Looking For Nara!: The True Enemy!

Walking throughout the brothel looking for whoever the man named Lord Carterlet was, me and Lex heard talk in the background about recent murders and incedents.

They were of course talking about the gangsters he killed and the places we broke into in search of Nara, it seems as if news traveled fast because it was a hot topic.

Some were scared about the matter while others were laughing about it, acting as if they were aristocrats who saw the pheasants killing each other as a blessing.

It disgusted me, but I wasn't here to argue with hoes and motherfucking assholes, I'm here in search of some man who may be connected to the disapearcence of Nara.

And that's exactly what we were here to do, we were here to find Nara even if that meant destroying everything here, we, me, him, them, we didn't care, we're chaotic.

And we were looking for our missing family member.

So we're going to do our damn best to get her back.

There's 5 floors, Sora, Rika, and Kasumi got the first floor, Lex and Ursula got the second floor, and I got the third, we planned on splitting the last two if we couldn't find him in any of these floors, but first we were to look around for him in them first, ask around, and gather info, that's it.

So finding my way to the third floor it was nothing but halls, and as we were all exploring, I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe before going through with this.

I wasn't against any of this.

I was full well on board with it all.

But I was angry, upset, emotional.

Obsessed. . .

I've been recalling things from when I was a drunken mess and words and promises I said and they've stuck with me for a while now, it's to the point where I'm overwhelmed.

So as I'm looking down this hallway, I'm wanting to see it burn, I'll destroy any and everything to get her back.

Because if they're going to torture her, like how the bad guys tortured me too, then there'll be hell to pay, and I'm going to see to it personally that everything is burned to ash and the reaper has a field day.

Walking throughout the halls, I glanced in each and every room and as they were mainly empty and unguarded, I eventually made my way all the way through the 3rd floor.

And 1 room was being used, and it was for some old man.

And the name of that old man, his name was Arthur Carterlet and I heard that from 2 women bringing him alcohol and calling him boss man.

I'm not waiting for the others.

I'll get the info here and now.

Going to his room and passing throughout the curtains to the room, he was drinking alcohol by himself and as he was I walked over to him and he didn't even bat an eye.

"You know why I'm here"

"I have no idea young man"

He said not looking up and looking down at him with cold nightmare eyes, I reached into my vest pulling out a dagger made from Heavy Elvish Steele called Yellow Steele which was passed down to me by Lexitory.

Taking it out and holding it firmly in my hand, "Where is Nara," I asked coldly, no malice in my voice and clear enough for him to hear me and understand.

But not even bating an eye, "I haven't a clue what you mean, sit, have a drink with me young man" the man said and sitting, I sat in front of him and he poured me a glass shot of alcohol, which using Particle Flare I moved it onto the alcohol setting it ablaze to throw it on him later if need.

"A Mage"

"Worst, Sorcerer"

Hearing me say that he downed a shot, "Interesting, why is it that a fire Sorcerer has come to my brothel with such hostility towards me?"

Rage boiled within me but I was tolerant, "My Master has been kidnapped, we know you have her, she's a Brothel master of the name Catherine. Give her back or die a meaningless death," I threatened and he didn't flinch.

Taking his time and pouring himself another glass, "You may kill me but you're not going to find your master here" he said but slamming my hand gainst the counter I called his bluff, "Bullshit! I know what type of man you are you son of a bitch!" I called him out and he laughed.

I'll murder him, "Hahaha, funny lad you are, but I'm afraid even if you know my trade it's still not me, for I have a business relationship with Catherine, I'd hate to ruin our relationship so I don't think kidnapping her to make her a slave would be wise, she's too wild to be held captive"

He said but I didn't understand, "Why would Nara ever associated herself with a man as dispicable as you, she'd rather die than work with a horrid man who involves himself in the acts you commit daily!"

But the man just poured another drink, "Young man, my actions don't matter in this world, there will always be worst, I am merely a business man and that's it"

He said continueing, "Catherine knows what it's like to deal business and the relationship we have is benifital to the both of us, and I'll tell you since you seem to care so very much about our trade. In exchange for her protecting our supplies while we're traveling throughout the wild lands, we give her children who are sold to us by their parents due to poverty"

He said but I couldn't believe it, "Catherine is quite the respectable woman who even I don't look down on, it's a shame to hear what happened to her but I need her as much as you do, so I'm willing to work with you and whoever your with to get her back, but don't you dare threaten me in my own home"

He said but looking at him and crossing eyes, "Those eyes, now I know what she sees in you, you called her your master correct, let's see for how long she stays–"

But as he was talking I stood up, releasing my demonic power and an abundance of dark energies got released, I was alerting the others that I found him and as I released it he grew silent, turning around and looking at him as my tail swayed around irritatingly, "I'm Nara's Incubus"

Talking to him, "And there's no for how long, she's my family and I'm not ever going to abondon her, no matter who I have to hurt in the process, because she means, she means that much to me and the rest of us"

I said and the man grinned way more the more he looked at me, "Interesting, interesting indeed!" he said and then slammed the alcohol onto the table.

