Real Sorcery? Mana conversion?

Little Extract Brothel, Backyard.

The next day I had this hangover, "Good morning Aster~" and I was sitting in the grass waiting for Nara to arrive, but hearing her voice now, I wish she didn't show up...

I don't even know why I'm out here to begin with?

Groaning, "My Head hurts..." this is why.

And I guess she didn't take too kindly to what I said because she didn't say anything else? Instead, hearing footsteps, she walked behind me and stopped directly behind me before saying sum?

"What's the matter? Jitters already?" she asked.

But looking to the sky and seeing her face hovering over me with her hands on her hips, I frowned, no there weren't any jitters, that wasn't it, "Try a hooker and a headache..."

"haha, What?" she laughed.

Explaining myself since I clearly had to do that, "When I woke up, I woke up with this massive headache and then was seduced by some hooker? Don't know why??"

"Did you enjoy her though?"

"That's not the point..." clearly not the point, just principle.

But saying that, she started laughing, "I guess you liked my little surprise than," and looking to her, so it was her doing? She's like the devil I swear to you she is.

But as she was going to get fussed out. . ."Anyways, how's the noggin doing, you feeling better after last night, you sort of passed out in my arms which was adorable~"

Puffing my cheeks, "I blacked somewhere after... I don't remember, I blacked out basically," I said and she got a good kick out of it.

"Cute, you feel better though?"

Looking down at the grass, "Sort of, I guess" I said back shyly before looking up and saying, "Well, other than the fact that I woke up in a hooker's room?"

"But you slept with her didn't you?"

Looking away as I didn't want to answer that...


"Was starving. Yeah. You really were"

Damn it she knows already, why is she even asking then!

"Why ask then if you know the answer..."

But as I said that with a little resistant pout, she karate chopped my head, "Because you need to stop starving yourself, eat more, be healthy, you need a good diet!"

She scolded, "You worry me sometime you know" but even thought she said that, I said back, "We met last week, and I'm already worrying you?" I said back and she frowned.

But then chuckled, "You and that Lex, I swear you Incubus's are just so weird~?"

She said but before I could say anything, "He's not my boyfriend, don't ask, we're just friends!"

"Hey I'm just saying, you'd make a cute couple?..."

"Okay that's it! Get up and run 20 laps around the Brothel, we're starting our training now!"

"Huh! But!"

"No butts! When you come back we're starting your Sorcery training immediately!"

"We are!?"

"Get going! NOW!"

"Okay okay I will!"

Picking myself up I started running and she laughed like the psycho she was, she's the devil I'm telling you she is.

* * *

Getting back covered in sweat, she started making me do jumping jacks? Consistantly for 20 minutes before letting me take a short break before then suddenly making me do... Oh God...

Ugh, she started making me do burpees and then jumping jacks again, and then she made me run some more, I don't know how the hell this was Sorcery training? But she was just making me super sweaty and out of breath.

And I didn't want to stop because she's giving me death eyes the entire way throughout all of this and it's super fucking scary, I don't want to know what happens if I stop when not allowed to.

She's a scary woman... Very freaking scary...

She then made me repeat and do em again until I collapsed in front of the brothel, and then she made me crawl all the way to the backayed, she's a cruel woman.

A very.... Cruel woman... Spider... SpiderWoman...

"Now sit in the lotus position and cross your legs!"

"Put your hands together to make the process smother, I don't want to hear any fucking complaints either, don't you dare breathe unevenly! steady your fucking breathe Aster!!!"

She started making me meditate in the blazing sun out here, and as she hit me with a stick due to unsteady breath and a flinch of my arm as it got stiff and I broke my sitting position for less than a few seconds, she made me sit still.

"Real Sorcery! What is it exactly Aster!? Don't say a dam word because you're going to be wrong! Real Sorcery is Mana Manipulation. What you pathetic worms of these sorcerer clans actually do is the Manipulation of Mana's flow! Mana is life itself, and this intangible energy that every living creature has. Even me, a creature considered a monster in human eyes"

"I have it, and even the zombies that ruin the principals of life and death possess it, how do you think some can still evolve even after their bodies die, it because of this"

"What Sorcerer's can do is break the laws of mana and instead of following its flow and altering it using the elements and channeling, you can manipulate it!"

"You have the inborn ability to manipulate mana!"

"Who do you think the Allmother is!"

"Yes sure you know here as the Mana, but did you know the mana used to be a Sorcerer! Way before she became the strongest entity to achieve magic godhood and join the mana itself as a deity of it!"

"Y'all just following her and she's practically a god who gets stronger with the more pathetic losers with dense magical power worship her!"

