A Borrowed Demon Army Vs The Litch Stronghold

Flying Throughout The Sky Heading South

[Zim's PoV]

"I'll kill them Zim..."

"I'm going to kill them all"

Looking over at Aster something was different? And it was not only his appearance that changed. Asmodeus. This boy really is your son, he's much like you during war.

Looking at him his eyes told the story of how he's willing to do anything to get her back, they were pitch black and glowing red in the centers. His eyes said everything.

But when he said those words his hair started changing, it was blackish but now going down the length it started turning a dark crimson red, but it wasn't hair but fire.

It looks as if magma came from his head as fire ignited at the tips, those two things about him changed the most when looking at his appearance, them eyes and hair.

But what actually changed about him was what was on the inside, I can feel it, WRATH, his insides, his power, they're twisting and turning as it was intermingling it all.

Asmodeus has an old juggernaut ability where his ice forms armor around him and it usually happens when he goes berserk or it used to back when he was younger.

Could this be Aster developing his juggernaut ability?

Those two Incubus's were practically battle Demons??

So could that be it???

That seems like it.

And seeing it develop first hand a smile crapt across my face, your son is developing well Asmodeus. I think I might stick around, Aster isn't as cheerful as his father and me but I think going on another adventure like I did with you Asmodeus might be fun for us all.

I want Aster to be well after all of this, Mari too.

When all of this is over and we go back, I'll take responsibility in making the both of them happier.

Heh, I'm a proud slimethr, those two spawns of Asmodeus make me happy, I'm glad I can be here, now let's see?

How will this come to be, Aster, Mari, let's see how you both fair. I will be in charge of your training after all this.

. . . . .

Half an hour passed and as hate bubbled my insides I felt like I was going insane, it's taking too long to get there we don't have time to waste, Nara could be dieing at any time!

But then suddenly an arrow flew past us.

And as it had and the dragon moved turning sideways and Zim grabbed me again so I didn't fall of the dragon, since he stucked or something like that. I saw huge walls?!

These walls we're grander than Nefumia's and standing on them were corpses with necrotic blue sphere eyes holding bows and shooting arrows at us from down there.

And there were a whole lot of them, way more than 200 as just on this little side with broken and cracked stone, this much were here and shooting at us.

And seeing them, down there was a mess.

The kingdom was huge, not as big as Nefumia but as big as a whole city from my world which hurt my head but was to be what it looked like, it was miles in length and width and circular and destroyed but filled with death.

There was a castle in the center and surrounding it was wooden structures some caved in and others covered in rotted wood and moss; with even nature corroding many.

And then in that "city" the streets were swarmed with undead of thin to bulky types, wild animals also undead and skeletons from who popped out of the graves.

Then the walls weren't any better as there was a hole in one from when they attacked this kingdom and hordes of living dead and humanoids and beasts and monsters wondering around the land outside the kingdom.

Then the entirety of the wall had undead archers.

This kingdom wasn't heavily secure but it was heavily armed and it wasn't even a kingdom anymore it was a fallen kingdom now undead super stronghold.

And it seems as if the undead archers weren't the only ones who noticed us because blue sphere eyes all around were glairing at us and looking up, we were notices fully.

And as we were and the dragon swooped down, blowing it's cone of flaming breath at the wall defense before going up, I yelled to the dragon to go somewhere.

Shouting, "Dragon! Land on a building in the middle area between the walls and castle, that's where we'll attack from!" I said and humphing at me I wanted to kill the flying-beast.

But then Zim repeated what I said with his mellow voice.

And he listened making want it dead even more now.

But letting it slide without any comment when we lended I broke away from Zim, "Wait what are you doing?" he didn't know what I was doing as I slid down the dragon onto the top of the building we were on.

And to be frank I want nothing to do with Zim, this is my battle and he can do whatever he want, but I'm going to–

Screaming out as I looked to the thousands of undead below me, "Hear my command and come out Demons, I the son of the past Dark Lord Asmodeus command you to come and obay me! Slaughter my enemies until nothing not even their souls are left! Kill these undead and help me find the woman I'm searching for!" I said holding the black crystal in my cleches.

And screaming that as I fell to the roof and landed, it glew and seeing black light grander than darkness, I clenched my teeth, "I wanna see everything in ruin" and said.

And with those final words it shattered in my hand and a single black wisp came out into the air, it was the size of a marble and as it went into the air and I seriously saw only one dark wisp meaning that loyal was only one.

