Forming A Demonic Party

[Demon Girls PoV]

Walking into the brothel after sometime out, the girls came in with a new topic brought up by one of them, an it involved another member of their brothel here.

"But didn't he say he was tired?" Iris

"Why should we care?" Kasumi

"It's just a matter–" Iris

"Boringgg!— I don't care... I'll drag him out with us if he refuses, we're partyin tonight and it won't be the same without him so he better just own up to it and come"

Kasumi said walking with them into the left hall.

"Why are you so keen on bringing him?" Sora

"I've been keeping notes on all of you and how y'all act, and he hasn't eaten anything in 3 days and he gets moody when hungry" Kasumi

She said getting infront of Aster's door, stopping.

"You keep track of our feeding?" Iris

"I thought I was the only one?" Rika

"You're both weird?" Sora

"Wait I thought we were going to party?" Ursula

"Partying always leads to feeding..." Kasumi

"Anyways, he always procrastinates feeding, and he'll only eat when he loses control. An so Lady Catherine has informed me that he's been better on his diet, but she's noticed it's only because she's been making him feed because he's been acting really bazaar in ways?"

"Yeah, he's been with her a lot recently?" Rika

"You mean before she was kidnapped" Iris

"Yeah... But still, they're a lot closer" Rika

"Anyways, from what she's told me he's been getting hungry faster, but I noticed when she was kidnapped he stopped eating and became focused which I felt might have been good till that night when we slept with Lex, before it happened I saw him earlier that day and when passing him sensed his magic powers, you know the thing which we all have and you know by it's essence it seriously defines us, especially since we're beings of magic, well yeah, that thing, it started becomin unstable"

"ugh, Don't remind me of that night..." Rika

"You mean he was going into a frenzy?" Iris

"Yeah? He reverted back to losing control" Kasumi

"Then let him? I don't see it as a problem?" Sora

"That's the thing though, he's not like us, he's more bound to the darkness than us, he's a Dark Demon after all. And remember when he came back?"

"How does that make any sense? Dark Demon?" Sora

"She means a Demon from the Dark Realm" Iris

"Gods, I can't believe I slept with Lex, he's like a brother"

Rika commented on the side in disgust.

"Same, he's one of the last I'd ever fuck..."

Ursula commented too as it disgusted her excessively.

"I know, but what's the difference?" Sora

"That's what I'm getting to, because remember when he came back earlier, with the witch. Unlike us, when we're hungry we become lustful and slutty, but when he's closer to hungry, his dark actions speak for him"

She said turning around and trying to make a point.

But then Rika sighed as she heard that.

"But then again that's literally all a theory, sure we can think that but we don't actually know, someone who actually has an idea of knowing is him and Catherine"

Rika said as that was something she knew for sure.

"Why Catherine?" Kasumi

But as that struck her as a surprise and also had the others wondering, they turned to her and with a look of confusion, she looked back to them with an easy, a really easy answer that they didn't even think of.

"Why else? Because she knew from the start?"

"What?" All of them.

"She knew what he was from the start, don't you get it, she's the only one here who actually understands what he is, until then he's no different from us"

"And the other incubus's here?"

She said exactly what was on her head before steppin up and grabbing the handle of the door to his room, opening it, and saying as they were all stunned.

"Aster! Get up! We're going to all go out to a–"

But as she was talking and she busted into his room, she paused as she saw him on the ground and on his back as he was laying on the floor passed out.

"What the hell?!"

She said alarmed to her core and it drew the others to come in there seeing exactly what she saw, and as they had shocked faces along with her.

Both Ursula and Kasumi rushed past Rika and over to Aster's sides, "Hey, what the hell happened to you!" Kasumi shouted as she got to his right.

And getting to his left and putting her hand under his nose, "He's still breathing! Aster wake the hell up! What happened in here! Why are you on the ground?!"

Ursula yelled genitally worried as she saw a minor dent in the wall as she was rushing into here, meaning that something happened here in this room.

But as the both of them were doing all this, he opened his eyes and as he saw the both of them, he groaned and pushed their hands away, "Leave me alone..."

But in doing that, without a second thought, Ursula smacked him and grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him up at a slant, yelling, "The fuck are you talking about! Get up, why are you on the ground? What happened to your wall! You have some explaining to do for us!"

She shouted shocking the others, but as she had his cheeks both puffed and as she looked into his black and red eyes, he pushed her away and veered over, throwing up this transparent, and slimy liquid.

And it had both her and Kasumi push and back away.

"Eww! Warn us first!" Kasumi

"What the fuck?! Why is he throwing up?" Iris

Vomiting and then catching his breath, he fell onto his own watery slime puke, and all 5 girls watched as he was an absolute mess, his tail dazed around anxious and he was breathing roughly; if he just woke up from behind blackout drunk and now was suddenly an ish.

