Leaving Nefumia

Getting over to the rusty gate, "Halt" one of two guards keeping watch over the gates yelled, picking up his left side weapon and drawing his flimsy iorn sword at me.

And seeing that it was being pointed directly at me I did as my guy said and didn't take another step, and as I even put my hands up to chest level showing that I meant no harm to any of them, the other drew his arm.

"What manner of filth do you hail from beast!"

The other man said shouting at me and all this time as it was going on, Kasumi grabbed Ursula's shoulder as she got aggravated, and Iris did the same for Sora.

Meanwhile. . .

I felt so much second hand embarrassment.

And with a concerned voice, I told him.

"Bro... I'm inside the Kingdom? Not outside?"

"Secondly, you fuckers really are racist?"

And saying that outloud I got my sisters chuckling and getting these faceless guards jolting as they clearly heard what I had to say, and were shocked by it.

"Anyways, I'm not a Beastern, I'm Elven?"

Reaching one hand down into my pocket as the other was still up, I took out my ID and one of them without a word came up, looked at it, I couldn't see their face from under the helmet but it was clear that he was silent from what I said, and then he turned around.

Looking to the other one, he nodded his head.

"He checks out"

Turning back around.

"You may proceed Fairy, but be wise with your words"

He said and clicking my tongue and walking past him, I said without a care as he went to check the girls.

"I'll be wise with my words when I get an apology!"


Not caring at all as I walked over to the next guard, he looked me in the eyes and as our eyes crossed paths, I heard him heavily gulp and then say.

"Fairy huh? Your kind never seem to hurd here"

And hearing his comment I snickered.

"Yeah, I got horny and I heard your women are sluts"

Putting my hands behind my head as I got to the gate, I turned around and seeing that other guard check my sister's ID's I then said, "Human's really are something"

But then the motherfucker commented back.

"Same goes for the elf community, major whores"

And smiling as the fucker said that, I looked over.

"You got that right. Just don't tell em I said anything"

And nodding his head as I couldn't really see much of his face, I'm pretty sure he was grinning and you know what, I like this racist human, though not my favorite.

After all, that places belongs to my pet...

I wonder when I'll get to see her again?

She better be wearing that collar too..

But I guess the next time I see her is, she'll be with her.

Maybe I should just wait till she looks for me?

That'll be something if she ever shows up?

I'm kind of doubting that though?

A person like me can hope though~

Her body was just way too fucking good.

I seriously want more of her, like anyday~ I'll pick her.

The others finally finished up and as they walked to the gate and the other one walked past Ursula, she spit on his boot and said, "Racist..." she was mad.

And he just took it and kept walking.

Personally, I'd never let that slide.

But as he was I looked back to the other one as they were coming over to me and I said, "Hey, we have a mission from the slayers association, open the gate"

I said sounding more business friendly, and hearing me say that, he jerked straight up and the other one shook hearing that, "Slayers huh? Sorry sir, one sec!"

He said running away and hurrying to open the gate.

And after a few second and even hearing him yell for them to open the gate, the gate started shifting up and seeing it move, I turned to them, "Let's go, guys~"

But as I said that Kasumi smacked me upside my head, "Dumbass, your eyes scare weak humans, shift them into normal ones before we get to the city!"

She scolded me but as she was I rubbed my head and complained, "But I'm trying to conserve Mana, I don't have as much as I used to, me and Catherine did something and now all I have is my SP and DP"

"SP? The fuck is that?"

"It's Sorcery Power, but it also means I only have root magic now, I don't have both reseves, other than that energy but that one is way to chaotic when used outside of my racial abilities, plus it's not wise"

"Sounds like a bunch of bullshit!"

"It's not though..."

Turning away from the town and to the outside world, I heard Sora grumble, "Fucking pricks, if it wasn't for Iris I'd fucking kill them for daring to call us out like that"

I don't think she was defending me?

I think she just hates the town's guard?

Maybe just law in general? Actually who is Sora?

Like on a serious note, I know nothing about them?

I should learn about them when we get back?

I would on the mission. . .

But I have business first.

But with that in mind, Iris hugged Sora's arm an began calming her down by talking in some strange twisted tongue? Is it abyssal? Damn, I'm never learning it?

Like seriously, I'm never learning that language.

However, ignoring them as they were walking and talking, I walked next to Kasumi as the others took the lead, walking through a tunnel to the outside world.

But then just as we were halfway there and I made a single comment to Kasumi about how dark this place was, even for someone like us with dark vision, we all them heard at the end of the tunnel, "Hey! Hiro is that you? You're an hour early!" it was her...Mari Natsu...

And hearing her I paused and wanted to turn back.

But just as I did, I felt someone grab my hand and as I looked to who it was, it was Kasumi, and as she looked at me and I looked back at her...

"Bruh, just kill me now..."

"No can do Aster, time to meet your sister man~"

God I just wanna fucking die right now...

But then I felt another hand grab me and as I looked over and I saw someone unexpected, it was Ursula, she then mouthed, 'Hey, don't worry, we got you...'

She mouthed and that made me not better.

Instead it had me even worst..

Because, what that mean?.

"Fuck you both..."

