Bella's Domain: The Shadow Dungeon Under The Bridge

Flying Throughout The Sky On A Dragon

Feeling the air pass throughout my hair, "Wait why were we going to District 2 again? Also, isn't this dangerous bringin a whole dragon into Nefumia, especially a red one?!" Lex said and I felt a bunch of hate coming at big red here.

So answering him, "We're looking for a witch I know, I want you to come with me but you don't have to, also Zim, imma need you to jump down with me and kinda catch me so we don't have to worry about getting attacked even more and so that we came make this fast, okay?"

And looking back at me, "Got it, but why'd they attack my friend?" he asked and the Ape Demon spoke, "Their racist that's why" he said and looking at me I nodded, because he's not wrong even though he's not exactly right.

"Are you sure it's not because red dragons are evil?"

The Dark Knight Demon said corresponding to the Ape and all were looking at him now, "That sounds right but it's still because their a bunch of racist" Lex said and I nodded my head, that sounds about right to me seeing as some races are considered evil to them when their nice folk.

Like not everything is inherently evil!? Or bad?!

. . . . .

Outside The Wall Of Nefumia

Getting to the outter regions of Nefumia, bolts of mana were shot at us, "It's the racists!" the Ape Demon alarmed us and I couldn't help laughing as he said it like that.

"Bruh! It's the wall's guards!" The knight was sick of him.

And as we flew over the walls, we heard screams and yells and even more shots of mana were shot at us along with arrows, but none seemed to hit as he flapped his wings.

And then the smoke trail blocked their sight, giving us a good opreturnity for an opening, "Head west of here! District 2 is where the giant lake is! Fly in a circle over the large bridge!" I said and Zim repeated it to the overgrown lizard who annoyed the hell out of me, fuck you big red!

And he listened nonetheless, travelling to District 2 and getting over that bridge where he began circling it and filling the sky with black, the sky wasn't black over here but looking over, part of the sky was still back to the south.

The others jumped down and Lex flew, and as it was just me and Zim, he jumped and taking a deep breath I ran and jumped off, falling throughout the sky I felt so scared and turned doing a leap of faith as I closed my eyes and tried not thinking of the harsh winds on my back.

Trying not to think about it, I waiting for a certain splat but as it was coming, seconds passed and I ended up landing on something soft, I was caught by a soft body and as I looked, I looked and saw a Humanoid made completely of red slime, it was Zim but more slime than man.

We landed on the ground and he turned back into a more human form, and as he let me down I got onto my feet and seeing the others, I looked to the two obvious Demons and even Lex as he had his wings out.

And scolding them, "You three! Use mimic an transform outta your demonic forms! I don't want the lot of you scaring her! That's the last we need especially with your demonic natures!" I said and the Ape pointed at me.

And then he said, "But what about you, you don't look any better than us, your hair is dark fire and burning endlessly at the tips, your eyes are black and red, and that aura you have which grew is 2x denser than before, you're as bad as us when it comes to this, plus your hands are weird, and tail is out?"

After saying all that, I was flustered, "Bruh you didn't have to call me out like that," I was embarrassed and then used, [Suppress], getting my energies in place, and, so asfor the others I couldn't do anything about them, even my eyes.

And seeing this the two Demons, both Ape and Lex laughed, and sighing the Dark knight came over and put his hand on my forehead, "Transferring learn" he said and the knowledge to shape shift was sent to my head.

And just like that I suddenly learned how to shape shift like other Incubus's and a succubus's or just a Demon in all, and as he stepped back, I looked at him and looking to his cool helmet a smile came across my face, "Thanks"

Saying that he nodded, "Now hurry and change," he said taking a step back and transforming into a charming tall human with olivy dark skin, the Ape became a tall beast monkey with a more Humanoid form with a fair competition and Lex just put his tail away.

[Shapeshift] fixing my hair back to black and brown, I changed my eyes to a hazel brown not red, and looking back to my hands, I made the black swirls covering my fingertips go away and blend in with my tanned skin.

Doing all that, we were all ready and seeing that they were and Zim changed his clothes to detective wear for some odd reason? I looked to the lot of them and said.

"Follow me, we're going into a shadow dungeon!"

They nodded and looking over to the bridge I ran off with them following me, going off the bridge and off to the side we went around and under the bridge, "We're looking for a little Ebony Rift like Portal, that's the entrance!" I told them and when we got under the bridge it wasn't a rift anymore.

