
Biting my lip, "I mean if you insist~" for an entire second I lost all sense of reasoning, the demonic side of me was going on a field trip and I might have gotten a little too excited when she asked to sleep with me.

Kissing her, the both of them were surprised, I moved my hand to her cheek and kissed her in front of her girl, which was such a pleasure as this human had an unknown taste.

I want it~

But then after that second of carnal desire I broke off her lips to see her teary eyes, open mouth, and startled face as she hadn't thought that I was bold enough for sum like this, and it made me happy seeing that startled face...

"You taste good, I want more~"


Erica refused to let this happen and as I was going to come in for some more of Mallory, she grabbed me by the shoulder, but as she did and she pulled me back.

No, she yanked me back, I hit her chest but then felt such a rush because it was like she wanted me, hehehe, so you want to play with me too?

Looking back at her, "You want to play with me then, sweet" I said moving my hand back and kissing her.

I'm a freaking mess, I don't know why I'm like this?

I'm just feeling like an absolute whore at the moment.



[Charm] getting a reflection of my eyes to bounce off her eyes, I charmed the monster, and as I had, she wrapped her arms around me kissing me, deeply, passionately, frenchly, yummy yummy yummy, kiss me more~♡

Yelling from Infront of us,"Erica! What are you doing! You're already ruinging all of this because of your orcish lust, don't you want to be forgiven! If we share him this one night I'll forgive you because I'll be cheating too!"

She screamed at Erica but we ignored her~

But then her voice rang in my ear...

I don't want this to end.

Call me greedy but I want more more more~

Breaking our kiss, I looked to Mallory with an innocent face, [Charm], "But I want her too? Can't we just share, or can the three of us just get along? Sis~"

I said seeing a reflection of my glowing red eyes show on her eyes for a small moment, she's been charmed, and as she was she bit her lip and looked away.

"But Erica belongs to me... I'm her girlfriend, not you"

"And I don't belong to anyone, just add me in as a side~"

Looking at me as I told her that, "Girl, Girl, Boy. Girls like girls and boys right, I want this to be good so let her just have the both of us yeah~?" I think I made sense right there?

Looking down, "I- I guess you're right?" she said and as she had, I moved from out of Erica's arms and grabbed her softly, hugging her as I pulled her to me and the other one.

This is fun, I guess I really am a Demon, this is fun fun fun~

"Geeze I'm such a whore, let's have fun you two~" Me

"Would love to~" Erica

"I- I guess?" Mallory

Everything fades to black... Why now?... I'm tired...

. . . . .

Ugh... My head hurts, didn't I say I wouldn't drink like a week ago? Ugh, why do I keep doing this to myself, black out drunk hurts so freaking bad...

Blinking, I turned over and my face rubbed up against the softness of a warm fleshy pillow... No, wait? Looking, boobs? Why are there boobs here? Wait boobs?!

Jerking back, the back of my head hit something similar but looking in front of me first, I saw boobs bigger than a hand grab in my face, no they were about a hand grab maybe a bit bigger though? Not the point! Looking at whoever this was had black hair and a beautiful face.

Looking up at the back frame of this bed? Yeah bed? I saw red hair and a drooling face, ugh, isn't she? Where the hell is Kasumi, did I get dragged into this, eww eww eww!

No wait, maybe I'm just sleeping with them?

Looking down under the covers...

Wet sloppy phallus...





Imma throw up.

Sitting up quickly I can feel it coming, looking around, to my left was a kitchen side past a counter and then to my right there was a door, bathroom, must be it!

Hopping out of bed and quickly rushing to the bathroom, I ran in slammed the door shut and then fell to my knees as I started throwing up everything from last night.

Ugh, so disgusting imma kill Kasumi.

"Eww! Eww!! Eww!!!"

I started throwing up more as I thought about that red haired bitch who grabbed me while I was with the Deer Girl suddenly then lewd, I said I wasn't playing her games, I wasn't going to go to her!

How come I'm here sleeping with her, and Kasumi, and another whore is probably in that woman's motherfucking bed!

Hearing a yawn from behind me, "Are you... Alright?"

Looking behind me, the black haired girl was standing there at the doorframe but just as I was going to scream at her because I'm so freaking mad, I felt something coming up and I threw up into the toilet again.

She decided to come over and squat down next to me, patting my back, "It'll be okay, let it all out," bruh I'm about to have another breakdown, get the heck out...

