy lips, "I love you~" and she kissed me back harder, I was down to my feet on my toes now and her hands are moving all over me, this really does feel like I'm at a party, the lights, the music, the freaking mood, it's all such a rush. I'm almost going to feel bad for leaving my sister and that girl here.

"Stupid, I don't care if it's here and now or later, take me"

And just as I said that, she came back in, harder, wandering my mouth with her tongue and making me love her even more than I already was, she was always sloppy, what's with this skill now?

I can't keep up.

Breaking off from her mouth, "You're so good at this, I guess I wasn't your only one was I hahaha, you're such a loser kary" I said but wasn't kissed back.

Lady clementine? Looking to her blurry face, "Karin?" I called her by her name, we're alone right, I can call her that now right? Is she mad? Did I do something?

Moving my hands more around her, "Karin, I'm not mad at you, I love you still, what's wrong, tell me, I can make it better, I will make it better, speak to me?"

But she wasn't talking, "Please?..."

And tears ran down my face, wait, is this her?

Am I with my Karin?

Her face started becoming more visible and I saw my little gothic beauty, yeah, I'm with my Karin, she found me, I'm happy now, truly happy, even if normal doesn't exist anymore. I don't care about the normal.

The lights flickered into bright glowing and looking around, oh, I'm not at the club anymore? I'm sitting with my Karin on a train?


Grabbing her arm and hugging it, "Sorry, I can go back to that form you liked previously, maybe later when I learn to control my magic better I'll turn back for you"

She didn't say anything back but looking at me, I saw her face and she looked happy, she pinched my cheek and I felt the love I always liked from her getting stronger.

She was the one I've always loved, I'm glad she's back.

She's my torturer and my savior, and I love her.

"Hehehe, we're finally together, forever..."

The lights flickered and it was dark but I could still see thanks to being an incubus, but it was a good light dark, and as I fell back and bounced, she unbuttoned her shirt and started crawling to me as we seemed to be on a bed.

"You horny, you're always horny~ hahaha"

Sitting up as she seductively crawled, reaching for my crotch, I leaned in and grabbed the side of her caller, pulling her up and kissing her deeply as the foreplay could wait, I didn't want to stay off her, I wanted to be all over her, I wanted her badly, and I wanted her to kiss me more.

"Keep kissing me and I might just fall for you..."

She said breaking away from me, but as she did I moved under kissing under her chin and neck, "You don't have to, you don't have to fall for me, I'm already insanely in love with you, Karin" I came back kissing her more.

I want this to continue forever, I want to be with her forever, I want it just to be us, no one else, me and her.

Pushing my back, she tried getting me on my back to take the lead, but I wanted to take the lead, I switched our positions and slapping her butt getting a cute reaction, I pressed into her body and was hiking her mouth like a stroll.

Getting on top of her, I sat up and pressed my hands into her soft boobs, "I'm winning, don't lose concentration, don't forget what I taught you a while ago, Luv"

But as flirty as I sounded that only sparked her obsession to beat me, she grabbed my tail making me jerk and she got back on top, but this time, she started licking my tail, I moaned, how can someone feel like this, it feels so freaking good, I think I might just cum from this?

"Hey stop, if you keep at this I might cum!"

But as I said that, she put the tip shaped spike into her mouth and sucked harder, using slick tongue techniques and making my eyes roll back, what the ducking fuck.

"Ugh~ You're too good at this~♡"

"I don't think I can take it anymore!"

But as I groaned that, it seems as if she had already undone my zipper because she moved her hand down there grabbing it, making me flinch, and then turning around while straddling me, to put both my dick and tail in her mouth at the same time.

"Ugh, stop it!"

I can't take it, I can't take it, I can't take it!!!

Seeing ass in front of my face, I clapped both hands on it making her accidently deep throat my cock and then I opened my mouth and pressed up against her pussy.

Making her jerk harder into it with her throat coiling around my boy, and with one last solid throb, I exploded down her throat as she had me down to my base and my face went deeper into her crotch through the fabric.

She pulled out as a huge load kept flowing out like a fountain and as she pulled away and some spat on her face, I hugged her ass pressing deeper into her crotch, smelling her amazing scent and feeling the wetness of her pussy leak into the hard fabric and moisten the top of my lip and noise.

"cough-cough Holy shit that was so fucking huge!!!" her voice sounded funny but she said that with so much surprise I guess that's why?

Meanwhile I'm catching my breath an all because I've been so backed up lately and that felt way too intense, however did I manage all this when I was an awakening Incubus.

Is that how he felt all the time, I mean me?

"The girl's not here so I guess we're just going to have to battle this out, but I think I want more fun"

She said but her voice sounded distant.

"I'm all yours" I uttered back to her the best I could.

She moved off me and got her ass out of my face and as she sat there wiping her face using the blanket under us, I caught my breath for a few seconds before moving while she was vulnerable and then wrapping myself around her.

"That felt... Amazing.. Let's make each other feel good too"

Moving my hand to her cheek and moving the blanket, I pressed against her cheek wanting to kiss her more, but then she blocked me, "Naw, I think I wanna take you now"

"Go ahead and try then~" I flirted.

But I guess she took that as a challenge because she grabbed me by the shirt and using this unknown strength, she bonded me under her and spitting on my dick as she got up close, she faced her back to me and then came over hovering her cotton farm bush near my still erect club member.

"Hohoho, is someone hesitating? Hahaha"

"Me hesitate? Never!"

