The Goddess's Plan

Hours after leaving, buildings in the distance past the woodlands finnally started to show? If I can remember correctly it was known as the long sun town/district?

Don't remember why it was part of a district though? But than again, long sun could have been the district and not the town? But that means I don't know the name of the town? Which could actually be it?

"Hey look up ahead? It's a town?" Me

Saying that amongst the chatter as I was walking in the middle of everyone, well, more like both groups, the two necromancers, my sister's, and then the slayers who are technically both our enemies?

Not mine though, I have no beef with them.

Though our race and the necromancers do...

Anyway, saying that, I caught the ear of someone and as I thought Mari would have heard and commented something on it, Karin with her hood up came over.

Walking next to me now, "Yeah, that's the town of olga de'an, it's in ruins now and infested with zombies" she said informing me on the current situation of Olga.

"Should we go around then?"

But as I said that, she looked over at me, "No, that'd be too risky, there's a freak hive somewhere in these woods, it's best not to deal with them," she said and it also reminded me that her and Dark Candy have the ability to command over the dead and stuff.

"Then what's the best course of action?"

"Good question? Both zombies and freaks are active more in the daylight and only the zombies can handle staying up at night because they have no need for rest, so it'd be better if we waited till nightfall?"

"When nightfall hits we'll move out"

Hearing her out, she had a point?

Plus I'm pretty sure that ghoul trap is set tomorrow an I sort of need them to have it set already before we leave here, meaning it's best to just wait the night.

Thinking about it. . .I thought of something.

"I have an idea... I'll be right back"

"Oh, alright?"

Speeding up and walking over to Emily and Mari, "Hey Emily! Mari! Let's look for somewhere to camp tonight" I said instantly getting their attention.

But they didn't seem to understand me.

"The freaks and monsters are active in the morning, if we wait till nightfall we can regain some energy and then only have to worry about the zombies!"

I said telling them my idea, and hearing me out, "That sounds reasonable? But we don't have anything to make a camp out here?" Mari said back to me.

But then Emily jumped in, "We can't camp out here, I've been listening and there's freaks all around spying on us and waiting for us to get separated to pick us all off. We better find a place in town to set camp"

She said sending shivers down my spine.

We're being spied on? Since when!

"Wait we're being watched!" I yell—wispered.


"You think you could have told us beforehand!"


"Why not!"

"Because it's not a big deal?" Mari

"Yes it is! It's crucial information!" Me

"It's not a big deal" Emily

"Yes it is!!" Me

"What's a big deal?" Karin

"Sleep..." DC, both groggy and exhausted.

But as both necromancers got over to the slayers and then there was me directly behind Emily and Mari, Emily pinched her nose and turned her head.

"9 feet! Back the hell away from me you three!" Emily

"Huh?" Me and Karin

Kicking up her pace and walking faster, she shook her head and then turned her head to us, looking at the three of us with disgusted, and hatful eyes.

"You all smell rotten" Emily

And hearing that, it sort of hurt, especially from her.

Mainly because that means she can sense us vividly.

And she can tell that we aren't exactly normal, well, how the hell can I call an incubus and two evil necromancers normal exactly?

"Oof..." Me

"Whatever" Karin

"But yeah, let's look for a place to rest in town" Mari

"Sounds good, it's not that far now" Emily

With Emily walking more in front of us, even leaving Mari behind with us, I had a blank expression as this blows, Emily totally hates us, well I don't care much about if she hates them, but I was hoping to make peace with her or something, she's supposably an important person later on in what would have been the stroy, and if it leads in the same path still is one.

But then something else caught my eyes, and it was the buildings far in front of us, why are they so close?

"I'm going to be honest, I thought it would take 16 hours to get to the next town..." Me

"Seriously?" Mari

"Actually, you're not wr–" Karin

"Towns are usually 10 to 30 miles apart from each other! Now shut up and keep walking you three!!!" DC

"Yes ma'am!!" us three synced.

. . . . .[Unknown PoV]. . . . .

Kicking my feet off the edge of this two stroy building, I sat down while in this rotting meat suit, *Grroan* I've been in it for way too long now, I think I should head back to the temple? It's so very boring now.

