Bamboozlement Towards Erica

Reading the room, "Uh... Oh yeah, I'm naked?" I looked down at myself, over next to me to a pair of tities, and then over to the bed to see the red haired girl under a blanket but with tities also flashed out, we're all naked right now.

Blush spread across my face, "So, where are my clothes?" I said to myself and looking around as the other girl was going over to the bed, "it's over here on the side"

The girl with red hair said pointing next to her, "Oh, thanks..." I said timidly as nakedness wasn't a good thing for my state of mind, especially right now, I can't be both naked and mad but also this somewhat excited for fire.

So as the other girl got to the bed where the other one was, I came over to the left side since the bed was in the middle at the back of the wall, and as I went over to get it, the red haired girl grabbed my forearm and yanked me into bed with her and the other one who sat at the right edge, "Ah hey what are you doing!" I screamed.

Being like a snake and wrapping around me, embracing me in a hug, "You're pretty Bi-Polar? I like that" she said while hugging me but I was resistant, "I don't care what you like, let me go you big bitch!" and she laughed.

"Now that you're my boyfriend, let's have sex again?!"

"Huh?!" Me

"What?!" black haired girl

Saying that to me, the black haired girl turned around and facing us slammed her hands on the bed, "No, not here, not in my home, not in my bed! Go to a whore house if you wanna fuck that man!" she screamed at her.

But as she said and I twisted and turned, "How bout you don't fuck me at all!" I said getting two reactions out of them, "Come again?" the black haired girl said and the other one then said, "As my boyfriend you're SuPpOsEd to have sex with me whenever I want, that's how it works"

But as she said that I suddenly got worked up, "First of all that's not how it works! Last night was a mistake! I might be your boyfriend now but I'm not going to sleep with you whenever you feel it to be most convenient to you!"

Turning my head to her, "So let me go or I'm leaving!" I threatened like I wasn't already planning on leaving, and it worked as she let me go while looking all like she wasn't understanding what I was talking about "Hey, but-"

She tried getting something out, but I interrupted her, "No but's! I'm not getting anything out of this, so there's no point in me doing this when it's nothing but pure bothersum" I worded it completely wrong and it's not literally what I meant, but as I said it like that, I felt a kiss at the back of my neck.

"Oh, so you want something from this then"

Feeling shivers up my neck, she moved her hands down to my waist, "You want money right? If that's what you want, sleep with me an I'll give you some~" she kissed my neck and got me all started.

My tail grabbed her wrist and as it was latching on, I pushed off and stood up in between both girls as I wasn't doing that, I'm blushing but it's more of a flush, I'm not just going to slut around like this for money, I was just doing a job for Nara, that's why I prostituted, it's not like that!

So arguing,"NO NO NO! I'm not a whore who has sex for money and I won't take your god damn money for sex either! I said it wrong before! I just said it wrong that's it!"

Standing in between them I realized, yeah, I'm naked, and shit it made me plop down and then grab the blanket under me, covering my lower half as I grabbed and covered my chest with my arms.

"I'm not a whore, I'm just an low ranking incubus"

I said out loud, ugh! What am I even doing here, I should have just grabbed my clothes and left, no no no no no no! I'm doing it again, I'm fucking things up!

But as I was panicking, "sigh, Just ignore Erica, she can't control her orcish nature most of the times, it's all just this basic primal instinct she goes off of some times," the girl to my left with black hair said calmly as she rubbed her eyes.

But how am I supposed to believe that, and what's this about her being an orc, she looks human, human I tell you, she's just bigger and holy crap, so fucking annoying!!!

Looking to her she then said, "Just clam down, there's no reason for you to be acting all panicked, Erica please, just shut your mouth for a moment, and you, shut up, stupid boy, look, this is a confusing moment for me to, so let's just, try to set it straight" taking command and luckily none of them seemed to care when I called myself an incubus, she then pointed at the red haired girl and me and then herself as she was going to start talking.