"Young man I'll help you find Catherine! But I want something in return, 1 favor, just that and you'll find her especially with the connections I have, it'll be a matter of days before we can get her back"

His words were way to powerful, it was too sweet to deny.

. . . . .

Hearing that, I started forming a contract in blood with the old man and before the 6 Demons arrived, me and him were exchanging cups while our fingers were pricked.

I made a deal with the devil, I hope I don't make a mistake.

I hope this wasn't a mistake. If it is, then God damn me.

Damn me to the deepest levels of the abyss.

Hearing the others rushing in as I returned myself back to normal, "Aster!" the others arrived and as they saw me with my blade out, they took out theirs ready to fight.

But I stopped them and spoke of him and how he was willing to help up, I might have disobeyed but not having to explain myself, he did it for me and he pulled out documents of his work shared with Nara in detail.

We ended up mutually trusting him and the next day we were getting men who came to the brothel as they found a few possibly places she could be.

And like the irrational fools we were, we attacked.

And failed.

And attacked.

And failed.

And it repeated till September 13th, when I got desperate, we got desperate, "Asmodeus! I need you help!" asking Kasumi how to make a powerful transmission magic circle, I drew one in the backyard and pleeded that horrid man for help, it wasn't my proudest days but nothing was working.

I called for his help, pleaded, begged for him to talk back so that it wasn't like I was talking to myself, cursed him, swore and blamed him, it was a whole breakdown in the span of 3 minutes.

Some of what I said was, "Asmodeus I need your help, it's Nara! The same spider who you met in the snowy forest outside of Camolot when you and Sarah ran away 2 years after you woke up from your eternal slumber! She needs your help, I need you help, god damnit, you brought me to this world, now I need your help and you won't even say a word back! Bastard! I don't care if we don't have a good relationship but this is Nara! The same one who's been with you for hundreds of years, the same one who's been in love with you for hundreds of years! Answer me! She's in trouble and I'm not strong enough to find her, I don't have your skills, I can't track her, I can't find her, we can't find her, her life is on the line, she's been kidnapped, we need your help, I know your not a weakling, you can break out and stay out for long enough to save her, so just do it! Please I beg of you ! ! !" It was a two way transition.

And it connected and yet he was silent the entire time.

That was the general gist of what I said the rest was more of an angry sob fest and insult, we needed him this one time, he picked up, and yet he was such a coward that he didn't even talk back, he didn't answer me.

He forced me into this world, killed my friend, and yet he won't even help his own friend, his companion, what a fuckin coward son of a bitch! I'll never forgive him for this.

During this entire time the black mist on my finger tips spread a little, blackening the entirety of the my finger tips to the first line out of three with smoke swirls going down to the second line to get to my palm.

Lex was right, I think I'm corrupting myself.

No, this is my hate, my envy, my rage, it's stronger now.

After the transition broke and when it did it knocked me out for a whole hour as it zapped at my magic supply,Apon waking up and going inside, someone was back there with me and as she gave me a discoursing look of we can't do this, she's gone, I wouldn't accept it, not now, not ever.

We're going to find Nara no matter what!. . .

. . . . .

The next morning, someone came rushing in throughout the doors as we were discussing where else could she be in and out of Rosa Marine, and that's when two boys ran in.

A man with black hair and panicking.

Another magma red hair and eyes and he was indifferent.

"The Hoctus! We found her, he has her! Hoctus himself!"

The man with black hair yelled and we all jumped as that name, we reconied it, I recognized it, that's the name of the Litch lord under Izumi. . .

The ones ruining this continent under the Litch progenitor, no wonder she was captured, one of the generals captured her, but then something hit me. . .

"The Hoctus..."

The Hoctus, it's Karins faction, no way, she vanished 2 days before Nana, could it be that she, she kidnapped her?

There's no way?!

I'm conflicted, what if? No way no no no!....?no?no?no?

I was in conflict with myself, a stong conflict as I didn't want to believe it and as the man started revealing information and all of what he heard, he spoke of her.

Karin Clementine....

All the evidence pointed towards her and the abduction of Nana and as I was in the middle of having a panic attack as I was in serious denial, the boy with red hair pulled me aside whoever he was and as we went into someone's room and it was just the two of us he spoke.

But I was my own head and he saw that.

And after a whole ass minutes, I had it clear in my head...

She was the ENEMY. . .My darling Karin. . .


She's. . .My enemy. . .

I won't let her do what she did to me to Nana, I refuse, I won't let it happen, "Even if I have to kill her..." even if it means I have to kill Karin Clementine, I won't let it happen, saying this to myself, thinking this to myself, it was settled.

And as it was and everything but one obsession, one lust, one goal, to save Nara and get her back home, that filled me and it was my only desire, I lusted and obsessed after it. It was a broken thought but my love has to die now.

But as my train of througt mimiced a homicidal honey badger, I felt a tap at my side and looked, it was? A kid?

No, that's no kid?

That's... Zim?

