Nara's Been Gone For A While?

Silver Moon Brothel, Lobby

Finally coming back home after 5 days of hard training with Nara not only to conceal my demonic power but also learn basic Sorcery, I was finally back, but it was sort of...

The real reason I came back is because Nara left without informing anyone last night and hasn't come back and it's already the middle of the afternoon? Which is strange?

Walking into the brothel, stepping inside, the first one I saw was Rika, not one of my favourite people since I don't know her that well, but she's one of my decent sis's.

"Good morning Rika"

Looking over to me as she was at the counter reading a magazine, "Hey, it's you? You're back?" she said confused but crossing my arms and chuckling, "I guess so, for now"

"Oh, okay"


"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, I was just expecting a little more from you"

Walking over to her as she was sitting down behind the counter at one of the chairs I used to use, I came over glancing around, "Is the others here or is it just you?"

I asked basically wondering what the others were up to, and looking at me, "Half are busy the other half are out at school, which brings me to ask, why aren't you in class?"

She asked but then I chuckled, I totally forgot that I was supposed to go to school last week, this was the second week of school and I haven't went once... My oh my...

"I'm sick... cough-cough"

Faking it till I make it, she looked over at me like are you serious? And with another fake caugh, "Then go lay down? If your not feeling well, Lex will come check on you later"

She said and I stepped back away from the counter, "Hey, maybe sick was going to far, I'm just feeling under the weather, it's a guy thing you wouldn't understand~"

Looking at me full well knowing she wasn't stupid, "Sure," she said flipping throughout another page and that caught my interest, so looking over the counter and getting her to look at me annoyingly, "What is it now?"

"Whatchya reading? Porn maybe?" I joked but she didn't laugh, buzz kill, instead, looking at me with a blank expression, I feel stupid a bit for the joke now.

"It's a magazine... And I'm waiting for Elaine to come so buzz off" she said but then I rubbed my chin, "Wait, don't you also have class to attend?" and she flinched.

Looking at me seriously as she closed the book, "Not another word of this, you didn't see me and I didn't see you, okay, also you didn't hear of Elaine either!"

"I don't even know who that is?..."

"She works here..." she growled.

"Ah, the grape haired girl?!"

"Her name is Elaine? Do anything to her and I'll cut you!..."

But as she said that and she stood up from her seat, I stepped back causally putting my hands behind my head, "Don't worry, I'm harmless, I won't hurt anyone~"

But then a smirk came across my face, "However, I'm afraid being annoying might be another story, so let's see sister, what do you have to offer me today?" I said being the best blackmail artest ever. Just kidding~

But she didn't know that, and looking to me hatfully, "What do you want, bastard," and as she said that, and it was a bit hurtful, I smiled and put my hands behind my back.

I swear I've been around Nara too long?, "Can you maybe buy me something sweet, pretty please~?" I feel like I've developed a switch of sweet and serious? It's odd?...


Looking at her and laughing to myself, "I'm not blackmailing you, that was a joke before, I was just wondering if you could do me a favor this one little time?"

I've been craving candy for weeks and I ended up getting fucked over when others offered me sweets, and as of lately, I've been having a sweets craving.



"What's in it for me?"

But as she said that, I moved one hand to my chin rubbing it and thinking, what could I offer her, maybe something stupid to trade, "Want a kiss~ On the cheek of couse~"

I said messing around and looking at her she rolled her eyes, what a joy, "I'm not that familiar with Rosa Marine compared to someone like you, but, I have a few skills, maybe we could go out and have some fun later, we'll invite some of the others out too, it'll be fun won't it?"

I said with a lightbulb idea and as I had she sighed, "Don't complain if I get you something shitty while I'm out, got it" she said meaning she'd get some? Awesome!

"Really! As long as it's not drugs than anythings fine!"

I said with a satisfied smile as the outcome was of great reward for my patients!, "Drugs?" she questions and I chuckled, "Yeah, I had a few bad experiences, they suck"

I said honestly, and turning away I pouted, "Like seriously, why make them sweet, I just wanted sweets not this shitty pill? Ugh, I don't even know why I ask others if it's candy!"

I said crossing my arms but then thinking back to how it wasn't all that bad, but then maybe it was, and so turning around I looked over at Rika and smiled again, pretending like I didn't just to talk to myself.