Pointing at Erica, "I'm sorry for her actions, please accept it on my behalf, Erica is a half orc half human, she's more... How do I say it, she's more act first think later, and I think that's one of the reasons I fell for her, however, she might be impulsive but she's very smart, don't get her wrong, if she picked you up it must have been for a few reasons, her orcish side has this magical ability which I don't even understand, but her human side balances it out so she's rashonal most of the time, I don't know about now though, she said you had a lot of potential so I'll take her word on it whatever that potential is?"

"Yup, I'm smarter than you think hahaha" the brain dead half orc big girl with red hair said.

Pointing at herself, "I'm her lover, my name is Mallory Sentaru, I'm a human mage who specializes in destruction magic but works as an apprentice cleric for the local temple here in Rosa Marine, oh and her name over here is Erica Bandela" she said introducing them.

But then she pointed to me, "Now, who are you?" she said wanting me to explain myself, but right now I feel like the better option would for me to walk out of her and vanish?

I should really just pretend like last night and today never happened, okay, maybe I'm just a bit perplexed.

"I'm uh... tch..."

Sighing, "Never mind I'll just introduce, my name is Aster Hiragi and I'm a Fairy, I specialize in Fire Magic and even though I don't know much about the art, it's all I got. And I came here to these lands to live with my uncle, he lives in district 4 and then let's see?... I work at a brothel? And I work in management? I think? Things are a little hectic over there because something bad happened over there in the district scaring many brothel owners..."

But even after saying that I commented, "Also, I'm being bluntly honest, I don't think this is going to last long..."

Introducing myself, it went quite for a moment, maybe I shouldn't have said what I did, well, they said what they did? She did at least? Was I not supposed to? Did it weird them out? Not that I should care?

kay! Maybe I do care... Could it be that I told them that this relationship doesn't look like it's going to last? uh, maybe that might be it? Seriously, what am I doing with my life, this is so akward...

I should just leave...

"Wait, so you're an elf?" girl with black hair.

Confused, "No I'm a Fairy" I said back.

"So an elf?" the girl with black hair repeated.

"I don't know? Are they?" Me

"Yeah... Pretty much?" girl with black hair.

"Okay... What does it matter though?" Me

"Orcs and Elves have a deep hatred for each other..." her

Saying that I looked over to the half orc girl next to us and as she was looking at us, I looked to her and she then looked to me and smiled?... Wait... Shouldn't she be wanting to tear out my throat if she hates them?

Oh wait, I'm an Incubus? No wait she doesn't know?

Erin, or Erica whatever her name was, she then rubbed her chin and spoke out as we were so freaking confused, "I don't feel hate towards him, but I do think from what he said that he doesn't like me, which could be for that reason, but I like him, I like my cute Fairy boy"

She said and Mallory looked at me, "You know what that sorta makes sense now that I'm thinking about it, this all makes sense, from your actions and words towards Erica and me, their very different, like how you've been showing verbal hostility towards her this entire time and not so much to me? I guess the hatred thing sort of exists between both races, however, Erica's case is a little bit weird, but I guess it's because she's half human?"

She said, but have you ever thought that I might just have been because I didn't like her, I thought you were another whore, and I just hold grudges...

"Sure... So do y'all wanna cancel your relationship with me or what? It's not going to work out as I said before, so let's just end it here even if there is like a single good thing to come out of this relationship"

"Maybe..." Mallory said.

"No, I like you plus you haven't forgotten your promis to me already now have you, Aster, you said, you'd be my boyfriend when you were all love struck and snuggling"

Hearing her say that I wanted to puke, I felt sick and then fell into my knees as I curled up and layed there on the bed not saying a word.

