Hungry For An Exotic Taste?

. . . . .[Original PoV]. . . . .

Streets Of The Marcilina's Town

Being bombard with questions, "Wait, so I have more questions! Like why in the first place were you eating one of my zombies? I just don't get it?" she asked me as we were still walking to her temple, it was far.

And thinking back to why I was eating rotten flesh?

She rushed, "Please answer that question, demon" I didn't like how she called me demon, "It's not demon, or Demon, or whatever. It's Aster, that's my name"

"I thought it was Hiro?"

"No! I'm not him anymore, neither am I her!"

I said slightly revealing that I might have, yeah, I might have been a chick named silfey before all of this with her and him coming together to make me; birthin me.

"What? Her who?"

"Sooooo! Anyways! Why was I eating your zombie huh, well good question!" I said stopping her mind.

Hopefully, stopping her from thinking about it.

Looking over at her and peeking behind her to the one behind her closest to her, Mari, and then, Karin, and then my personal favourite, and pet, Dark Candy.

I looked back to her and said with a sigh.

"I'm starving. . .And I don't want human, I'd rather eat the flesh of a nasty zombie than feed on another human, uh, I'm craving something more today"

I said being picky, I wanna taste something new?

Like I don't mind any one of them, but...

Naturally, no to Mari, she's bland.

I'm not going after Karin.

And DC is too tired.

I say bland for Mari, because just by her smell, it just seem like it wouldn't satisfy me, it wouldn't be fun, I'm looking for something more exotic today?

And as for Karin, bruh, now there's many factors on that one, plus she'd probably reject me, and I've kind of already lost interest in her too... And then there's kind of the thing of how she's the reason I'm so fucked up in the head and have a bunch of issues.

Yeah, that's a big one.

Though, I hold nothing against her.

Plus yesterday I was willing to kill her when I found out she had something to do with Nara's kidnapping, or at least, we thought she did, and I sort of slaughtered her master's army with an army of Demons too...

So hahhah, it's kind of funny in a way...

. . . . .

Telling her I'm looking for something a little more, Mari gasped, "Wait? You eat the flesh of humans too?!" she said not knowing what I meant, so glancing behind me as she had stopped, and it caused them to too.

I stopped and turned around towards her.

"Different eating, your sense of feeding is based on physical foods, as an incubus, I eat the vitality of living beings, meaning I have to feed on other people sis"

I said trying to explain it as simply as I could.

And turning back to Marcilina, "I'm kind of like how the Goddess here harvests fertility from man and woman, but I'm more hands on when it comes to my feeding~"

I said getting a light rosyness from her red face.

"Hush now, don't compare us, demon"

"It's Aster"

"And it doesn't matter"

"Okay, fertility goddess"

"Tch, Aster"


"I hate you"

"And I adore you~"

Startling her, "W-W-What?!" she said moving her arm past her face and stepping back, "Your ability over the fertility of plants is quite useful, I wish I had the ability to do that as well, it would make farming better" I said talking about her blessings and abilities.

But turning away from her I raised my hands up to my shoulders level and shrugged, "But sadly, the abilities I have are all related to sexual pleasures and lust~"

"Wait... So you're not virgin anymore?"

Hearing Mari's surprised voice, I looked over at her.

"Nope, you're 4 months too late"

But as I was saying that and Marcilina was going to comment on what I had said earlier, "Wait, so what exactly are you?" I heard Karin's voice and looking over at her, "A Lust/Sex Demon, but I'm more, meh"

And saying that, I then heard "What does that even mean?" DC, and as she was tired, she hasn't talked much but it was because of how shocked she was.

Or at least that's the expression she was giving.

Other than being completely tired and sleepy.

So smiling and looking over to her to answer her.

"I have to have sex every 5 days or less, and when I do I devour the good and bad energies inside of a woman which fills me with the nourishment to survive"

But then corssing my arms and turning away from them, I didn't want to say it but I think I should warn them? It's probably best, I haven't eaten in a while.

Other than that rotten flesh, it should subdue my hunger for a little while, about an hour or more?