There's nothing to do, I've already decorated the entire town with wild pumpkins I found; I dressed up what used to be the living residence of this town.

Those poor people, my people, I miss em very much.

It's horrifying how they're all undead now.

I'll never forgive that litch for this.

And I refuse to kill my followers, even if they're all now undead, they didn't choose to be like this, why should they all suffer when it was evil people who forced them into being like this, it truly isn't their fault.

And for that, today will be a celebration of life, not any other things, with my power I have control of them an never again will they surcome to evil.

I will rejuvenate this town even if it isn't a living one anymore, for it will continue on, now and forever as the immortal pumpkin fields, yeah that sounds...

Ugh, it needs work...

Ayy, I have much to do..

Gosh this place is so boring without anyone.

"Wait hold it! What's that?!"(*Zombie giberish*)

Holding my feet together and not kicking anymore, I looked down to see 10 people walking in the distance, wait there's still people alive? That's amazing!

I should go greet them!

Shifting my body and moving up to my feet, I stood up on the edge and as I looked back over to the group of living people, happy and amazed that there was still people living in this world, it's been so long since I've last met actual humans and races, I must meet them now, I must talk to them, I want to know about what's going on in the world, what's happening and stuff.

About to turn around suddenly I felt something wrong.

Looking back over to them, I felt it.

My senses aren't wrong.

And the most of those people aren't human?

I haven't sensed one of them in hundreds of years.

But there's no mistaking it, sure, some are human.

But the rest of them are demons and beast.

But even then, that entire group.

I only sense 1 humane spark of light..

The others, their corrupt, dark, very dark...

Damn it, I can't let this slide.

*Zombish Groan*

Looks like I'll have to trap and exterminate some filth.

Leaping off the edge of the building, and killing this vessel, my spirit sprung out of the corpse and I manifested into the shape of animal.

Becoming a mut, I ran around to the edge of the town, and as I stayed hidden between two buildings, they were a lot closer now, and I can sense them more.

3 Humans.

1 Beast.

6 Demons

The beast seems to be the most capable.

The woman with mixed hair walking next to a demon seems to be the only actual human worth saving now, and then there's the rest of them, corrupt humans.

Those who went against the gods and his Majesty and joined forces with the darkness, unforgivable, I can't allow them to leave here alive or else the high council will be all over my ass for not doing anything about it.

Using my Powers over mind to contact my followers, I ordered them to clear and hide away far from here, as for one of them though, I need them to come to me.

They're not here yet but their still in sight, it should give me enough time, I still need to analyze the situation here, before I can act accordingly.

Let's see, looking over Infront of me into another ally, there he was, it was one of my zombified followers, an seeing him, I commanded him to stay there, I'll use him to make a distraction, that's when I'll move.

As for the others? Where are they right now?

Damn it their not far enough.

They're going to be dead again meat by the time the others get here, I better cover the area in a giant array of illusions... No wait, I'll just use an illusion to make it seem like the town is empty, and then the Zombies will just have to travel throughout back routes.

Yes that'll work!

And I have enough time too!

Let's get started on that!

But wait, let me finish the plans and analyze the enemies at hand. Hm, there's 5 female demons and 1 male demon. Actually I think I can use that one to my advantage, and I haven't had a sacrifice in a while, I think I can use those demons for food, especially since I haven't had a harvest in many years.

As for the vile humans, I'll make them pay for siding with the dark ones, and gather any information I can.

But let's see, how strong are the enemies?

The rabbit seems capable?

Same as the human?

Those 2 I won't kill.

But the other 2 humans...

Their too dangerous to let live and they're both way stronger than those I'm not going to kill. And as for the demons? Huh? Why the hell are they so weak?

The rabbit is a rank 4 beast, strong in ? magic.

The human who uses ? magic is a rank 2 human.

The vile human is a rank 5 Necrotic human.

The vile short one is a rank 3 necrotic human.

And then the short demon is a Rank 2 demonic?

And the rest are rank 1's, am I missing something?

Are they hiding their powers? I don't get it???

I'm still going to kill them but how the heck did they get out of the abyss if their this weak? Did they all follow a stronger demon or were they sonmoned?

Sonmoned probably?

Doesn't matter.

A demon is a demon!

