Spider's Web

District 4, Silver Moon Brothel, 3 Days Later

Looking over at Kasumi, "He's been locked in his room for 3 Days now? You should talk to him," Rika said as she and the other girls were in the lobby of the Brothel with Lex.

But in saying that she jumped, "Why me, I don't know why he's like this!" she said back not knowing that happened, but Rika didn't feel like listening to her nonsense, "It's obviously because of your "intervention" act a few days ago!" but even then Kasumi didn't understand.

So looking to Ursula, Ursula shrugged also not knowing what had happened, "Maybe it's something else?" she commented but the others didn't believe it to be that.

But Sora was getting annoyed by this, "Let's just drag him out of his room, he can't stay in there forever, he's going to get hungry sooner or later and I don't know about–"

"I don't think that's a very good idea, Sora" Irus spoke out.

And looking at her annoyingly, "And why's that?!" the others have been pestering to get him out for days now and now she's just telling them not to do the obvious?

"Because what if he kills you again?"

But in saying that, the others paused as that possibility was most likely to happen, but the only one who knew otherwise sighed and then spoke on it.

"Aster's weird, but he's pacifictic towards death"

"Huh!?" the others were super confused.

And she decided to enlighten them, "To be honest I've been spending time with him because of Nara and I'll tell you now, our little bother, yeah, he's the youngest one here, is actually a newborn incubus, he became a full Incubi not too long ago, probably a week actually?"

But she wasn't finished shocking them, "And what happen, what happened before was actually a psyological meltdown due to his torture amongst the humans"

Looking up and thinking about him a in more detail, "He's from what I know a Rank 4 magic user? Most of the time we're fighting, but when we're not, he's a little silly and weird, when I almost broke down and cried because of my arm he threw away his pride and ego and tried comforting me, he can be sweet sometimes, I just think he might have a few psychological issues, scars, and we contributed to it but it was mostly from Evil Humans from what I know, I don't know how I got it out of him, but when talking to him on our spare time, he talks a bunch and spills a few things which he usually tries covering back up to act hard and not like he's full of issues, so give him some credit at least, he's not as bad as we think, he's not that monster we saw him as, he's just another one of us who needs care too"

She said speaking straight from the heart and it surprised every last one of them, even Lex who tried not jumping into the conversation to let them solve it on their own.

"She's not wrong" Lex however did bud in just then.

Which got the others even more shocked, "Wait, you're telling me that guy was actually an awakening Incubi this entire time?" Iris asked, she and Lex nodded.

And seeing that, Ursula bit her lip regretfully, "That means he probably remembered everything? No wonder he was never able to fully come under my control, and he spoke before of his mind being scrambled by me"

They didn't hear her as she uttered those words to herself but she was coming to realize the faultyness in her desire and craving for him that went way too out of hand.

But this all just pissed Sora off, "I was seriously killed by a low ranking incubus!? That pisses me of even more to think about than to dieing by the hands of a human fucking mage, I want him dead so very bad now!"

Meanwhile, "So he's a chaotic Incubus, I see it now?" Rika said to herself as she was piecing his character together now.

And looking away, he didn't want to disclose his plan so he made this into a little lession for them "Aster's just another incubus as you see, we made a deal before he started working here to keep his identity a secret for whatever reason, it wasn't my place to judge but I took it as a sign that he might have had a few secrets, yeah..."

But he couldn't lie like that, so sighing, "Actually I knew the entire time, it just sounded like a good idea at the time seeing as you can't tell he's an incubus by his scent, I just wanted the rest of you to get along with others, sorry..." Lex apologies but the girls then turned to him and without holdinging back.

"You're a motherfuckin asshole for that! And I won't be forgiving you that easily, Lexitor! You owe me for dieing"

Sora was mad at him, but getting flustered, she forgive him. She just didn't want to share it because she was ah mad bitch.

"I understand, it's my fault Sora... My deepest apologies again..." he took it responsibly, he knew he had to.

"I forgive you but don't do it again, it's not like you Lex"

Iris said crossing her arms and looking at him scoldinly.

"Throughout that was an ass move, I forgive you" Ursula

"It is what it is" Kasumi

"You should have at least told me Lexy, I could have helped you in whatever you needed for the brothel..."

