Nara! A Wearhouse Away!

Running blocks around District 4, the 9 of us stopped in front of a small warehouse where Bella had determined the location of Nara, "Now it's time to see if she's here"

Grabbing the door's handle and breaking in, we opened the door to see a large open area where there had been 2 chairs in the middle of this wearhouse where 2 women were sitting, binded, and blinded.

All while 2 armed beastmen circled them.

And seeing them with my own freaking eyes, both Nara and Rika were tied up by these animals and to see it with my own eyes, they twitched, and I felt wrathful.

But controlling my emotions in the heat of the moment I threw my cutlass off to the side to avoid showing these people the ruthless bloodhound part of me and because I did that it alerted both Beast and Women as it hot the solid ground making a loud thud of metal and concrete.

And instantly looking over here the two beasts suddenly felt the presence of 8 Demons, not hiding their presence and it had them jumping out of their hides as we walked into the wearhouse with nothing but sheer hostility.

Stepping forward, "You're screwed boys," Iris took lead.

And hearing and seeing us, the two of them growled like the literal animals they were and as their grey fur asses charged at us, no words were spoken between both parties, but when they reacted, I broke formation.

Kicking the ground and rushing past Kasumi with black and red haze spewing out of me, I charged at them, no I dashed at them, I wanted nothing more to tear em apart, but just as I ran past Kasumi's sister, Iris...

As the two beasts leaped into the air with sharp blades aimed at us and mainly me, blood suddenly scattered behind them, and the Dark Knight and Demon Ape appeared already in front of us with weapons.

They slaughtered the two in a mere instant.

They handled it quickly and I wasn't even mad, because when they did I yelled, "Nara! Rika!! We're here to save you!!!" and with the only two here dead, we all ran over to them; Lex and the others ran to the two chairs and me and Sora instantly began uniting the both of them once we got to the chairs, getting their rope bonds off.

Uniting the both of them, their binds came off and sittin there, Nara lifted the blind covering her eyes and smiling saying confusedly, "Oh... Hey? What's up??"

She said but without a word Lex and me hugged her as the both of us were emotional wrecks. And glancing at the two of us she seemed confused, but then looking over to Rika who was crying and hugging Sora and the other girls, she heard the mention of being kidnapped and she pieced it all together.

"Wait? I was kidnapped?!. . .Oh... That's why I was told to sit here and be quiet this entire time? Hm? I'm so hungry now that I think about it?" she uttered and hearing her clearly, Lex and me laughed.

"Dumby how do you not realize your kidnapped?"

Laughing and crying as we said that back, she talked back to us, "I was conned! I waited forever for somethin that I was promised and get I never got it?! I forgot what it is though? I've been waiting for so long?" she meekly chuckled, and so that's what happened to her?

That's all that happened?

Finally letting her go after a long minute of smothering her to where she was begging us to let her go, when she was finally let go, she looked to me tilting her head?

"Hey... What happened to you?"

Looking at me; my hands are dried in red, it's Demons blood. Splattered on the side with black is zombies blood, and then there was all this dirt on me...

"I didn't put you guys through too much trouble did I?"

Asking that, "Actually, Aster seriously–" but as Lex was about to eat me out to her, I smiled and chuckled at her words as I stomped on his shoe which had him hoppin.

And talking to her as she hopped around, "No. You didn't cause much trouble, sure your disappearance was a bit worrying and stressful for me, it wasn't that much, oh and don't worry about all this, I've been running around doing errands all day and I even tripped over paint~"

"See... I smell like sweat~"

I said steppin closer to her with my arms open for a hug and she pinched her nose, "No thanks! I can see the sweat dripping down all over your body!"

"2 steps back please!"

She said and I started laughing while stepping back.

But then as that was happening, she glanced back over to the others and Bella who was with us as the 9th person, "Who are they? I don't recognize them?"