And I'll get rid of them.

After all it's a God's duty to dispose of demons, after all, the demon war still isn't over yet and from what I know, the heavens haven't lost or won yet! Hahaha!

Though those damn Heroes best despose of demon lord Bane'shidaro quickly now, I'm sick of this war.

Now let's see how this is going to play through.

After all I am the mother of harvest, and tonight it's best we close the curtains for this harvest, hehehe.

. . . . .

An hour of waiting, the wicked party finally came into town and seconds after I started hearing the amazement in their voices from my town?

"Wow? This place looks so unaffected by everything?"

Hearing a mousy males voice, studder in amazement I couldn't help but be curious by what he meant, "Yeah, seriously, it looks like the apocalypse didn't even affect it" someone said making me jerk.


"Mari, you do know it's not an apocalypse" the boy.

"Wait, what do you mean by that?" someone else

"Isn't it obvious, it's not an apocalypse, we're at war, the litches and stuff, they're trying to conquer the whole continent, this isnt some government collapsement? Or waste outbreak" he said.

And I tuned in a bit more.

"Hey, I feel funny?..." one of the demon Girls.

"Why does it even matter if it's called a war or apocalypse? It makes no difference?" an demon girl.

"You need context for both though, you can't just say that someone declared war in the world and then call it a whole ass apocalypse, it's basically a takeover?"

"Bruh, let's just drop this conversation..." a demon girl

"Tut, whatevzz" the boy

"Don't be sassy, I get it" the human girl.

"Like that makes me feel better..." the boy.

I don't know why but that conversation had me thinkin, and now I need to know what's going on because I didn't understand a word of it?

I think it's best if I probe one of their minds...

And since I can't do it to a females, I think it's best to get my info from the boy, well, he's the only one who's mind I can search, the others I'll get info from them when I lure them back to the temple.

And speaking of that, now's the time to act.

'Now! Break a glass window!'

Commanding my zombie follower to act, he broke a glass window from the alley he was in, and as he had he startled the group of people making them turn to where the glass broke from near Infront of them by where we were holding up and hiding.

And as such was happening I ran around and as their guards were up, I dashed and in a wisp of blue mist, I came around from behind and getting behind the rabbit beast, I grabbed her shoulder, [Teleport] and used a bit of my available strength to make her vanish out of thin air and move locations to my temple.

I'll store her in there and take her place for now.

[Devine Mimic]

Shifting into the rabbit girl, I took her place as the others were distracted and as they were all slowly moving away from the noise and not to it? Like I thought they might have actually? I spoke using her voice and copying her speech, from how she looked it didn't look cheerful, but serious, so let's try that?

"Don't worry about that, let's keep going"

I said copying her voice, and hearing me, the others turned, and the good human spoke back, "Yeah, we need to find camp quickly before a freak ends up getting impatient and attacking us" she said and that had me smiling on the inside as her idea couldn't have gone any better with my motives of capturing them.

"Hey Kasumi, I'm not feeling too well?"

Looking over to a brown demon girl, she was holding her stomach, no not just her, a few of them were too and the boy was even holding his left arm as if something was bothering him, and I recalled something rather notable...

I recalled that my domain, and all that belongs to me forces out all evil beings ture nature. First it's the burning and next, their demonic nature will kick in.

"Me too..." A short white girl said.

"Yeah, me three" a flat chested white girl said.

"My stomach hurts..." A red haired white girl spoke.

"Not gonna lie, I have a cramp too?" the other brown girl called Kasumi, said.

"Funny, me too?" the boy commented.

"I think we overate last night?" Kasumi said.

"Maybe" the red haired one said.

And looking over to them, I then said.

"I know this area fairly well, there's a small building we can lodge in for the rest of the day" I told them and having them all looking to me fairly the same.

"Lead the way then..." the flat one said.

I didn't like how damanding she was but then I heard the human next to me say, "Wait, I thought you said earlier you never had been here before?" she said trying to screw up my acting, but fear not me.

"Yeah, just remembered I've been here before"

Genius, if I don't say so myself~


"What are you waiting for, keep going?" Evil human.

"Hurry the fuck up, I'm tired bruh..." Short vile one.

Clicking my tongue, "follow me then"