Chap 120: The Shadow Witch! Bella!

Rushing past am abundance of decaying trees, a loud voice rang through the woods, "Everyone! Bella has something to say! There's more intruders coming into Bella's domain! Spread out and capture them!"

Running into an open space with dieing trees encircling the area, we found her, standing there Infront of us there was a short girl wearing a cloak made from her shadow.

And standing Infront of her was an armies worth of shadows, and she was ordering them to capture us and everyone else in here for her sister. Since that's why she was here in the first place, to capture humans and other species for her sister to use and experiment with.

And seeing this first hand as this was practically behind the scenes for like everything, since now this was about the time when Hiro and the beast boy Derek got into a fight while in here, so this is what she was doing huh?

But stepping away from that; As me and Lex stopped as we entered this area and it was obvious that she hadn't noticed us yet. And I knew she hadn't because she's not one to just pretend, she's absolutely an idiot, and that's just who she is.

Basically this woman is overly simple and gulable, and the hunters if they actually found her in the book could have convinced her to stop all of this if they had just asked and told her it was wrong, she wasn't a fighter.

But... That never happened because of an event...

They didn't even meet her, another Demon ruined it all.

And now as I'm standing yards away from her as she was ordering them around, I couldn't waste any time, and even though I saw this as amusing, Nara's life was still on the line here and I wasn't fucking this up.

Walking up to her as she was talking to them, and trying to be thorough with them so they understood what to do so her big sister didn't scold her for failing her again.

And as she was talking and explaining, I got behind her and with my demonic presence just expending out of control here, it boomed as I couldn't hold it back any more and as soon as she sensed it I grabbed her.

Grabbing her by the head and pulling it back, I moved my blade to her neck and as she yelped in shock, "Witch, you're going to have to come with me or I'm going to have to kill you" I spoke to in a cold threat.

This isn't what I wanted to do, what I wanted to do was first confront her and get her to join my side for a little by making a deal with her, but just now, my emotions.

They got the better of me and now I'm holding her head back like some assassin about to assassinate her, and while holding the blade of the cutlass to her neck, I'm literally holding it so close to one of the most important people in all of the original story, and yet I will kill her if she forces my hand...

That's the harsh reality. . .

"Wait wait wait!"

But then she began pleading that as the blade of the cutlass was now pressing so much against her neck.

And speaking, "Give me your word that you'll help me Bella or not even the saint shadow witch will be able to save you" I said threatening her and she was trembling.

"Bella will help! Bella doesn't want to die!!"

Hearing her speak that, I let go of her, she's bound to her words, that's just the sort of dimwit she is, and letting her go I pushed her forward to her shadows.

Stumbling over there, she caught herself and then looked over at me, grabbing her back and gasping as she was shaking so visibly hard right now.

But as she was about to say something really annoying, I don't like how she speaks it's annoying, I pointed the blade at her and as Lex came to my side, I said.

"We don't have time, come with us now"

Looking at me, Lex was perplexed, "Is this usually how you handle stuff, it's seriously bruteish" he said but lookin at him I looked at him like what's wrong with you man!

So talking shortly, "We don't have time Lex, Hoctus didn't have her and she's the only one who knows how to use tracking witchery" I told him and he looked at me funny.

"Wait so she's the witch? She doesn't look like much?"

Looking at him with blank eyes, "Please, stop talking, we need to go back to the brothel now" I said but he frowned, lookin at me like I was crazy.


"We're going to need something of Rika's to use the spell"

"Oh, that... Makes sense"


"Okay, then let's do that then"


"Will you give me a proper response?"


"Sigh... What happened to you today?"

"Not much, nothing happened, got it"


"Tell Nara nothing of what you saw, okay"

And seeing how serious I was, "Sure, like she would even believe that you stormed a Litch general's kingdom hahaha" and yet I wasn't laughing, and he stopt do to it.

"Tell her nothing. . .Please"

"I gotcha little brother"

Looking over to Bella after he said that I heard steps from over behind us and ignoring them, "Now come with us, we need you to proform a location tracking spell, you can do that right, if you can't I'm going to kill you so try..."

I spoke honestly because if she was useless I don't know if I can hold back killing her, I think I'm insane right now, I'll do any and everything to get her back or rampage.

"B-B-Bella can do it!"

Seeing the look of fear in her eyes, I turned around as I'm believing her right now, "Aster are you fuckin crazy!?" Looking over Zim came with... Everyone?...

Looking at him, Zim came with both Demons and the hunters all together and they looked, terrified, and I mean all of them, even the proud beast wolves, but why are they still alive?...No scratch that, fucking scratch the hell out of that!