But then it's mass started expanding rapidly and the sky flickered black from the center turning it all blue to black.

Day turned to night.

Black covered the sky and the mass was invisible and as it did shadows and whisks of black started shooting down from out of the sky and onto every building in the area.

The black mass hit all the building and appearing spawnd from little creatures of mixed forms of beast and human all the way up to mid, huge, and gaint, and looking all around me and even on the same roof, Demons were on everything even the walls around. And yet...

The mass and sky was still black. . .

But seeing that it didn't bring any joy to my face as I looked back down to the mass floods of undead on the ground under us, it brought out even more hate in my chest. And that was something that grew stronger.

"I know the lot of you heard me loud and clear, slaughter!"

And without hesitation or word from the mass, in a sudden they all roared, throughout it sounded as if the monsters were against me they suddenly jumped down to the ground and began tearing away at the undead below.

"Aster!" Hearing Zim coming from behind me, I looked to the bastard slime I also hated for many reasons and seeing him I said back, "Don't get in my way slime, look for her!"

I said holding a grudge against him for his actions taken back when we met and I was getting saved, he stayed back and watched as everything happened, for someone who is the strongest monster in the country, he did absolutely nothing at all, but only when his mastered called for him.

That's when he acted and I doubt he'll do anything this time either since Asmodeus isn't asking him to fight, protect, or search. His loyalty lies in only one.

Nara was nothing to him.

I was nothing to him.

Everyone else is lower in his eyes and he won't deign.

So snapping back to the enemies being faught down there I released, [-Suppress-] saving me magic and then I went ahead and scaled the building, jumping down and activating, [Blazing Gloves] to fight with them.

Getting down to my feet with dark red covering my hands like gloves of fire, a hound like humanoid demon tore into the flesh of a zombie but as it was being attacked it held a knife and went to stab the demon in the eye.

And seeing the beast Demon tearing into the shoulder of the Zombied Civilian, and the zombie going in to attack the Beast Demon with it's weapon, I went over grabbing it's hand, "Watch out!" I said alarming them and as the thing looked over to a knife near it's head I pulled the hand back and the beast with a look of rage, grabbed it throat tearing it's head off with both clawed hands

Looking at me, "Thahcs" it said in broken common before moving on to the next undead nearing, and as it went on like that, I stopped using Blazing Gloves as I looked and grabbed the knife of the Zombie to conserve magic.

With this in my hand, I looked to where the castle was and as fighting was everywhere with a single Demon fighting bulks of Zombies each, With this in my hand, I looked at where the castle was and seeing bulks of undead fighting 1 Demon each, it looked like they had everything in their hands so I moved in the direction of the castle to clear and see if I heard Nara's voice from any of these buildings encase the Litch was cunning enough to do the ritual in a place where he knew he wouldn't get attacked encase anyone came to save her.

The dragon flew over my head shooting flames at the waves of undead and as it looked to be fighting too, I stabbed a zombie in the neck slicing at it's throat.

The zombies noticed me some more and as a swarm came at me, I clenched my teeth and channeling magic a swarm of fire came to my hand and feeling a ditachment from it I threw the fire out into the wild and out at them, hitting one.

But my fire wasn't doing any real damage to these undead, what the hell, do I not do any radiant damage anymore they don't even look like their getting affected by it!

My fire was like nothing to these zombies and despite havn a burning affect to the flesh of one they didn't even look to be bothered as they along with 7 others rushed at me.

These are Litch zombies, only radiant fire does "damage".

Why the hell isn't it working like it's supposed to be?

I'm barley doing anything to that one?!

Fuck it! I don't care if I do any real damage to these fuckers I'll slaughter them with my teeth if I have to!!!

Gritting my teeth and clenching the knife, I lost it and was not thinking straight as I looked and ran at the swarm.

But as we neared Zim came from the sky and as he landed in between us, he stomped the ground blasting a ground wave of magma from the ground at them hitting them and killing them, "You could have died! What are you doing, let the Demons fight, Aster! This isn't your battle to be in!"

He turned around yellin after doing such powerful move.

And it seriously enraged me.

He has such power and yet he's not using it.

As he came to grab me I grabbed him by his collar shaking him all while others died in the background, a single Demon was bitten and toren apart in the corner in eye.

And this bastard has the balls to say its not my battle when the men who I'm supposed to be commanding are fighting and dieing over the orders I fucking gave them!!!

