Ball House Manor Therapy

District 5, Henry Manor, The Evening

Walking into the Henry Manor; A Manor of some wealthy merchant here in Rosa Marine wearing a nice suit with Nana who changed her appearance to look human.

We came in looking our best, but it was at a cost, and what I mean by that is I'm hurting inturnally right now, boo-hoo, she forced me into getting a haircut, not that I minded and all, but in doing that they had to brush and cut parts of it before they even started, and let me tell ya, ugh— I'm never letting my hair knot again, it hurt hurt hurt!...

"Ah, it's been a while since I've been to one of these" Nana

Looking around it looked like one of those fancy gatherings you'd see in a fantasy princess film?

It looked like a ballroom, but there were more noticable characteristics about it, like how there was this makeshift stage in the back of the room, there looked to be a few important business men and woman here with cases full of documents to share later when this was all over, and well? Other than that it looked like a formal gathering?

"It couldn't have been that long, could it?" Me

Looking over at her as she had copied my complexion because I was her closest reference, she was even slightly smaller than me but for some reason she's been like that for a while now? I think it was when we first met and she hugged me, she hasn't really left outta that form size much? Maybe she likes being small? Merits right?

"You'd be surprised"

Hm? Maybe? Maybe the last time she's been to one was back when Asmodeus was around? If so that must have been a hundred or 2 hundreds years ago? I keep forgetting she's been around this long? I wonder? Were those years without Asmodeus lonely, was she left all alone and by herself or did she move on and or want to be free from everything that's been in her way since then.

I hope not. I know it sounds bad but it's not, imagine being in a room full of people but wanting to be alone, but then, when your alone you wish someone was there, sometimes being lonely hurts, and it usually isn't good for such a long time like hundreds of years, it does things to people.

The mind of man is a dangerous place. Even spiders.

So patting her shoulder, "Then I guess I'll have to take you to a lot more when I become a successful person in the future," I boasted with a proud smile, just trying to get some nice reaction out of her, and as I looked at her, her plain face turned into a smiling one as she glanced over.

"Oh, if that's the case then I must tag along," she laughed.

But I wasn't joking that much, I might not be one of the best people seeing as how irrational and hot headed I can be, but if I can, I'll.. I guess I'll try to be there for some folk like her, someone who just needs someone just for the hell of it when their alone and in need of another.

Not that she actually needs someone, shit I don't even know what I'm talking about at this point... Sigh, there's been a lot on my mind and I'm just overthinking stuff.

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right, whatever...

. . . . .

Joking around a little with her like we were gread'ol'pals, I glanced around the room looking for some more people for us to join so we weren't just in the middle of the room chatting like reunited friends at a big party? But it's just full of people I don't even know, so not bothering with it, fuck it, turning all my attention back to Nara, I don't care, I'll speak with her as I pease wherever we may be.

Talking with her for a little in the open center of the room, she then glanced over to someone she knew and as she did she looked down at herself, and then quickly turned to me as she was sort of... Blushing or flustered?

"Anyways, how do I look~?!"

She said and from that look, it looks like little Nara has someone she's interested in, wait, but isn't she with Lex? Or maybe she saw Lex? Okay, I got this, let's see then?

Looking at her from top to bottom, her hair was a mix of black and brown from the light at top you couldn't really tell because the angle made it shine differently, but it was a nice shoulder length lose work of hair and then her face was, rather cute but mature, also a bit scary at times, but right now even without the makeup she's wearing she looks incredibly pretty, her lashes were sparkly and long, brows not sharp and thick, nose small and perky, lips small and pink with her lipstick on, and going further down she was wearing a icy purple long dress which covered everything down there but atop showed her neck, slightly her clenage if she had much to show to begin with, she's like an AA or B or sum in cup size, and you could see her arms past the bicep which she refused to wear anything on her hands despite a few suggestions, she wore dress shoes, the one you just slip on and then stockings under it, and her skin, a pale brown but smooth and pure, it was honestly like she was a model for short young adults.