Asking questions I put my hand behind my head.

scratching the back of my head, "Okay, so I might have asked Asmodeus for some help finding you..."

"Asmodeus?!" she screamed out shocked...

And hearing the surprised in her voice, "Yeah, he couldn't make it though, so he sent these two to help me"

Lying to her, I didn't feel good about it but it was better than telling her what actually happened, and looking over to Bella as she liked like she was trying to sneak away while we were reuniting, "Oh, and that one over there is the one who discovered your location" I said making her flinch and pause, turning around as she knew I was talking about her.

"She's a good friend, her name is Bella, and actually..."

Stepping off and away from Nara I ran at her and as that was seriously scaring her, by the time I got to her and she had her eyes close, putting her hands to her face.

I grabbed her giving her a big hug.

Which surprised her?...

Opening her eyes and looking at me as we were nearly the same height, "Thank you a lot Bella, I owe you a lot for doing this!" seeing a smile and tears come down.

Looking at me she turned red, "Bella likes when your not threatening her into help you" she said getting flustered, and looking away as she puffed her cheeks pouting.

Nara stood up and when she did, "Well it looks like everyone's been through a lot, how about we go back to my place to celebrate! I know everyone's exhausted and hungry, because shoot, I'm starving, anyone else?"

Saying that the others cheered for it and looking at her I was happy she was safe and sound, I guess it's time to go back now, no wait, I still have to fafull my promise.

Looking to Bella as I was smothering her, Thanks again Bella, I'll pay you back for this one say, I mean it..." I said letting her go and then walking back to the others.

And as I came over to the lot and Bella got dragged into coming with us, as we were leaving, I looked over to the two Demons and pointed for them to go outside, and looking back to Nara after they agreed to go, I said.

"Nara I'll meet you there! See you later, I won't take long"

I said, and looking away from Lex as she was chatting him up, she waved, "Okay, see ya!" she said back, and I left to over with the other two Demons.

. . . . .

Getting outside the wearhouse I was finally alone with the two Demons, and when I was I dropped the act and the happiness from my face fell as I turned blank faced.

"What are you waiting for... Kill me"

I said shocking them; they were taken aback as I said it like that and looking at them with a solemn expression, not joking whatsoever, "Excuse me?" the Dark Knight it said back but then I pointed at myself.

Explaining to him to just get it over with, "Didn't you hear me Demon? I said I'd repent for my actions back at the stronghold when I murdered our bother. Now that all is good and done on my end and we've saved Nara, y'all can take your revenge and kill or whatever..."

"This is how I'll repent, this is my punishment"

"An eye for an eye, a body for a body..."

I told them and from their expressions they caught on–

But then they burst out into laughter, "Actually, we were talking and we have something else in mind," they said kneeling down before me, getting on their knees.

"Yeah, we wish to serve you instead~"

They said but I looked back to them coldly...

And speaking to the both of them colder, "I murdered your brother in cold blood and yet you do this? How disgraceful, the two of you disgust me..."

"How can you even call yourselves Demons..."

And saying all that it had them cracking up, "You feel like you need to be pushing for what you did, but in reality we Demons kill each other all the time"

"Son of Asmodeus, it's nothing unusual, so think" DK

"Because we've been thinking" AD

"And Asmodeus isn't going to use us for a while?..." DK

"So why not do this?" DK

"We're bored, and we were born in that dungeon so we want to see the outside world, and who better to do it with than someone who might be amusing" DK

"So you..." DK

It'll only be temporary but serving the son of Asmodeus isn't like it's going to be so bad" AD

Looking at these fools as they spoke back and forth, I'm going to be honest I was taken back and looking at them like they were weirdo, and perverts, "Uh... No, just no..."

"Why not?! You stormed a whole kingdom even though your so very weak compared to us all?!" AD

The Ape brought it up for some reason!? "That's not the same reason! And plus I only did that because I had to!" I said in my defense but then the Dark knight shot up.

