A Borrowed Demon Army Vs The Litch Stronghold [Pt.3]

Castle Town, Outside Caste, Near Castle Gates

Rushing into the last area before the final destination, my lungs couldn't take it anymore and I tripped, falling straight onto my face half a mile before I even got to castle itself.

Pushing up, "No! Just a little bit more!" I can't continue on!I'm burned out of mana and I've strained my body beyond what I could have ever done in training, my legs are shaking and my arms are wobbly.

I don't even know how I can keep holding this Cutlass.

I'm fucking done for, this is it for me!...

No, but I need to save Nara!

I need to get in there and at least try!

I can come back!

I can die and come back at least once!

But she can't! And if she dies now it's over for her!!

Because her soul will be swallowed by a fuckin Litch!!!

"No!!! I won't let that happen!!!"

Insanity kicked in as the world darkened around me, gloom was packing a real punch, and as a very deep obsession to get Nara back where a single sentence repeated in my mind, I glanced up to see thicken strong legs.

This wasn't a gloomy world, someone's over me?. . .

Bitting down and clenching my machette, I pushed up a solid time and as I pushed off the ground I swung my blade at the belly of the huge motherfucker who was reaching.

The monster was reaching for me and as it's hand was near my head I cut at its belly making it leak black blood.

And as it looked down at me with merderous necrotic eyes I growled and holding tighter to where it hurt my hand, I slashed at it's hand and kickin up, I lunged at it's slow ass attacking and throwing a deep vertical slash into it's chest.

Breath heavy and mind chalked up with insanity of this one sentence repeating over and over again, "Give her back!" just screaming in my head, I slashed it again and again.

And before I knew it, as a ludicrous grin was shoved across my face, with one full swoop, I sliced into it's cheeck going all the way through and making it's mouth split open with it's tongue hanging out with black blood dripping.

And as this blob of a monster kept trying to push back and would only fail as my attacks came again and again, flipping the Cutlass I shoved the blade into his mouth making it pop out the back of his neck and then letting go and regrabbing it, facing my palm to the ground.

I dropped down to my knee and sliced down the thick shit cutting him open as difficult as it was. But it was rotting and it was a lot easier than a human being getting it.

This killed the bastard or at least crippled it from attacking me, and with the outter part of my right arm covered in black blood drops, I yanked out the Cutlass difficultly.

My body was heavier and my breath was rapid, and as I felt like dropping, but at the same time tearing into even more of them zombies flesh, I looked right to see 13 heavily armed big boys, with armor and great swords.

And seeing me slaughter one of them, blue glowing eyes of undead glared at me with merderous gazes, but that only got me laughing insanely as they stared.


I laughed and it was as clear as day to everything that I went insane, the voice stacking in my head and the death going on all around, it was enough to make everyone...

Happy ~♡~

But they didn't look too happy? Looking at me they want to kill me? They seem merderous, I can sense a strong intent of hostility? Twards me?? Me??? That's cute~~~

But first, I've gotta finish what I started~ I wasn't finished, not yet, not just yet. So looking away from my new friends and to the crippled zombie laying slit open on the ground.

[Particle Flare]

Looking into it's necrotic glowing eyes as it's clothes caught on fire from my flair, I watched as the fire spread and then looked up to my new friends and they–

Those eyes, those hateful eyes, he's looking at me~

Look at me like that more~

Hate me more~

I wanna feel more hate.

Looking at the 13 heavily armed humanoids infront of me there was this sense of hate boiling off of them and there was this inhuman amount of hate and it got me excited.

My tail was swaying and everything and it was just soooo–

Awesome, they wanna kill me now~

Looking at them I clenched the Cutlass and raised it up, "Hey, you wanna be my friend too right~" I wanna fight them, please be my friends, I wanna see you bleed.

"Play with me, be my friends an play~"

I lost it and as I saw them and how strong they were with their glair, I wanted to see how powerful they were and it got me thinking so much that i needed to see it.

And as they were in my way...

I have to kill them. . .

I'll make it fun...

So with a bright smile and a blade being pointed at them, one stepped up and as it did, I kicked the ground, they so wanna play with me so I'll make the first moves first!