"Now Aster! I forbid the worship of the Mana from you!"

"And I forbid you from..."

"Listen, if you want my teachings then listen up!"

"You're Aster Hiragi! An Incubus!!"

"From now on, unless people ask what an Incubus is, since you and Asmodeus are truly different, then basically say your a Fairy or whatever you said you wanted to be!"

"But when anyone asks you what you are, say Incubus"

"If you want my teachings! Bare no more shame!"

"Embrace who you are, and make a name for the Incubus race as someone who's tired of hiding and blending in! Because you are the future, and you under my teachings will spare the Incubus and Succubus race from hericy like how in Camelot the Devil's are allowed to a certain extent. Your new goal is to allow the Incubi and Succubi to walk freely!"

"Free and motherfucking proud! And not as monsters!"

"Or demons! Or whatever!"

"But now, just as people, like the humans, Beasts, and Elves!"

"Now onto my magic lession again!"

"You wanna control your mana to do Sorcery! You wanna manipulate it like a real sorcerer! Then think of mana as your blood! You feel it going through you, think of that blood as your magic because it is, it's running through you in the same way, now all you have to do is sense it!"

"Forget your energy now! That's next on the agenda by the way!"

"Now focus on your blood, like it mana has storages and cores and through there different for everyone, especially demons, you wanna start with the heart, feel it bump and pump and then go to your chest, arms, legs, dick, and then go back to the begining, because your energy, it all startes around the heart in it's flow, but now your looking at mana! Your mana! You need your mana! Now feel it!

"Don't just stair at me and pant, do it now!"

"This is your first sorcery lession!"

"Mana manipulation!"

"Next is Mana control!"

"And after you spark a flame with your mana, then we're going to switch you over from pure mana that you've been taking from that hitch a bitch allmother and we're going to give you back your Sorcery by me personally converting everything back to root magic, your original magic, not some power, boosted, and given by her to use you!!"

. . . . .

And just like she said, everything she said, I did as such, and throughout I thought some were bullshit, after a few hours of meditating and being hit with a stick, we went onto the next lession and then onto the 3rd and final.

Where say goodbye to mana, because when she put her hand on my back, that 15k of Mana points suddenly started condensing and burning me as it all turned into fire and she even had to put up a magic barrier around herself as she started brining it all away.



She removed all of what the Allmother had given Hiro and she turned me into a normal sorcerer, I still had the elements of fire as something I knew how to do?

But now I was just a normal sorcerer?

However I gained something more.

[SP: 5]

[DP: 5/5]

Apparently we couldn't track my root magic's power? But she discovered I had 5 points of power in Sorcery? Which was SP: Sorcery Power, and the other was Demonic Power which I had 5 points in, each point allowed me to use one of my abilities which was easier than MP? To understand?

When using my sorcery, conjuring fire, my flames were a dark red though, no longer orange and unlike Hiro, I didn't have Scarlet flames, even my eyes got a sharper red and...

My demonic presence appearnlty appeared just now.

I was basically hidden up until now... But, oof, well, you can just say the difficulty went up along with the amount of merit I gathered, like I have a sorcery teacher now.

Lex is going to train me in something? I think?

And I don't know about the girls, the dating ones, but I might be able to learn magic from Mallory a bit, but it's going to be hard to explain how I have a aura of darkness around me appearnlty, so I'm going to be staying here with Nara learning to surpress it.

And I mean there's big changes too?...

Those nightmare eyes are more common which I can feel everytime they appear, I don't know what they do as for as a benefit but I'll test it eventually,

My hunger has become more apparent, I don't know if I can wait 5 days to feed now, it's hard, but it's only been a few hours but I feel hungry already.

My red-ish aura became a smokey blackish-red aura like this lord of rings dark lord like fire cape aura transmition smoke? I don't know how to explain it that well???

And by aura I mean, power, she explained aura was something else so I might just say magic power instead of aura from now on, Fighters use Aura, mages, Mana, us, energy and stuff and so on basically that's how it is.

I haven't been feeling as angry I used to, but last night might have contributed? But I think I might be getting better than before, I was a mess, but I'm slowly getting there. I mean, better at least. I hope so.

But I think I've just referred back to what would be a normal Incubus and Sorcerer without the Mana's greater blessing which the clan sorcerers have?

And as a Demon, I need to work on growing.

Same on sorcery, but I'm going to spend the next few days back here with Nara to work on both, mainly this magic power of mine that tells everyone I'm a Demon...

Which I can't have around me, seriously!...

Okay, I'm tired, were going to take a break, but after we come back, were going to learn to conceal my powers!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Thursday, September 1, Year 12