Moving my hand to the right side of her hair, I channaled energy into my hand, and pinching a chunk I wrapped it around my finger and went down using the hand like a curler, curling her straight hair and curling a peice on the right so that it curles going down the side of her face.

Stepping back after, "Despite me telling you earlier you don't need the makeup. You look stunning, from the hair and effort that took hours to do, then to the plesent smell of perfume you made me help you pick out yesterday, to the clothes you struggled to pick out till I had to pick it out for you" saying that and putting my hands on my hips too get one more good look at her, I then went to say.

"You look better than everyone here, so go do your thing"

I said and her face started turning pink, mainly from what I could presume to be embarrassment because I'm calling her out a little bit for fun, but then a joyous smile came across her face and she ran up and hugged me.

"Thank you"

I was surprised, not really expecting that right now especially from her since I sorta dissed her just then, she then let go and took a step back away from me.

"Ya know me, no problem cuz why not, haha"

"Your heartbeat says otherwise, it's racing?"

Grabbing my chest and turning away, "Hey stop listening to my heart beat you pervert! Now go on and go to whoever you were checking out earlier already!"

I said and she giggled, ugh, it creeped me out for a sec, but then she happily walked away and I was left alone, sigh, finally, I hope it goes well for her though?

Well, now that I'm alone though, I guess I should find something to do or... Looking over to a certain table, I walked over and grabbed a glass of champagne.

"It won't hurt..." I shouldn't be left alone by myself.

Like I'm realizing this now, but looking left and right, I then shot the entire glass and ahh~ that's amazing. But before I have another let me just step back a little because I might just take them all for myself, yeah, I feel like I might just do that? Which is the sad thing, ugh, being sober sucks. . .

Am I an alcoholic?

Naw? I don't like alcohol that much.

"Hey, look who showed up earlier!" Turning around after putting down the 2nd glass I said to myself I wouldn't drink but almost would have done it, I saw who it was and then turned around and picked it back up, drinking it.

"Hey don't ignore me!"

Turning back around to the pest, "Kasumi, what do you want?" I asked as I looked to a brown girl wearing a sleeveless black top and red bottom gown dress.

"I don't want anything?! I'm just saying Hi asshole!"

Looking at her indifferently as I grabbed another glass of champagne, "Mhm..." I wasn't really expecting much from her especially after I ended up being the one to sleep with that half orc, Erica, so I'm kind of sour right now.

And by kind of, I mean I hate her right now...

But as I was going to drink glass 3, she took it from me, snatching it out of my hand and before I could say anything, "No more! And come with me, we need to talk"

Growling, "Why..." but as I said that, she drank my glass in front of my face making the soul leave my eyes as that was my pretty she stole, and then she said with a heavy sigh.

"Just come with me, someone wants to talk to you..."

Wanting to throw a fit, I took a deep breath as now wasn't the time for it and I couldn't afford to embarrass Nara and Lex like that by acting like a 2 year old, I need to act like a 4 year old and be decent with their parents. Okay maybe.

"Me? Who wants to talk to me?"

"Just come with me and not act like a child"

"I don't act like child!"

"Sometimes, you don't. Other times, you do"

Ugh, she has a point but I don't want to freaking accept it!

"Fine, whatever!"


Going with her we went to the back of the room and into a hallway, but as we were I felt like she was setting me up, I didn't like it, it made me feel weird and she wasn't saying anything either, I don't like this, not one bit ya hear.

But then we walked into a room, "I brought him," and as I got in there with her, I looked in front of me to see none other than Ursula sitting on the edge of a bed waiting.

"Kasumi, what is this?..."

But as I said that she came around and closed the door making me feel like this was actually, yeah, a fucking trap, and I got defensive, clenching my fist and channaling energy: a wave of fire encased my left hand.

"You set me up!..." I growled.

"Dumbass this is an intervention! Not a set up, so shut up!"

She said turning to me and pointing her only hand at the bitch on the bed, Ursula, who looked timid and not looking at us even though we entered the room.

"Intervention my ass! What's there to talk about!!"

But as I said that her face loosened and she looked at me like, what the fuck are you talking about?