Rika said thinking mainly about the finances and how it could have grown if her and Lex and him would have worked together for whatever they were doing.

"My apologies to you all against"

He said bowing deeply, and with a smile coming to their faces they all forgave him and his acts against them, but he still wished it had worked, he resented the Necros now.

Looking to them he was going to say more, but when he opened his mouth to speak, *chime* the door behind him opened and turning around, "Is he still in that room?" It was Nara and she was still in that human form.

"Uh, yeah? What are you doing here?"

Looking to them, "It's been 4 days, he can't stay locked in his room, y'all are being too lenient to him, kick him out if he does this again for more then 2 days, he needs to grow as an incubus or he'll stay at the level he is now for longer"

Going to the left hall, the others didn't know what she was doing and since she just burst in here, the others questioned and followed and watched.

As she went to Door 6 and then kicked it, breaking down the door and shocking them, "I'll pay for the damages!" she said breaking the door down and then going in.

And coming back out, dragging me by the shirt, I was as stiff as a board as she was just dragging me, "Listen now, how long are you going to stay depressed over a fucking girl, yeah I saw what happened, now your coming with me and we're going for a motherfucking drink Aster Hiragi!!!"

She said dragging him out of the door and spooking the ef out of the others, "Can she even do that?" Iris asked, and Lex sighed, "It's too late, she already did, that girl???"

Facepalming himself, he then heard.

"Hey girls, his door is open, let's check out his room?!"

Kasumi blurted out for the fun of it seeing as he was finally gone.


Lex blurted out trying not for that to happen.

"Why not!?"

Iris questioned, backing their sisters up as the girls were already in there, and it was like the all of them but two.

"Because it's a his room?" He said almost stuttering.

"What if he has cum everywhere?!" he akwardly said.

He just made it up on the spot for privacy reasons.

But when he did, Ursula popped her head out, "Actually, I can't smell any of him anywhere? Or at least his cum? His scent is on the bed but he hasn't touched himself once in that room?" she said figuring this out quickly, like in the matter of seconds?

And he facepalmed himself.

"Ugh, just... Do whatever... Sorry bro..."

But then as he sighed stressfully, "Look what I found?! I found something in a weird language I can't read?!" Rika found the character sheet of Aster which wasn't hard to understand even without knowing a shred of English.

* * *A few hours later* * *

Passively intoxicated the both of them were in some room, possibly Nara's with drinks in their hands and I getting out of 3rd person was complaining to her my stresses.

I was an emotional wreck and it all started with her wanting me to talk to her about it, which when I did and I started opening up, I couldn't stop and she was listening to it all.

I seriously don't know what I'm going to do without her, I thought maybe if Karin found me we'd continue with our plan and then there would be this happy ever after...

But fuck it's not going to happen and I'm back to day 1, I'm confused, a mess, I don't know if that was actually day 1 but like seriously, I just don't know how I'm going to go about anything anymore, and its fucking stressful!

I've been venting, ranting, and complaining for an hour now without even touching the alcohol and I'm fucking tearing up everywhere, I'm not crying! But I'm emotional.

. . . . .

Another hour passed and balling my eyes out, suddenly my stomach growled and as I was venting and not caring about it at all, like I've been for a while since it's been the last on my mind to where I haven't even been noticing.

Nara grabbed my hand and moving it to her chest, she leaned in as we were sitting on her bed and as she moved her drink out of the way, she kissed me pressing her lips all up against mine, and I don't know why, but I kissed her.

Moving my hand onto her breast, she then moved back and looking at me who was blushing and confused.

"You can't keep ignoring your hunger, this is the 5th time these past few hours your stomachs growled like this, if you want, I--- as embarrassing as it is, I'll let you eat me"

She said but then started blushing and looked away, "look, don't get me wrong, you just can't be like this, it's unhealthy for you to starve yourself like this"

But as she was too talking I was tasting the emotions on her lips, she cared for me, so freaking much and I felt it, and I don't know, but looking at her, I grabbed her shoulder just so suddenly and falling back.

Spilling alcohol on her sheets, I kissed her wildly.

Grabbing my other hand she moved it under her shirt to her fluffy puffs and she then started moving her hand down my belly and closer to my pants.

But as she started feeling down there throughout the pants, I pushed back and moved my head under hers against the top of her chest past my hand which I moved.