"Anyways, how's it going Rika~"

Looking at me weirdly, "Ehh" okay look I already know she doesn't like me, it's been like that from the start but what's with her answer it's bothering me, "Nothing good at all?"

"I mean, Elaine's coming so... Better? I guess?"

Sighing, "It can't be that bad? Is everything at the brothel doing okay? No one's been fighting and if they have they haven't been losing unless it was between them?"

And answering back annoyed, "The brothel's been quite this week, we're closed and the only thing we're having issues with is hunting, because sum someone's hungry"


"Yeah, these thirsty hoes have been snagging all the business, we can't even hunt, if it gets any worse, we might have to start going to a Brothel to buy our food, shoot, I don't know about the others, but I have and it's the worst"

"Really? That sucks, I wish I could help?"

Looking at me with a frown, "What's with you? Your usually grumpy and in a bad mood all the time?" she asked trying to get what was happening with me.

But smiling happily, "I've just been in a good mood these last 2 days, a little hungrier than usual, but to be honest, I'm just burning away at so much stress that I'm all good"

I said as that intense workout I have to do everyday was a major stress relief, plus, I've been talking to Nara like in a theraputic way and also just, talking and not fighting.

"Also, Nara scares the hell outta me so I'm just scared..."

"You know what, that's a fair answer"

We said but then the both of us laughed, I wasn't expecting it from her but it was just funny as in the moment, because it was so true that we couldn't lie.

Nara was the underrated villan we were all scared of.

Anyways, "Anyway, why are you so down? If your that hungry I can ask one of my friends at the Little Extract to do me a favor and sleep with ya" I said but knowing how hooker's tasted, it was more bitter than pleasurable?

So continuing, "One of the workers there does tasks for Nara, I mean, Catherine, you know who I meant I've been calling her that for a while now, anyways, the worker hasn't gotten sex work in over a month from what I hear, so the energy in him has to be ripe and tastey~" yeah, our issue with hooker's and not liking them is because of how much sex they have, it bitters our consumption on their energy and it just doesn't become as enjoyable as partners.

Like, after 3 hookers in the last 5 days, not including the one Nara surprised me with, I kinda wanted to go out and look for a partner to sleep with because of the bad VIT I ate from them, it was just bitter and nasty, it was uhhh..

And saying all this to her, "Really? Why?" she asked but answering simply, "Kasumi wanted me to get along with everyone plus we're all still family right? So it would be best if everyone ate well" I said casually as it was more...

My idea, Kasumi wanted to take steps, I want to speed it up. Since if we merge everyone in the broken up brothel than the community of us 7 including Lex will be all good.

"Oh?... Well, thanks, I'll see you later on it then"

She said taking my offer, "Just ask for Alkivich, he's the one your going to want to look for, also, from the rumors I've heard about him, depending on how much you pay him he's open to any and all kinky ideas, for the right price of course so if you go to him again, you can do sum fun~"

I said and looking at me she bit her thumbnail, she had a few ideas up in her head I guess, "I like him already," and that's what I was hoping to hear, "If you want him today, let me know beforehand to inform him, he doesn't like to be unotified," I said, "Sounds great" she said back.

Talking to her a little, suddenly the door open and, "Rika, sorry for being late, there are a lot more people here this afternoon than usual? Why is it so crowded today?" some? No? The grape haired girl Elaine came in saying that.

Looking at her, Rika got up, "Don't worry about it, anyways those are probably night shift workers going to the inner core," she said but that caught my interests.

Seeing her walk around, I asked before she left, "Do the night shift workers usually go to the inner core?" I asked and looking over at me, Elaine noticed and looked confused by my presence and Rika spoke back.

"Usually? Yeah, but they only go after their first pay when they have money, no one goes to the inner core broke" she said meaning that if I somehow got there I could?...

Hm? Naw, I remember what Kasumi told me about the Inner core, it was more dangerous and plus there was this faction war going on in there between 3 main mafias.

Which was what they basically were. There's like 9 factions total and the inner ones which our nest is in has 3 mafias, the middle had 3 main gangs, and then the outter has 3 smaller factions which are trying to develop into gangs.

Thinking this, the others left and before I knew it I was in an empty brothel. Sighing as I was here by myself, red miasma of dark energies buzzed off of me as this crazy idea just hit me.

"Maybe I should go stir up some trouble in the Inner..."