And then she opened her mouth saying bazaar shit to me like, "This? We need to talk about this?"

And... Holy crap she might have been on point to something even though I didn't want to listen...

But then she pointed back out to Ursula, "I don't know much about what happened, but the two of you used to be like bread and butter, but now, you've grown distant and our big and little sister's been growing depressed!"

"I'm n-" but as Ursula began speaking.

I interrupted, "Then let her be depressed"

"What?!" Kasumi didn't really understand.

So I told her, "Let her disappear it doesn't matter, if Lex wants another Succubus I'll find him another one, she's not important in the slightest, not to him, not to you, not to the brothel, and she's lower than dirt to me, because even then, dirt has a use... Trash has a use" I said and she looked at me with eyes wide open and her face was...


The both of them were shocked.

But everything I said was the truth.

But they wouldn't accept that, "Seriously, what the hell happened between the both of you! What did she do to hurt you so bad that her presence around you is this bad?"

Looking at her, then the other smuck, I felt ill all over and if I was doing this now, than where the hell am I going to even start, "Where should I even start?" I asked seein as I could go from the start of it all to my main issue with her and looking dead ahead at her, staring at her, I went back to where it all began.

This is how it started, "Remember the day the Neko Tribe came to the brothel, I think it was you and Rika who were upset about it because y'all didn't like them?"

I said and Ursula's eyes shot open, yeah, she remembers that day, meanwhile Kasumi caught on, "Oh yeah, ugh, I hated them, my ex was apart of that group and it really sucked balls"

Interesting but not the point, "Anyways, while we were working, this all started when a certain whore decided to put me under her charms. Sure it might have seemed a little cool since she saved my ass from 3 Neko's after my ass, literally, not figuratively, and I forgave her for it, but after calling it a night, when I came home, my love, my girlfriend who I thought was normal found out that something was wrong and that we fucked and she tried murdering me"

"For real?!"

"Yeah, that hole in my hand was because of her"


"Yeah... Shit I even forgave the whore because she helpt me awaken into the second stage of awakenin incubism but due to my "lover" who I was dating at the time, really I found out that she was a psychopath and because our sister here, I almost died and then there's the whole big thing of obsessive psychopathy that they all use and it's the "if I can't have you then no one can" and I ended up having to deal with one of those for the longest"

"Tina's... A psychopath?" Ursula uttered.

Veering my sight at her everything around me currupted into a mix of black and red, "Listen here, I don't care who you think you are, call her that again and I'll tear out your tongue, whore..." I got super defensive over Tina for some apparent reason despite her bing a horror?

And Ursula went quite.

Meanwhile, I then heard, "Hey! Your eyes look like Rika's, black on the outside and red glowing irises!? Neet~"

And I continued, "Ugh, now I don't even want to talk about it, I have 17 reasons why, and each of them just piss me off, like how when I used to work at the bothel as Hiro, besides the bullying of the others, she used to come in and pick fights with me for no reason, I couldn't get anything done because she would chase out customers and business opportunities. She refused to work which I didn't mind but then she started making it my problem but I was just so desperate because she didn't want to force me out that I just left it alone. And then there were these vivid dreams of us sleeping together, it was like she was using her magic to charm me and then have sex with me, I felt so taken advantage of and yet I can't remember if we actually did it or not, and I would have remembered us doing it which mixed my brain for a while even though I abhored her. Then after I was kidnapped, and when I was getting saved, It was going great, everything was started to turn out a little better, especially with my relationship to Tina which I felt like it could have went well if people would stop getting in our way. But then she jumps in for my Tina just to annoy me and make me jealous! I didn't even like her to begin with and she started acting super weirdly! And when we got back and shit I knew she was playing me this entire time and using me! But when I heard that I was just some meat toy, a playtoy for her amusement out of her fucking mouth. I'm not playing anyone's game anymore, especially not this bitchfucker! I'm free! I'm living a new life, and now that I'm a full incubus that is still I don't know! Unstable a bit! I'm not taking anymore of this and I'm sure as hell as not dealing with an unstable! I mean! Fuck! I'm not doing this okay! I just want a perfect peaceful life that's all!!!"