"No! You did it on a whim! We watched, and all of what happened was recorded and sent to Asmodeus, this wasn't a planned attack, you did it so impulsively!"

Bashfully looking away, I got super flustered as he just said that it was recorded, and that meant proof of this, what if Nara finds out about it I can't let that happen?

She can't see any of it! Anyone but her! No no no.

Turning back to them to try and make a valid point, "But I'm not special! You're not going to be amused or even be unbored?! I literally work at a brothel and go to a place school?! There's no excitement at all?!"

I confessed and looking at each other and then back to me, both equally clenching their fists, and sparkling???

"We've never been to school but we've heard so much about it from our elders! Did you know master Asmodeus even when to school once?!" AD

"Yeah! Now you have us interested! We're definitely coming here and going to school with you!" DK

They both hurt my head....

But then the Ape Demon rubbed his chin, "Also, aren't you like a Lust Demon? Prostitution isn't really that off for your people?" he said hurting my head even more.

They just won't give up...

Trying to convince them, "But if you do come here you'll have to completely as humans, and you cannot under any circumstances reveal yourselves to anyone!"

I tried convincing them even more.

"Also you can't kill anyone while your hear, plus what's even worst is you'll be around me and I don't want it!"

I said and the both of them nodded, and then spoke.

"Then it's settled, we're going to inform Asmodeus that were going to come back to wherever this is so that we can come to school with his sun, if you think about it, it really is bonus protection plus were good influences~"

I'm going to murder this fucking monkey. . .

Facepalming myself, "You're torturing me already," I said and they got a lightbulb idea as I then heard a smart remark from the Dark Knight Demon.

"Well, you can just think of this as your punishment"

"Yep, and we're going to be completely normal humans, so expect us to come back being completely different!"

That stupid Ape jumped into the conversation...

"Ugh... Why are you doing this to me..." Me

Walking away, "Where are you going?" the Ape Demon asked, "Anywhere away from here..." I said just walking away, this hurt my brain more than needed and junk.

"Okay! See you at the party!" Ape Demon

"I'm going to vomit...."

. . . . .

Getting back to Nara's I actually started vomiting, yeah, so remember how I murdered someone, yeah, I was getting a lot of reprecutuons from doing that, and seeing as I also ate their soul, I was kinda having meltdown right now.

Undead, okay I can take that.

But living, even if their Demons, I can't do this.

With trembling hands and water hitting my back, I vomited liquid some more and crashed my head against the drain, "I'll never kill again... I'm not gonna kill another living thing again" I promise myself, but we'll see how long I keep it.

Spending half an hour in there and scrubbing my body so very hard, I ended up coming out and checking myself in the mirror I didn't know what they meant by my hair was different because it wasn't? But my eyes were stuck at being Nightmare Eyes for some strange reason?

[Shapeshift] charging my eyes to Hazel, I liked it like that.

[Shapeshift] Fixing what was wrong with my hands, I got it.

Looking at myself I was slim, hm? [Shapeshift] altering my body I gave myself a 4 pack and made myself more toned and lithe, since I'm small I might as well as he fit as well.

Satisfied with something trivial, I came out of the bathroom in a towel as I kinda didn't have anything else to wear and so sneaking around and into a random guys room I more or less borrowed some big clothes.

Joining the others in the dinning hall while looking like a chick who's wearing her boyfriend's shirt, I went over and seeing the others chatting and eating, I came over next to Rika and Bella, Bella didn't get close to the others and made space in between them but I closed that gap.

The day started ending quickly and before we knew it everyone was going home and even the two Demons left, they needed to return to Asmodeus and stuff and stuff.

Bella disappeared too, and it was just us here.

But getting tired I wanted to go back, so going back with the girls Lex was stuck there with Nara at the end and as the others and me were gone, Lex poured her a drink and then spoke in a calm but serious manner.

"Nara, you set everything up from the start didn't you"