"Hiro... What's wrong with you?" Ursula

"As I told y'all before, he's been acting bazaar" Kasumi

"Yeah, we can tell..." Iris

"Is he sick?" Rika

"We don't get sick, not sick like humans at least" Sora

"Then what's wrong with him?" Iris

"What's not wrong with him..." Sora

But as they were making all these comments, Aster grabbed the collar to his shirt and they all saw his charred in what looked like corruption, fingers, as it was a big eye catcher, he started taking off his shirt.

Wiping off barf on his face and throwing it over the puddle, the girls became silent as they looked at the large scar on his left shoulder which resembled a human bite being torn from him, and then to both of his arms which had a dragon and a serpent.

"Sick tattoos" Sora commented when seeing them.

But as he heard her comment, he pushed up off the ground and leaned up against the wall to catch his uneven breath as he grabbed his side as if it was hurting him, "They're not tattoos..." he said back.

Looking up with blank filled nightmare eyes.

"They're my slave marks..."

And hearing him, not just Sora, they all tensed.

"I currently have two masters..."

Saying that, he pushed off the wall slowly rising up.

"And I'm going to murder them both to save myself"

Fully getting up he looked back down to the floor where his soaked shirt was, and he clicked his tongue before looking back to them and saying.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to clean this up, and then go back to the warehouse to get the weapon I left there, it's critical I get that machete back..."

But as he said that, suddenly he then heard.

"Why do you need a machete..." Ursula

But hearing that he put his hand on his head and scratched it, looking over to her and saying.

"My sister found out where I was and now she's making me go on some mission with her for our clan outside of Nefumia tomorrow, so I need to arm myself"

But just as he said that she looked to the dragon marking on his other arm and as she saw it, she bit her lips painfully and said out boldly.

"No, I'm not letting you go there alone!..."

"Why?" Iris

Iris butted in, but as she did Ursula clenched her hands into a fist and looked back to the bunch of the girls.

"Because his sister is a sadistic bitch who I'd rather kill than have her get her hands on him again, plus, if he leaves with her now, he might not come back!"

She said not telling them something she really knew.

And she knew that Mari was one of his masters.

And that from what he said, he wants to kill her.

Which she's not against, but not with either.

And hearing her say that, Kasumi came around wrapping her hand around Aster and smiling, as she then went on to say out loud just as bold as Ursula.

"Well we can't have that now, can we? So I'm coming with, I want to meet this sister of yours too, I wonder how similar you both are? Also how busty she is too~"

She said making it to be a joke but she was she wasn't letting him go so easily, especially after finding out about both of those markings just now.

"Wait... You're somebody's slave?" Sora...

She openly said in shock, but as she had and she had everyone's eyes on her as she was looking dead at Aster, he bit the inside of his lips, "Not for long"

And then went on to say as he glimpsed right at her.

"I don't care how long it takes or what I have to do, I'm not going to be anyone's slave for any longer than 2 more months, because if I still am by then..."

Clenching both fists, his power turned unstable.

"I'm joining the Litches to wipe out this continent"

Making a bold statement like that he startled them.

But then he let go and turned back to them as his power became somewhat stable, and he then said innocently.

"But don't worry, the litches are still something I'm against, it's just the enemy of my enemy is my friend so if I side with them till those 2 evils die, then I'll finally be free and I'll go on my own way you know~..."

He said with a stupidly silly smile and Kasumi sighed.

"You really do sound like a Demon, Aster?"

"I am a Demon though?"

But as he was saying that innocently the others shook their heads and then Rika stepped forward, "Hopefully that doesn't happen, you'll drive our business away if you side with those bastards, so I guess I'll help you as much as I can to be free in the next 2 months"

"What business? Y'all bearly get any?" Aster

"That hurts..." Rika

"I have nothing to do so I'mma come with y'all on that so called mission, plus I am Kasumi's only younger sister, so I have to come to protect her!" Iris

"I'll tag along too, I sorta owe you anyways?" Rika

"Uh... count me out..." Sora

But as Sora said that, Iris grabbed her arm hugging it.

"No can do, you have to protect us with your magic"

Iris said with a teasing smile, it annoyed her.

"Fuck you, fine, I'll come for money"

Looking over to Aster, he shrugged.

She's not getting anything from him.

"Bet~" Iris

. . . . .

After a while of chatter, "Okay, now let's all go, forget the party, let's go to a brothel and feast before our big adventure to the city of Kantaku!" Iris said happily.

