The Wilding Effect

Moving throughout town, the air was more crisp than it usually was? Something's feels off? Could it be the demons maybe, or even the vile humans?

I seriously can't get it out of my head at the moment? It's just bugging me now and it's all I can think about...

"Is it just me or is something off?"

I said looking to my sides and Infront of me to see nun other than the empty streets effected by my illusions.

But even then and with my Zombies traveling through the back streets and alleys far from where we are, something still doesn't feel right, is it them?

No it couldn't be, could it?

Yes, it must be the demonic presences here in town?

When we get back, I'll extract all I can from them and then when I'm done I'll eradicate them from the face of this realm, or maybe it's better if I just seal them?

. . . . .

Not hearing a word many seconds after I spoke.

Something is definitely wrong?

Looking over next to me there wasn't anyone there??

Looking behind me! What the heck?!

Looking behind me there was the human girl, but she was dazy, and she was walking and dragging her feet, then there was the two vile women but no demons?

Turning around completely and stopping!

"Hey, where the heck did the others go!"

And as I said that it was as if a snot bubble burst on the girl because she jolted and as she looked over at me, "huh?! Sorry I was spacing out. What?" she looked to me and as she did, she then turned.

And looking behind her she saw no one there too.

"The others are gone?"

And then the other woman looked back too.

"Maybe they had to take a dump or something?"

She then looked next to her at the short woman, and looking at her as she was shit face tired, "Zoe, did you see the others? Did they tell you where they went?"

And looking over to her dragging her head, "Huh—?"

Hearing her, "I'll take that as a no..." she then looked back over to me, "Yeah they're probably taking a dump, they'll catch up to us sooner or later?"

And hearing her, she sounded idiotic and sleepy.

"You're telling me they all went together???. . ."

I said not understanding any of it in the slightest, and she shrugged her shoulders, "They did tell us not too long ago that they all had stomach cramps"

Telling me this, I looked at her like 'is she serious?' but I had no choice to believe her as she had a valid point, they were talking about having stomach cramps?


"What do you three want to do then? Should we keep on going or should we wait for them to catch up before we go on to where I'm taking you?"

I asked and looking to the three of them, the short one started walking, and as she got past me, she threw up her arms saying, "Fuck them, lezz go..."

And clearly she was self centered, so I looked to them.

And looking at the only good one, "I'll stay and wait for my brother and the rest of them" hm? So that thing in beastern form has taken the form of her brother?

Can't she see what he truly is?

The thing doesn't even look human?

Maybe her brother is actually half beast or somethin?

Now that would make more sense then her being very, and I mean, very freaking stupid to think it's her kin.

"I'm tired, let's keep going" the other vile human said.

And so looking away from the bad humans, I spoke to the only good one here, "I agree with you, let's wait for them to return, it would be really bad if they got lost"

I said and hearing that, I glanced to the bad one with us and she didn't seem to like that as she had a tired face and sighed heavily, meanwhile the short one was walking away, I'll leave her be and my followers will pick her off if she goes too far off, she'll be easy.

Easy to take care of at least~

Now as for the other one, she's a bit difficult for me.

Luckily, if I can get my hands on that boy, then I'll have the advantage of recovering enough of my strength from feeding on him to deal with her by myself.

Having to control all these Zombies is stressful.

If I can get some of his energies by eating him.

It'll lighten my stress load by a lot.

With a grin forming on my face, I was plotting against these bad guys when one of them noticed my face, and looking at me was the good girl, "Emily? Ar–"

. . . . .

But then suddenly as she was talking the air around us snapped, and not just me, but her and the other two tensed up as it was as slivers of darkness arose from the ground around us, and the air thickened.

What's this demonic presences?...

Turning my head, I felt a slight twitch of my eye.

And looking west, I felt my breath subconsciously become heavier, what's going on?!

"Did you guys feel that?"

Veering my head to the bad girl, she had a look of shock on her face, but as she was surprised, and that had me even more surprised, suddenly, the one who was called Mari suddenly kicked the ground and ran past the both of us, and that had us startled.

"Hey where are you going!"

I yelled out but then was ignored, and as this feeling stained the air, we both looked at eachother and then I heard running and looking over to the short bad girl.

