The 6th Litch General Benjamin Hoctus!

Castle, Benjamin Hoctus's Lair, Throne Room,

Rushing throughout the halls and breaking throughout the doors to the throne room, I sensed him, I sensed the evil energy coming directly from behind these doors and it's definitely him in here, the Litch, Benjamin Hoctus.

"You son of a bitch give her back!"

Looking straight ahead at the throne, there he was, sitting there menacingly as two spheres of glowing green death flames glew in his boney skull like a freaking menace.

"Where the hell is she Litch!"

"So you're the one who–"

But as it was making noise, "Shut the hell up and just tell me where she is you sack of fucking bones!" I shouted cutting the Litch off as it was way too far to hear.

And being cut off like that, I felt it's gaze sharply hit me and as it made me flinch as such a gaze literally made me tremble, and it wasn't even a serious gaze or one of killing.

Just his gaze made me tremble, and it pissed me off, "So you're the only who came to kill me huh?" the thing repeated itself but I seriously couldn't hear it?...

And hearing just a jumbled whisper.

It was annoying so walking halfway to the throne.

I threw my hand out, "I don't have time for your shit! I don't have time for your games or your dumb words, give her back to me and I'll spare you miserable life, Litch!"

Pointing at him while the weapon was in the other hand, he laughed, "So you're going to kill me huh?" he uttered and laughter and it was annoying, "Will you stop mumbling!"

I said and the damn thing flinched, "It's seriously so fuckin annoying, are you talking to yourself! Whispering! Or talking to me? Make up your fucking mind Litch!!!"

The Litches eyes were on me and it lifted it's hand up but then dropped it down back to the side rest, "I'm not–" but as it was mumbling again, my patience ran thin.

And so I went back to damanding while stalling for time.

Stalling for time, "Silence Litch!" I said and the bastard was looking at me, I can feel his gaze, his strong gaze, and as he was looking at me I clenched my cheeck and fist.

And so procrastinating for time, "Where the hell is she, and where is Karin Clementine, your pawn for taking my master!" I yelled at it and as he just sat there.

He might have recognized that name, "Karin–" but as he was going to talk about something and he mentioned her name I got super pissed, "Like seriously! Why use her, why do you have to use the woman I like, now I'll have to kill her after I kill you! You think I wanna kill her, this is your fault!!!"


"That's fucked up! And why'd it have to be Nara!"

"What? Who?"

"Why can't you use your own people for souls!"

"I'm lost?"

"Like seriously, there's much easier ways of gettin souls!"


"You wanna keep your immortallity! Take Demons!"


"If I can devour their souls you can too, there's lots of em!"

"You ate someone's soul???"

"There's no reason for you to take her, she's a spider!"

"What spider?"

"She might look human or a dwarf but she's a spider!"

"Who's a spider?"

Procrastinating time with the most randomest shit, the Litch sat there crossing his legs and reading into this as he was so fucking clueless on what was happening and he became invested as we went back and forth and it's...

Mainly me speaking as I can't hear him mark my life.

"Aren't you supposed to be here to kill me?"

Finally asking that as we went back and forth and he finally spoke out saying something loud enough for me to fuckin hear him, I froze but then got mad and yelled.

"What makes you think I wanna kill you!"

And hearing me, "That's what you human's do?" he said and it pissed me off to think that this fucker thought I was a motherfucking human, "Bitch, do I look human to you?!"


"I'm a motherfucking Demon get it right, I'm an Incubus!"

"Incubus? What's that?"

Hearing him say that, "A Demon! A fucking Demon got it!" I was distracted by this sack of bones in a robe and he was just asking the stupidest question right now.

"A Demon? Why is a Demon attacking me?"

"Do I need a fuckin reason?! You took Nara!?"


Saying that he pissed me the hell off, "Don't act stupid Litch! You took her to perform your soul immortality ritual this year and you need her soul to keep your immortallity!"

But looking at me and tilting his head, "I've done no such think very angry little Demon Incubus?" he said but that was the biggest bullshit I've ever heard, we knew he did it!


"Not lies?..."

"We all know you used Karin Clementine to kidnap Nara!"

But then he said, "Again who? And also I sent her to the lost and found a while ago to manage the gathering of money for our faction?" he said but it was all bullshit.

And I'm calling him out on it, "Bull crap! The last time I saw her was in Nefumia and she was coning a bunch of rich bastards there! And that you ordered her to take Nara!"

Sighing, "Again... You're making no sense, also Nefumia? I thought she was closer to baskly? The border region?" he said and I denied it and he asked a few more things which I answered and yelled back to him.

"Yeah, she's not here..."


And answering that, "I never ordered her to come back, my Necromancers are busy earning money for testing, the only time I call them back is for progress checks which hasn't been a while since someone destroyed my mini Sorcerer research sectionary, heard it was a Natsu"

He said and I clenched my teeth, "Why are you telling me this, why aren't you attacking me! What are your games?!"

I said and he crossed his arms, "First, you blew me off before I could say this monologue I've been practicing for the longest. Second you're too weak to actually be any fun and then there's third and it doesn't even seem like you're here to kill me, but get someone I don't have here?"