"Sounds like the best idea" Rika

"Hell yeah!" Ursula

"Ugh... I'm not paying, it's on you" Sora


"Hehehe, sounds like fun" Kasumi

"Meh..." Aster uttered

They all let out, but as they were walking out of his room he grabbed Kasumi's arm getting her to turn around looking at him, "Hey... You mind staying here with me for an hour, before going to the brothel with them?"

He said but as she stopped and turned around, she asked, "Sure? Wait, are you not coming with us?"


"Why not?"

"I have things to do, and I need that mace as well"

"Yeah, I recall promising you one, but still, anyway, why aren't you coming, you need to eat too"

But as she was saying that, he bit his lip looking away.

"No, not yet, I need to make an avatar first"


"Yeah, you know... A human form"

"You haven't made one yet?"

"No, I just learned how to Shapeshift today"

"Oh! So you need my help making one?!"

"Sort of..."

"Okay, then let's start with that after you clean that stuff up over there and take a shower, we'll leave afterward"


"No problem, now get going Aster!"

But as she said that and he started on working on cleaning his floor of the nasty vomit, what she didn't know was he had no plan on feeding tonight.

He was going to ditch her later, get his cutlass and then come back and take a nap despite being hungry.

Why? Because if he can't kill Mari due to her command, he was going to use his powers of charm to influence her and even this boost of enhancement strength for his starvation to force her to let him free, or, if she happens to be too strong for his powers, he's going to break her mind to pieces with 3 upcoming events on the trip.

Because one involves a deity.

The other involves a trap set by ghouls.

And then the last is toying with her original trauma.

And he knew them well enough for his plans to work.

. . . . .

After cleaning and then coming out of the shower with new clothes on, he and Kasumi then worked on him making himself a new body/form with her help.

Which she taught him how to Shape Change.

And then she taught him how to Shape Save.

And then she taught him how to Change Form.

But shapeshift was way stronger, so he mixed them together and developed a new personal skill.

[Mark Mimicy]

Which was whenever he shapeshifted, and then saved it by adding a mark in his mind which he can only do 2 of, which dumbfound her as she could only add 1 mark.

He then can mimic that save and shift in an hour.

It's not an absolute version of mimic but it's similar.

Or at least it's not perfect, he needed time to craft it.

But for now, he can mimic his saved form markings.

And it takes an hour of meditation to fully work.

If interrupted when focusing he turns back.

But if not: He then turns into a 5'10 version of Aster with black hair and brown eyes, his complexion doesn't really change as it's still a tanned, pale brown.

But what does change is his hands, of those misty black things covering his fingers, he wants to keep his tail out but he decided not to as it was his human form.

So he hid his tail with all of his other demonic features.

Also, he hasn't noticed the fire hair at all because it was gone when he woke back up, but Incase of it again since he saw a blurry reflection of Mari's eyes.

He made sure everything looked and stayed human.

And when he was finished, saved it and added a mark.

Which appeared on his left wrist as a black rectangle?

He didn't get it but Kasumi said it was normal.

After all was done and he even turned into his human form, which she admired by calling him pretty hot in some manner? They walked to the brothel their sisters were all going to, but by the time they went inside.

He ditched her and went to get his machete.

And that's how the night ended.

. . . . .The Next Day. . . . .

Getting off the train and heading to the town's gates, I looked back to the girls who were all armed with cheap daggers and weapon belts, plus bags, and I then asked.

"Are you sure you want to come with me?"

"We already made up our minds, Aster"

Stepping next to me, Kasumi looked down at me as I was back in my Demon Form again, and as she was she was getting on my nerves as she had this weird smile.

"You're really annoying..."

"Good, I'm going to stay annoying too~"

But then another voice butted in.

"Wait, sorry but why'd you ask me to bring a gobblet with us? I don't get why you wanted me to bring it, is it like for trade or something? Why'd I have to bring it?" Ursula

But as she said that and was flashing it around, I took it and then with a smile said, "Oh you'll see, and you might even find it hilarious too~"

I said as there was this strange pool of white stuff in some town were going to pass, and there was a real goddess of fertility there, and that pool was what you can call an offering by the "living" undead residence.

I'm going to get Mari to drink it.

I wanna see if she gets infected?


Giggling, the others looked at me and I put it away.

And seeing their looks I chuckled and smiled at them.

That got them looking away from my weirdness.

But it was all going just as planned.

This is going to go as planned.

But getting off that and looking Infront of me, I said back to them, "Okay everyone, let's head on out, this will be our first real adventure together!"

I said looking in front of us to the town guards and the rusty orange metal making up the gates.

Hehehe, now what comes next is going to be fun~

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Thursday, September 15th, Year 12