Puking more and more, my stomach was soon empty and there was this acidy taste left in my mouth, I hate it so much, I feel like complete shit.

"You're doing great, pat pat" she patted my back again like she has been this entire time, but I just felt like collapsing then and there, bruh I'm seriously about to cry, get out.

Hearing another yawn, "You okay in there?" I heard that freaking monsters voice and balling my fist I pushed up off the toilet seat, flushed, and with the girl who was just there next to me I stormed out into the room.

And as I saw the girl with red hair sitting up rubbing her eyes, I pointed at her and screamed, "Where the hell is Kasumi! Why am I here with you!! How come there's like another whore who's not that skank bitch Kasumi!!! Where the hell are we?!" I said randomly.

"What?" the girl next to me yawned.

Still rubbing her eyes, "Huh? You're going to have to speak clearly if you want me to understand you?" she said but when my foot goes up her ass she'll definitely hear me then.

Clenching my teeth, "Where the hell am I... And why the hell did I wake up in a bed with a freaking monster like you, where is my sister, and how come we're somewhere other than the Little Extract Brothel and or where we were originally... So that oreo club?" I said grittingly.

And hearing me clearly, "Hey, I'm not a monster first off," she said but crossing my arms, I thought otherwise, "Secondly is that girl actually your sister?"

"We're from the same clan, sister in arms bitch, now answer my damn question before I pop a blood vessel"

"That makes sense, also watch your mouth"

"Go fuck yourself, I'll talk as I please"

"Fair enough"

"Can you not speak so foul... This early" black haired girl

"Hmm..." No...

"Also we came here last night? My home, don't you remember, you were clinging to me like a love struck cat the entire time, made a bunch of moves, called me Karin a bunch, what else? Passed out a few times while on the train, got my girlfriend to have sex with you somehow? Got me to have sex with you somehow? Shit, you worked a lot of magic now that I'm thinking about it, you're a natural charmer?..."

But as she was speaking she suddenly stopped, and then smiled as she looked to me adoringly, "Also I've made up my mind, you're my boyfriend now~" she said and I stepped back in disgust.

Stomping my foot, "Hell no. I hate you, hate hate hate!"

I said strongly and as I had, "I'm not taking no for an answer, my orc blood won't allow that, hahahah"

"Luckily you're a half orc so that's an exaggeration for the most part" black haired girl commented.

And as she had, and I was going to scream at the red haired motherfucking some more, she tugged on my arm and got me to angierly look over at her thinking she was another whore.

"Girl, Girl, and Boy" she said and I was confused.

Isn't that a panic at the disco lyric, owh my head!

Holdin my own head, "As much as I don't like you, I don't like boys, that's why I chose to be lesbian, if my horny ass girlfriend likes you, I don't mind having you apart of our relationship, so unless you wanna stay a homewrecking montherfucking bastard, than just be our boyfriend"

She said and with the sweetest and cutest smile, I looked at her and then the other girl, and said, "Homewrecker it is," I chose death than being with 2 fucking humans.

And as I said that, I got a death glare from the side and sensed a flux of magic in the air, I think it's my sorcery powers that's letting me sense magic activation, but I can feel it a bit and looking over, I saw dark red flames swirling the hands of the naked black haired women.

"Homewreckers die for ruining my perfect lovelife..."

But as I saw those flames, my tail swayed behind me, I froze up and as I was in between two monsters, a real smile came across my face as I just met a real life fire user, who may or may not have been another Sorcerer?

Turning my head quickly, "I'll never love you!" I yelled at the red haired bitch but then turned back around quickly to the black haired gal, "But I do smell a super good deal!"

The both of them were confused "Huh?" and as I was looking at the gal, I put my hand out and orange particles formed right before a slow swirl of orange flames coming out.

"My name is Hir- Aster Hiragi, you wanted me to be apart of this love triangle right, let's form a contract~?"

But then I froze as I confused everyone, also I think that was devil's that formed contracts not demons? Shit!

Turning back around to the red haired bitch.

"Never mind! I've made up my mind, I'll be y'all's boy!"

And that got a pleasant reaction from her, "Glad to hear that, hun~" meanwhile next to me the girl groaned while putting her flames away like me, "You're weird?"

And now I'm in a real love triangle... Wow...

But now I have a potential fire magic teacher sooo...

All worth it, hehehe.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Saturday, August 27, Year 12