"No, I can't do that yet? I'm to weak with no backing"

"Hm? But I'm so bored?"

"Ugh... I need something to do"

"If I get any bored I might consider going to school..."

Yeah, I've been having a bunch of chaotic thoughts as of lately, I kind of wanna create some trouble to amuse my lack of fun, but nothing good has come to mind and since I've been stuck with Nara I haven't been able to satisfy it.

"Huh? Actually, wasn't I planning on making my own gang"

"Yeah, my own gang of streetwalkers, I guess I can start that now, I just need to find others to work with me?"

"Yeah, that sounds fun, as of now I'm a gangleader"

"But what should I name it~"

"Ah, I got something, The Sirus Black"

"Yeah that sounds catchy?"

"Huh? And as for a goal? I guess to make money for now?"

With something clear on my mind I was a step closer to making my little streetwalker gang, I just need 3 members for it to be a real gang, or group, whatever it is, it sounds fun, really fun, and later they can eventually join the brothel? Yeah, that sounds like something worth while.

Feeling demonic energy sizzle out, I felt my heart and as it pumped, driving and taking in blood, the negative energies I had going wild started disapating and clearing up.

I lost control for a moment, I should keep myself in check.

After all the last 5 days weren't for nothing.

"I need some fresh air"

Leaving the brothel, I wanted to take a walk, I've been moving since this morning but now I just wanted to wander around, also, the girl was right, it's crowded today?

"Excuse me! Excuse me! Excuse me!"

Hearing a loud voice amongst the crowd of people, walking in my path was this young man with a bag full of random antiques? But he seemed like he was in a hurry and because of the mass he was finding it hard to move.

Poor sod, I guess I should help?, "Hey, over here!" I said as I moved into an alley and as he saw me and I motioned him over, as it wasn't as crowded by men and woman, he came.

And being able to move freely now, "Ah, thanks, there's a lot of people here today right? Or is just me?" the man said with a nervous laught, but looking past him, yeah, there was a lot, "It sure looks like it to me? Way busier?"

"Anyways, thanks for the hand I'll be going"

But as he was going to walk away, "Not so fast," I said startling him, and as he turned around thinking I might be robbing him, I chuckled, "I know how to get to the train station using these back alleys, follow me, I'll take you there bro," I said and he heavily sighed.

"You worried me for a second there"

Laughing, "Same, I thought you were going to run off instantly, today there's a big crowd so it would've been funny hearing you trying to pass, but luckily I'm here"

I said and started walking away, to be honest I was easily comfortable to be around due to my racial trait making those around me more comfortable with my presence which worked well a lot of time.

So basically, you throw me in with goblins, I'm not getting immediately attacked unless their starving, lustful, and or even threatened, it's a useful trait to have, but can backfire sometimes, hopefully not on this one though? That'd be bad. I wouldn't enjoy dealing with that at least.

Walking and talking with the man, I didn't ask about what was in the bag instead I wanted to know more about Rosa Marine and just struck up a casual conversation, and it was enjoyable, I haven't really talked much to strangers but I should ask people to talk more, this human was funny.

It was such a blast we even ended up taking a train to district 5, I forgot I was supposed to just take him to the straition and then go back, but I ended up having so much of a good time talking to him that I ended up just going.

But when he stepped up, "Well, this is my stop, it was fun chatting with someone, have a good one young man," he said and I just recalled, because looking around I was on a freaking train where I was and looking at him blankly, I laughed, "You, you too..." train life I guess.


I stayed on the train and I was going to wait another hour for it to loop, ugh, this is going to be such a long trip to get back from, "Ugh, finally you two gross weirdos were so annoying I was going to kick the both of you if you didn't shut up" someone next to me said and looking over to some short asshole... I recognized this asshole?

"If you had a problem with us you could have moved away"

"I'm not moving for anyone asshole"

Looking at each other as this was going on her eyes widened as she looked to recognize me too.

"Hey, it's you! That asshole who was annoying Karin!"

She doesn't know what she's talking about?,"Hey it's you, the shithead with a loud mouth who was also annoying Lady Clementine" I mocked her respectfully.

And doing that she growled, "Who are you calling a loud mouth you little man!" she hit back at me and I growled back, "Who you calling little pipsqueak!"

She's as short as me, shorter even!, "Who you calling pipsqueak! Asshole!" this was not a good addition to my afternoon, now I'm bout to stomp a midget.