Saying that I took a step forward but then I heard, "Not even in your dreams man, I'm that ass you can only ever dram of, hahahah" Kasumi commented.

"I'd fuck myself too if I were you~ I'm pretty fine~"

And hearing both their remarks, I sighed.

But then chuckled.

"Ha, look we got him smiling!" Kasumi

"I'm not smiling..." me

"Yeah, your laughing, so even better~" Kasumi

"She's right you know?" Ursula

"Bruh...." Me

"Anyways! Lets move on! A few more yards left!"

Ursula said clenching my hand and dragging me out of there along with Kasumi, and as we hit light and the sun's rays shined bright in our eyes, I heard.

"Good morning Hiro? But? Who are they?"

And hearing that I looked left of me and as my sisters were on my right, I looked left to see a Rabbit Girl around me and Ursula's height, and then her.

But then before any words could form, the Rabbit Girl who's name was definitely from what I know is Emily Kase of the wind rabbit clan; a wind sorcery clan.

Emily turned her attention to us and walking past Mari came over and asked, talking to her but looking at us as she had her hand on the grip of her Katana sword.

"Who are these people, I thought you were only going to bring your bother, not a bunch of... Freaks" Emily

"Who are you calling freaks bitch!" Sora yelled at her.

But as she had and she stepped forward putting her fut down not taking anyone's shit, especially not hers, Emily gripped her swords grip and said.

"You all posses twisted magics, what would you like me to call you, because you all feel no different than old timey monsters to me, and I know dangerous"

But as she said that and both were coming up on each other with hostility, I broke from the two girls and rushed in-between both of them to break em up.

"Wait up! We're all allies here! No fighting!"

I said getting in between both of them and as Iris went back over to Sora to calm her down I looked to Emily as the others came up behind me.

Damn it this wasn't supposed to happen, I forgot all about Emily, and I forgot she was a sorcerer too.

"Hey, uh, you so... We don't mean any harm, my name is Aster, that one is Sora, the one with her is Iris, the one armed one is Kasumi, the short one Urusla, and then the last one is Rika, and we're all here to help"

I said explaining and as she looked to me and I felt real hostility directed at me and it wasn't calming down meaning that I wasn't convincing her.

Mari then walked next to her and said.

"That boy is Hiro, my brother" Mari

"Your brother? Impossible" Emily

"What do you mean?" Mari

"The magic essence of a Natsu Sorcerer is orange, his is clearly black and red, it's twisting and the more I look at his and theirs, the more twisted it gets..."

"Also, your magic essence is good, their's is dark..."

But as she spat that out I signed and said.

"At least it's not evil? That counts for something?"

I said and Mari looked at me like shut up.

And then she looked back to Emily.

"Believe me, it's been a long summer..."

She said and then Emily let go of her grip and turned to her, "I'll take your word on it, though that's not the same pyromancer sorcerer of the Natsu clan I was informed of, and his description isn't the same either, I guess I'll have to take your word on it for the time being, but I expect you to report his changes when we come back because I don't like being miss-informed"

Rubbing her head, "Yes ma'am..."

But as this was happening I couldn't help but chuckled as she was acting so much unlike herself to someone so short and it was just really funny seeing her deign herself to someone like Emily, I wanna see more~

"What's so funny?"

Emily said looking over to me.

And seeing her do that I said back.

"Nothing, I just find you adorable~"

Hearing her click her tongue, "We have no time for what you find adorable, now explain who these people are, sorcerer of the Natsu clan, Hiro Natsu"

But as she said that and I looked over to the others, I then commented as Kasumi has this gasping face as she heard me slightly flirt with Emily, and I said to her.

"They're my family, friends, sisters, and comrades"

I said proudly while turning back to her.

And looking to me with a blank face.

And a dead voice, Mari commented.

"No their not, I'm your only family, and sister..."

Her voice was so cold and dead that it even had Emily looking over at her, but as she said that and I really just ignored her, I said back to Emily.

"Anyways, this is my party~"

But as I said that and she kept glancing at the cold looking Mari, she then said back, "I can't afford to take care of anymore people, you and your sister are already enough along with the mission Natus"

But as she said that I crossed my arms and smiled.

"The only one you need to look out for is Mari, we'll be quite fine on our own, we're capable and we all know how to fight and handle our own"

And hearing me say that, she looked away.

"If that's the case then alright"

But then turning to Mari, she looked at us and said.

"Though your presence makes me uncomfortable, if you could, would you please not stand so close to me, no offense to any of you, but your power disturbs me"

And hearing her request, I accepted it.

"Very well, you two lead the way and we'll follow"

I said and she along with the stuck Mari went on the move to go first, but Mari seemed stiff after what I said and as she glanced at me, I evily grinned at her.

"Hey sis, how you doing so far"

And seeing my look she broke out of it.

"I'm fine, let's go..."

Turning back around, "You heard the girl, let's go~"

"Finally" Rika,

"I'll kill her" Sora

"You say that to everyone, Sora" Iris

"Bro, were you flirting with the rabbit girl?" Kasumi

"No, I was being persuasive~" Me

"Lies, that's what you call flirting" Urusla

"It's not like that, I was trying to help us!" Me

"Mm-hm" Kasumi and Urusla


"Sure" the didn't believe me.