She was running after Mari, "What are you waiting for, let's go after them!" the woman next to me said running right after them after seeing her run.

And not a second later I ended running following her.

This wasn't what I had planned.

I planned on luring them into my temple, trapping the ten of them, seducing the boy and trapping them in illusionary loops while I fed on him, and ate him.

But that was only to reagin my lost strength from a half a decade of no harvest, or sacrifices. I haven't ate since my followers past away, I need eat by harvestin.

Harvestin I say!!!

Not chasing villains and lesser demons, and shit!

. . . . .

Following her, she turned corners running into an ally and as I was right behind her, by the time I turned and she was all the way down it already? I ran over to her but she was still? She wasn't moving from the corner and rushing and bumping into her, the other two were also there and standing completely still? "Why the hell did you stop? What's going on!" I demanded to know.

But just as I was asking that, I heard a slurp from around the corner and looking to the faces of the three girls, they... Their eyes were wide open and they all looked as pale as the dead... In this ally turnway.

So stepping over and looking around the corner.

Past the three of them, as they were all just at the end of this alleyway corner, and looking to what they were looking at, I looked over seeing a boy over someone?

Looking at some small boy, he was straddled over someone and bendin over? From how it seemed it was as if he was about to make his moves on somebody?

But looking closer, his hands moved and as he was bent over; he moved both hands to his mouth, and looking even closer as I took another few steps...

I heard an even greater slurp and then a tear, and as I looked even more using a skill to get a better look despite this rabbits awful near sighted vission.

I tensed up instantly.

Because something I thought I caught as perverted suddenly became nasty and vile, and as I saw exactly what was happening, I even got a glimpse of the one who was backed onto the ground, and as they were wearing a pumpkin on their head, I suddenly screamed out as I realized what this was.

And who exactly that was under him.


Breaking the others from their frozen state as my voice rattled the walls around us, my magic became unstable, it affected the boy too because he heard me, and as he did, he sat up straight and turning part of his body.

I saw eyes as evil as the darkness, with black covering the eye white and then red glowing in the center. Then there's blood covered around his pale brown face and dripping down his mouth as he was holding her guts.

And to shock me more it was that same demon boy...

And he was eating my zombie follower, Hannah...

Why is this happening, she did nothing wrong???

This wasn't the sexy eating out either, what I mean is he's seriously tearing out and eating her guts. He really killed her dead again and with her black blood covering him, he swallowed another bite of her black intestines.

Looking at us, he tilted his head.

But then as he was looking at us, his eyes shimmered in a glowing red and a manifestation of black and red dark magic started boiling off him in the same way stream boils off the surface of water over a fire.

And I was full of emotion as such occured.

But then he turned over and pushed up, throwing himself up onto his two feet after murdering my sweet Hannah.

Clenching my teeth, I'll kill him dead and kill him again!

"What the hell are you three waiting for, it's a demon!"

Snapping them back to their senses. I was out for blood on this one now, he was someone I really want to kill right now and he deserves every last bit of hate!

And getting one of them to snap out of their dilution, "What?!" the strongest one gasped, not coming quick enough to realize what was going on from before.

So I filled her in as that vicious beast was even more evil than her or them or anybody, it was a damn demon.

"That things is called a demon! It's a evil beast born from the chaos and darkness of the abyss!!"

But saying that and drawing a blade from out of my side, which using magic I conjured from the air and pretended it was the rabbit beast's thin blade.

Aiming my weapon at it, instantly I heard, "No wait! that "thing" is my brother!" I heard the voice of the good girl, and hearing her, can't she tell what that thing really is?

She's delusional if she believes it's truly her brother.

Not turning my head away, "Your bother is long gone, wherever he is, he's not here and that thing is not actually your brother, it's only taking his shape!"

I'm trying to warn her, that thing isn't her brother, it's a beast that snatched him up and took his form, I'm just glad I got to them before it devoured them all whole.

Along with the other 4 demon's trying to do the same.

But then as I said he was taken.

"Bitch, what do you mean Hiro's gone!" the bad girl said with surprise as the short one was in utter shock.

I don't get it, even she should realize that it's not him?

"I'm saying that demon took him and his form!"