Looking up at her as I moved my hand out of her shirt and grabbed her hand feeling my bulge, I grabbed it and then pinned it to the best next to her spilled glass.

Pressing up, I then said, "I'm not Asmodeus, I love you but not like that, I'm not going to use you and I don't want to hurt you, I'm not him and your one of the last I want hurting, Nara, I can't do this with you"

I said and her eyes widened, "I know how he did you and it was so fucking unfair, I wouldn't ever want to do that to you so no, no no no, I don't want to hurt anyone again"

Gripping both sheets I was a drunken mess, and I guess I was just saying a mix of shit right about now, but as I did she moved her hand and hugged my head, pressing it against her chest.

"I don't know what to say..."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for putting this all on you and making you listen to my stupid problem" I broke down saying another topic, "I'm an unfair asshole!"

But she started patting my head, she started comforting me, I'm such a jerk for putting them all throughout my stupid shit for so fucking long.

And her especially, after what I did to her in the story, she was ignored by Asmodeus when she was supposed to be marrying him due to him murdering her husband in the icy forests of Camolot where her race lived. But instead after even agreeing to be her man he made her out to be his friend and after years of her desperately loving him from afar without a shred of love back, she just became fine with becoming apart of the family, a partner and comrad of his and she just stuck with him for hundreds of years while getting her true feeling ignored...

And I feel like it's all my fault in all that...

And as a drunken mess I was, I started confessing, "I can't love you like how you deserve, I can't be like him, Lex, or your past husband! And I'm not in love with you either, but don't mistake me, I love you still, and I feel responsible for my Asmodeus's wrongdoings and how he treated you even though you loved him so much, and how I was the fool to ignore that for Sarah and the Master and the Heroes and everyone else when you deserved more, a lot fucking more!"

But patting my head, "You're drunk, calm down, I barely understood half of that? Hahaha" but as she said that I pressed up, "I'm sorry, if only we weren't so selfish you could of had betted, I'm sorry for not loving you more" I loved every character I thought I made, but some didn't get the attention they deserved and that's what I meant.

But as I was saying all of this in the drunken state I was in there must have been a drunken translation to this instead because she looked at me calmly and with her face pink, and with an adoring look, she said, "I'll stay with you, he was my past yeah, also I don't know why you keep bringing up Lex, were just friends ya know, but, Thanks, I'll keep all of what you said in mind, you made me happy when you said all of that, and it's just the past, you're not to blame"

"Also I'm pretty sure you weren't even born back then? Ha"

But as she laughed it off, I moved my body straddling myself onto her lap as her back was to the bed and as I sat up, I moved my hands to her stomach as she moved hers to my belly sides and looking at her intoxicated.

"If we were married, I wouldn't leave you alone or out of anything, you deserved more than what Azy gave you"

I said, not hearing much of anything other than my broken thoughts and she laughed, "If we're married, I'll take care of you better than you can care for me, just watch, what you say might just pressure my heart into falling for you"

But then she laughed at her own joke, "Kidding, but I'll stick around with you, it'd be nice to go on another adventure with a Hiragi, plus I like how you care about me so that's a win for me in becoming a master badass woman boss you know"

Sitting up, she looking me up into my eyes, and putting her hand on my cheek as I was drunk and dizzy, "But first, let's get some more to drink, I have some things I wanna teach you tommorow, so after today, were going to train"

But then she frowned, "Actually, we need to feed you first, I don't want another one of those lust frenzys happening in front of me like hundreds of years ago, hahaha"

She said but then I hugged her out of the blue, and she jumped for a second but then hugged me back.

"Okay, maybe no more booze for you, I'll teach you real Sorcery tommorow, so just rest up now, I'll also hook you up with one of my workers to feed you too"

She said but then looked over at me but I closed my eyes falling asleep, and seeing that she chuckled and laughed, but then she became serious as 3 pairs of eyes opened on her face showing her spider eyes.

"But, I don't wanna give you to them, hahaha, maybe I might have thought too much about what you just said, I guess when we get married I'll take good care of you"

"My Aster Hiragi"

"But do you really care or are you blasted drunk?"

"I don't care, but, maybe I do? Too much..."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Wednesday, August 31, Year 12