"I am loyal to my brothers who for fuck sakes are dieing for me! So I'll gladly fight and die for them if I have to, just like how I'll fight and die for my family, which is Nara! Now stop playing games or leave!"

"Because this isn't a mere battle it's an act of war! So how dare you tell me this isn't my fight when my brother and sister's bloods are being spilled all over the dirt for the sakes of my orders! I'm not a coward like you who only uses his strength for his master and himself! I fight for my brothers and sisters and those who are dieing for me! I am loyal to those who are dieing for me and the sakes of my commands!!!"

Bitting down and clenching his collar, "And I'll gladly fight and die with them as they are for me! Just like now! My brothers and sisters are dieing on this field and I am no coward to abandon them! Just like how I won't abandon my family! I won't leave Nara because she's my family too and only the gods can know where she is! So stop playing these damn games with me or leave!" I roared heavily.

I shouted in his face and the others around me heard and some even slammed others into buildings and roared with inspiration which I felt coming from all around.

And with wide open eyes, he looked at me and swallowed.

"I seriously don't get you? None of them are..."

But as he said that I punched him in the face and as a zombie came from out side, I flipped my aquired knife and threw it at their chest which hit but they kept coming and when they got close I kicked them as I turned away from Zim.

"I seriously don't get you Aster?! ! !"

He screamed out but as I was fighting a zombie, as it fell to its ass, I came in kicking it's head like a ball and then stomped it's face; kicking my foot into it's forehead.

And then as I pressed down onto it's head, I looked over and said with pure hate, "Then don't get me! Fight with me and join us or get out of here! This isn't your battle as you said before, it's mine, and we'll save Nara without you, I don't care if your Asmodeus's servent or his closest friend, Slime. Don't get in my way!"

Damnit, he's taking to much of my time, I need the castles defense to break, I saw what looked like undead mages so close to the outer part of the castle that's why I didn't ask to get dropped off of there, it's too risky, I need an opening.



Looking to the zombie under my foot it grabbed my ankle but lifting my foot I stomped it's cheek breaking it's neck and popping it's head sideways.

After that it's hand shook and let go and when it did, I pointed my finger at it and stepped back, [Particle Flare], I shot a small grape ball of dark fire at it and set it on fire.

Zombies can be killed throughout fire and getting theirs heads bashed in, one stab to the brain won't actually do it I asked a local guard for some info one time on the street.

Plus this isn't like those rotting dead films, these dead are influenced my magic and cursed energies from the Necos and the zombies under the Litches are even worst.

With that one bound to die, I turned my attention so another enemy and away from that damn Magma slime and as I saw an open area around a few Demons, I ran to it.

But as I started going, my hand was grabbed and as I saw that it was Zim, I was going to attack him when, "The what do you want me to do!? Tell me and I'll do it Azt!" he looked so lost as if he was perplexes with thoughts.

And hearing that, I took it as a win for me and looked towards the castle, "Go to the Castle and open the area for me and the troops, we need to knock down their defense before we can storm the castle!"

I said and nodding, "I'll do it, just give me a few minutes, and don't die!" he said and with a look of are you fuckin kidding me, I said, "I won't! Now get going!!!"

And he left.

He jumped to a building and roof leaped to the castle.

And after he was gone that's when I started rushing that area which then closed as a swarm of stronger and bulky zombies started appearing and pairs of Demons started fighting them one on two.

Not involving myself with the big ones I ran past them as they were occupied by the other Demons and as their backs were turned to me I took that as an opreturnity to help my brothers while they were fighting the bulky zombies head on.

[Particle Flare] shooting a few of these at the backs of the Bulky Zombies and it hit them, burning a little hole in what they were wearing but it did no damage to them, and as they turned looking at me and introducing a big shock of fear into me as their necrotic eyes said your dead mate.

That got them distracted by me and the pairs of Demons got it, and with 2 grabbing the both Bulky Zombies, 2 more Demons came in with big weapons and in a swift bloody mess they slashed off the heads of the strong bulky Zombies in front of them.

They dropped and seeing the Bulky Zombies drop, I looked to them, "Good job! We're moving on closer to the castle, when the rest are finished tell them we're heading that way!" I ordered and they recognized my voice.

After 3 seconds and one of them yelled back, "Yes sir!" a humanoid one said back and then said it to the others in a not so common language, they spoke abyss more like it?

Realizing that, and yet the others somewhat understand me still, I moved on with that noted in the back of my mind.