"It's my turn! HAHAHA!"

But as I kicked the ground going at it and it reacted, a voice was then heard from the back, behind me.

"Not so fast, this looks to fun, it's my turn boy!"

Saying that I stopped and as it did and the armored thing stopped and put up it's defense, flying past me super fast something came and with a full swoop cleaved the thing in half, slashing it all the way through.

And as it had, I saw who spoke and with huge swirly horns that slicked back like hair, this lithe man with slick back black hair and red cherry skin, as tall as a tall human.

He came and stole my friend?

Cutting him vertically and taking him outta the game?

"Hey, who said you could play?"

I pouted at the Demon, and turning around he looked at me oddly as he looked up then above me and then down at me as he was a very tall Humanoid Demon, "Huh?"

"Why is there a kid here?"

He said and that infuriated me, but as he did 2 whisps shot down from the sky and as they came behind the 12 armed creatures which may or may not be zombified, two more demons appeared.

With tight skin showing his skull, he had the face of a ape and the body of a slim zombish man, he brought the scent of decay with him and as he had bones all around his body coming out of his body, he stole the Greatsword from one of the undead and used it cutting the undead in half.

"He's... Another Demon?" the DEEP voice man said.

And the other one was wearing dark armor like a dark lord and as he appeared behind another undead he already had a saber on him, and with a single slash he cut half down on the spot taking 6 of them of the game.

"He's lord Asmodeus's son" the Dark knight Demon said.

Turning around after looking at them he was surprised as the Dark Knight Demon said that, "Your Asmodeus's kid?!" he said surprised but looking at him with an empty glair.

"My friends, my fun... Motherfuckers..."

I said sounding almost broken and as he started talking a bunch of shit not believing it, one of the undead not dead yet reacted finally and went to cut him with it's weapon but as it did, I kicked the ground dashing past him.

Surprising him as I suddenly dashed when he turned around I was using the Cutlass to stab the thing in the neck from under a part of its helmet armor.

And as it was wedged in there suddenly half of its head came off as the Demon behind it cut it's head in half as it's greatsword was in the air for me or the other Demon.

And seeing that another Demon stole another one of my friends I turned my head and looking over as this undead fell to its knees, "Motherfucker..." he heard but didn't know how to react as I gave him a dead stare, "Excuse me?..."

The other one then killed the rest of my friends and as the joy fell from inside me my eyes turned back into cold nightmare eyes as I became obsessed again but...

Without the friendship fighting detour and back to saving.

And looking to the Ape face and then the Dark Knight I looked to the both of them and said in a normal not so insane exhausted voice, "You two..."

The both of them looked at me, "Yes?"

"Your coming with me, we're going to kill the Litch here"

But opon saying that, and hearing the footsteps of others coming over here, "Hahaha you hear that guys, a Demon literally 10 times weaker than the weakest goblin we have is going to go kill a Litch! Fuckin hilarious"

He said and as he did many voices came back from behind me and all 19 of them were mocking me, "He might be Lord Asmodeus's kid, but the only thing he inherited was looks!"

Another mocked me and as he was saying mad shit, "Yo kid, the fuck are you even doing here?! Why ain't you sucking your dada's dicky at home!"

But as the red-ish reptilian Demon said that as he looked up from laughing, his eyes didn't even get to open properly as when he looked the blade of–

The blade of a Greatsword came hammerin down splitting his head open and going all the way down to his chest and scales as this red bitch was cut straight down the middle.

And by none other than me with one of the weapons on the floor.

Cutting him down the middle he then fell down to his knees and as he was like that everything turned silent from this close up, and looking to the crowd of Demons.

I said coldly, "I sommoned you here to be useful to me, if you can't even do that then you're nothing but dead weight even worst than a flee, shut the hell up..."

And looking back to his body, "I don't care if you belong to that motherfucker Asmodeus! Anybody who gets in my motherfuckin way is my enemy!!! Understand"

Letting go as I shouted that, the weapon was lodged in way too deep to take back out and as I looked to the slit open Demon the amount of hate in me swelled.