"The one shorter than me!"

"Just because- Your aslo short!"

"Ha look, your studdering"

"No I'm not!"

"Just shut up your not winning this one!"

"Grrr! You looking to die!"

"Oh did I make someone mad?! Hah adorable!"


Grabbing me by the collar of my shirt, I grabbed the collar of her jacket and as we were basically at a standoff with each other, we were just coming at each other back and forth with verbal assaults.

But then as there was a bump on the train and we made our way down to District 6 as we were going to the end and then circling around, she pushed away and got very fustrated as I wasn't backing down from this verbal fight.

It was way too fun. Especially when my opponent was a short 4'9-4'11 Necromancer, which made it even better.

Looking away as she was sitting down now in the almost empty train cart, "I haven't heard from Karin in 2 days now, I heard a few things about you from her, have you seen her," she said and hearing that made me bubbly.

But at the same time, fustrated, "No, sadly not, but I'd have to say the same thing for my teacher, Nara, she hasn't been seen for basically a day now"

I said and she looked at me with a frown, "I don't care about your fucking teacher, have you seen my partner or what bitch," she said and I was very annoyed right now, so she's her partner now, this is what she likes, that so unfair.

Feeling sour, "So your who she's into now?" I said and her face got a little jumpy, "Into?!-" she looked a little surprised and stepping over towards her.

I poked her forehead, "She may like you more but as someone who still loves her, I'm still better for her than someone like you, I bet you don't even know what she likes or how she likes her things to be done, both work wise and sexually" I said getting her flustered on the spot.

And seeing that, [Nightmare eyes], "Displease her and I'll murder you, I don't care if she likes you or not" I said sounding completely threatening and even startling her.

Well mainly because I am threatening her, I'll kill her.

I will, "Wait wait wait! I meant work partner! What the hell I didn't mean it like that! God she said you were insane but I didn't think she was that serious!" she said looking me dead in the eyes and seeing her get all mixed and even a little frightened, I bit my lip as she said she called me that.

"So she really did call me crazy..."

Looking away my vision turned normal and I couldn't believe that she actually thought of me like that, how crazy does that sound, I'm not crazy at all, what does she even mean? I don't know? I'm not crazy am I?

"But let's be honest, she like me"

Hearing her say that, I glanced at her and as she held a cheeky smile on her face, "If I'm crazy then what are you, your crazy too if you can even think that"

I said back making her shoot up and grab me, "Who the hell are you calling crazy, I'm nothing like you and who cares if I end up with her, it's not like it's your business!"

But it was my fucking business, because she's mine!, grabbing her jacket collar and slamming her against the wall over the seat, dark flames swelled around my hands.

"She belongs to me, not you, I'll kill and become you"

Twisted thoughts and homicidal feelings overwhelmed me, and as I breathe hard and had my arm pressed up against her neck as I was holding her jacket collar, I wanted to kill.

I want to kill her so bad, I want to become her so bad, I'm jealous okay, "So what if I'm a little jealous, I'm nothing like you and I'm not crazy either!"

But saying that to myself she laughed, "What's wrong with being a little crazy, I'm the same ya know" she said and looking at her insane grin.

A grin formed on my face as well.

"I want to kill you, badly"

"Same here, even more than you do, boy"

Growling words at her we verbally faught back and forth for a minute as she was pinned up against the above seat wall and as I could end her shit here and now.

As things started getting heated, "Shut up shut up shut up! Who do you even think you are! You're nothing, nothing at all! Nothing more than a walking pile of disgusting human flesh" I said as she was driving me crazy with her nonsense.

"Hahaha, what are you going insane! How amusing!"


The fire circling my other hand got hotter and as I could end it now, I was overwhelmed, I wanted to hear more but I didn't want to take anymore of this, I was mixed up.

And confused.

Fighting back and forth I balled my blazing fist and as the fire dissipated, she was about to say some bad shit when pressing my face against hers, I kissed her and she pressed into it, openin my mouth and shoving her tongue in there wanting all of it.

A minute passed and as the doors opened after a stopping ding, breaking away, "My place, now" and with looks of lust wavered and coming off the both of us, we left together.

Leaving clothes at the door.

We didn't need those anymore.

We were settling scores.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Tuesday, September 6, Year 12