I got under her skin and it was pretty funny, because she looked so lost but then sat on it, missing at first but when she tried again, I hit her butt making her jolt up, and then skip and fall, and slip it in making her grab the sides of my thighs and groan as she looked up to the sky, is she sensitive today, how freaking cute~

"Can you move, Karin?"

"Shut it, this dick is nothing!"

"You sure~"

"You might be bigger than expected for a shorty, but I can take an average dick like this for breakfast, ha, I laughed, this is nothing" she said but then I sat up and as her back was to my chest, I moved my hand up her super solid stomach, and then grabbed her soft supple boobie, "Ah okay," I said and she groaned.

But I felt like her, so this was a vagina, these bumps, she's tight, warm, her insides are swampy and wet, but thick and bumpy too, they move and it tickles, she gropes and coils, and just sticking it inside of her makes me wanna let out my voice.

"Ugh, I'm moving"

Gripping my thighs as I groped her boob, I smelled her hair and as I stiffed a little more and had her rocking my cock, I squeezed hard and moved my freehand to lift up her shirt and lick her back.

"Hey what are you!"

Running my tongue up a good part of her salty back, I moved my hand letting the top of her shirt fall capturing me in it, and letting myself get in there under there closer to her, I kissed her back and groped her more, moving my free hand her waist and helping in little trusts as I wanted to feel even more pleasure but also make her feel good too, no matter how freaky.

"What are you doing!"

She commented, but I didn't reply as my head rung and I fell back making her squish me in her weight, but as she was, I moved both my hand to her belly, hugging her, and then saying as I pushed my chest up against her and thrust deep into her.

"Lusting over you"

I said back simply as I licked deep into the flesh of her back and then thrusted my cock deep into her pussy, I want her, I want to hear her more, talk, groan, moan, I wanna hear it all~♡

Getting to hear her silly comments and smart remarks, I felt myself losing it and as she sensed that weakness she got back up with me following and bouncing and getting it out and sitting on it, she removed her shirt completely and then grabbed me, pushing me down to my back.

"You're such a slutty little devil!" she growled.

But as she did I giggled intoxicated and looked at her in her whatever colored eyes, "I'm your slutty Devil, I'm your Demon, Karin," not knowing what I meant myself, I didn't mind exposing myself if it was for her.

"Hah, so you did want to be my boyfriend?!"

"I want to be your everything, I love you"

"love is such a strong word?"

"I know, but its all I can say for the one I'm obsessed with"

She started laughing, she liked my response, she then started kissing me again, I love this gal, she makes me happy, she makes me feel complete, I don't know what I'd do without her, I'd be a train reck, I'd be slowly breaking apart day by day, I'd slowly start descending into a wild Demon, one without love and only wanting nothing other than chaos...

"Don't forget them words now, boy"


* * *An Hour Later* * *

Snuggling up against her, I was tired, sleepy, dried, she's improved a lot since last time we slept together, I wonder if she's been masterbating without me, she wasn't any good at it so I hope so, it'll be fun teasing her when we play together.

Having fun as I was happy once more, suddenly the door to our room opened, "Erica I'm home," and looking over to that door, another Karin appeared? Confused as she dropped her bags, looking at us, I rubbed my eyes and shook my head as I sat up.

"Oh hey, you came early Mallory?"

Looking to the girl with her mouth wide open and shocked, she looked a little taller than me, she had black hair and blue eyes, and she was wearing all black casual clothes, black T and jeans, and as she looked at us with food bags at her feet, I then looked next to me.

Looking next to me the chick I slept with wasn't Karin, this one had rosey red hair and sharp rosey red eyes, she had a stronger than average build and looked bigger than me, and there was something else that got to me, she was the monstrous woman from before who I tried hooking up with Kasumi. . .

But then suddenly I looked back to the black haired girl as I sensed something angry and magical, "Erica. . . You're cheating on me?" looking to the girl, a dark red fire started swarming her hands.

"Hahaha sorry I just couldn't help it"

What the fuck is going on?...

What's going on?...

Looking down at my hand as words were suddenly shouted from the women, I was lost in a drift and just sitting there as Erica the rosey red haired woman tried calming Mallory the fiery black haired chick from a distance as she was crying and screaming.

And I'm just sitting here contemplating life as I was just...

I don't remember what I was doing before?

Wait... Looking to the crying and angry woman, she's... And looking to the bitch lumberjack like woman who looks like someone you'd see in a gang or in some villain squad, she's also... And then there's me who's a Lust Demon in between the both of them.

Holy crap, are there protagonists in this world?

Am I one of those story chain of event mobs!??

Am I being seen as an antagonist right now???

"I just couldn't help my instincts, it was just like how I was to you, and plus he's a fire mage too! And I think he has potential! Also he's a slut! Yeah yeah!" background chatter

Growling came back and forth along with this and after me looking down wondering what the fuck is my life and the booze in my system settling up a little more with the other shit alcohol which stayed high in me, I then felt the bed shift and looking up from my hands, the woman with black hair sat down next to me, and was looking at me pissed.

"Listen up homewrecker! Sleep with me too!!"

This fucking shocked Erica, "huh?!" she was dumbfounded but before she could say anything, a strong sense of lust wavered over me and how could I refuse another meal~

But then she threw out, "Or suffer the consequences of ruining my love life with Erica, my girlfriend! You filthy homewrecker!!!"

But I wasn't really listening anymore after hearing free meal, I don't know what came over me, but I was still horny, and since I'm horny, I might as well as devour some hymans.

Biting my lip, "I mean if you insist~"