And looking to the others past him, "The same goes for the rest of you, get in my way, and I'll kill you, no matter who the fuck you are" threatening them I turned around.

They were silent not a peep other than the battling in the background, and as they were I looked to the two who stole my kills, they're strong, I'll use them.

So talking to them, "I have one goal and that's to save my teacher and friend of Asmodeus, will you come with me to kill the Litch general here and get my teacher back or are the two of you in my way"

I said but then I felt soneone grab my hand and snapping my head back to see the dead Demon's corpse grab my hand I clenched my teeth and turning around I stabbed my hand into the chunks of flesh there and feeling it's heart beat from it's chest I grabbed it and pulled.

Pulling it's heart out of its chest, fire wrapped my hand and looking at it as strings of red were still attaching it to its body, I crushed it spewing blood everywhere.

And the hand dropped and the body died.

Wrath filled me internally and as the Demon died from my hands, with a heavy breath I clenched my teeth harder and wanting to slice it up, my hand twisted and fingers curled and as I looked at it with rage punched my hand into it's chest out of pure hate, "Die! JUST FUCKING DIE!!"

But as this was happening something latched into me and as a blood red energy suddenly grabbed my hand like veins in someone's body, it sank into my wrist and my blood vessels started glowing.

It was glowing and as I pulled my hand out and stepped back, suddenly it started pulling out more veins that were sinking into me and making my veins pop and glow red and holy fuck he's trying to possess me!

Growling, suddenly a large sphere of energy shot out, out of the corpses cut open slit and as it shot at me like a bolt it hit me in the chest and as it had, everything blackened.

And as everything was black, "What's wrong with wanting to be happy and serving a strong master with a temper like me hahaha" it was a voice, the voice of the man I killed.

My vision came back and as the Demons were staring at me there were blood particles rising up from my demonic energy coming out of me and as I panted a voice came out from behind me startling me.

"Your presence has become more defined. You ranked up"

Turning around and looking to the both of them, I was thrown into a panic as I came back to normal.


Wrath no longer influenced me and as I was out here in the middle of corpses and Demons, the Dark Knight Demon spoke out again.

Saying something like, "I can't feel ba'ralin's presence anymore, his spirit, you stole it and made it into your power? You ate his soul? And now you're a rank 2 Demon?"

[Demonic power has become more defined]

[Rank Up]

[Aster Hiragi: Rank 2 Demon: Incubus]

Hearing him, did he just say I proformed soul steal! No it's not possible, grabbing my chest, breathing, I felt no strain, I felt no magical exhaustion, hell I didn't even feel tired no more. And listening to his words, I just killed someone.

[Powers and Stamina restored]

I murdered someone not supposed to be dead, fuckin hell, bitting my lip and clenching my fists, I looked to him with my sight still nightmares and my power out like a dick.

Looking to him and swollowing my feelings about it, I still needed to get to her, I had a mission and I wasn't backing out of it not for this and not for anyone else.

Looking at the two infront of me, I threw my hand out and gave my commands, "Listen up you two!" turning, "And that goes for the rest of you as well! I'll accept any punishment for murdering our brother later!"

Turning back to the two, "You two come with me, I'm going to need you to take care of the castle to look for a living girl while the others clear it out of undead"

Looking back to them, "Your job is to slaughter everything undead, if anyone comes back and Nara is dead, your all going to be my enemies!"

Looking back to them and the castle, "I'll be handling the Litch by myself, when finished meet me up, if I die then kill the bastard for me, I want no dead left in this fuckin place!"

Walking over and getting my Cutlass back in hand, "Our only goal is to save my teacher and I'll make the world my fuckin enemy have it be, understand, so follow me and let's slaught them before you hear an earful from your master for disobeying me, and you don't want that"

I threatened literal Demons, saying this as an impossible bluff and walking past them like I'm ready to face the Litch, I know I'm not ready, I won't be for a hundred years, and then sum more.

But I've come this far and the more I though about what the fuckin Hoctus bastard with the ridiculous name was doing to her along with Karin, it made me sick to my core.

Rage filled my heart once more and this once more became a crusade of pure hate and obsession.

"I'm coming to save you, Nara"