But as I was saying this to save them, suddenly as I was talking and getting them on my side, in a flash of dashin fire, zooming past me and in-between both me and the Demon. Appearing and facing me was the good girl, and as she appeared out of a blaze of fire, she was hostile.

With two spheres of fire forming in hand, she screamed.

"I don't care if he's what you call a Dmon or Devil or anything of the sorts! He's still my baby brother and I won't be the one who'll allow you to harm him, Emily!"

She said widening my eyes, and startling the three of us, because what she just said was... "You knew he was a demon this entire time..." I uttered under my breath as this was the craziest shit ever heard.

And with me in shock, she strengthened her flames.

"I don't care about making enemies anymore! I already lost my brother once, I hurt him too, and I've done fucked up things I'm won't lie! But I won't make that same mistake again!! Not this time around!!!"

"Now leave him alone or I'll kill you all!"

This girl said shooting pure murderous intent at me...

I can't believe my eyes right now, I'm in utter shock...

...But then clenching my blade.

"Are you crazy!"

"That thing will kill you!!"

"It's a fucking demon!!!"

"One of the most evilest things to ever exist!!!!"

I screamed at her, but as she was being yelled to, we three Infront of her watched as the demon slowly came her from behind with it's hands all claw. And evil..

And going to go and rip her apart.

It came from behind and I clenched my blade as I was going to act before the wild demon murdered her because of her foolishness, "Watch out!" I screamed.

But it was too late and as it got directly behind her.

It lunged at her. . .






But then with a sudden surprise, the demon hugged her from behind, and as it threw her off and disturbed her hot burly flames, I saw the demon and its tail.

The demon was smiling and its tail was wagging.

"Protect me sister, I'm scared~"

It said all cutesy and it was the fakest I'm scared voice I've ever heard, and it was as if it did that to mock me.

But hearing him she glanced over with her brown eyes and then looked over to us and her flame doubled and her eyes shimmered a bright orange... Oh no...

The demon is brainwashing her...

Moving one of her hands and blocking his path, "Don't worry Hiro, I'll protect you" she said being completely controlled, I have to save her from him or she'll die.

Demons like him are known to do this.

He'll get us to fight, and when the time comes he'll stab us in the back and then we'll be the ones dead.

Taking a stand, "Can you not see he's manipulating you! It's obvious, Mari, that he's just using you" I tried pleading with her, but she wasn't listening to me.

Turning my head and trying to use the others to back me up, when looking at the bad girls, the strongest bad girl was jittering, the shock on her face even had her dropin her weapon, and then the other one was worst as she was standing there in even greater shock with eyes wider than the sun as she was looking at him.

I guess their too surprised by something truly evil.

A real life Demon.

. . . . .

But then just as I was finished saying that. Suddenly I heard with the utmost sas, "Hey, who are you calling a manipulator, because clearly it's not me, but her?" I heard the boy's voice and veering my head.

The boy walked Infront of the girl with his hands on his hips looking at me with a pouty face, what the hell?

What the hell is it doing?

"All of them but my Dark Candy has done nothing but hurt me and manipulate me. First my sister, who hurt and left me, and then Karin who made me fall for her just to sell me as a slave and really break my heart"

He said and hearing him clearly, "I–" the one named Karin uttered not able to say a word and Mari, "Hey, I told you I'm sorry and I've made mistakes, Hiro"

And turning around he pointed at her, "We can work on that later, but first I want that slave mark on my arm removed, until then, I hate you sincerely sister!"

He said confusing me?

So she enslaved her brother?

He then turned back around, pouting at us.

"As for the 3 of you, I'm over one of you, the other one I'm sort of interested in by the way, oh and Marcilina, it isn't nice to keep yourself disguised as Emily Kaze~"

With a devilish smile appearing on his face I flinched.

He knows I'm not their rabbit...

No forget that, he knows who the fuck I am?!

And hearing him, the others twisted their gaze to me.

"Wait she's not Emily???" Mari

"Nope, this one has her in her hideout" Him

Stepping forward towards me, he grinned and I stepped back as I severely underestimated him. How the hell does he know me? That's impossible, no one actually knows about me, they just know of me. And yet he knows who the hell I am and recognizes me!?

Could it be he's really an old one hiding his power?

