The Party Full Of Chaotic Bad Guys

Leaving Nefumia, It's been a while since we began walking and both Mari and Emily have been leading the way the entire time and Mari didn't even bother coming back here as she stayed walking with Emily.

The girls just kept talking as we walked and I'm kinda surprised that none of them have argued yet, which might change because two girls won't leave me be.

But ignoring both Kasumi and Ursula as they'd been pestering me a lot, I looked back to the town and really, looking back it, it was kind of bazaar?

Looking at the town, it was surrounded by cracked stones covered in vines on the outside. Nefumia was the name of the kingdom, but the town of Rosa was literally a town out in the Kingdom's south west lands.

It's literally a mini city, one that's self governed and has its own assembly or ruler which is like this royal prince or princess that's somewhere in this town.

Don't know much about them, I've just heard that one of the crowns royals were stationed here in some big villa; they were given the title of lord of somethin?

But that doesn't matter, Rosa is the main town and the biggest in the south west lands, though that's mainly cause it's purpose is to develope slayers though?

Also crops, their known well enough for their crops?

Turning back around and looking back Infront of me, I looked to the back of the rabbit and Mari, and then glanced over to my chatty sisters, ugh. . .

This is going to be a long trip...

Wait how long does it take to walk there?!

Ugh, I change my mind, I should have gotten somethin to eat before I left the town, I'm getting hungry...

. . . . .

Walkin for what felt like an hour which it probably was an hour, while we were walking and talking and just being the most roudiest bunch in these lands.

As we were walking suddenly Emily came to a stop an she drew her blade, and seeing her do that Mari balles her fist and raises one, "Everyone shush!" Alerting us.

And hearing and seeing the two of them, as they both suddenly stopped walking. The wind just blew, but there wasn't anyone there? What's going on?

But then after a moment of silence, we heard a rustle in the bushes far from where we were and as they were rusting hard, Emily became hostile.

"What's that?" Iris commented in the back.

Emily raised her Katana and held it with two hands, ready to cut down whatever came out of those bushes and was going to come after us.

And after a few seconds of rustling, suddenly a small cloaked figure came out and all we heard as we did was, "Eww! I think I got fucking web in my mouth!"

And hearing that voice, I sighed and began walking forward, and looking up another cloaked person came out from the bushes, saying, "It's not that deep, Zoe.."

And hearing that voice as well, I then heard Emily say, "Be on your guards, they're dangerous!" she said but as she was saying that I walked right up to her and Mari, and then walked right past them.

"Hiro! What are you doing!" Mari whisper—yelled.

"Yo? I guess you found her huh?" Me

And hearing my voice the short girl who was attacking her mouth looked over and up at me, and seeing me she jerked a little, but then looked over at the other cloaked girl and put her hand on her hip cutely.

"Found her? Bruh, I had to track her down!!!..."

Saying that the other one then looked over to her and pointed at her, "You didn't have to look for me?! That was all your choice to do so! So don't blame me!"

But that one then got ignored as the short one looked back over to me and said, "Anyways, why are you out here? And who's the others with you?" she asked but while she was, someone came from behind me and recalling their voice, Mari asked.

"Hiro? You know this person?"

And not wanting to answer her I turned around lookin mainly at Emily because she's the only hostile one here, and pointing behind me at the two of them.

"Don't worry about these two, they're not enemies"

"They're my friends, and their also from Rosa Marine"

And hearing me say that, Emily gave me a scary look saying otherwise, but she let go of her blade and with an almost sour expression crossed her arms, waiting.

And seeing that, it made me so relived, like I thought I was going to have a heart attack if she unscathed her blade, then it would be over for us all after that.

Luckily not, and now that it's not, turning around, I looked to my little Dark Candy and stepping over to her, getting Infront of her as she was already walking over here with the other one chatting behind her.

I more or less told her what was going on.

"Yeah, so we're kind of doing this escort job and the others are my friends an family basically tagging along for some possible adventure or something?"

And saying that she laughed, "Really, how lame, so where are you going?" she asked and as she was, the other one got to her side and was lookin down at me.

She started at me, and I said to the short one, "We're going to Kantaku, it's not that far is it?" I asked and as the both of them were looking at me, the tall one then clapped her hands together and started saying.

More like trying to interrupt us actually.

"Oh shoot it's you Hiro?! I keep forgetting you became smaller recently? Also those eyes and everything, if it's intimidating you're going for, then you're killing it!"

But I didn't pay much mind to her as I was talking to someone else and didn't really know she was speaking to me as of this moment.

Not paying much attention to her, "I'll be honest, you best just turn back around, I wouldn't even bother going to that place, especially after today..."

"What happened today?" I asked.

"What's not going to happen more like it. . ."

"What does that mean?"

"I'd enjoy telling you, but your friends are listening pretty hard back there, no wonder their being so fucking quiet right now, eavesdropping pricks"

She said moving both hands onto her hips, and as she did and she looked behind me, at them. I flicked her forehead and got her to grab her forehead.