"You okay? Hahaah" Erica

"No... I wanna cry" Me

"There there" Erica

"You're not helping..." Me

"I take it back, this is going to be fun~" Mallory

"You're only saying that because I can't steal your girl" Me

"No, it's because I know you won't~" Mallory

"Geeze, like I want your girl to being with..." Me

"Cheer up, it's not like you have anything to lose" Mallory

"... Hm, whatever, I'm not quitting my jobs for you two" Me

"No one asked you to?" Mallory

"Cool" Me

"You're weird?" Mallory

. . . . .

After a while of laying there, the orc girl got up and started doing something, actually, I'll give her a name, I mean, I'll call her by her name? I don't wanna put down the cool orcs ya know. Erica started doing something.

Sitting up and looking over, "Where's she going," I said as Erica was getting dressed, "She's getting dressed to go to work," she said but that had me curious, "What does she do?" I asked, "She works in trades" she said back but then went on to say, "She usually leaves in the mornings, I leave at night, and by midnight, or a little after, we both get home, we don't work weekends, so if you wanted to do something with Erica, the weekend would probably be the best time to do so" she said and I shook my head.

"If she's serious about us dating, I'll hang out with her IF were both off, I don't know much about dating, and I'm not too sure about this relationship, so a basic friendship is a decent start"

"You sound like your planning on stealing my girl..."

Looking over at her, "Actually it might be akward if it was just the two of us, so having you tag along would make it better, I'm not boyfriend material, so having her actual girl would make me more comfortable"

"You sound like you don't even plan on being her boy?"

Sighing as she kept on talking, I guess I'll inlighten her.

"I don't, you can keep your girl, I'm just going to tag around on the side, this is nothing more than an escort job with a twist, we both get something out of it, got it"

And hearing that, I guess it lighted her mood about me and her girlfriend, because she then came in and said before her girl left, "Sounds like a plan" were both in on this now, the only one left out of it is Erica, who's just going to be left out, after all, it's not like I'll be doing anything lewd with her, I'm just going to be her escort for a while.

. . . . .

After Erica left, I layed back, "What are you doing?" Mallory asked, but simply replying I said, "I don't know if imma sleep tonight, so I'm going to sleep now," I said, hopefully not getting kicked out since the girl left, but as I said that, she then said, "Fine, just be gone before I get home, boy"


Wait? It's the weekend isn't it? That means Erica is just going out right now? And she doesn't have work either? You know what, I'm not going to think about it and sleep.

. . . . .

Little Extract, District 4, Red Light District

Later when I woke up after taking a long nap, I came back to District 4 from District 5, Erica and Mallory lives in an apartment complex a little while from the train station, however it didn't take long to get back here.

However I'm broke so I kind of... Snuck aboard...

Walking in, "Hey, where have you been? How'd it go?" Nara said as she was sitting down in the waiting area? Has she been here the entire time?

Looking over at her, "I brought one girl back, she's a beastfolk, and I got 2 more girls but didn't bring them back, we were at their home but I think they, or more like one might come here eventually, 1 was a half orc the other was just a human, also ugh, I don't wanna talk about it"

I told her and she rubbed her chin, "Good job, that's 3 people I guess? Anyways, you both finished my mission. Well, you, you halfway got it I guess? I'll take your going with them as a little side mark of you making progress but I expect you to come back with them the next time. Anyways, you would of had to till tomorrow for them to come back here, but because of this you can't really become one of my specialist, so it's really just for Kasuni if she can get anyone back"

"I understand..." I wanna go back home.

But then she clapped her hands together, "But forget that, wake up because we're going shopping! I need to find you a good suit!" she said surprising me? "What?! I don't have money for that" but then she took out a coin pouch full of heavy silver, "Don't worry about money!"

Throwing it up and catching it, she flashed a bright smile and said, "Tomorrow I'm taking you to to a very important event as my little underling, and I need you looking you very best, Lex is taking care of the girls on wearing dresses but since your my Azy's little one, I got handle of you" She said making want to puke again with that name.

"Wait so where are we going?"

"Don't worry about that, come on let's just go out now!"

Sighing, "Sure. Let's go then" I went with her.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Saturday, August 27, Year 12