. . . . .

Bella's Domain, Shadow Dungeon

"Damn it," we were too late the others were already here, that's going to make our job even harder for us, but fuck it, if they get in our way we'll knock them out and move on.

And it's not like the lot is strong? The only two who are remotely worrying is Derek and Mari, Juan can be delt with quickly by the Demons but the other two are worrying.

Derek is witty and a genuine when it comes to survival skills and martial arts, or at least he will be next year.

And then there's Mari who's a Natsu Sorcerer and can do some serious damage to us if she uses her flames.

But if they're out of the picture then we should be good.

"Okay everyone, follow me in," taking a step into there it was as if I stepped into the woods and as everything was disordered in color and gloomy even, we were here.

This was Bella's Shadow Domain.

The hunters call it a Shadow Dungeon but what it actually is, is Bella's Shadow Doman which was created after her sister made her come to these lands from Shadowfell to continue her experiments and use her youngest sister as bate to capture humans for her experiments on Lilith.

Lilith was her pet succubus who she was trying to mutate.

Hiro killed and stole her soul in the story though.

But since he was an incompetent Devine Demon his soul abilities were imperfect and he only became Lilith's vessel for a little before transferring her into Bella which caused a few issues, especially when Bella was introduced to Mari.

But he gained shadow witchery in the process.

Which sadly I won't be able to learn.

Same as fertility magic which he gets when he ends up binding himself with a fertility goddess which sucked.

Due to her soul shattering she slept most of the time.

But that was in the story and this is real life, I need to focus on the task at hand, so looking to the boys with me and that all of them got through safely, I looked to them.

And they were good.

Looking back into the mist and withering woods, I took a few steps forward, "Now it's time for us to look for a Bella" I said to them and Lex came next to me, "This place is..."

"Spooky" Zim butted in.

"Yeah" Lex

"Not gonna lie, it looks relaxing~" Dark Knight Demon

"Yeah, way too peaceful for my taste though" Ape Demon.

"Wait Aster? So who exactly are they?" Lex asked

Looking at them as they spoke to each other back and forth, "Associates" I said and Zim came in, "My friends!"

He came in for the save, "Oh," and looking at Lex as he looked generally uncomfortable I went over and grabbed his shoulder shaking him a bit, "It's okay, you'll be fine~ the one controlling this place is weak, and they're allies" I said looking to the others despite knowing whats to come once this was all over and it had me sighing as I was to say bye.

Walking for a few minutes, voices came to ear and as they sounded mixed, it sounded as if shadows were speaking and yet we couldn't see any?

"Hey you hear that?" I said

"Yeah" Lex

"It sounds like people?" Zim

"It sounds like trouble to me" Dark knight Demon

"Naw, y'all is just delusional~" Ape Demon

We looked at the Ape as he said that and as he said that with a straight face, "Dumb monkey" a few of us said and he screeched, "Who y'all calling dumb?! Not me right!"

He really was dumb, a big dumba.

Looking down at the Cutlass I was still holding onto as I kept it with me using a cloth sheet which I stole and tore and used it to carry the thing, I was holding it in my hand again and then I poked the Ape with it', "You're dumb..."

And screeching, "Whaaahh!?" he howled miserably.

. . . . .

Walking throughout the withering woods, voices echoed throughout the trees, "Can anyone else hear that, I think I hear foot steps? It's coming from the west and theirs a lot of them" we heard voices nearing in the distance like an echo bouncing from tree to tree, and looking back.

I whispered, "Ignore them, the witch is our only concern"

Telling them that, we continued on, marching forward as a bunch of Demons and a slime continued throughout the dead forest, and as we were we glanced around to see.

Looking left of us as we were walking throughout the trees there looked to be Humanoids of black haze, they were the shadows, "Hey look over there, they're shadows?"

Lex pointed out and looking at them, "But why aren't they attacking us? They're just standing there?" I said not knowing why they were like that, it's odd?

But as they were standing there, "Maybe because they can sense how dangerous we are, they're weak beings after all, I wouldn't blame them" the Dark Knight Demon said but then as we were all distracted I heard a twig snap coming from behind us, "We have company" I uttered.

Turning around, "Halt!" I heard a man's voice and looking behind us, there were 15 mixed creatures standing there and 3 of them had bows aimed at us all while 12 readied.

But looking past them, I looked to a women pointing a wand at us, and looking at her she looked back at me.



Her eyes shot open and she dropped her wand.