I ran out of my mouth like a machinegun as emotions just started flowing out of me in the moment, ugh, I felt like I should have said it all, but I couldn't and I seriously didn't want to, because I didn't want to cry anymore than I've already had to before today. I'm sick these damn tears...

And I'm sick of my emotions.

Stomping my fut on the ground as I felt my face wet down my cheeks, "I just want my freedom back, and I'm sick of everyone and their manipulation, is that so hard to ask for!! I want to feel whole and not empty, I want to see the sky and a wonderful view of the clouds from the sky, I don't want all of this and I don't want enemies anymore, I just want something normal that won't happen anymore!!"

And as I said that, "Then why are you still holding onto this grudge against her? She's our sister, she made mistakes, why are you still holding onto it?"

Bitting my lip, blood ran down my lip, "Because who else is there to blame... I don't know... I just can't let go like that anymore... I think I might be broken... All on the inside..."

But as I said that, and I felt hopeless, so fucking hopeless, I dropped down to my knees and put my hands onto the ground, the tips of my fingers turned char-black, as twisted as currution, and I guess I knew it now.

"I'm broken, defective, there is something wrong with me"

I think I'm coming to a realization that I've been ignoreing for the longest, maybe my time imprisoned did something to me which I don't even understand on a psyological standing, but what is even wrong with me?... I... I don't even fucking know?...

"Yeah... From the sounds of it you are"

Hearing steps aproch me, Kasumi stopped in front of me and crouched down, putting her hand on my shoulder, and looking at her as tears ran down my face.

She started saying, "Incubi and Succubi are weak to emotions, but it's mainly their own, and when it builds up and condenses like that, especially when it's trama or something that can't pass when their weak, it breaks them until they go insane, so look, we're going to work on it, I'll help my little brother with this, but you also need to help us, okay" she says moving her hand to my tears, cleaning them off and then moving her hand into my head to rub it.

"What do you want me to do?"

Not knowing what to do, looking at her like one would to God for answers, she then proceeded to say, "I'm not asking you to forgive her, we need more time to talk"

Looking back at her and then back to me, "But give her a chance to redeem herself, through work and progress, she's not the best and she's stupid on top of that, her choice's are better than most though sometimes, my point is, let Ursula earn back her trust for you, it'll take time but we as I said once before need to work together as a team here at the brothel, we're a family, and seeing as you two already used to have a history, I want you two to at least get alone once more before we work on putting the family back together, and if you can't do this for yourself, then do it for the man who's putting everything on the line for you and all of us. Do it all for Lex. We can't do this to him, he's already done so much for us"

She said and she was completely right, I've been blaming others, myself, and just taking anger out as a resort card for everything when the man who's been doing everything for us has been taking the suffering.

Sniffling and getting up onto my knees, "You know, you have a way with words when you want to right?" I said with a chuckle and she laughed at it, "I'm the best girl here ya know, and it's going to stay that way hahaha"

"I guess so"

Getting back into my feet, I was going to say something to her when she suddenly swiped my lip I bit too hard and got blood on her thumb, she was going to wipe it on her dress but then I moved my hand to hers and lifting it up, we can't ruin our suits and dresses or the stuff around here so.

Taking it into my mouth, "What the hell!" I licked it off her thumb as it was in my mouth and as it took one clean swipe I took it out and looking her up at her face.

"Take this as my apology"

Her face was red and flushed, "Yeah yeah waterer!" she looked away and chuckled, she looks pissed I guess?

Looking to the other one, "I'm not going to forgive you just yet got it! But... I'll leave you be for now, if you wanna be friends in the future, earn back my trust in you, also fix your hair, it's a mess, don't embarrass Lex"

I said turning back around and to the door, I need to get out of here before they start adding more to the list, sheesh, public confrontations are enough for me, bad enough I'm going through a private one.


Opening the door, "See ya two later, imma look for Lex, I haven't seen him in a while" I said leaving quickly.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Sunday, August 28, Year 12