Why is Mari alive too. . .

"Damn it Zim..." I gritted

The two Demons couldn't look at me, "The commander Zim ordered us to stand down, we ignored his orders as yours were more important but he beat us," they said with shame and looked to my feet not my fuckin eyes.

Zim was directly under Asmodeus, of course he's a leader.

Fuck how come I forgot he was basically the one who managed everything at the dungeon as the head of all!


Looking back to the witch, "Come on" I then looked to Mari and then looked away back at that bastard Zim, "We're going back home to District 4, we found the witch"

But as I said that to him, he was frustrated and angry with me, "Are you serious right now! Your orders were–" but as he said that, I growled at him.

How dare he talk about my orders, "Zim we don't have time for this! I'll take your shit when this is all over, I'll take any fucking punishment you got! Anyone who stands in MY way is MY enemy, got it, human, beast, even her!"

Looking at her, Mari, "A pathetic excuse for a human" she saw me looking at her and with her eyes looking at me like that, like they were innocent and not full of sins.

I want to kill her so very bad, so fucking bad it's not funny.

Turning back to my group and ignoring the others, "So let's go now! The sooner we get back home the sooner we can save Nara and Rika, ignore the hunters, they aren't important, the witch is through so if anyone attacks her"

Sliding my thumb across my neck, "kill them, no hesitation"

I said getting scared looks from all around as these damn hunters were looking at me like I was crazy, but other then them I then hear, "Got it!" the others even Lex said back.

Now looking back to Zim.

"Now the question is, ZIM, are you with us or with them"

And saying that he looked perplexed, looking back at her and then to me, biting his lip and looking away, "I'm with them, sorry, Aster" he said and I clicked my tongue.

"You heard him let's go"

Walking past the lot of scared hunters, one of them then turned back as the 4 of us Demons walked past them.

"Hiro! Is that really you?!"

Hearing the teacher speak, hearing the man named Juan, I turned around as he was Hiro's student at one point and looking at him, I spoke to the human man.

"No, I'm not, that's someone else"

Saying that, I left him standing there, I left them standing.

. . . . .

Silver Moon Brothel, Hours later

In the lobby of the brothel, "Will this really work?" Kasumi asked as we brought a table for Bella to work with into the lobby and got her, her ingredients she needed to work with.

"Bella is confident in her skills!"

Bella said and looking over at me, she looked confused by Bella's weird speech, but I shrugged and then looked over at Lex as he was biting his nail, "Stop worrying we'll get her back soon, the both of them" I said and he looked over.

"No, I'm not worried about that, it's something else"

"Eeh?..." he's not worried about them?

"He's more worried about this witch hahaha!" Ape Demon

"Will you shut up?! It's obvious he's talking about Lord Zim" the Dark Knight Demon spoke but was shunned.

"Is she really a witch?" Ursula

"Bella is a great shadow witch" Bella

"Shut up Bella, work don't talk..." Me

"That's no way to talk to woman Aster!" Kasumi

"Shut it, punk" Me

"WHY YOU!" Kasumi

"He's kinda right on this, shut it Kasumi" Iris

"Hey your my sister! You're supposed to be on my side!" Kasumi got fustrated and started arguing.

Iris got a good laugh out of this, but as they were chatting I came over to Bella as I was impatient, "Are you done yet? Where is she?" but what I just did was scare her instead.

"Bella needs a few more minutes" Bella

"Please don't bother Bella mister" Bella

"Hurry up...." I grew more inpatient.

"YES SIR!!!" she jumped as if she pissed herself.

And as she started grabbing stuff and working more heart felt with it, I looked over to the two Demons who turned back out of their human forms again and I scolded em.

"Turn back, now, this isn't the time..."

Startling them, "Ah yes" they turned back and Lex laughed.

"Geeze, you're so serious Aster~"

But looking at him, "Says the guy who killed a few people on a whim, why aren't you more serious, we're close to finding her but we're not that close"

Putting my hand on the hilt of my machette which I still had, he laughed once more, "Because, I have you back isn't that all to be happy about~" he smiled and it was pissing me the hell off.

How can he be like this now? It's crazy.

Ignoring him as he was probably going as mad as me.

"That's pretty gay"

I teased him, going away from him and moving on to pestering Bella with a heavy glair which got her working.

"Ah I found em!"

Using her magic, a marble rolled on top of a building on a map of the town she was using, and seeing where it was, it was here in district 4, she's been so close this entire...

This entire time. She's been so freaking close.

"She's only a few blocks away..." we were shocked.