And grabbing it, "Bruh, don't fucking do that! ! !" she said but as she rubbed it, it pulled back her hood just enough for me to see her face, and as I looked at her.

I looked down at her neck to see a dog collar.

And seeing it, the most happiest grin formed on my face and I think she saw it, because as she got mad, and then she looked up at me, she suddenly stopped and then looked away not continuing with it anymore.

"Hey are you ignoring me? Both of you?!" Karin

"It's good to see you, you know?" Me

"Bro, shut up, it's only been a bit under 2 weeks" DC

"I'm missing something here?" Karin

"But... I guess... How have you been?" DC

"Sort of a mess as of recently, not gonna lie" Me

"You're always a mess dumbass" DC

"Did something happen between you two when I was gone? Because the last time I was around y'all, the both of you hated eachother and stuff???" Karin

"I'm improving~" Me

"As if, like I'd ever believe that..." DC

"Wait... Are the two of you?... Karin

"I'm going on a long trip aren't I? I'm getting better?"

"More like your walking into a death trap bro" DC

"Are the two of you friends!" Karin

But as Karin wearing a cloak said that, my Dark Candy veered her head at her, and as she was talking so loud while we were in the middle of a conversation, she yelled at Krain for annoying her.

"Will you shut up?! Give me a minute here!" DC

Not expecting that from her, it shut Karin up, and as she got quiet, she looked back over and said, "Gosh you can't believe what she put me through, did you know that she just wandered off with a pack of traveling traders without me?! So annoying!"

She yelled but it had me chuckling.

"Yep, that sounds like her~"

"Bruh, I can't believe you used to put up with her?"

"It's a full time job~"

"I know..."

"But it has its perks"

"Bruh, I'm not as crazy as you?! Perks my ass!!!"

Laughing some more at her.

"You'll get used to it"

"Dude she has me exhausted... You can't even imagine how tired she has me right now..."

"You're tired huh? Aww that sucks, I was going to ask if you two wanted to come with us to Kantaku, I mean you don't have to but if you wanted to tag with us?"

Glairing at me with dead tired eyes, she clicked her tongue and then looked over at Karin who kept her cloak and hood on keeping herself hidden from the others but looking over at them as they watched us.

Looking back over at me, "What's in it for me, I'm not doing shit for free, especially after having to babysit her for the longest" she said moving her hands off her hips and crossing her arms and demanding something.

And hearing her damand something, "I mean, I might be able to think of a few things I can give you?" I said with a mighty fine grin, one not as lewd but just as plentiful and I guess she saw it because she then stomped on my shoe and squished my toes.


"I was just kidding hahaha!"

Looking at me and knowing that I had something on my mind that wasn't a joke as I said it was, she looked at me with a sour expression but then I grabbed the grip of my cutlass and drew my blade.

And in doing so drew my cutlass and then held it out.

"I can't help but notice your unarmed? Want this?"

And looking at it and then back to me, "Really? You're kidding me? That thing is huge for someone like me?"

"It's not that big?"

"Motherfucker it's half my size?!"

And hearing her and looking to the cutlass, which...

Okay she's not wrong actually?

It's pretty big?

"Like seriously, at most I'd rather use a short sword or that mace? Actually give it to me, I want that mace"

But just as she was saying that.


Karin grabbed the cutlass and as she grabbed it and had it in her possession, "Holy crap, it's heavy! Were you really carrying this around like it was nothing Hiro? That's pretty impressive man!"

She said as her hands fell down before she caught herself and the weapon which was like 7 pounds, if not slightly heavier because of what it's made of.

And seeing that she snatched it, I said.

"Looks like she took it in your steed?"

I said and she turned around quickly yelling, "Karin you bitch, I was trying to go home and sleep not go out on another fucking trip!!! You fucking bitch!!"

And hearing her yell at her as Karin wasn't even payin her any mind, I laughed but tired not to do it much as I didn't want to get yelled at either.

She then went over and began scolding Karin but she didn't seem to care as she was looking at the blade.

And after a few seconds I butted in.

"Then it's official, welcome to our party you two?"

And hearing me clearly.

"Party?" Karin

"God damn it..." DC groaned heavily.

And clapping my hands.

"Yep~ it's going to be fun so don't worry much~"

I said not bamboozling them, but at the same time I wasn't exactly lieing, it'll be fun, for me, I'm going to have a fun ol laugh, unless it goes wrong?

But not thinking much of that, I filled Karin in, and with a sassy and tired Dark Candy complaining, she was easier to persuade as I just mentioned something sort of fun to add to the mix and she shortly joined after.

Our party grew and it annoyed Emily.

But whatever, Mari's not against it either.

Actually she hasn't spoken word once she heard Karin's voice close to her, which was shocking, as well as my pets voice to add to the mixing pot.

But that might be good, I don't want to talk to her.

Actually scratch that, I'm going to need to soon.

Because in about 16 hours, of not less or more, were going to arrive in the deserted town of the fertility goddess Marcilina, and that should be really fun~

And or a fucking disaster...

But I'm willing to flip a coin on it.

"Hey guys, anyone up for a game while we travel~"