I have no idea, but all I know is he is dangerous!

And with him glaring at me with his evil eyes, Mari went over to his side and then she channeled her fire in a ball.

"I guess we're going to have to snag her and get Emily back aren't we? Also you two snap out of it! My brother might be a a monster but it makes no difference! He's still the same person you've all known this whole entire time, so shut up and help us capture this imposter!"

But just as she said that and I stepped back and clenched my sword ready to fight and run away.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, "Wait!" the boy named demon boy named Hiro said as he took another step forward, pushing his human sisters hand out of the way.

Is he going to capture me on his own?

"Lady Marcilina isn't a bad person, she's a Goddess and she's just doing what she thinks is just," hearing him, he looked at me in the eyes, and his eyes looked like evil itself, but they also looked calm and nice too?

And hearing, the others instant reacted to my Divinity.

"Wait your being serious! A Goddess!?" Mari

"GODDESS?!" the other two bad girls.

"Yeah, and she's been stuck here for a while. So hey, Marcilina, here's some new news. Wars over. The one who was trying to conquer the realm is dead and he was killed by a Demon named Asmodeus who allied himself with the Heroes and heaven. I'm one of his descendents and bla bla bla its not important. Now we are in a new area, this Litch Progenitor and her 6 Litch generals are the newest threat to the realm and that's kind of it? Oh and I'm an incubus. Bother to the lust demon succubus race, I'm a neutral Demon too"

Saying that he overloaded my mind? Huh!

"Wait wait wait! come again?!" Me

"Also male, succubus?! Huh?!" Me

"Incubus?" Mari

"Lust Demon?" Karin

"He's actually a Demon?" Short bad girl.

Holding out his bloodied in black small clawed hand.

"You have the ability to tell if I'm telling the truth or not, I'm not telling you any lies, plus, the Demon race and Heaven are at a current truce so I'd be bad if I was to fight you here anyhow, I just got Angels off my back not to long ago after I was enslaved by these humans. So come on, join us for a little, I'll fill you in on whatever you want to know. . .Or you can probe me?"

He said bewildering me, what the hell?!

And using My detection technique. . .

He's telling the truth.

[-Devine Mimic-]

Breaking my mimic, I appeared as a red horned lady wearing a traditional silk hanfu. And as I appeared like this without my mask, I looked the demon in the eyes.

"Very well, demon, I guess I have to accompany you for just a little bit. As you see I'm trapped in this town so I have no other choice but to ask you for information"

Walking up to him and hesitating, but grabbing his bloody hand anyways despite hating it so very much.

I said, "Though I expect nothing but the truth, and I will allow you to safely leave my town, so we have a deal" I said though I want to kill him for killing my Hannah.

But if what he said is precisely the truth, I need him.

And by need, I mean I'm going to need his help.

I don't plan on staying in this town forever, so I need another immortal being to help me return to heaven.

So shaking on it. I'll make a deal with him later.

"You have a deal, also sorry about your zombie"

"Hm... Not forgiven and not forgotten either, Demon"

"Ah I bet you said that to my sister when she was your disciple too huh?" he said shocking me, "You know lily! Wait your her bother too!" I said as there was no way!

"Yes and no, kinda both?"

"There's no way!"

Found out, he's kinda a relative of one of my old disciples, yet I don't know what he means by yes and no, could he and Mari be her children or something.

I don't know?

He refuses to answer me on Lily.

It's making me curious now, she did the same thing?

. . . . .

Having joined him and his party for a short while, I had no idea what the other demons were doing, but we had all agreed to head back to the temple, all while I started bombarding him with questions while the others walked behind us, all not saying a word and listening to us.

I think they were still shocked with our presence.

Both a God and demon, having a decent talk.

Yet they still stook with us, just silently.

But for fucks sakes, even though he is a demon and I am a goddess, I am so glad that I met him, apparently there is another war, not just a new Necro faction.

Meaning the town became undead due to the war and not some random crazy litch attacking, it makes more sense than what I thought but it also makes me mad.

Looks like this is going to be a long night.

Because I have many.

And I mean many questions for this Demon.

But first things first, we're not far from the temple, so before I started thoroughly questioning, I wanna find out why he ate Hannah? He's an incubus not a ghoul?