"Also you know my Necromancer, and I'm bored"

He said with the best answers possible but as he did and I was still stalling for time, "So I'm just some toy to you! Just something you can chat up!" I yelled and he nodded his head, "The dead don't talk and my followers get nervous around me, it's always dull if you know what I mean"

He said but he was so annoying!, "You're annoying you know that! I wanna kill you for just speaking!" I said very hostile to this man, "Man you sound like a Demon?"

"Because I am one"

"I know"

"Do you!"

"Yeah, that energy says it all, plus those eyes are rare"

Growling at him he laughted and so clenching my Cutlass I wasn't going to wait any longer to attack but as I stepped forward to come at him, the doors burst open and two super heavy demonic presence appeared.

"My lord, the kingdom is cleared" the dark knigh Demon

"The undead are gone and she isn't here" Apeish Demon

Glancing behind me I clenched my Cutlass and then looked forward as the party arrived right on time.

So pointing my blade at the Litch, "Playtime is over, it's time for you to meet your end Litch, I know you have her"

I said not believing him one bit, she has to be here.

If she's not then where the hell is she, another Litch???

But hearing what they had to say, "You wiped out my..." looking at him as he was at a loss for words, "it's over"

Stepping forward, "Your the last undead here, now give her back to me or we'll kill you, no more fuckin games!"

I said and as he looked at us with his gaze not so dense, suddenly the doors burst open again and with a heavy pant and loud breathing.

"Hey! Ast–"

Looking back it was none other than Lex with his wings out and as he was sweating and panting and looking like a mess he looked over and as he saw the all of us.

He froze, his eyes trembled at the powers in here, and as he looked to me, he gulped, looked to the Litch and then other Demons and then back to me before saying.

"It's Nara!"

And hearing him I turned attention to him!

"Where is she! You found her!"

He was trembling as he held onto the door, "When you ran out with the other one, we got more information and I followed after you this entire time following the smoke..."

Looking to the Litch and Demons and then me, "She's still in Rosa Marine, we know it because another brothel member was targeted, they took Rika from us!"

He said and as he was treambling even more as he avoided all gazes but mine, it was as if I gasped because that meant, smiling, as tears swelled.

That means she wasn't going to be tortured like me.

If anything she's probably enduring pain because they took someone of hers and she's protecting them using herself or something like that, she's a strong gal.

But if she's not here than we have more time, and she's not going to be as fucked up as me or get her soul snatched from out of her by a Litch.

Laughing and turning around as tears of joy rolled down my face, "Hey Litchy I made a few mistakes, looks like you don't have to die today, lucky you right~"

But then turning around I became dead serious, "But as for the motherfuckers who took her, that's another story" looking to the two Demons I asked, "I need another favor you two, come with me to Nefumia, were going to kill some bastards and I still need your help, tell the others to stay on standby somewhere near, you two will be all I need!"

I said seriously and as I had the Dark knight laughin, "With pleasure sir," he said and the other looked at him also laughin at this", "This is very amusing"

I said seriously and as I did the Dark Knight laughed, "all with pleasure sir," be said back and the other one laughed too, "This is very amusing!"

He laughed and the other nodded his head agreeing.

Now with that out if the way, I looked to Lex and with ah serious demeanor, I said, "Now we need to find Zim and ride back to Nefumia on dragon back! We'll regroup back at the brothel and we'll get Rika back too!"

"So don't worry Lex, she'll be alright..."

But then as I did all of this, something hit me and going back to Lex, "Wait what's today's date!" I asked him and hearing me and taking out his phone, "September 14th?"

Hearing him say that, today just has to be the same day when Mari and Hiro and the new slayers(hunters) are supposed to be hunting Bella in her Shadow dungeon!

God damn it why today! Fuckin hell!

I'm going to miss my chance to meet her, they'll Kill her before I can even get the chance to meet her, she's like one of the most useful people in Rosa Marine if not the most useful due to her powers and abilities!

But then something all of a sudden hit me and other then her shadow powers and manipulations, she's a...

She's a Witch...

A witch who knew shit!

I can use her to track them!!

Turning my attention back to he lot, and mainly back to Lex who I needed to clearify all of this with.

"Lex I know how to Find Catherine, and Rika!"

Looking at him and turning my back to the dead on the inside Litch, who literally just sat there with two Demons watching him dieing even more on the inside and out.

"Get Zim, where going to District 2!"

Running over to Lex and grabbing him as my hand was covered Demon dark chest blood and my side was covered on zombie black blood, I then turned.

Looking back to the Litch I said with a happy smile, "Hey Benjamin! Tell Auntie Izumi that me and Asmodeus said Hey! Got it man!"

I said and, "You two, what are you staring at, ignore him, come on let's go, we have to hurry!" I told them and nodding the both of them walked over to us.

But as we were all leaving, "Wait! Who are you!" the Litch called out and as he did I turned once more and said with pride, "I'm Aster Hiragi, don't forget it Benjamin, I'll see you again, soon maybe, and when we meet, it'll be on equal terms seeing as I have to visit Auntie Izumi eventually!"

Saying that I left him with a blank expression as the doors shut closed, and now with these 3 Demons, I went to find Zim cause we need to find him and go back fast.

It's time to meet Bella.