"Aster... Asmodeus, he heard your transmission"

The slime boy said and as he did and I knew it and it pissed me the fuck off, and he kept talking, "But there was something wrong, he spoke, he talked to you and yet you couldn't hear him, something happed but he desperately wanted to talk to you, but there wasn't a thing he could do..."

The slime said widening my eyes in shock, "He want me to give this to you, he sommoned me as fast as he could to tell you something and give you something in which can help you to save that damned frost spider, Nara"

Taking out a raven black crystal from his pocket, "Also he wanted me to tell you that he's very sorry, he doesn't recall stripping you from your world but he remembers your rebirth from a vision, so I really hope you don't blame him, but if you do, he understands..."

But then he said, "Your rebirth was nessessary though, he said that's what the other him spoke of" but even he himself the slime Zim didn't get it.

And then he went on to hand me the crystal, "Also, there wasn't anything he could have done, when I got there he was attacking the sealing doors with his Sacred Axe. He wants you to know he's not as powerful as he used to be and that his second slumber seriously weakened, thanks to the elder gods and their powers in there."

"Actually, funny thing was my slime almost froze because he was trying to break the elder gods barrier, he completely froze the dungeon, it was almost... Scary"

Looking down at the black crystal as he gave me it and not explaining anything said, "Aster, he apologizes a million times over, and he said he was sorry for not welcoming his son into this world 4 months ago"

"4 months ago when you were born as his son"

The slime then went onto say, "And he's sorry for what the other him did to your friend, he's not sure how to make it up to you but he wishes you the world, he wishes you his best, and he wishes he could be a better father"

Saying this, I bit the inside of my lip, what the hell was he trying to do, "I won't forgive him until I take my revenge for Jonathan and fight him 1 on 1, until then tell him to keep his damn apologies, he can do it himself in person one day, I don't wanna hear it from you, Zim"

Saying that he sighed and grabbed both my hands, looking me in the eyes as we were the same height, "Listen, I get your mad, Asmodeus hasn't been the best and Mari thinks your dead, but from what I heard and saw you two didn't have the best relationship, but forget about her, your father, think about it, and I hope one day you come to forgive him, but also forget about that because it's not important, he told me he has a request for you, save his companion Nara, risk everything to save her, he didn't even know she was still alive, he hasn't seen her in 2 hundred years, so he begs you to save his oldest friend"

Looking to the crystal in my hand, "Save Nara and if you come into contact with danger, use the cryal by pouring magic into it, it's every demon under Asmodeus's command, and I mean every Demon"

"Your now in command of every demon under Asmodeus"

Looking at me seriously, "And it looks like we're going to need you to take command of this Army, because if Nara is being held by lord Hoctus, you need to save her, not them"

Saying this I hadn't a clue what to say, wasn't the Hoctus west of here? Or south? Outside of Nefumia, I'm only a rank 1 Demon, I can't do this! I can't do it!

"I'm too weak?! I'll be slaughtered"

But saying that he laughed, "You're commanding an army of Demons, you only have to order them to fight, they'll fight with pleasure"

He said but then became serious, "Think about it, the Litch is probably draining her of her soul to keep itself immortal, are you going to let her die to the hands of a skeleton with magic?" he said and as he brought it up like that I clenched my teeth and looking to him clenching the crystal.

Fucking hell, looking at him, "Zim, take me to the Hoctus, were taking them out today, and saving Nara!" I said and he grinned, "Then follow me we'll fly~"

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

Taking me by the hand, he then pulled me by the hand and as we went into the lobby and the others were discussing what to do, they watched as we ran out the doors and then in a wisp of black smoke, we dashed into the sky.

Jumping higher than every building, 50ft into the air, the others ran outside following us but then suddenly, as they looked up at us, "Come! Mhg'rahim!" smoke expanded in the sky like a cloud of burning cotton, and suddenly wiping the smoke away in instantant–

A fucking dragon appeared!

And we were on it's freaking back!...

Looking down at the scales of this beast, "Mhg'rahim, take us south to the land of the living dead, we're hunting a Litch general today!"

He said and the dragon laughed, "I get to fight too, right" the dragon asked with it's deep dark voice and he laughed back at the lizard, "Of course my friend!" he said and the dragon flapped it's wings going high up into the air and then relaxing as it fell back with us on it's back.

Zim grabbed me and as we were falling and I was screaming as we were plumiting, the dragon flapped it's wings going fast to the ground and then sharply veered up going south.

And as soon as it shot south, it glazed with fire for a second and like burning coal, it left a trail of black smoke from behind, it was like a living flying furnace burning hot.

And as cool as it seems, it's hella scaring me.

Heading south, "We'll be there in half an hour! Prepare yourself for battle and for if Nara is already dead" he said knowing exactly what he was doing and as he said that I was pissed, everything about me turned nightmare and as the thought of her laying there dead crashed my mind, wrath filled my heart towards the enemy Hoctus.

"I'll kill them Zim..."

"I'm going to kill them all"

Hearing me say that, he grinned happily.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Sunday, September 14, Year 12