"If I get too hungry the Mana inside of my body starts going haywire and I go beserk, it's called a lust frenzy where I basically go Farrell. That's why we say 5 days, because most of us can't control our hunger anymore after the 5 days, and shoot, actually I think I'm on day 4 of not sleeping with anyone? I have a day or so left? Which sounds bad, but I'll find myself a slut tomorrow or just wander and fuck something~"

Not really caring much about who I fuck, I galnced down the street and then bit part of my lip. And what I meant by that is there's ghouls around here.

Though maybe it would be better if I eat one of them?

And right now that goddess seems the tastiest~

"Hold on, that's a lot of info to suddenly take in!"

Karin stumbled.


DC groaned.


Mari sighed, her breathe full of disappointment.

And hearing their voices and breathes, I clicked my tongue as something about it was ticking me off, and I didn't like how any of them responded to me and the conditions of my race when it came our hunger.

"Look, I'm the last one who needs to be judged in this group–" I said as we had a trapped fertility goddess, a crazy sorcerer who was with two, no, three of her greatest enemies, a god, and two necromancers.

Which in the same context, is bazaar itself.

And not able to finish the rest of what I said, "No! We aren't judging, it's just a lot to take in right now!" Mari said but as she did, DC clicked her tongue.

"I'm judging"

She said and glancing a peek at her, she was looking away, she must be upset after finding out huh?

"Wait so, you eat by having sex?" Karin

"So how does it work?" also Karin

"How do you gather the energies?" Again Karin.

And ignoring her as the goddess tapped my shoulder, she started asking more questions and then Karin came over too, which surprised me?

I started answering their questions and it led to a deep conversation, which surprised me and had Mari joining in and asking questions as well.

Marcilina was keen on finding about Lily.

And to be honest, she's just a kinswoman.

I don't know much about her other than that.

Lily by the way was her past succubus disciple.

But trying not to talk about her, we ended up at this house which wasn't actually a temple, Marcilina changed her mind and took us elsewhere?

Taking us to this big house, we walked into it and even thought it was nice, it was also barricaded and it took a bit of work to break into, she called it a safe house.

There were many rooms and it was also from what she said a place we could stay whenever we were here in town, she was allowing us the privilege to be here.

Which was nice in a way.

I'll take it, though it's a shame.

I was hoping she'd accompany us more.

. . . . . .Later that day as night slowly came. . . . .

Sitting in an empty room, full of funature but just sittin against the wall by the door, I heard footsteps and as I heard them coming towards me, I didn't look, but just waited as I knew it was one of the 3, possibly the god.

And as I waited for them to get to the doorway, I then heard, "So... Am I just another meal to you? Aster?" I heard my Dark Candy's voice and it sounded dull.

And hearing her voice sounding so empty, I chuckled.

"Everyone's just another meal to me, darling"

But then looking over to her as she was at the door, standing there and holding onto the doorframe.

"But, it would be a lie not to tell you that you're the one human I've ever craved, so you're different?"

Lookin over to her and not holding harsh words back.

"That's why I made you my pet, I like you, even if you are supposed to be my enemy, so, who cares if you're bad, I'm bad too, after all, good doesn't mean good"

I'm not bad, but I'm not good either, clearly, but that sounded so cool in the moment to say to her. Even if it gets me slapped and told a 'I hate you Aster'.

But, not expecting it, "Don't mislead me again" I heard her say, and as she walked into the room, she got down next to me and leaning over, grabbed me.

"You're right, we're bad, no wonder I like you?..."

An saying that, she kissed me?

Pressing her dry lips hard against mine.

She pushed away and then moved over, sitting down left of me, wrapping her arms around my arm, opposite side of the door. Now I'm actually confused?

"Hey, Aster, am I the only one?"

Hearing her say that as she shut her eyes.

"No, but you're the only one I actually want with me"

And saying that, not expecting it, she smiled.

Leaning her head against my shoulder, it took a few seconds, but she was knocked out cold after that.

Seeing her fall asleep, it was adorable.

"Yeah, this truly is the only human I want~♡"